Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 786 Reserve Warehouse

"But... what can we do to gain a mass base?" Hou Tao asked the doubts in his heart.

Du Fei shook his head and said: "It has nothing to do with what we do. What matters is what the enemy does. As long as we do better than the enemy, the mass base will be ours."

Hou Tao blinked his eyes. Being admitted to the University of Hong Kong showed that he had one of the best minds. He immediately understood what Du Fei meant.

But from the first Opium War in 1840 to the present, Xiangjiang has been occupied by the Japanese for more than 120 years.

The initial turbulent period has long passed, and the rule of the Yg people has long been stabilized.

Even many people in Hong Kong take this for granted.

As for the Xinj area, to put it bluntly, it is a remote and remote area, and you will never see ghosts at all.

It is difficult for ordinary people to feel the pain of being bullied by ghosts.

Moreover, Gui Lao colonized the world and was very good at cultivating local agents.

Indirect rule through agents effectively isolates the dissatisfaction of the lower class among the agent class. They themselves come out from time to time to do charity, donate a little money, and put on the face of being a good person.

What's more important is that many young people from every household in Xinjiang now go to work in factories.

These factories have both Chinese and British capital, but in the final analysis, the ghost guys have the final say.

Therefore, even if it is for the sake of livelihood, in the hearts of new people, they may not actually have much hope for change.

Because change often means uncertainty, and greater uncertainty will make the situation worse.

Maybe it will be better in the long run, but most people will only see short-term benefits.

This is the common problem faced by Du Fei and Hou Tao.

So Du Fei said that the time has not come yet.

Du Fei reached out and patted Hou Tao's shoulder: "Don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. In fact, now is an opportunity. The labor-capital conflict is getting worse. The ghost guy is still unwilling to transfer his interests. If the situation continues to develop, the consequences are unpredictable. "

Although Du Fei didn't say it explicitly, Hou Tao understood the implication.

I couldn't help but get excited: "I understand! The mass base you mentioned is here!"

Next, Hou Tao talked a lot before he was willing to let Du Fei and Zhang Dabin leave.

But at this time, his eyes were already shining with an unprecedented look.

Restart the car and drive some distance.

Zhang Dabin couldn't help but said: "Director, this guy was a little interesting just now!"

Du Fei nodded: "He is a good young man, maybe he can really do something."

Zhang Dabin shook his head and said: "I'm disgusted by this. As the old saying goes, it takes three years for a scholar to rebel."

Du Fei smiled: "It can't be so absolute, it still depends on whether he is the right material."

But he didn't intend to continue, and asked instead: "By the way, Dabin, where is your hometown? Your accent doesn't sound like someone from Guangd."

Zhang Dabin said: "My family's ancestral home is Chaozhou, but later my father went to northern Shaanxi, and my mother and four of our brothers and sisters followed."

Du Feixin said it was no wonder he could work with Director Liao.

Zhang Dabin's father must be a cadre of a certain level if he can bring his wife and children there.

However, according to Zhang Dabin's situation, although he didn't say it, Du Fei estimated that his father probably died early, and now there are only some favors left that are used less.

Otherwise, Zhang Dabin should not be in his twenties, not even a minor.

It would have been fine if he had completed his qualifications in China, but when he was on field duty in Xiangjiang, he still ended up like this.

It can be seen that Director Liao's care for him is limited.

The two of them were chatting in the car while driving on their way.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, we passed through Luohu Port and finally returned to China.

At this time, Luohu was quite simple. If there were not soldiers standing guard with guns, one would even mistake it for ordinary rural houses.

Because Du Fei and Zhang Dabin drove here, they received extra 'care' at the port and were inspected particularly carefully.

Even when Du Fei took out his ID, the officer in charge looked at it again and again with vigilance.

But at this moment, a man walked out and called "Lao Du" with a smile, which dispelled his doubts.

This man is none other than Lin Tiansheng, who is dressed in military uniform!

Du Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lin Tiansheng to come in person. He laughed and said, "Old Lin, why are you coming all the way?"

Lin Tiansheng smiled and came over to shake hands with Du Fei: "You, the general, are deep into the enemy's nest, how can I, the deputy general, sit back?"

After saying that, he took Du Fei and walked inside.

At the same time, he signaled to the person next to him to greet Zhang Dabin.

Seeing that Du Fei didn't express anything, Zhang Dabin wisely went to a nearby room that was considered a lounge with the man.

Du Fei and Lin Tiansheng went straight to the back and got into a 212 jeep.

Lin Tiansheng drove, and Du Fei sat in the passenger seat.

The condition of this car is much better than that of Zhang Dabin's pickup truck, but it's not much different on the bumpy dirt road.

After getting in the car, Lin Tiansheng asked while driving: "How is the situation over in Xiangjiang?"

Du Fei shook his head: "Not optimistic!"

Lin Tiansheng frowned and said, "How do you say that?"

Du Fei sighed: "It's been too long..."

Just five words, but it contains too much helplessness and regret.

More than a hundred years are enough to change many things.

Moreover, many young people are now leaving the countryside to work in factories.

What would they think if they were forced to change the status quo?

Lin Tiansheng also nodded. He and Du Fei's visit this time was not a one-time deal.

If you really don't care, you will get what you want in the end.

When a series of subsequent problems are exposed, they will have very negative negative impacts.

Rather than doing that, it would be better not to do it at all.

Lin Tiansheng said: "Then what do you think?"

Du Fei said: "Old Lin, I think we should be more patient. With the current situation in Xiangjiang, there is definitely no solution to the labor dispute, and conflicts will break out sooner or later. I still have the original idea of ​​seeking the best, and the middle is certainly not the best. Good can only be regarded as unsatisfactory. Therefore, to make people feel satisfied with 'medium', we must lower their psychological expectations."

Lin Tiansheng nodded, but in this way, he and Du Fei might have to withstand a lot of pressure.

Du Fei also understood and suddenly felt lucky to have Lin Tiansheng as his partner.

If it were just him, even with Dad Zhu's endorsement, he might not be able to withstand it.

Du Feizhuan asked again: "By the way, Lao Lin, tell Xiaoting, the weapons here are ready, how many are there in total? The key to success or failure this time is whether we can arm the comrades in the south."

Mentioning this, Lin Tiansheng looked confident: "We can't lack anything but equipment, otherwise I will do nothing! We have everything except atomic bombs."

Du Fei couldn't help but be startled, this tone was quite serious.

Lin Tiansheng explained with a smile: "You don't know that when Hainan was liberated, this was the rear area and there were strategic reserves."

Du Fei suddenly realized, no wonder Lin Tiansheng came here from Guangzhou city.

But it’s been almost twenty years. Can the strategic reserves from that year still be retained today?

Du Fei asked the question in his heart.

Lin Tiansheng smiled meaningfully and did not explain.

Du Fei knew that some situations were difficult to disclose.

It is estimated that this so-called strategic reserve should be all things left by the Japanese people back then.

When Shinobu fought from the Northeast to Hainan, he seized a considerable amount of American equipment. The Japanese equipment he replaced was reluctant to throw away, so he sealed it up for future use.

The car drove forward for another dozen kilometers.

It was already dark by this time.

The Jeep's headlights cut two streaks of light into the darkness.

The road conditions were not good and it was dark, so Lin Tiansheng had to slow down.

Fortunately, only half an hour after dark, the two of them arrived at a military camp of some size.

Lin Tiansheng was already ready.

When I arrived at the military camp, someone directly picked me up.

The man was in his forties, with a broad face, and he looked like he was from the north.

He burst out laughing when he saw Lin Tiansheng, looking very familiar with him.

After introducing each other, Du Fei learned that this man's name was Zhang Feng, who had worked as a guard for Lin Tiansheng's father.

After entering the military camp, I was not in a hurry to see the arsenal and took a bite to eat first.

Neither Du Fei nor Lin Tiansheng had dinner.

In the large canteen of the military camp, there was no delicacy. The only hard dish was half a steamed cured fish.

Because the military camp is not far from the Pearl River, the soldiers are usually hungry for meat, mainly eating fish.

However, the earthy fishy smell of river fish is too strong, and it lacks oil at this time. When eating fish, it is either boiled or steamed, so it is difficult to remove the fishy smell.

I simply made it into cured fish, dried it, and steamed it, which gave it a unique flavor.

The meal was eaten very quickly, and it only took twenty minutes to get out of the three-person dining hall.

Then Zhang Feng took Du Fei and Lin Tiansheng to the huge warehouse behind the military camp.

This warehouse looks very old at first glance, and grass has grown on the top.

The door, which was made of wood and covered with cast iron parts, was covered in mottled rust and had not been opened for an unknown period of time.

The few soldiers who came with him used a lot of force to slide the door open to both sides.

With a few "pop bang" sounds, huge searchlights lit up inside the warehouse.

It suddenly illuminated the huge warehouse nearly ten meters high as if it were daytime.

This was originally supposed to be a factory building, but was later converted into a warehouse. There were four trips in total.

Standing at the gate, you can see all the way to your head. The interior is huge and empty, with a depth of more than fifty meters.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a huge thing covered with canvas lying across the door.

Judging from the outline, it should be a tank, but the Japanese tank cannot even be called a tank.

They are all "thin-skinned and big-stuffed" products. They are incomparable with the tanks of Sugo and Desan. They just bully China, which did not have heavy equipment at the beginning.

On both sides, there are rows of neatly stacked green wooden boxes. Judging from their length and shape, they should be rifles.

Behind the tank are cannons, heavy machine guns, etc., all covered with canvas, so the models cannot be seen clearly.

Considering the influence of the country, these heavy equipment must not be moved.

In principle, the only things that can be taken out are rifles, bullets, and grenades.

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