Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 673: : Zhimoyu

Nan Tian and Mao Piaofeng rushed to the dungeon.

Silently stunned, the vital part of the whole person, above the shoulder blades, were all penetrated by thick-large special iron chains.

The silent part of Dantian was also inserted into it by an iron needle.

This iron needle has the anesthetic made by the Mao family. Once this anesthetic is injected into the body, it can close the nervous system of the warrior Dantian and the anesthesia-bibi warrior.

At this moment, even if you wake up silently, you can't do anything.

Even if his "swallowing the demon" skill, no matter how powerful the practice is, there is no way.

"wake him up!"

Nan Tian ordered.

Mao Zhipu nodded and immediately ordered the servant to come over a pot of ointment.

Mao Zhipu dug a handful of ointment with his fingers, and kneaded it carefully in the palm of his hand, rubbing it.

Then, Mao Zhipu took out a bottle of brown-black elixir powder from his waist, poured out the right amount, and put it on the ointment on his palm.

Finally, Mao Zhipu spit out a blue spit and mixed it on the ointment.



Mao Zhipu used the ointment on his palm to pat on the second vein of the silent person.

After about a column of incense, the ointment was fully absorbed.

Silently slowly opened his eyes: "Where is this?"

"Ah! Pain! Pain!"

"It hurts! Ah ..."

Silently is not a hard bone, penetrating the body's iron chain, so he quickly howled.

"To shut up!"

Mao Zhipu slapped on the silent face.

Silently, he felt a pain on his face.

Mao Zhipu is already the peak poison master, and his body has been deeply poisoned.

Every move, every palm and one leg, you can sway poison indiscriminately.

Mao Zhipu didn't have any soft hands for those who killed his grandchildren in the Blackburn Valley.

Nan Tian looked at Mo Ting coldly, knowing that this kind of thing is easier to deal with.


"What is your relationship with Mao Zhihua?"

Nan Tian asked.

At the same time, Nantian exerted his mental strength to exert coercion.

Silently digging into Heishasha Valley is an outside deacon.

The willpower is not firm at all, and it is a coincidence that it is possible to build the ancient martial arts, and it also drags the shadow of the "big tree" in Heifensha Valley.


The soul seemed to be hit hard, silently trembling, his eyes blurred, and he was free to be deterred by Nantian!

"My name is silent, the deacon at the outer gate of Heishasha Valley, specially ordered by the elders of the inner gate, to come into contact with the family of Mao's family. And I started to annex the family of Mao's family."

"The elders of Mao's family, Mao Zhihua, have secretly been in contact with them for ten years. During this period, Mao Zhihua sent us many poison classics, as well as special finished poisons and a series of special products. "

"We Heixiansha Valley also slipped to Mao Zhi, provided many cultivation resources, and tempted him to seduce me to cultivate my sect, the weird method prepared in advance."

"As long as two or three years later, Mao Zhihua will unwittingly become my **** in Blackburn Valley."

Silently put things together in a fifteen and ten.

However, half of the time, suddenly, his face changed suddenly and his expression shook.

"Damn! You even used my soul-like secrets on me!"

Silently awakened, shouting loudly.

"The magic power of swallowing the heavens in your body works strangely on its own. It seems that you have a lot of chances."

Nantian used the "yin and yang god's eyes" to take a closer look at the magical energy in his body, and the magical power naturally operated. With special means, he resisted the attack of Nantian's spiritual power.

This is a manifestation of body protection.

To attain such a state, at least "Great Success" is required.

"Swallowing the Heavens and Magic Skills", inside the Demon Sect, the secret techniques spread, although widely spread, are very difficult to practice.

Nan Ke did not believe that tacitly pursuing such a thing would cultivate the practice to a "great success."

Then there is only one possibility left.

"He acts as a treasure in my body! Depends on the increase of the treasure or the treasure can make the magic progress naturally!’ ’

Nantian guessed.

"Yin and Yang God eyes, chaotic void, all open!"

"Yin and Yang gossip, ghosts and ghosts, all kinds of illusions, open! Break me!"

Among the eyes of the Southern Sky, there are white gold and black gold hovering together-blending into two, penetrating through the silent body.

For a time, the silent body no longer had nothing to hide, a dull, pure black jade piece stuck in the silent chest-cavity.

With this black jade pendant, the power of swallowing the heavens was forcibly operated, and the silent training practiced for a thousand miles. Basically, without much effort, the Sixth Grade Realm was achieved, and the main occupation became: Ancient Warrior!

"This jade pendant, is it ......... the legendary jade pendant that became the **** demon after sitting down."

"It is said that this jade Perry has the true meaning of being a demon god. And, because the jade pea was transformed by the great demon god, the great demon **** acted against the sky during his lifetime, and violated many celestial machines. There are injuries to heaven and violation of human relations.

"The devil jade transformed by the **** of the heavens is also divided into two. Isn't it ... this devil jade is one of them. It is a piece of the devil jade in legend!"

Nan Tian couldn't calm down for a long time.

The era in which the Great Devil is located is a fascinating era-the age of Shenwu.

In the age of Shenwu, there were many gods, and the ancient heaven was established in that era.

Nan Tian was so excited that he did not expect to find Zhimoyu on this silent body.

"It's so treasured, it's here. It's really incredible, Zhimoyu, it's so buried!"

Nan Tian sighed and felt sorry for her.

"Come out for me!"

Nan Tian stretched out a hand, and Jin Jinqi suddenly penetrated the silent chest, and dug out the magic jade stuck in the silent chest.

The tentacles were cold, and the magic jade in Nantian's hand radiated a black glow.

In an instant, Nantian felt like he was being charged. This magic jade is really not simple.

The Buddha relics in Nantian's body were all shaking.

Zhimoyu wanted to release the magic power, bursting out-surging power, wanting to break free from the hands of Nantian.

Above the relic of the Buddha, there are old monks in linen sitting in a seat, vomiting various Buddhist sounds.

The sound of the Buddha was rolling, Sanskrit was surging, and a Buddha's light appeared, suppressing Zhimoyu in one fell swoop.

Since then, Moyu ~ ~ has stabilized.

Nantian knew that Zhimoyu was the **** of heavens and demons. After sitting down, it was mysterious and mysterious.

Zhimoyu must have many things that have not yet been discovered.

Nantian temporarily had no time to explore, opened the realm of life, and threw the magic jade into it.

Perhaps, in the future, Moyu will be given to Yu Bai, a loyal younger brother like Xiao Feng, which is quite good.

Nantian thought so.


The chest was penetrated, until the magic jade was dug out.

Silently painful, with a terrible complexion, he kept howling.

Fortunately, he is a master of the Sixth Grade Imperial Realm, full of vitality and vitality, and he will not die for a while.

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