Shen Qiangmin also didn't expect that Zhou Peng had mentioned to him before that he wanted to transfer a yard on hand to a friend.

Who knew that Zhou Peng's friend was Du Fei!

None of them were strangers, and the three of them immediately started chatting enthusiastically.

Shen Qiangmin made three cups of tea and explained the relationship between Du Fei and him.

Zhou Peng also knew Wang Dacheng, but didn't know his relationship with Shen Qiangmin. He couldn't help but sigh: "Oh~ we've been making trouble for a long time, you are Dacheng's brother-in-law!"

Shen Qiangmin laughed and asked again: "By the way, I heard that you are going to be transferred to the south? The capital is fine, why are you going?"

Zhou Peng said: "Hey~ Our old man arranged it for us to go to the Guangzhou Foreign Trade Bureau, which is next to the Xiangjiang River. If you need anything in the future, write to me."

Shen Qiangmin agreed, not expecting to get Zhou Peng to buy anything.

But there is this line in Guangzhou, just in case it comes in use in the future!

Then it was back to business.

Because Zhou Peng and Du Fei had brought everything, and with the help of their acquaintance Shen Qiangmin, there were no setbacks and it was completed quickly.

Even so, the procedures for buying and selling a house are very complicated, and it was almost four o'clock when they were all completed.

After getting the title deed of the new house, Shen Qiangmin sent the two of them outside and watched them get on their bicycles before going back.

"Brother Zhou, where are we going tonight?" Du Fei asked while riding his bike. At this time, catering and entertainment were restricted, and restaurants would close at night.

Zhou Peng said: "Go back here and pack everything up. I ordered Dong Laishun's hotpot."

Du Fei understood that he was referring to the courtyard where the formalities had just been done, and responded: "Okay, then I'll go home and get some wine first."

After agreeing, the two of them rode back to Nanluogu Alley without any hurry.

Zhou Peng went directly back to the yard without going to the unit, while Du Fei rode around in a circle.

Find a deserted alley and take out two bottles of aged Laofen wine from your pocket.

When I returned to the small courtyard, I was catching up with people from Dong Laishun who came to deliver things.

A total of two people came, and they all seemed to know Zhou Peng. Before leaving, Zhou Peng stuffed one of them with a pack of cigarettes.

What was delivered was mainly chopped lamb.

The copper pot was ready at home, and Zhou Peng burned it on charcoal when he came back.

Cabbage, vermicelli, and frozen tofu are also readily available.

As soon as Du Fei arrived, the two of them set up the pot in the room, cut the cabbage and frozen tofu, and placed them on plates one by one.

All that's left are the two food boxes sent by Donglaishun.

The two food boxes are quite big, and the black paint on them shows their age.

Opening the lid, there were seven large plates in total, four plates of various parts of mutton, and the remaining three plates of black tripe, white tripe and tripe kernels.

The last layer is left, filled with toppings, such as sesame sauce, chive flowers, chili oil and the like.

"Brother, please, don't burn it!"

Zhou Peng shouted, carrying a freshly boiled kettle from the kitchen and pouring water into the pot.

The charcoal fire had already heated up the copper pot. As soon as the water was poured in, there was a "sting" sound and a cloud of white gas rose up.

If you go to the store, you have to put some green onions, ginger, red dates and so on in the pot, but at home you just boil the meat in plain water.

Zhou Peng conveniently put the kettle on the stove in the room.

Du Fei opened a bottle of wine and asked, "Brother Zhou, do you want something cold or something hot?"

Zhou Peng threw off his cotton-padded jacket and said while adjusting the ingredients: "Drink something hot. I've washed the jug. It's right over there~"

Go to the cabinet on the north side and nuzzle.

Du Fei looked over.

Sure enough, on the enamel tea tray above, there were wine utensils with water beads hanging on them.

A round, blue and white porcelain hip flask with a big belly, and two three-cent wine cups.

Du Fei walked over and picked it up and found that the wine jug had two internal and external gallbladders. The outside was filled with boiling water and the inside contained the wine.

He couldn't help but say: "Brother Zhou, this wine bottle is quite unique!"

Zhou Peng said: "What's mine? Everything in this house belongs to you from now on."

Du Fei smiled and said: "Then thank you~" He turned it over and saw that there was a year mark - the Xianfeng Year of the Qing Dynasty.

He couldn't help but say: "Oh~ this is still an official kiln!"

Although it is not that old, it has been more than a hundred years since the Xianfeng Year.

Zhou Peng said: "They were all given by others, and I don't understand this either. Don't talk about that, pour the wine quickly, you kid is not hungry!"

Du Fei added hot water to the outer pot, put the inner pot in, and poured wine into it.

To prevent the wine from escaping, there is a small lid on the inner tank.

The water was boiling hot, and when the wine was poured into it, it became hot in a short time.

Du Fei took this opportunity to mix a small ingredient.

Zhou Peng began to put meat into it.

This guy didn't have any particular skills. He just took the plate and pounded half of it, euphemistically saying that he wanted to satisfy his craving first.

The water in the pot had already been turned over, and when the mutton was put into it, it changed color instantly.

Zhou Peng and Du Fei both ate uncooked rice, so they took off their chopsticks when they saw that it had changed color and was still a little powdery.

Each person picked up the end of a chopstick and put it into the food bowl.

Zhou Peng likes to eat sesame sauce, and he immediately gets it all covered in sesame sauce and stuffs it into his mouth.

Du Fei liked to eat the original flavor at first, so he dipped it a little bit.

Half a plate of meat, no exaggeration at all, one person only took two bites and then it was gone.

Don't tell me, fresh mutton tastes so good when eaten like this!

Du Fei swallowed it and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Zhou Peng shouted: "Pour the wine, pour the wine~"

Du Fei got the house, and although he paid it, he still had to remember Zhou Peng as a favor for this yard, even if the price doubled again.

For today's meal, I have to serve you everything.

What's more, Zhou Peng is leaving soon.

"Brother Zhou, I toast you with this cup. I wish you success in your journey south and a long journey ahead."

There's nothing to say about the three-cent wine cup. I must have drained it in one gulp.

"Brother, I also wish you success."

The two of them exchanged glasses, and within a short time more than half of the bottle of wine had been consumed.

More than a third of the mutton tripe was eaten.

Du Fei was still fine, but Zhou Peng's cheeks were already red and his ears were hot. He patted Du Fei on the shoulder and said, "By the way, I haven't told you yet, Xiaoyu and I have received the certificate."

Du Fei was stunned. He knew the relationship between Zhou Peng and Huo Xiaoyu.

But what happens when you get the certificate?

Du Fei waited for a moment to see what Zhou Peng said.

Unexpectedly, this guy was done with just one mouthful, and started drinking by himself instead.

Du Fei guessed that there must be some reason here, but Zhou Peng didn't go further, so he couldn't ask any more questions.

The two changed the topic and drank a few more drinks.

Zhou Peng suddenly said: "Brother, what if... I mean what if, I become the bastard of the capitalists, exploiting the people and making money..."

Du Fei put down his wine glass, looked at him, and suddenly said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Zhou, don't act like this. Do we guys need to hide it?"

Zhou Peng said with a bitter face: "You kid, see through but don't tell me, don't you understand?"

Du Fei said: "That's with me, not with's not necessary."

Zhou Peng laughed and said, "I like to hear that. One of us brothers..." But he just picked up the wine cup, put it down again, and stood up: "This is not enough, let's change it to a bigger cup!"

As he spoke, he took out two 1-tael wine glasses from the cupboard and filled Du Fei with a wine jug: "It's done!"

Du Fei refused to accept anyone who came, and immediately became bored.

Zhou Peng drank impatiently and started coughing.

But after drinking a glass of wine, he felt even more energetic than before. He asked, "Now that it's clear, tell me, your kid's brain is smarter than mine. Even Chief Zhu can't do it." If you win, you are much better than me."

Du Fei smiled.

My heart said, where are these things? Being smart and being able to pick up girls are two different things, okay?

If it were Wu Dalang, no matter how active his brain was, you wouldn't have seen Zhu Ting glance at him.

Du Fei was too lazy to talk to him and asked instead: "Brother Zhou, what do you mean, if you go to Xiangjiang this time, you will be considered as marrying into the Huo family? Are you going to become the son-in-law of a capitalist?"

Zhou Peng had a complicated expression and said silently, "That's right~"

Du Fei knew that the situation must be more complicated.

Huo Xiaoyu is not the biological daughter of the Huo family in Xiangjiang, otherwise she would not have come to the capital to become a couple with Zhou Peng.

But Zhou Peng certainly couldn't reveal what happened.

And in Du Fei's view, Zhou Peng's worries were obviously unfounded.

It should be said or not, although Zhou Peng is usually casual, his inner stance and beliefs are quite firm.

His entanglement at this time stems precisely from the conflict between reality and ideals.

He was afraid that once he went there this time, he would become completely on the side of the capitalists, cut off from the people, and there would be no way back.

He never dreamed that it would be just twenty or thirty years later.

Those capitalists who were now so hated that they dared not even raise their heads in the streets have turned into heroes that everyone yearned for, standing on the stage, wearing suits and ties, and talking loudly.

Thinking of this, Du Fei felt a little complicated. He reached out and patted Zhou Peng: "Brother Zhou, you are thinking too much. As the old saying goes, dog meat cannot stick to a sheep. In other words, whether it can stick to a sheep is not up to you. Is it tenderloin or ribs, it depends on whether you are lamb or dog.”

Having said this, Du Fei looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Brother Zhou, do you want to be mutton or dog meat?"

Zhou Peng slapped the table: "Nonsense, of course I am a mutton, but my grandson really wants to be a dog."

Du Fei said: "In this case, what do you have to worry about? Besides, as long as you care about the motherland and have a clear conscience, that's enough. Why do you think so much?"

Zhou Peng took a long breath and drank another glass: "I understand the truth, but... forget it, I have wine today and I will be drunk today, and tomorrow I will worry about tomorrow. Drink!"

That night, Zhou Peng really drank too much and vomited three times.

The sewer in the courtyard was almost blocked.

What a pity for such good lamb.

It was already midnight when we finished, and Du Fei didn't go home either. There were ready-made beddings in the back room.

Huo Xiaoyu's things had been packed away long ago, and the remaining bedding was new and unused.

In the middle of the night, Du Fei and Zhou Peng slept on the kang, one at the end and the other on the kang, with a huanghuali kang table in between.

Du Fei regretted it a little, he would have known better to have burned the kang in the east room.

Zhou Peng slept like a dead pig, snoring three times.

Du Fei lay down half asleep.

He put his hands under his head and stared at Fang Bo...

Early the next morning, Zhou Peng was still energetic and did not suffer from a major hangover.

Although Du Fei didn't fall asleep until later in the night, he had a strong constitution, so it was nothing.

Neither of them said anything.

Everything that needed to be said was said last night.

Before Zhou Peng left, he handed the key to the yard to Du Fei.

This yard, which covers an area of ​​more than half an acre and more than 400 square meters, has completely changed its owner.

Du Fei stood in the courtyard.

Just at this moment, a group of pigeons flew "buzzing" in the sky.

He looked up and then looked around the yard.

Needless to say, Du Fei preferred this small courtyard to the large courtyard covering an area of ​​more than ten acres in Shichahai.

Although the yard in Shichahai is large, it is a bit too big to be considered a home.

On the contrary, the yard is just the right size.

There is only one courtyard, which is square and 20 meters long and wide.

The courtyard gate is adjacent to the alley. It is not the traditional Xunmen gate, but opened in the southwest corner.

There are three large north rooms, which are tall and spacious, with two side rooms. There are three side rooms on the left and right, one side is used as a kitchen and the other side is empty.

There is no house built on the south side against the back wall of the north room in the front yard, but the space is free and it will not be cramped at all if we build a row of seats.

If an ordinary person had a yard like this and married a wife like Wang Yufen or Qin Huairou...

It's a pity... As a time traveler.

It is impossible to satisfy this kind of happiness of "wife and children on the hot bed" anymore.

Du Fei gathered his thoughts and pushed his bicycle out of the yard.

I made a mental decision and asked Wang Yufen to move here in the next two days to save the inconvenience of living in a guest house.

Go to the unit.

Today, Aunt Zheng and the others are keeping pace with the times, and they are discussing Li Qun's suicide.

I have to admit that these aunts and uncles are really well-informed.

What happened at noon yesterday, before Ziwu Maoyou was found out, they heard the news.

And it has spawned several versions.

At this time, an old woman said seriously: "Hey, Sister Zheng, I heard that's not the case!" She also lowered her voice and said mysteriously: "Li Qun asked Lao Zhao to seduce him. Got it!"

"Is there still such a thing?" Sun Lan on the side interrupted: "Sister Zhang, don't you dare to talk nonsense!"

The girl named 'Sister Zhang' vowed: "That's true. I heard it from Meng Lanying from the Civil Affairs Bureau. Her family works in the detention center."

"Yes!" When Sun Lan heard this, it turned out to be first-hand news, and she immediately became energetic: "Then tell me quickly, what exactly is going on?"

Sister Zhang occupied the 'c' position and spoke loudly: "The night before yesterday, it was a dark moon and a high wind..."

Du Fei was listening on the side, somewhat dumbfounded.

If you didn't know better, you would have thought that this aunt was talking about "Liao Zhai"~

But this also revealed that Niu Wentao and the others should have found out that Li Qun did not commit suicide, but other than that, they did not find any clues.

The whole morning passed.

When it was almost noon, Du Fei was thinking about what to eat.

Director Lian came in from outside with a smile.

She has worked in the neighborhood committee for many years and is familiar with the people above and below.

After chatting with everyone for a while, I went to the small office to find Section Chief Qian.

Du Fei guessed without asking that it was probably for the neighborhood committee to repair the house.

After all, building a house is no small matter.

You must report before starting construction, and you cannot make decisions without authorization.

Fortunately, there is no need to take money from the street. As long as there is no money discussion, everything is easy to discuss.

Moreover, Director Wang and Section Chief Qian had hinted before that they would facilitate Director Lian.

Director Lian soon left happily, and before leaving, he gave Du Fei a meaningful look.

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