Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 524 You are still afraid to see (2)

Chapter 524 You are still afraid to see (2)

Neither Qin Zhenren nor Qin Zhenyi spoke, because they were both thinking about a problem, but at this moment Qin Zhenli said: "Could it be that they know what you're doing? I followed the entertainment news just now, and didn't watch it. To the news you asked the newspaper to report."

After Qin Zhenli's words fell, everyone understood that this matter was probably discovered, and the Su family not only intercepted the news, but also gave them a tit for tat, and for them, it was equivalent to making things worse.

And at this time, Qin Zhenren's phone rang, and the two small newspapers finally sent away the vicious caretakers, and immediately reported to the boss after getting him.

"Boss, a group of people broke in in the middle of the night last night. The people in black clothes and sunglasses should be gangsters. After they came, they controlled us and prevented us from doing anything. They didn't leave until just now. Well, what you arranged, we can't do it." The person in charge of the newspaper reported in a trembling voice, and he was also very scared that night, almost thinking that he would not see the sun tomorrow morning No, who made those people terrified.

"Has the monitoring equipment recorded it?" Qin Zhenren asked with a gloomy face, and at the same time, he was also thinking about whether to use this incident to fight back. This is already in the ranks of breaking the law!

"No, everything was destroyed by them, and judging from their skilled movements, they are more professional than us." The person in charge of the newspaper replied in a crying voice, or how to say such a sentence is popular in the current society : Hooligans are not to be feared, but they are cultured!

The person in charge of the newspaper reported the situation, but did not hear the instructions from the boss opposite, so he boldly asked, "Boss, do you still post the news you gave me?"

hair? Of course it's illegal. The Su family is so clear about what they do. If he still dares to post it now, it is estimated that the tax evasion of Qin's enterprise has really been confirmed. The Su family is already doing so. Their kind of warning!

"Not for the time being, wait for my message." Qin Zhenren hung up the phone, and repeated the matter with a cold face. After finishing speaking, everyone in the conference room fell into a brief silence. This matter was terrible. It's really stealing chickens and losing rice. Not only did it not divert public attention, but it also annoyed the Su family, which really made Qin's situation worse.

"The most important thing now is to explain to the Su family that Long Media stop reporting this matter. We can talk to the tax bureau and suppress it first. As long as the public doesn't know, it can always be manipulated." Qin Zhenli It was quite calm and proposed a solution. In fact, everyone knew that the steps should be like this. The Su family now controls the leading media, which means they control the attention of the masses. They are also not easy to use. This may be the power of the masses.

"Who is going to talk to the Su family?" Although Qin Zhenren was asking this question, his eyes were looking at Qin Zhenyi, and it was not only Qin Zhenren who was looking at Qin Zhenyi, but also other members of the Qin family. Who told Qin Zhenyi to be Qin Zhenyi? As for Jiran's blood-related father, according to the theory, the two families should be relatives by marriage.

"I won't go, I have to go by yourselves. The relationship between Qin Jiran and I is not very good. You are not afraid that I will go, but talk about things badly?" Qin Zhenyi didn't want to ask for guilt this time, Su No one in the family is normal, the older generation is like this, and the younger generation is even more so.

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