Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 660 Confusing Mr. Luo

After returning from the ministry, Wang Canjun's mind was in a mess.

He never thought that it would be so easy to make meritorious deeds.

What did their task force do these two days?

After arresting Bao Wei and Huang Dong, they discovered something unusual about Li Changjiang...

The most dangerous person was Dong Cheng, who had his body slashed several times.

But this kind of injury means nothing to the police officers fighting on the front line!

Just now, Minister Xie said personally that their task force was at least a third-class collective meritorious worker this time.

Wang Canjun couldn't help but look at Du Fei who was as if nothing had happened.

Suddenly I remembered what the old squad leader said when I was still a recruit.

Whether you can be rewarded for meritorious service does not depend on how much you sacrifice, but on how much you contribute.

Obviously, this time they defended important national projects, which is an indelible contribution.

Wang Canjun felt even more mixed.

Recalling that I heard that a consultant was sent from above, everyone including him was repulsive.

Unexpectedly, Du Fei only came for three days and earned them a third-class collective merit.

At this time, everyone at the task force's station was still nervously waiting for news.

Du Fei and Wang Canjun were leaving just now and couldn't tell what was going on.

Until they came back, Wang Canjun announced the third-class merit, but what they received was not excited cheers.

On the contrary, everyone looked at me and me, a little at a loss.

Zhong Junda, on the other hand, had become familiar with Du Fei after going back and forth several times. He asked Du Fei: "Advisor, is this...really third-class merit? Did the chief say it himself?"

Du Fei said with a smile: "That's right, Mr. Wang can still lie to you!"

Xiao Zhaoer is a down-to-earth person and whispered: "But we didn't do anything? Why did we get third-class merit? I feel a little weak~"

Du Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and at the same time he secretly sighed.

People in this era are really simple.

Before he traveled through time, if he encountered this kind of situation, there would be many unrelated people who would have to get together even if they had their heads sharpened.

I will only feel that I am taking advantage of it.

Feeling sorry? nonexistent!

Du Fei said with a smile: "A meritorious service is a meritorious service. Our case is not over yet! If you feel guilty, just do it well for me so that you don't feel guilty."

Xiao Zhaoer scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

Du Fei took the opportunity to tell everyone: "Comrades, to be honest, I didn't expect the third-class merit today. Just like Comrade Xiao Zhaoer said, I am also very nervous. How many comrades in other brother units? , went through life and death, and in the end, no one was awarded third-class merit as a collective. Can we be worthy of this honor?"

Having said this, Du Fei paused and looked around at the crowd.

Look each person in the eye for a moment.

Originally, it was Wang Shenjun, the team leader, who should have said this.

But Wang Canjun got a third-class merit, and he was embarrassed no matter what, so he was too shy to talk about it.

Du Fei's words were not very beautiful, but it was especially appropriate for Du Fei to say them at this time.

Now, although the list has been intercepted, who is Mr. Luo? The relationship with the "Sister Qin" and "Mr.

But this time, it is no longer realistic to follow this line to find Mr. Luo.

If you want to continue investigating next, you will definitely have to find another way.

In this regard, we have to count on Du Fei.

Du Fei has actually thought about this.

Although Li Changjiang's line is completely broken.

Zhang Dakui's line still has potential to be tapped.

According to the information currently available, Zhang Dakui should be a very capable subordinate of 'Mr. Luo'.

And Du Fei estimated that Zhang Dakui should not have been helping Mr. Luo for a long time.

Because in the past few years, although Zhang Dakui was quite famous in Daoer Shang, his life was not easy.

This is not a secret. Anyone who is familiar with Zhang Dakui can find out.

What everyone said is pretty much the same.

About three years ago, Zhang Dakui suddenly became rich.

Not only do you no longer have to borrow money at the end of the month, but you can also go out to a restaurant once in a while.

Then the problem arises.

How did Zhang Dakui know Mr. Luo?

It couldn't be for no reason. Mr. Luo found him and told him, "Xiao Zhang'er will follow my brother from now on, and he will take you to eat and drink." That was it.

There definitely needs to be a scene between them, where they first get to know each other, then deepen their trust, and finally get together to work together.

Du Fei put forward this idea and immediately attracted everyone's agreement.

Because Du Fei has already proven himself, even though he has not yet reached the level of "Du Ge is gold-mouthed and follows what he says" in the task force.

But until there is no other, better way, Du Fei is right.

Moreover, Du Fei not only proposed the direction, but also gave specific breakthrough points.

This person is Sun Laowei'er!

Although other members of the task force had also studied the case files of Zhang Dakui's murder, they were not as impressed as Du Fei and Wang Dacheng.

So when Du Fei mentioned this person, Wang Dacheng reacted immediately.

He was the coward who helped Zhang Dakui drug Wu Jie and was so timid.

When he was arrested, before he could be interrogated, this guy peed his pants first.

My legs were as soft as noodles and I couldn't walk anymore. I was dragged away.

Du Fei said: "This is the man! He is willing to help Zhang Dakui drug people. The relationship between Sun Laowen'er and his wife and Zhang Dakui must be unusual. He must know how Zhang Dakui became rich."

Then he looked at Wang Dacheng and said: "Brother Wang, you were in charge of this case earlier, and it just so happens that you don't have to worry about anything. How about you take Xiao Zhaoer and make another trip?"

Wang Dacheng stood up excitedly and shouted "yes".

Since he arrived, he has acted as Du Fei's follower. Although he didn't say anything, he actually felt unhappy in his heart.

After all, he, Wang Dacheng, is also a figure in the city and should not be laughed at if word spreads about it.

This time I finally got a chance to show off my skills.

Moreover, Du Fei was very particular about taking the opportunity to take a photo of Xiao Zhaoer.

In any group, people are divided into three levels.

Before Du Fei came, the task force had roughly three levels.

According to personal abilities, positions and qualifications in the original unit, Wang Canjun and Zhong Junda were the highest, Da Zhanger, Liu Wei, and Dong Cheng were the second, and Xiao Zhaoer, Qian Dalu, and Wu Yong were the third.

After Du Fei and Wang Dacheng arrived, Du Fei directly stepped on Zhong Junda with his tyrannical force and became the number one equal to Wang Canjun. No one dared to question this.

But Wang Dacheng, as Du Fei's follower, was the last to arrive, and his qualifications and positions were average, so he naturally fell to the bottom, even inferior to Xiao Zhaoer, Qian Dalu and Wu Yong.

This is an unspoken rule that no one will say out loud, but it actually exists.

Fetching food and water, sending and receiving letters, and cleaning up are all done by those at the bottom every day.

But this time, Du Fei asked Wang Dacheng to lead Xiao Zhaoer.

This is equivalent to directly improving Wang Dacheng's position in the group.

But Du Fei gave a very good reason.

In the face of serious work, the set of unspoken rules has no place.

Sun Laowei'er is indeed a coward.

Wang Dacheng and Xiao Zhaoer have been there for only an hour.

Before I got off work in the evening, I came back on my motorcycle.

However, the news they brought back surprised Du Fei.

"What did you say?" Du Fei looked surprised.

Wang Dacheng was stunned for a moment and asked quickly: "Do you know this person?"

Du Fei nodded: "Lei Laoliu, the descendant of Xiang Lei, lives in our neighborhood."

It turns out that Sun Laowei'er confessed that Zhang Dakui often did odd jobs because of his difficult life.

He knew how to do masonry work, and with his reputation, he knew many contractors like Lei Laoliu.

Usually when I don’t have money to spend, I just find a job.

Those who have more money and less money will not go hungry anyway.

According to the confession that Wang Dacheng and Xiao Zhaoer asked from Sun Laowei'er, Zhang Dakui seemed to have worked with Lei Laoliu for two months three years ago, and then he suddenly became rich and stopped going out to work. Seeing the sky, he began to idle away.

Du Fei never expected that this case would end up involving Lei Laoliu.

He nodded and said: "Lei Laoliu is a friend of mine. Since it is related to him, this matter will be easy to handle. Let's go to their house immediately. We will find out what is going on once we ask."

Du Fei did not believe that Lei Laoliu was involved in this matter.

Based on his understanding of Lei Laoliu, this person is very smart, has a bottom line in doing things, and is not greedy.

The most important thing is that he has a wife and children, and his life is good, so he can't do anything that might cost him his head.

Sure enough, Du Fei didn't stop and took a motorcycle with Wang Dacheng and Xiao Zhaoer to Lei Laoliu's house to ask.

Lei Laoliu and his wife were immediately stunned.

Especially Lei Laoliu, he is also knowledgeable. As soon as he heard that Wang Dacheng was a mayor, he knew that this matter was not trivial.

If you don't get it right, you'll get into big trouble.

Fortunately, Du Fei is one of our own. Since he has followed, he should leave some room, otherwise Du Fei will not show up.

Xiaocui was also very anxious. She looked at the man beside her, but she didn't dare to talk nonsense, for fear that she would get into trouble if she said something wrong.

Lei Laoliu swallowed, thought about it carefully, and said in a deep voice: "Leader, you said that I do know this Zhang Dakui. We have been with him often in the past few years..."

Lei Laoliu didn't hide anything, and the situation he described was basically similar to what Du Fei and the others knew.

Until Zhang Dakui came to work for the last time: "That was... May 1964, well, it was May! I took a job over there in Shichahai, repairing a house for someone, and he was there at the time."

Du Fei nodded, and the time was right as Sun Laowei'er said.

Lei Laoliu thought about it carefully, and then said: "I still have the impression that Zhang Dakui is from Na. Although the bricklayer's skills are average and he is usually careless, he is never vague in his work and has never made any big mistakes. I am willing to use He is also because of this."

Lei Laoliu frowned and continued: "But that time, before the project was completed, Zhang Dakui suddenly quit. In our industry, wages are calculated by day. When he said he would quit, there were still a few days left. I remember very clearly that I didn’t have much money at the time, so I told him that I had to wait for two days and wait for the owner to settle the bill before giving it to him.”

Having said this, Lei Laoliu paused and emphasized his tone: "Zhang Dakui is actually quite generous, but I know that he really has no money and is living a tight life. At that time, I thought it was pretty cool when I said this. I feel so sorry. Who knew that after hearing this, he actually waved his hand and said no more!"

When Du Fei and the other three heard this, their hearts moved. This was obviously not normal.

Lei Laoliu said: "I only took what he said as a pretext. Wage is wages, how could you not pay it! After two days when the wages are paid, I will send it to him. Who knows that Zhang Dakui really doesn't want it anymore! Although After collecting the money, he treated me to a meal. The barbecue we both ate, including the wine and meat, cost a total of about ten yuan, which was enough to cover the wages I gave him."

Du Fei had an idea.

This is not normal. Even if Zhang Dakui followed Mr. Luo at that time, his money did not come from the strong wind. Why did he spend so much money to treat Lei Laoliu to dinner?

Think of people like Zhang Ye, Bao Wei, and Huang Dong again.

Could it be that Zhang Dakui wanted to lure Lei Laoliu into the water at that time?

Du Fei didn't hide it and asked immediately.

Lei Laoliu's expression was tense for a moment, and then he nodded: "Boss, he really meant this at that time. But he didn't say it clearly, he just gave me a hint that he had a way and could make a lot of money, and asked me to work with him in the future. .”

At this time, Na Xiaocui finally couldn't help but interjected: "I know about this matter. Lao Lei will discuss it with me when he goes home. I also told him that it is definitely not a good idea for a man named Zhang to suddenly become rich. Let him spend less time." Get together with Zhang Dakui."

Lei Laoliu nodded hurriedly: "I also felt something was strange, so I just ignored it and never looked for him again. It wasn't until a while ago that I heard that he was dead."

Du Fei generally believed what Lei Laoliu said.

At first, everything he said to Sun Laowei'er would be consistent.

Secondly, there is no benefit to Lei Laoliu lying.

If this is the case, through what channel did Zhang Dakui know Mr. Luo?

After much deliberation, there are only two:

Lei Laoliu's men, or the family who repaired the house at that time.

Lei Laoliu's subordinates were ruled out for the time being, because according to Lei Laoliu, Zhang Dakui had been with him for a long time, and it could be traced back to more than five years.

If he was under Lei Laoliu, he would have had the opportunity to contact Zhang Dakui long ago.

Therefore, it is most likely that it was the family who repaired the house at that time, or someone related to it.

The other party discovered Zhang Dakui's financial difficulties and felt that there was an opportunity, so he contacted him and eventually developed him into a downline.

Thinking of this, Du Fei immediately asked: "Old Lei, do you still remember whose house you were building?"

Lei Laoliu said quickly: "Remember, remember, there used to be a Jin family compound on the west side of Shichahai. There was a family named Lu right next to it."

Du Fei couldn't help but be stunned. Isn't this his yard?

Moreover, the owner who built the house was named Lu. Could it be that he was Lu Haishan?

Sure enough, when asked, it turned out to be Lu Haishan's family.

Du Fei couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart: "Did he make a mistake at the beginning? Lu Haishan had been pretending before? But who was he pretending for?"

The last time Du Fei saw Lu Haishan throwing the house deed into Shichahai, it was a complete accident.

Moreover, Lu Haishan has not been having a good time these past few days.

He was regarded as a typical example by Bao Wei's gang and was immediately arrested and imprisoned in the factory.

It seems unreasonable to say that Lu Haishan is Mr. Luo.

After leaving Lei Laoliu's house, the originally clear clues became blurry again.

The only progress to be made.

It was this clue that brought Du Fei's attention back to the Shichahai Courtyard.

Successfully contacted the mysterious contact person that Du Fei discovered before.

Du Fei had previously judged based on his acting style that the mysterious contact person should not be Mr. Luo.

But now it seems that this inference may be overturned.

Or maybe Mr. Luo and the mysterious contact are still two people, but they are hiding in a compound at the same time.

To be honest, this possibility is not high.

It was already past five o'clock when we came out of Lei Laoliu's house.

Du Fei did not return to the task force's location.

Let Wang Dacheng and Xiao Zhaoer go back to their respective homes.

There are no particularly important clues to investigate at the moment. Instead of just trying to survive, it is better to go home and rest and recharge your batteries.

With a "chunk, chu, chu, chu" sound.

Wang Dacheng's sidecar motorcycle stopped at the gate of the courtyard.

Just as the third son of the third master's family came out of the courtyard, he saw Du Fei and called out "Brother Du" in a hurry, looking enviously at the motorcycle at the door.

In this era, there was a sidecar motorcycle, which was no less impressive than the Mercedes-Benz and BMW of later generations.

Du Fei responded with a smile and walked into the courtyard.

Wang Dacheng took Xiao Zhaoer and left with a "thud" of the accelerator.

Yan Tiekuang looked at the sidecar motorcycle, but at this moment, a person suddenly appeared from behind him and slapped him on the lower back: "Hey~ You are already far away, what are you looking at?"

Yan Tiekuang was startled, turned around and said, "Damn it, you are walking silently!"

The person who came was a young man about the same height as Yan Tiekuang. He said with a playful smile: "Hey, who was that person just now? He came back on the back of a bag, he's pretty cool~"

"It's Du Fei in our backyard." Yan Tiekuang said casually, but then thought of something and warned: "Zheng Jianguo, don't be so mean! I tell you, this Du Fei is not easy to mess with. It turns out that Wang Xiaodong from our school saw him You have to call me brother."

Zheng Jianguo curled his lips disapprovingly: "Brother, it's already 1967, and you still mention Wang Xiaodong! Yang Zhigong, the most powerful person in our school, and Liu Kuangfu in your backyard."

After that, he lowered his voice mischievously: "Hey, what exactly does he do? Is he quite rich?"

Yan Tiekuang frowned, obviously the warning just now fell on deaf ears.

What kind of temperament does Zheng Jianguo have? He has a clear idea.

This is when he saw Du Fei coming back on his back and treated Du Fei as a fat sheep.

But this girl doesn't want to think about it. She lives in this courtyard. If the Du Fei family really loses something, it will be fine if they can't find it out. If they really want to find out, it has something to do with him. He, Yan Tiekuang, is still in the courtyard and can't wait any longer. ?

The third uncle is a shameless person, so we must not break his legs when the time comes!

So Yan Tiekuang immediately fought back.

Zheng Jianguo curled his lips, but he wasn't angry at all. He just smiled, but he made up his mind to go to Du Fei's house to explore when he found an opportunity.

At this time, Du Fei didn't know that he was being targeted by a little thief.

Just entered the middle courtyard, but today I didn't see Bang Gang'er practicing martial arts. Instead, Qin Huairou stood at the door of Nan's house anxiously, looking towards the Chuihua Gate.

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