Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 390 I just thought I had an extra son.

Du Fei didn't pay much attention to it. Something happened in the yard every now and then, and he had long been used to it.

Although Qin Jingrou and Qin Huairou were curious, seeing that Du Fei had no intention of watching the fun, they had no choice but to be patient.

Unexpectedly, not long after, there was a knock on the door of Du Fei's house.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Xu Daimao shouting outside: "Brother, open the door, open the door!"

Du Fei was stunned, shouted "here", and motioned Qin Huairou to open the door.

Are you thinking that Xu Daimao will not live with his father-in-law? Why did you come back tonight?

"Hey~ I said..." Xu Daimao's eyebrows were beaming. When he saw the door opened, he was about to speak when he realized that the person who opened the door was not Du Fei but Qin Huairou!

He was stunned for a moment, blinked his eyes, and said with a dry smile: "Oh, Qin~Sister Qin, you are here.'s okay, I'll go back first!"

Because Qin Jingrou was still in the room, Qin Huairou rolled her eyes confidently and said, "What are you talking about? Come in~"

Xu Daimao grinned: "This... this is not good~"

At this time, Du Fei also shouted from inside: "Brother Mao, come in, what are you talking about at the door?"

Qin Huairou took a step back and gave way to the door.

Only then did Xu Daimao see Qin Jingrou sitting in the room. He walked in and said, "Sister Jingrou is here too." But he thought to himself, "Damn it~ Du Fei still knows how to play!"

But he had other things to do today, so he didn't worry about it.

As soon as he entered the room, he danced with Du Fei and said, "Brother, where do you think we are today?"

Du Fei saw that he was like a dog that can't hold two ounces of sesame oil in his belly. He already knew it and said with a smile: "From what you say, you are going to an unusual place?"

Xu Daimao curled his lips and said: "That's the government compound over the princess's tomb! When you enter the gate, there's someone standing guard. Just ask if you're awesome?"

Du Fei smiled and said: "That's awesome. I heard a commotion outside just now. Do you think this means we sent a car to bring it back?"

Xu Daimao stared blankly and said in surprise: "Hey~ how did you know that? I really let you talk about it!"

Du Fei smiled, it was enough and he stopped pretending to be a magician.

Wait for Xu Daimao to explain the situation himself.

It turned out that during the day today, Director Yang came to Xu Daimao and said that there was a party that evening and that he would take him to the old leader's house to watch a movie.

Although Xu Daimao has been promoted to deputy section chief and is no longer a projectionist.

But the skills of the newly hired projectionist are still far from his, and we have to look for him at critical moments.

Also included are the pillars.

Director Yang liked him and knew that the old leader had worked in Sichuan for many years and his taste was different from that of northerners.

In addition to Tan's cuisine, Zhuzhu also makes pretty good Sichuan cuisine, which comes in handy.

And because Xu Daimao was promoted to deputy section chief, he has read some books recently and is much calmer than before.

In addition, Lou Xiao'e is pregnant with a child, and she feels very happy!

When I saw the pillars, I felt a bit more tolerant as a winner and didn't talk nonsense.

On the contrary, Zhu Zhu had a depressed face.

As for why it was over, Xu Daimao and Zhu Zhu were sent directly back to the courtyard.

But Xu Daimao kept a close eye on it. He knew that the status of Lou Xiao'e'e's family was not good. Even if they sold the original mansion, the two-story building they lived in now seemed too eye-catching.

Send it directly to the other end. When the driver comes back, he says that Xu Daimao is afraid that the boss will be prejudiced against him.

I just came back here to pick up a few things.

But when he came back, before he could go home, he ran to Du Fei to show off.

Qin Huairou and Qin Jingrou were also sitting nearby, dumbfounded.

Living in a small single-family building, with guards at the door and a car when going out, what a leader you must be!

Du Fei smiled as if nothing had happened, feeling a little emotional about the impermanence of fate.

Sometimes, saying more or less may change a person's life.

I wonder if Zhuzi can still have so many bonds with this big leader...

Early the next morning.

Du Fei was dazed, feeling warm around him.

When I reached out and touched it, I found it was smooth and soft, not the furry ones like Xiaowu's.

Suddenly I remembered that when Xu Daimao left last night, Qin Huairou and Qin Jingrou also left together.

But after a while, Qin Huairou came back secretly, and the two of them stayed together until midnight.

In the end, I was exhausted and didn’t leave at all.

Du Fei glanced at his watch beside his pillow. It was almost seven o'clock.

At this time, Qin Huairou also woke up, opened her eyes and saw Du Fei, and instantly realized that she was not at home, and couldn't help but say "Oh!"

I noticed that white light was coming through the edge of the curtains, and I realized that it was already dawn.

He couldn't help but vomit and looked like Du Fei in a hurry: "What should I do? What should I do? I can't leave~"

Du Fei smiled and grabbed a handful at her.

"Don't you hate it!" Qin Huairou slapped his hand away and quickly stood up and put on her clothes.

Du Fei watched with a smile, and would go up to make trouble from time to time.

It bothered her so much that scolding her was useless and she couldn't control her.

"You tell me! What should I do?" After finally getting dressed, Qin Huairou was furious when she saw Du Fei still lying there.

Du Fei then stretched, sat up and said, "Get me dressed first~"

Qin Huairou glared at him, but she obediently helped Du Fei get dressed. She thought inexplicably that Bangge didn't know how to dress when she was a child, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Du Fei glanced at him.

Qin Huairou shook her head and said to herself, "Huh! If you are asked to be skillful, I will treat you as if I have raised an extra son."

By the time Du Fei finished dressing, it was already past seven o'clock.

Qin Huairou became even more anxious: "Hey~ you should say, what should I do?"

Du Fei smiled and said, "What else can we do? Of course, just walk out of the door."

"But... what should I do if others see me?" Qin Huairou asked worriedly.

Du Fei chuckled and said, "Just keep an eye on it. You can go out soon when there is no one in the courtyard. If anyone sees you, be more confident and say that you just brought me something."

Qin Huairou sighed, regretting why she came here by accident last night.

But it was too late to say anything now. She could only put on her shoes, stand by the door and look outside.

When he saw that no one was there, he immediately opened the door and went out...

After a while, Du Fei went out and pushed the car out.

As soon as I arrived in the middle courtyard, I saw Zhuzhu squatting there and brushing his teeth.

Jia Zhang had just returned from emptying the bucket of spit when she saw Du Fei with a smile on his face and called out: "Xiao Du, go to work~"

Du Fei also laughed: "Aunt Jia, you have been looking better and better these past two days~"

"This kid is talking nonsense! My old face doesn't have any complexion." Mrs. Jia Zhang smiled happily, as if she didn't even know that her daughter-in-law was nowhere to be found last night.

The pillar on the side turned around and said with a smile: "Ouch! Brother, guess where I went last night?"

Du Fei didn't give him a chance to show off: "The agency compound, pick up and drop off in small cars, guard on guard..."

Zhuzi was immediately stunned. This is so wrong!

Du Fei smiled and said, "Last night, Xu Daimao fucked me all over again."

"Hey~ this grandson!" Zhuzi scolded: "He will do everything first~"

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