Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 689 The power of collective

At this moment, Bang Bang felt something vaguely.

He instinctively looked back, following the flash of his flashlight.

Just do it quickly.

A yellow shadow jumped out from the pile of bones!

Banggan'er said "Oh my God" and was immediately startled.

In this environment, any disturbance can easily lead to bad thoughts.

And in Banggun'er's mind, the first thought that came to mind was that there was a ghost here!

He didn't have time to think too much, and he didn't even have time to take a closer look at what that yellow shadow was. Turn around and run back.

At this time, Chen Sikui happened to turn back from above and heard the sound of stick stick, which startled him.

When Banggan saw him, it was like seeing a relative, and he quickly shouted, "Brother Chen, hurry up."

Seeing how urgent he was, Chen Sikui had no time to ask any more questions.

I was about to take the rope and tie it to Bang Guan Er's body.

But he saw Bangguner nervously shining his flashlight at the door of the tomb behind him.

This is just an ordinary flashlight. The light is not particularly bright. In the dark tomb, it can only illuminate a small area.

"What are you looking at?"

Chen Sikui also looked over subconsciously.

Just in time to see a flash of yellow, passing through the light range.

Chen Sikui didn't see clearly what it was, but he felt his hair standing on end.

Coupled with Bang Bang'er's reaction just now, his scalp felt numb for a while, so he simply stopped tying the rope and shouted "Hold on to me".

He stretched out his hand to hug the stick around his waist, and quickly pulled the rope around him three times with his other hand.

After receiving the signal, the top immediately began to pull the rope, and Chen Sikui and Bang Lian'er slowly lifted upwards.

The two of them were very nervous.

Chen Sikui took a flashlight and shined it at the door of the tomb, praying that nothing would get in from outside.

Bangguner felt a little regretful.

If he hadn't been greedy and insisted on picking up the gold medal, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

As for why the three of them were trapped here for several days and were fine, but only this time something disturbed him, he didn't have time to think carefully.

Fortunately, no more accidents occurred.

After a while, Bangpole was pushed into the entrance of the robbery cave, and the yellow shadow did not appear.

Bang Bang'er didn't dare to relax, probably his adrenaline was stimulated, and he climbed up quickly with his hands and feet.

Chen Sikui followed closely behind, glancing back from time to time, for fear that something would follow.

Fortunately, this robbery cave is not too long, only six or seven meters from beginning to end.

It didn't take Bangpole a few moments to climb into the tree hole, and he saw the light outside along the tree hole.

This made him overjoyed and gave him a feeling of being in another world.

"Come out! Come out!"

As the stick climbed out of the tree hole, the people waiting outside cheered again.

This time, three children disappeared, plus Qin Daquan, a total of four people.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, there was no news for three or four days.

No one said anything, but in their hearts they felt that there was little hope that these people could come back safely.

Now no one has died, which is certainly worthy of joy.

But immediately after, Chen Sikui came out from behind, but there was no joy on his face. Instead, he looked back at the dark tree hole with lingering fear.

But he felt a shiver in his heart. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to see a pair of eyes looking at him.

Chen Sikui's heart suddenly rose to his throat and he almost cried out.

But then he took a closer look, but there was nothing there, which made him wonder if he had been too nervous and had seen something wrong.

At this time, Du Fei came over, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Comrade Chen Sikui, you are doing well!"

When Chen Sikui came back to his senses, he realized that everyone was looking at him.

Being the center of attention for the first time in his life made him a little overwhelmed and could only giggle.

Even the tension I felt just now disappeared.

Returning to the crowd, Chen Sikui's sense of security quickly returned, and he no longer felt scared when he looked back at the gloomy tree hole.

This is the power of collective!

Similarly, the situation with Bangpoler is similar.

Especially when he saw Du Fei, he found his backbone.

There is a saying that a dog relies on the power of others, which is not suitable to be used on Bangguner, but it is very appropriate to describe his mood at this time.

He really didn't expect that Du Fei would come to save him personally!

As for the others, they were automatically ignored by Bang Banger.

Needless to say, I felt deeply moved in my heart.

At this time, Secretary Qin in the village and Captain Zhang of the militia company both asked about the situation below.

Banggun'er was still a child, so they mainly asked Chen Sikui.

But what did Chen Sikui know? Although he went down twice, it didn't last long.

When asked, I still don't know everything.

On the contrary, Bang Bang'er heard their questions from the side and calmly pulled Du Fei and said in a very low voice: "Uncle, it looks like a tomb down there, with many wooden boxes inside."

Du Fei had known for a long time that when Xiao Hong went down just now, through the synchronization of his vision, he could see more clearly than Bang Bang'er.

Even when Chen Sikui brought Dou Bao'er up, Bang Bang'er went to get the gold medal, and Du Fei knew it.

But Du Fei was also a little strange. What was hidden in that skeleton?

Because just now, Bang Banger entered the tomb opposite.

Du Fei once wanted Xiao Hong to follow him and take a look, but Xiao Hong reported that there was something terrible there. It refused to go in and hid outside the tomb.

When the stick came out, Du Fei synchronized his vision and saw a pair of eyes flashing out of the skeleton.

Even Du Fei could see it more clearly than Bangbianer.

But what it is, I can't recognize it with just my eyes.

Moreover, the moment those eyes appeared, Xiaohong seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, her hair suddenly exploded, and she turned around and ran away.

Du Fei didn't have time to take a closer look.

But one thing is for sure, it is definitely not a monster!

While Bang Bang'er was talking, he wanted to avoid other people.

But the tips of Wang Dacheng's ears kept paying attention here, and he vaguely heard a few words.

He immediately came over and lowered his voice: "Man, what are you mumbling about here?"

Bangguner was startled. He was not familiar with Wang Dacheng and looked up at Du Fei.

Du Fei knew it well.

In this case, even if there is gold and silver below, we must not take advantage of it.

No one can take those things away, they must belong to the country!

None of these people are fools in this situation, and there is no way to cover up this kind of thing.

And in this era, there are really people with very high ideological awareness. They don't care about personal success, and they regard the interests of the country as bigger than the sky.

Although Du Fei couldn't do it, he admired such people very much.

These people present are like this if they are not all protected.

Du Fei said: "It's okay, your Uncle Wang is one of our own."

Bang Bang'er nodded, but didn't say any more.

He is also a monkey spirit. Du Fei said to his face that Wang Dacheng was one of his own, but he may not really be one of his own.

Anyway, I have said everything that needs to be said just now.

Du Fei didn't want to hide it, so he simply called the village secretary, security director, Captain Zhang of the militia company, and two comrades from the county bureau, and held a meeting.

Du Fei said with a serious face: "Comrades! According to what Bang Bang'er just said, there is probably a secret warehouse down here left by the enemy."

Du Fei deliberately didn't say it to the mausoleum.

Because China has always hated stealing and digging graves.

If it really is a mausoleum, the procedures for reopening it will be troublesome.

But if it is characterized as a 'secret warehouse left by the enemy', its nature changes.

The so-called urgency is followed by authority.

Once the enemy is involved, comrades at the grassroots level can do whatever they want.

With Du Fei's certainty, the next thing is simple.

Based on the location of the tree hole, the location of the tomb chamber below can be inferred, and based on the layout of the tomb chamber, the direction of the tomb passage can be inferred.

It's like an open book exam.

The direction to the entrance to the tomb was quickly found.

It has been thirty years since 1937.

When Prince Qing Zai Zhen brought the treasure in, he filled the entrance to the tomb with soil.

Fortunately, Zai Zhen didn't think so, and the wealth stayed there for decades.

They originally planned to keep it here temporarily and then find a way to transport it out.

Therefore, the soil sealing the entrance to the tomb is not too deep.

After finding the general location, mobilize the militia and villagers immediately.

At this time, the advantage of having more people is greater.

More than a hundred people were divided into three groups, holding shovels and pickaxes, and took turns digging.

It only took more than an hour to dig to the entrance of the tomb.

The tomb door is built with blue bricks, but it only has one floor.

A strong man went up, picked up a sledgehammer, and banged it a few times, making a big hole.

After waiting for another ten minutes, the last brick wall was opened.

When the dust cleared, Du Fei walked in with Secretary Qin from the village and Captain Zhang from the militia company.

Because Bangbianer and the others had stayed there for several days before, there was no need to worry about the lack of air circulation inside.

By this time, the sky outside was already dark.

There were torches lit all around.

Du Fei and others walked in with flashlights.

In fact, when they dug the tomb door just now, Secretary Qin and Company Commander Zhang both saw that it was a tomb.

But Du Fei said that this was a secret warehouse left by the enemy.

Neither of these two people were stupid, and no one could tell.

At first, the scale of Zai Zhen's construction of this mausoleum was not large.

After all, the Qing Dynasty had died, and his purpose was not to be disturbed after his death. It was built in secret at the beginning and he did not dare to carry out any large-scale construction.

There are only four tomb chambers in the entire tomb, including the middle chamber, the left and right side chambers, and the back chamber for holding coffins.

The tomb passage in front is more than ten meters long and faces diagonally downward.

Inside is the middle room, which is equivalent to the living room.

Here you can already see wooden boxes placed against the wall.

These boxes vary in size and material.

It was obviously put together in a hurry.

Du Fei was also curious about what was in these boxes.

When he came to a box, he reached out and grabbed the lock on it and twisted it.

Just listen to a "click" sound.

The keyhole on the wooden box was ripped off!

Du Fei threw away the lock and, in case there was a mechanism inside, turned to the side and opened the lid of the box.

There was nothing but some dust.

Inside the box were rolls of stuff wrapped in paper.

You can guess it without looking, it’s all ocean!

Next, Secretary Qin and Company Commander Zhang also opened a few boxes.

They are not as strong as Du Fei and can directly turn the lock off.

But when I came in, I brought tools, and one person carried a shovel.

Just insert the shovel into the box opening and pry it open.

Immediately, there was a "click" and the box opened.

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