Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 368 Plan Development (1)

Chapter 368 Plan Development (1)

The second day of Valentine’s Day is the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and there are two hottest topics on the Internet on this day, one is all kinds of news about the Lantern Festival, and the other is various discussions and discussions about "War of Power" evaluate.

[My eyes were swollen from watching "War of Power" yesterday, like a big walnut! Qin Da, you pay for my tears! Yesterday was Valentine's Day, shouldn't it be sweet? 】

[So excited, so touched, I said that from now on, I will be in uniform control, Qin Yingdi looks so handsome in a police uniform, my friends all want to be a policeman! 】

[The snow scene there is really beautiful, even more beautiful than in the photos, I really want to go there once! Bring a snowman back as a specialty product! 】

[The plot of "War of Thrones" is really good, compact and tense, people who watch it are frightened and want to keep watching, and the various dark sides revealed in it also feel so real, people feel scared after watching it, but there is a glimmer of hope , I really feel good, give it a thumbs up! 】

[Qin Dazhen is very handsome, but the heroine is a bit of a soy sauce. I don’t know if the script is like this, or it was specially modified for the existence of Queen Su. Hehe, watch the actor and other heroines act. , Su will not be jealous? Ask for an answer! 】

[Actually, I think the plot of "War of Power" is not very novel, but it feels very simple and real, especially the fighting scenes, which don't have any gorgeous special effects, but feel very exciting. The works of the film king are indeed of high quality, Movie tickets are well worth the money and worth seeing. 】

[As a professional film critic, for the work "War of Thrones", I can say that it is definitely an action movie worth watching, or a police movie. In this movie, each character The portrayal of the policeman is very successful, especially the policeman image created by Mr. Qin Jiran, which highlights the bright spots of the police profession in contemporary society, and the dark side of the society described in it is also extremely profound, which can be said to hit the nail on the head. There are a lot of ironic techniques...]

Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi nestled at home while eating Yuanxiao, while surfing the various forums, surrounded by Su's mother, Xiao Su Nuo and other Su family members, who also ate Yuanxiao beautifully, and praised Qin Jiran for his good craftsmanship while eating, Even glutinous rice balls can be made, and the taste is simply delicious.

When the family gathers together, what to eat is not the most important thing, but the atmosphere, which is warm, warm and nostalgic.

"Jiran, how is the box office of the new movie? Are you satisfied?" Mother Su asked her son-in-law concerned.

"The box office has exceeded 80 million, which is okay." Qin Jiran is not satisfied with this result, but there is nothing dissatisfied about it. For a gangster action movie, it is already very high, and even just one day's box office has already recovered the cost. His total investment in this movie, after throwing out his own salary, used a total of less than 20 million, can be described as a bumper harvest.

"Hehe, 80 million is not enough. You have made a lot of money this time. Why don't you make a big investment next time and let me take a share?" Mother Su asked very interestedly. She is also a businessman. Ah, where there is money to be made, there are businessmen. Investing in movies can be considered huge profits.

"Mom, when Dad's resort plan asked you to invest, you didn't agree. Now that you want to invest in our movie, aren't you afraid that Dad will be jealous?" Su Yanyi joked about her mother. Her mother is too active and does things. Always so unexpected.

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