Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 281 The reality under desire

After the fragment was taken out of Abersol's body by Gaiying Sanao, they used part of the technology to trade with EPU. Some have made contact with their own planet, and some have boarded spaceships sent away from the earth.

It was also the first time that Rō Koshizaki knew that astronauts on Earth actually had this kind of bus business, and he couldn't help but look forward to the scene of traveling in the universe.

Although for Gai Ying's power, being able to travel between universes is not really a difficult task. But thinking about the troubled balloon, the little excitement that had just risen was quickly crushed.

Akutagawa Yuki sat on another chair, staring at him unblinkingly. Rō Koshizaki looked away uncomfortably, his eyes resembling Koichi Koshizaki's curiosity and excitement when he saw the research materials.

"How did you become such a big Ultra Warrior?"

Koshizaki hesitated for a moment and said: "Ever since he and I have one mind, he has always existed in my body in the form of light."

"The form of light, is that a very high-level energy application technology?" Yuki Akutagawa circled around him, tapping and poking.

Yuesaki Rō choked up. He knew very little about Earth's technology, let alone technologies that were completely incomprehensible to Earth's level and could almost be called science fiction.

"I don't know, I just know that after gaining this power, I must do something." He murmured subconsciously.

"Then what are you going to do?" Akutagawa Yuki's voice was a little weird, but Koshizaki Rō seemed to have fallen into a sluggish state and answered without any fluctuation.

"I want to protect my father, Yuuki, and the earth..."

"But why are Abersol and Ketruf so strong? Why don't the Ultra Warriors have such great power?"

For no reason, such a voice came out of Yue Qilang's heart. He suddenly realized something was wrong and began to try to contact Maki Shuo in the consciousness space.

But the light-filled space seemed to no longer exist. No matter how he called, the familiar voice did not sound.

He hurriedly reached out and took out the Spark Prism from his inner pocket. What he saw was not a delicate transformer, but a stick that turned into stone.

Just a breeze blew by, and the spark prism in his hand scattered into a handful of stone powder and was blown away.

"I'm just greedy for the benefits that this power brings to me, and I'm just satisfied with the absurd fantasy of protecting the world as a special person."

That voice sounded in his heart again. It didn't sound like someone was talking to him telepathically, but rather like the voice that came naturally when he was thinking.

"No, it's impossible. I've never thought about it that way. Gai Ying is my most important partner. We have fought together so many times."

He shouted out loudly, as if using a loud enough voice could cover up the thought that made his hair stand on end and free him from the cold feeling of fear.

"But am I really important to him? Hasn't he not needed me for a long time? Maybe now he is silently watching from a corner of the world as Maki Shuo, watching me play my own hero game."

The voice of the heart sounded again, just like the uncontrollable thoughts every time when you worry too much about something, your thoughts will always diverge in the direction of your greatest fear.

"No, no..." His eyes lost their luster, and his body fell to the ground weakly. He covered his ears with his hands and curled up, and kept retorting.

The surrounding environment darkened, the patter of rain reached his ears, and the thunder cracked across the sky, illuminating Koshizakiro's bewildered look.

It was as if he was suddenly knocked down from his status as a human being, and everything he had experienced before was just a dream that was too real. No matter how hard he trained, he couldn't change the hard facts.

"Why, why! Since you have to leave eventually, why choose me! Without light and power, I am nothing."

The voice of his heart sounded again, and the dark thoughts that Yuezakilang had been concerned about, worried about, and even unconsciously appeared in his heart were magnified countless times and overlapped in his heart.

"Why am I here? I wasn't...what was I doing before..."

He squeezed his body tighter, and even though he tried hard to suppress it, he was still trembling slightly, seeming to express helplessness and fear.

"If Gaiying's power is gone, can I still protect the people I want to protect?"

"Since the power of light is so harsh, why don't I fall into darkness? As long as I can maintain my will and do what I want to do, what's the difference between light and darkness?".

"I already have such great power, why should I be bound by human morality and rules? As long as I want, I can get everything."

"Why should I protect the earth? Will those who have nothing to do with me stand by my side? Every time I fight hard to protect them, how many people are scolding me behind my back?"

Countless voices sounded overlapping, and the content of each sentence was eerily clearly discernible. Yuesaki Lang felt a splitting headache, as if countless consciousnesses were about to come out of his body.

His body seemed to no longer belong to him, and only the clear pain and cruel words reminded him that he was still alive.

"It's not like this, everything is not like this, get out of here!"

An invisible force surrounded him, and along with the warmth in his heart, countless voices disappeared in an instant.

Koshizaki suddenly sat up from the bed, breathing heavily. The clothes on his body were rumpled, and it was obvious that the actions just now were truly reflected in reality.

"Is it a dream?"

He turned his head and glanced out the window at the clear sky. The twinkling stars were clearly visible. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his forehead, which still seemed to be in pain.

He was lying next to the bed, and Yuki Akutagawa was lying on the bed, her eyelashes trembling slightly as if she was about to wake up. Koshizaki hurriedly lowered his voice so as not to wake up the sleeping girl.

They agreed to take turns sleeping, and one person always stayed awake to watch Kazuya Akutagawa's condition. Logically speaking, given his condition, he would never be able to fall asleep in this situation.

"Gai Ying, is there anything unusual?"

He pressed his heart, recalling Gai Ying in his dream who had no response no matter how he called, and he tentatively asked.

"It's nothing? I just woke you up because I saw you had a nightmare."

Zhen Mu Shuo didn't know why, but still said with some vigilance: "Is there something wrong?"

Yuesaki Lang recalled the voices he heard in his dreams. Although those thoughts were countless times more extreme, such symptoms did arise in his heart. He was a little afraid to face Maki Shuo's eyes and said vaguely.

"It's just a nightmare."

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