Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 610 Why is it this place again?

Chapter 610 Why is it this place again?

Du Fei couldn't help but laugh when he heard that Bang Bang'er was fighting outside.

Qin Huairou immediately made him roll his eyes, slapped him, and said angrily: "Why are you laughing~ I listened to you in the beginning. If not, Bang Bang'er and Zhu Zhu were allowed to learn martial arts, how could there be such messy things."

Du Fei curled his lips and said: "It seems that before he learned martial arts, he was a fuel-efficient lamp."

Qin Huairou was immediately speechless.

In the end, he had no choice but to pout, stomp his feet, throw Du Fei away, and run into the Moon Gate first.

Du Fei chuckled and followed immediately...

At the same time, a sneaky figure was walking beside the hanging flower door between the front yard and the middle yard.

Watching Du Fei and Qin Huairou go to the backyard, they immediately got out and came to the door of Jia's house, whispering: "Bangpole? Bangpole?"

But he was a young man with a tough head and an eager look on his face.

Banggun'er heard the noise, opened the door from inside and stuck his head out: "Datou, why are you here? My mother was scolding me just now. She had to nag me again when she saw you."

Zhang Yong, nicknamed Zhang Datou, is from the yard next door.

Initially, Banggun'er and Banggun didn't get along very well, but since Banggun'er learned martial arts, the two of them started to cherish each other and gradually became best friends.

Just at this moment, Grandma Jia's voice came from the back room: "Banggan'er, who are you talking to?"

Banggun'er was startled and said quickly: "Let's talk about it tomorrow, my breasts are about to come out!"

Zhang Yong said hurriedly: "During the day, I heard that the grandsons gathered a group of people and are looking for you from a distance!"

Bangguner frowned and said angrily: "Damn it, they are the only ones who have the nerve to show off after doing such a destructive thing?"

But before she finished speaking, Grandma Jia had already come out of the back room. When she saw Bang Bang'er sticking her butt out at the door, she went up and slapped her and said, "You careless one, all the heat in the room has escaped."

Bangbian'er said "Ouch", the door curtain was lifted, and Zhang Yong was also exposed.

"Xiaoyong~" Grandma Jia saw Zhang Yong and said with a smile: "Come to the house to play with sticks. Why are you hiding outside? It's quite cold."

Since the family's conditions have improved and Banggun'er is eyeing a future, Grandma Jia's temper is no longer as harsh as before.

Zhang Yong knew that Grandma Banggan'er was not easy to mess with, so he grinned and said with an awkward smile: "Grandma Jia, no need, I'm going home right now."

After saying that, he winked at Bangguner, saying that he would talk about it tomorrow, and then ran away.

Bang Bang'er frowned, feeling that there was something important in what Zhang Yong didn't say.

But now that he was interrupted, he could only give up.

Meanwhile, at Duffy's house.

Qin Huairou took a purple potion but put it in Du Fei's arms.

However, at this time, they couldn't use live ammunition, so Du Fei asked Qin Huairou to tell some about the situation in the factory.

Qin Huairou opened her mouth and revealed an important situation.

I just heard today that Deputy Factory Director Lin was transferred!

Du Fei was suddenly surprised.

To say that Deputy Director Lin is definitely a person who is not easy to mess with. Not only does he have a tough background, but he is also very powerful himself.

In the two previous contests with Li Mingfei, he had a slight upper hand.

Since Director Yang left, the only person who poses a threat to Li Mingfei in the steel rolling mill is Deputy Director Lin.

But as Qin Huairou spoke carefully, Du Fei suddenly understood.

It turns out that Deputy Factory Director Lin was transferred not to be relegated to the sidelines, but to take advantage of the situation and take a step up.

A director at the higher level of the steel rolling mill left his post early to recuperate due to physical reasons. The position left was just for Deputy Director Lin to fill, and his rank was also raised one level to be on the same level as Li Mingfei.

Du Fei knew very well that this was the aftermath of the previous Zhao Xinlan case.

Someone originally wanted to make a fuss about this matter, wanting to cause a fight between Li Mingfei and Deputy Factory Director Lin, and then affect the factions behind them.

As a result, stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice.

The nail that had been stuck under Zhu's father's nose for many years was pulled out. Zhu's father changed hands and gave the position to Deputy Factory Director Lin.

Not only did it completely eliminate the uncertainties in the rolling mill, but it also reached a tacit understanding with Deputy Director Lin's faction to a certain extent.

As for Deputy Director Lin, the benefits are not free.

Next, Dad Zhu and Li Mingfei were able to step aside and let Deputy Director Lin fight with the person behind the incident.

Dad Zhu's method is not very clever. To put it bluntly, two peaches kill three people.

But when used in Dad Zhu's hands, it is basically incomprehensible.

First, Dad Zhu came up with an attractive enough position, which was a real peach.

Second, Dad Zhu himself is strong enough to make the other two parties very afraid.

Another thing is that in the morning, news came out that Deputy Director Lin had been transferred. In the afternoon, Section Chief Liu, who was originally the Finance Department, was transferred to the factory office.

Section Chief Liu is the original Accountant Liu, who just became Section Chief a few days ago.

As a result, he didn't straighten his butt and secretly cooperated with Deputy Director Lin to dig a hole for Li Mingfei.

This time, when Deputy Factory Director Lin left, he naturally didn’t get any good results from him...

After saying this, Qin Huairou returned home with the purple potion.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Bang Banger lying on the table reading the Chinese textbook for the first grade of junior high school.

The book is an old textbook from Du Fei.

Qin Huairou rolled her eyes and said, "Okay, don't put on the makeup. Come over here and mom will give you some medicine."

Bangguner chuckled and put down the book in his hand.

At this time, Grandma Jia came out of the back room and said, "Huairou, that brat Zhang Yong came just now. He didn't know what to say."

Qin Huairou was not too surprised when he heard this.

She would have known that Bangpoler and Zhang Yong were having a good time recently.

After all, Zhang Yong is not a bad boy living in the next courtyard, and Director Lu and his family's Xiaoxue often play with them.

But this time, Bang Bang'er was fighting outside, which made Qin Huairou a little concerned.

Although Bang Banger had occasional fights in school before, the situation this time was obviously different.

The one with both hands was broken, and one can imagine that the person who was beaten was seriously injured.

If the other party came to find me, it would be better to pay some money.

But now that there is no movement from the other party, Qin Huairou is afraid that the other party is not easy to get along with, and if she becomes angry and uses the knife...

Qin Huairou didn't dare to think any more, and while applying purple liquid to Banggun'er, she said seriously: "Banggun'er, tell the truth, what's going on today? Mom promises not to beat you to death."

Bang Bang'er was stunned: "Mom, what did you say!"

Qin Huairou quickly changed her words: "I won't hit you, I won't hit you~"

Banggun'er lowered his head silently and said in his heart: "I believe you are a ghost!" followed by "Ciha".

But it was his mother who "accidentally" touched the wound on his hand with the tweezers holding medicinal cotton.

"Should you tell me~" Qin Huairou said calmly, "If you don't tell me, I will go find your Uncle Du!"

Bangbian'er's shoulders trembled. If he had to say who he was most afraid of, it would definitely be her mother.

But now, it is undoubtedly Duffy.

Banggun'er said with a bitter face: "Mom, I really didn't fight randomly, it's just... that's right, those grandsons are too bullying!"

Qin Huairou frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Banggan'er said: "Today, Datou, Manhole Gaier, me, Xiaoxue and Zhang Suzhen from the second class will go the ice rink in Beihai."

Qin Huairou frowned and said, "How many times have I told you, don't go to the ice rink outside? Those are kids older than you. Didn't the factory pour water on the basketball court and make an ice rink, but it can't accommodate you?" La!"

Bangguner lowered his head and didn't dare to say a word.

But I was murmuring in my heart: "The ice rink in the factory is only a little bigger, but when there are too many people, I can't even turn around."

Qin Huairou asked again: "Then what? What happened?"

Banggan'er Qiqi Ai Ai said: "It's Zhang Suzhen. She went to the toilet and met some people from 101 Middle School..."

There was nothing to say next. Those people seemed to be drunk and insisted on stopping Zhang Suzhen.

Later, when they heard Zhang Suzhen calling for help, Bangpoler and the others went up.

Although those people are older than Bangpoler and the others, their fighting ability is really weak.

Without using much force with the stick, three of them were knocked down. Another one, seeing the opportunity quickly, kicked Zhang Yong away and turned around and ran away.

After hearing the ins and outs, Qin Huairou frowned and said, "You are so capable~ 101 Middle School is not a high school!"

Banggun'er lowered his head and didn't dare to say a word, but secretly curled his lips: "What high school, a bunch of rookies, they are not as tall as me!"

Qin Huairou seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, raised her hand and patted the back of his head, and said sternly: "No matter what, you can just give me some peace of mind these two days. Please go skating to the factory and don't go out and cause trouble for me. Did you hear that?"

Bang Bang'er quickly promised and swore.

Unexpectedly, Qin Huairou had just left for work when Zhang Yong and Wang Bing arrived.

Zhang Yong is nicknamed Datou, and Wang Bing is the manhole cover, and he is considered the second general of Humph next to Bang Guner.

The two of them didn't even enter the house, so they shouted in the courtyard.

Bang Banger hurriedly put on his hat and ran outside.

Grandma Jia yelled from inside the room: "Bangganer, it's so much fun, don't run around blindly!"

Banggan'er said "Alas", and the three boys had already walked out of the hanging flower gate like a gust of wind...

At the same time, Du Fei met an uninvited guest in the unit.

Just after nine o'clock, Wang Yufen came unexpectedly!

Wearing a police uniform, he still came out of the street office, saying that he had some materials that he wanted to send to various streets in the district for signing.

Du Fei's first stop was here, saying he was stopping by to say hello.

Du Fei was a little speechless and thought to himself: "Do we have a deep friendship? You came here to say hello. Could it be that this little widow is in love and wants to tease me?"

But Wang Yufen didn't do anything frivolous from beginning to end, which was really baffling.

After staying for a while, Wang Yufen asked to leave.

Du Fei got up politely and sent him out. Outside the office door, she suddenly whispered: "Come tonight, I have something urgent!" After saying that, he quickly handed Du Fei a note, and then left without looking back. .

Du Fei blinked and thought, "What song did this girl sing?" Why does it look like a special w connector?

Watching Wang Yufen walk out of the door, she spread out the note in her hand.

There is an address written on it: No. 64 Lumicang Hutong.

Du Fei frowned: "Why is it this place again?"

He is very familiar with Lumicang Hutong. Courtyard No. 64 is a courtyard facing south and north. It seems to be an office of some unit now.

Why did Wang Yufen ask him to come here?

Du Fei couldn't guess what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd.

(It’s a new month again. I’ll take a break today and tomorrow, so the word count will be smaller.

Starting from the 3rd, Lao Jin will work hard and start writing 10,000 words every day. I hope everyone will support me! )

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