I don’t know since when, Lilith started to like to occupy Mi Jian’s position. The same goes for class, after class, evening self-study, and even during breaks.

What makes Zhang Xuan depressed is that Mi Mi met with a smile and was very cooperative with her.

Lilith didn't go out of her way to talk to him or make trouble with him. She just stayed with him quietly to read books, listen to classes, and do homework.

Occasionally we would chat, but most of the topics were limited to the past three years of high school, every detail of life, and those illusory dreams of youth.

This time at three in the evening, Lilith wrote a note to Zhang Xuan: I am leaving tomorrow. Can you accompany me alone for a late-night snack tonight?

Zhang Xuan wanted to say that he was too timid to climb the wall for fear of being caught.

But when I thought about having meat to eat, and when I saw Lilith's extremely eager eyes, I still couldn't bear to refuse, so I gave in and wrote: OK.

One is 176cm tall and the other is 173.5cm tall. It shouldn’t be too easy for the two of them to climb the wall.

Perhaps she was about to leave the land of the school, and she was a little reluctant to leave. Standing on the wall, Lilith looked back at the teaching building and Class 325 on the third floor for a long time.

Later, it wasn't until a teacher inside shouted, "Who's climbing the wall? Get down!" that Lilith jumped out and went straight to the "Lao Liu Hotel" that she was most familiar with on weekdays.

Laoliu Restaurant is quite big, with 10 tables.

But there were not many customers tonight. There were only two young people drinking soda and eating snails.

Lilith was very generous tonight and ordered five hard dishes of sizzling beef, braised fish, stir-fried kidney, home-style tofu and dry-pot duck.

Finally, I added cucumber preserved egg soup.

She looked like she had no shortage of money, which made the two young men and the store owner next to her secretly dumbfounded. They thought that even if they robbed a bank, they wouldn't dare to spend it like this.

Zhang Xuan was also frightened and hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him, "Don't order so much. We can't finish it. Any more is a waste. Two dishes are enough."

Lilith refused, "You have been frugal for the past three years, which makes me feel bad. My wish now is to be luxurious with you.

Also, I am going abroad. I don’t know when I will be able to have dinner with you in the future. Will I still have the opportunity to have supper with you without any restrictions?

Just six dishes, which means six or six good fortunes. I wish both of us a smooth future. "

Hearing this, Zhang Xuan retracted his hand angrily, then patted his belly and said, "Okay, I will try to eat more later and fill my belly up without leaving any gaps, so that you can spend less money. "

After ordering the dishes, Lilith asked him expectantly: "We won't drink soda tonight. How about drinking beer?"

Seeing her eagerness to try, and thinking of her flight tomorrow afternoon, Zhang Xuan did not disappoint: "Whether it's soda or beer, today I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman. I will risk my life."

"I just like you like this, so happy!" Lilith raised her hand and called for 8 bottles of beer.

Zhang Xuan looked at her in surprise, "It's so much, can we finish it?"

Lilith replied firmly: "There are four bottles per person. If you can't finish it, you have to finish it. If you vomit, you have to drink it. The worst thing is to drink it slowly."

Zhang Xuan said: "It's okay to drink slowly, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to climb the wall and get in when you're drunk."

Lilith stared at him and said: "Then we won't go back to school. Then we will go to the hotel next door to get a room. How about you sleep with me tonight?"

Zhang Xuan's eyelids trembled and he reminded: "You are an international student. You must always pay attention to your words and deeds. Don't embarrass us Chinese people outside."

Lilith lifted her hair and answered the question: "Do you know why my family wants me to learn fighting?"

Zhang Xuan blurted out: "You are a girl, for self-defense."

Lilith nodded, then shook her head: "Half right, guess again."

Zhang Xuan thought for a while and said, "Because your father once stayed in the army?"

Lilith tapped the table with her chopsticks: "Guess again."

Zhang Xuan's eyes followed the movement of her chopsticks, and he suddenly felt blessed, "Your parents have long wanted you to study abroad, so they asked you to learn martial arts to defend yourself abroad."

"Everything is correct this time." Lilith opened two bottles of beer with a smile on her face, took one for herself, and handed one to Zhang Xuan: "Come, to celebrate that you got the answer right, let's just sit down."

With that said, Lilith ignored her and took the lead in raising her neck to blow the bottle. She moved her mouth and throat in a very rhythmic manner, and the bottle of wine was quickly consumed.

After blowing through the bottle in one breath, Lilith still shouted: "Comfortable!"

Zhang Xuan was dumbfounded, "Looking at you, you must be a drunk. Do you often drink at home?"

Lilith drank, her face full of energy, "My mother loves to drink and drinks a lot. My father couldn't spend more time with me due to work reasons, so my mother raised me up. In the name of it, I told my father , this is to train my drinking ability, so I won’t suffer from it when I go abroad in the future.”

Zhang Xuan was stunned when he heard this: "I admire you! Your mother is also a god."

When the dishes arrived, Zhang Xuan saw that the table was full of dishes that he liked. He didn’t know how to take off his chopsticks for a moment. What a happy worry.

Finally, I chose my favorite dry pot duck and took my first bite.

Seeing Zhang Xuan eating dry-pot duck, Lilith also followed suit. After a few bites, I felt it was too spicy, so I drank some wine.

She wasn't happy to drink it by herself, so she dragged Zhang Xuan to drink with her. In this way, she drank more than one bottle while eating vegetables.

In the middle of the meal, Lilith looked up and asked him: "I have had a crush on you for three years, do you feel it?"

Facing the woman with burning eyes, Zhang Xuan was silent, and after a long time he said in a hoarse voice: "I'm not stupid, so I can naturally feel something, but I myself find it incomprehensible and even confused.

You also know the reason. My family background is not ordinary and it is very difficult. The clothes are also shabby. Because of my mother, appearance may be my biggest advantage, but there are not many boys around me who are similar to me. I am not particularly outstanding. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "With your family conditions, how can I be virtuous and capable?"

Lilith rolled her eyes at Zhang Xuan, and then looked at him aggressively: "Yes, I like you, but you can't understand. What about Du Shuangling? Her external conditions are so good, and she likes you, then you Do you understand?"

I have a headache and a broken liver! I knew the woman opposite would ask this question, I knew she wouldn't let it go!

But Zhang Xuan didn't want to give her hope, so he said tactfully: "You are different from her."

Lilith pretended not to understand, seemed not to let it go, and asked further:

"What's the difference between me and her? Do you think I'm not as good-looking as her, don't have as good a temperament as her, don't have as nice a voice as her, or do you think I don't have a good figure or have small breasts?"

As if to prove herself, Lilith suddenly pulled down the zipper, opened her coat back, gave him a flirtatious look, and said with a shy look: "Actually, I'm not small here, it's just that I'm too tall. , it doesn’t seem so…”

Speaking of this, she made a big circle with her hands, "It doesn't look so prominent, not so round, not..."

At this moment, Lilith suddenly realized that the two young men at the table next to her were looking at her, their eyes wide open, looking straight at her heart, their mouths open and almost drooling. He looks like a pig.

Lilith frowned, gathered up her coat and cursed: "You two bastards, what are you looking at? Have you never seen a woman? If you haven't seen it, go back and see your mother!"

ps: Let me announce that this book will not be recommended in the future. I hope everyone will support me and help this book go further. Thank you all.

Of course, it would be nice to have an ally...

In fact, I really couldn’t tell the quality of the book I wrote in March, so I kept covering my head while writing. Just when I recommended the position for PK, the existence of the bottom one still gave me a blow. I have been in self-doubt for the past two days and I haven’t recovered yet...

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