Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 690: : Dry Mountain Protagonist

"I know that the high-level Ziyuanwei above the Yellow Seal has a responsibility to go to the main battlefield of Kushan's main star! I am in the sky, please take the initiative, I want to support the main star of the dry mountain!"

Nan Tian said loudly in front of everyone.

In the Eighteenth Guard House, there are more than 800 Ziyuan Guardians above the Yellow Seal.

Now, there are more than three hundred sent to the main star of Dry Mountain.

Although the battle situation is urgent, the headquarters of the health center, as well as the other five main stars, also need to be guarded.

Therefore, the director has not forced the remaining Huang Yin Zi Yuan Wei, must go to the main battlefield of the main star of Dry Mountain.

The Huang Yin Zi Yuan guards are free to choose to join other battlefields.

After all, this time it was the dark dynasty who committed the crime, not just the battle on the main star of the dry mountain.

On other planets under the jurisdiction of the Eighteenth Guardian, there are also different levels of war-fighting, with hundreds of large and small planetary battlefields.

However, there is no doubt that the battlefield on the main star of Dry Mountain is the most dangerous.

At present, Ziyuan Weiyuanwei has fallen.

The director of the Eighteenth Guardian Office personally went to sit in town, in order to contend with the king of the dark dynasty.

Now, Nantian has the courage to ask for the initiative.

Those college colleagues at the same time admired Nantian somewhat.

They are all finally becoming Ziyuanwei, to be honest, they are a little afraid of going to the battlefield, and they want to occupy the glorious official position, and then enjoy the blessings.

Zhao Ming patted Nan Tian's shoulder, his appreciation spread over his face.

"Okay, okay!"

"It's a good man in my Ziyuanwei!"

"You guys who are watching you have listened to me! The glory and rights you have are not a corpse meal. My fame of Ziyuanwei is beaten with fists and blood by virtue of iron bones. ! It is our mission to defend our homeland and not let the soil down! "

"Now, the dark races in the dark dynasty are invading, and none of you want to stay away!"

Zhao Ming glanced coldly, and those timid Ziyuanwei scolded righteously.

"The main star of Dry Mountain is the main battlefield, and the fighting situation is tragic. I hope that not only Nantian took the initiative to invite, but also more guards can take the initiative. Although, the guards have not yet allowed Huang Yuan and the following Ziyuan Wei to join, but with the The advancement of the war situation is open to joining the battlefield. It is sure. By the time, I hope you all actively sign up. This is a good opportunity to make a contribution.

Zhao Ming encouraged.

Nantian was also greatly encouraged.

At the same time, Nantian felt some of his attributes and changed.

Nantian opened the property panel and took a closer look:

Host: Nantian

Status: First Marquis of the Galaxy Alliance, Huang Yin Zi Yuanwei, lieutenant general officer of the internal organization of the Galaxy Army

Wealth value: five hundred universe coins

Physical fitness: 50.9 (54.9)

Mental Strength: 56

Vitality: 50.9 (53.9)

Strength: 50.9 (53.9)

Agility: 50.9 (53.9)

Comprehensive combat power: 54.32 (54.32)

Main Class: Mecha Warrior / Seven Rank Mecha Warlord

The first vice occupation: Ancient Warrior / Qipin Wuhuang

Second Deputy Occupation: Accountant / Junior Accountant

Martial arts supernatural power: Seven stars infinite

Talent level: True Enlightenment

Lucky value: 3

Main task: Rescue Li Leyin, bring Li Leyin out of the Tianyin Pavilion or bring Li Leyin into the Tianyin Pavilion Master! (Complete reward: Super spree) (Failure penalty: directly obliterate the host!)

Branch task: no

"First Class Marquis, Huang Yin Zi Yuan Wei, Officer-in-Chief of the Galaxy Corps!"

Nantian was very happy, unconsciously, he was on the road of promotion-official-faith-fortune, and he went farther and farther!

The first-class marquis, and the duke one step further, in the ancient Wu era, can be called: "Guogong", able to guard a country.

The rank of lieutenant general created by the Galaxy Army is also considered to be a high-weight, qualified to command an elite army of millions.

"Kunshan star, the battle is urgent. I will immediately go to the health center to open a report for you. Take the task list and report it to the temporary station of Zishanwei, the star of Kushan.

Zhao Ming said, while pulling to the general affairs office of the health center.

The General Affairs Department of the Health Center has great rights. You can declare from the General Affairs Office, prove your identity, get the task list, and then go to the main star of Dry Mountain.

Zhao Ming explained to Nantian that now, in the main star of the Dry Mountain, a dark abyss is rewarded by beheading a dark race in the King Realm.

Slash a Dark Race below the Seventh Grade (not including the Seventh Grade Realm) and reward one hundred abyss points!

Slash a dark race above seven ranks (including seven ranks of imperial realm), reward 200 to 1000 abyss points.


The abyss point can be exchanged for cosmic coins, and can also be used to upgrade the official position!

In addition, Abyssal Point can be exchanged for anything else in Ziyuanwei's internal large treasure trove.

This internal treasure house connects the entire Ziyuanwei treasure house, not just the warehouse of the Eighteenth Guard House.

Of course, beheading a single dark race is just a way to gain abyss points on the battlefield of the main star of Dry Mountain.

There are other various military achievements, you can get abyss points, such as destroying the base of the dark race, destroying the warehouse treasures of the dark race, and so on.

Finally, there are some additional rewards.

That is a special reward for the brave warriors by the chiefs.

Of course, intuitively, the abyss point is the value of wealth.

1 abyss point = 100 universe coins!

1Cosmic coin = one trillion galaxy contribution points.

However, cosmic coins are somewhat different from abyss points, that is, abyss points can be exchanged for cosmic coins.

However, cosmic coins cannot be exchanged for abyss points.

There are some things in Cosmos that can't be bought.

However, using the abyss point, it can be exchanged from the inside of the Purple Abyss Treasure Vault.

In short, the abyss point is very important and very precious!

"Going to the main star of Dry Mountain, destined to be bumpy and dangerous. You can do it yourself!"

Zhao Ming took Nantian to go through the formalities and handed over a task list covered with the internal seal of the Eighteenth Guard House of Ziyuanwei to Nantian and solemnly advised.

"Well, I will pay attention to safety."

Nantian nodded.

Zhao Ming looked up to him like this. The time when Nantian entered Ziyuanwei was short, and he was promoted all the way to achieve the position of Huangyin Ziyuanwei.

Nan Tian is very grateful to Zhao Ming.

In this way, the main battlefield of the main star of Dry Mountain is also a way for Nantian to prove himself.

Make great contributions on the battlefield, to see who dares to say that he is not worthy of being the Huang Yin Zi Yuan Wei?

"Okay, that's all I said. The protagonist of the Dry Mountain, the battle is urgent, it is urgent. Don't delay the time, let's go!"

Zhao Ming groaned.


Nantian nodded and immediately left with a large stride, came to the airport, and launched the S-class spacecraft, the Taigu spacecraft.


The spacecraft boomed, the space split, and the Taigu was so powerful that it flew directly into a wormhole.

Goal: Dry Mountain Master!

The main star of Dry Mountain is more than 10,000 light-years away from the headquarters of the 18th Guardian Base.

Fortunately, the spacecraft Taigu is S-class, and its flight speed is very fast. In addition, the energy block is relatively sufficient, and it can be reached in at least half a month.

During the flight, Nan Tian looked at it, and outside, the strange space tunnels rose with infinite emotion.

This was absolutely unimaginable in the ancient Wu era.

After all, to rely on personal force alone to break the void, enter the wormhole, and enter the space tunnel, at least the cultivation of the Holy Land is required.

However, in the ancient Wu era, resources were scarce and confined to a planet. How many years would it take to become a master of the Holy Land?

"In this world, travel the galaxy, fight the skies, and live a happy life!"

Nantian set a small goal.

Because, in flight, it takes about half a month.

Nan Tian was idle and bored for a time. Mecha repairs and ancient military repairs temporarily failed to make a breakthrough.

Nantian simply, walking in the spacecraft Taigu, or taking a rest in the cabin ~ ~ Nantian took a big-leg shot, remembering that he was in the mine in Zhenbeihou , Got a lot of Mithril.

That's a good thing!

Mithril has a variety of uses.

Building and upgrading spaceship warships is one of them.

Even if it is an S-class spaceship battleship, it is impossible because of cost considerations, all made of Mithril.

At the beginning, on the Mengzhou Star, Tang Qingcheng was taken away by the masters of the Tang family, and the SSS-class battleship, the Tangren, was riding!

The Taigu is already advanced enough, but compared with the Tang Dynasty, it is a little witch.

"If you use Mithril to renew and remodel my Taigu, is it possible to upgrade? Mithril, I have it, but there is a lack of mechanical talent! Only excellent mechanical talents can change The Taigu spacecraft is perfectly upgraded! "

Nan Tian thought.

Nantian has begun to focus on his Taigu, even if it is one-time, it cannot be upgraded to the Tang Dynasty, such an SSS level!

At the very least, use Mithril to upgrade your own spaceship to SS level, which is not bad!

At that time, it was really called: light years in a second!

At that time, the spacecraft Taigu, once fully combated, could destroy a medium-sized planet and wipe out hundreds of millions of soldiers.


On the main star of the dry mountain, the dark race occupied the area, and the guard was the most heavily guarded, near a dead swamp covered with masters.

Above the swamp, a dark castle was built.

Inside the dark castle, a graceful face, a noble breath naturally revealed, the majesty of the tall man in the expression, the man in the red cloak, sitting on the top seat above.

Under the man ~ ~ There are two rows of powerful and powerful men standing.

These people are all strong in the dark race.

There are werewolves, vampires, poisonous scorpions, etc.

In the dark dynasty, they are considered to be one of the great powerhouses, but in the face of the men above the first, they are all dare not to breathe.

"Let's meet the County King!"

"King King, Immortal Blessing and Everlasting Life, Longevity and Heaven!"

The dark powers knelt in unison.

The man raised his hand slightly: "Get up!"

"This time, I'm not far away from tens of thousands of light years, coming from afar, just to promote my position as a dark race and to deter the human races of the galaxy!"

While the man was talking, there was a blood of horror in his eyes.

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