Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 746 Underwater (more updates with monthly ticket)

Jia Liying let out a long sigh and was about to give the two large yellow croakers to Zhuzi and then return them to Teacher Ran when she had an opportunity.

But suddenly an idea occurred to him, and his eyes rolled around: "Zhuzi, tell me... can Du Fei handle this?"

Zhu Zhu was stunned and slapped his thigh: "Yes! Why didn't I think of that!" He stood up and shouted hurriedly: "I'm going to the backyard right now."

But Jia Liying grabbed him: "Hey, what are you in a hurry for? Bring this with you."

He stuffed the two gold bars into Zhu Zhu's hands.

"This~" Zhu Zhu was a little embarrassed: "Give it all to Du Fei?"

Jia Liying glared: "What the hell, you still want to meet and share half of it?"

Zhu Zhu said: "That's not what I meant, that...I mean, Teacher Ran's family is like this. Let's help and collect people's things, right..."

Jia Liying snorted: "What? Are you feeling sorry for me?"

Zhuzhu quickly said "No".

Jia Liying also knew that he didn't mean that, so she didn't mess around and said instead: "Okay~ I know what you are thinking. You are a man who wants to be respected and respectable, but you feel that you are taking advantage of Teacher Ran. But then again, you know Teacher Ran, and Du Fei knows who she is? You can't let her work in vain~"

Zhuzi thought about it, and then he obediently took the gold bars and pushed out the door.

At this time, Jia's mother came out of the ear room, looked at her daughter with a look of relief and said: "Girl, after today's incident, mom is finally relieved."

Jia Liying raised her chin: "That's right. It doesn't matter who the daughter is, I can't hold him back."

But Mama Jia warned: "Girl, don't be complacent. After all, he is your own man. If you catch him, you should be nicer to him. Zhuzi is a miserable child. He has had no mother since he was a child, and his grandma doesn't care. If your uncle doesn't love you, as long as you treat him well, he will give you his heart. Everything else is just a trick. If a couple wants to last long, they must exchange their sincerity for their sincerity."

Jia Liying smiled and nodded.

Seeing her perfunctory behavior, Mother Jia raised her hand and hit her on the head: "Don't take it seriously, Zhu Zhu is just stupid, but he is not stupid. Do you think he can't see that you are teasing him these few times?"

Jia Liying was stunned and said in surprise: "Mom, you mean, Zhu Zhu... saw it!"

Mother Jia said: "We are just two old ladies, we are not Zhuge Lang. We are clever and clever. What's weird about being seen out?"

Jia Liying was a little anxious: "Then he..."

Mother Jia said: "Why don't you tell me? That's because he is willing to let you go. So, don't think how capable you are."

Meanwhile, in the backyard at Duffy's house.

Du Fei sat on the Arhat bed and looked at the two large yellow croakers on the small coffee table.

Zhuzi, who was sitting opposite, looked expectant: "Brother, how are you? Can you help me with this matter?"

Du Fei reached out and picked up the big yellow croaker and looked at it. There were brand new teeth marks on it.

Then he looked at Zhu Zhu and said, "Brother Zhu Zhu, you and Teacher Ran..."

Zhu Zhu quickly explained that he really had nothing to do with Teacher Ran, he just felt sorry for him.

Du Fei smiled and said: "Since it doesn't matter, why bother with Baal to help her? It's not worth it just to attack these two yellow croakers."

Zhuzi was stunned and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

yes! He and Teacher Ran are not related at all, not even his ex-girlfriend.

What position does he have in asking Du Fei for help?

Du Fei smiled and pushed the gold bar back: "Brother Zhuzi, take this thing back. As for this matter... you can't control it, and I... can't control it either."

What a joke.

Du Fei understood what Zhu Zhu said just now.

Things in Teacher Ran's family are not simple.

Because the people who kidnapped Teacher Ran’s parents were not university students like Diao Guodong, let alone minions like Wang Xiaodong and Guo Baozhu.

But people from the military department in the district.

Speaking of which, this team was pulled together by Li Zhiming when he was here.

Since Li Zhiming did something bad, it was logical that he fell into the hands of Chang Zhikui.

This is not a secret. Last time Du Fei learned that Director Lian had an affair with Chang Zhikui when they were young and asked about Chang Zhikui's situation.

Moreover, Chang Zhikui did not take action easily, but everyone they arrested had real problems.

Du Fei didn't know what exactly Teacher Ran's parents were involved in, but he was sure that this was a muddy water that was not easy to navigate.

Not to mention just two large yellow croakers, even twenty are not cost-effective.

Seeing Du Fei's resolute attitude, Zhu Zhu had no choice but to leave dejectedly.

The pillars of distance and distance can be distinguished clearly.

Although he had a good impression of Teacher Ran, he would not embarrass Du Fei just to help Teacher Ran.

After sending Zhu Zhu away, Du Fei shook his head and didn't worry too much.

I was still worried about the situation over there with Xiaohong.

Immediately, my mind moved, and my vision synchronized again.

It was almost ten o'clock.

The rats under Xiao Hong were still digging holes desperately, coming in waves one after another.

Under the back garden of the Shichahai compound, the outline of the underground palace built of granite has been revealed.

It is more than twenty meters long and ten meters wide, a rectangle.

In the northeast direction, a tunnel extends.

This tunnel is not horizontal, but digs deeper and deeper!

After passing through several alleys, we reached the underground water. For waterproofing, special triple soil was used to completely wrap the tunnel.

This kind of triple soil is mixed with clay, lime, and sand. It is very hard after tamping. In the past, this kind of triple soil was used for the outermost rammed soil layer of the imperial tombs.

This made Du Fei couldn't help but think, is this underground a secret tomb?

But then I thought about it and felt it was wrong.

Cement has been used to connect the granite, indicating that this underground palace was not built in ancient times, and it is not deep enough from the ground.

This depth can be found by digging the foundation when a house was built here.

This made Du Fei even more curious.

But the tunnel that came out seemed to have no end, and continued to the east.

Cutting off his vision, Du Fei took out the map.

According to the location of the compound, a straight line was drawn eastward, which made him frown.

Because the length of this line is almost inserted into Shichahai.

This length is definitely not accurate, but it's pretty close.

"Could it be that the tunnel goes all the way to the bottom of Shichahai Sea?"

Du Fei thought to himself, feeling even more incredible.

But at this moment, Xiaohong suddenly felt strong emotional fluctuations.

Du Fei immediately turned his attention away.

I saw the mouse digging the hole at the front suddenly started to stir.

These rats are usually very obedient, and as Xiao Hong is the rat king, they will do whatever they are told to do.

What was surprising this time was that before Xiaohong gave the order, the mice in front turned around and ran back.

At the same time, a stream of black water suddenly surged out from the front!

Although the mouse started to escape, it did not escape the impact of the water flow and was swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

Xiaohong also reacted, turned around and ran back as hard as she could.

In an instant, Du Fei experienced the feeling of speed again in the mouse hole.

In the mouse hole, other mice were also in chaos.

Many who responded slowly were instantly swallowed up by the black water.

Xiao Hong was no exception. Even though she ran extremely fast, she couldn't match the speed of the rising water.

Plus, the rat hole is in complete chaos.

Xiaohong had to step on other mice to run back, which greatly affected her speed.

At this moment, Du Fei, whose vision was synchronized, felt his eyes go dark and the world was spinning.

He was immediately enveloped in a large ball of black mud soup.

Fortunately, the mouse itself knows water, and Xiaohong has been strengthened.

As soon as he was caught by the current, he swam forward with all his strength.

It took half a minute to crawl out of the water in embarrassment.

Looking back, I saw that the sea water rising up from below had completely submerged the nearly 20-meter-long channel below the underground water layer.

Du Fei was not surprised but overjoyed when he saw this.

This shows that the Shichahai Sea has been dug out just now.

This black water surges up from the Shichahai Sea.

Du Fei disconnected his vision, leaned on the Arhat's bed and thought about it, and then looked at the time.

He immediately got up, put on his clothes, and went out over the wall at night.

According to the situation on Xiaohong's side, Shichahai must have been dug through.

The nearly 20-meter-long mouse hole below was submerged, making it impossible to dig further.

On the contrary, the tunnel made of granite has no end in sight.

Apparently, he cultivated all the way to the water of Shichahai...

Du Fei thought as he rode his bicycle as fast as possible to the shore of Shicha Sea.

By March, although the weather was quite cold, the Shichahai had begun to thaw, and the ice in front was very fragile.

Du Fei confirmed that there was no one around.

With a thought, Xiaobai was released from the portable space.

Because the water froze in the winter, Du Fei was afraid of leaving Xiaobai outside to suffocate and freeze to death, so he kept it in his portable space after using it last time.

This time it finally came into play.

After releasing Xiao Bai, Du Fei looked around again and found a heavy stone. He picked it up and threw it on the ice.

There was a sudden "bang", and a large hole nearly one meter square was immediately smashed out of the still somewhat thick ice.

Du Fei picked up Xiaobai again and quickly threw him over.

Xiaobai, who is amphibious on land and water, experienced the feeling of 'flying' for the first time.

Be impartial and plunge into that ice hole.

When Du Fei returned home, Xiaobai happened to swim to the opposite side.

Du Fei thought again and synchronized his vision to Xiao Hong.

Let it go to the ground and follow the direction of the mouse hole to meet Xiaobai.

As soon as Xiao Hong arrived at the shore, Du Fei saw a faint black shadow swimming under the ice on the shore.

You don't need to think about it to know that it's Xiaobai.

I was glad that my luck was good, and Xiaobai found the right place right away.

Let Xiaohong go back alone and synchronize to Xiaobai's side.

Suddenly, the surroundings became pitch black.

Even Du Fei's vision was greatly affected in the water under the ice.

Fortunately, this was not Du Fei's first time in the water, so he got used to it very quickly.

Order Xiaobai to dive to the bottom of the water.

Shichahai is generally three to five meters deep, with the deepest point in the middle being more than ten meters deep. The mud at the bottom is very thick.

On the west edge of Qianhai, the shore is not on a slope, and stone barriers were built in the past.

But it's only less than two meters high at the top, and the bottom is still mud.

Du Fei followed Xiaobai down and soon discovered that it was extremely deep down there.

A large piece of it was sunken deeper than both sides, as if it had been dug out on purpose.

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