Rebirth of the Mech Martial God

Chapter 693: : Little Discipline

Jinfan shouted: "Stop it! It's not yet determined. His identity, you shoot and strike indiscriminately.

The original slap, hit Jinfan's face: "Go!"

"Laozi is the captain, Laozi is the biggest! All the team members listen to orders and shoot me!"

After all, Yuan Mo is at the rank of official university, killing people.


The gun fired four times, and fired quickly.

The members of the ninth squad all used military-use high-grade large-caliber machine guns.

The destructive power of this machine gun is amazing. Even ordinary C-type mechas can be easily broken through like a sieve.

Da Mo's heart is set.

Together with more than a dozen players, he shot unexpectedly. Even a nine-ranked mech warrior is very close, it is estimated that he will be seriously injured and even killed on the spot.

Inside the bed, a lot of smoky bubbles are constantly coming out.

This bubble is specifically used to wake people up.

There is a lot of foam, covering half of the area of ​​the protection cabin.

The figure of the youth was also covered up.

Only, the Martian child, with the bullet, burst into the fire.

Yuan Mo and Yuan Yuan said, as long as the bubble dissipated and the line of sight became clear, there would be an extra corpse on the ground.

Who is this young man? Naturally, it is south.

On that day, the Taigu spacecraft crashed and finally luckily rushed out of the wormhole space. However, the Taigu spacecraft did not follow the set flight path and went directly to the temporary headquarters of Ziyuanwei, the main star of the dry mountain.

After rushing out of the wormhole space, the Taigu spacecraft can be said to have thousands of holes and serious damage.

After entering the atmosphere of the main star of Dry Mountain, after another round of wear and tear, most of the mechanical equipment in the Taigu spacecraft was broken.

Later, by accident, it fell into a **** dump in Lawson's ruins and became a spaceship wreck.

So, there is a later thing.

Nan Tian couldn't figure it out. These people were wearing all the clothes of the sergeant in the Galaxy Army. How did they launch a intensive attack on themselves.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't figure it out.

These bullet attacks may be very violent for ordinary people.

However, nowadays, Gu Wu and Jijia Xiu both broke into the Qipin Imperial Realm.

Based on ancient Wuxiu alone, Nantian is already a Seventh-ranking Emperor Wu, flesh-body-strong, ordinary bullets, how can he cause damage to Nantian?


The body protector is really angry!

The bullet hit the body like raindrops on it.

Nan Tian carelessly caressed his clothes.

After the bubble disappears.

Nantian appeared intact and appeared in the sight of Yuan Mo and others.

Yuan Mo was shocked.


"Ghost, run!"

Yuan Mo and Yuan Yuan panicked and ran away.

Nan Tian stepped out and stopped easily at the door.

"Crouch down!"

Nantiankou threw thunder and thundered.

Furious, shocked, the ninth team, all members of the team, except Jinfan, all squatted on the ground.

"Tell me, who are you? Where are you from?"

"Also, why did you attack me? I am a human race!"

Nantian's eyes were scorching and said with majesty.

Yuan Mo and Yuan Yuan were frightened and frightened, and cold sweat permeated.

"Master, we are from the ninth squad of the Iron Mountain Spurs, the main star of the dry mountain."

"Adult, just now, it's us. I don't know what's inside. We thought that you are a dark race ..."

Yuan Mo, Yuan Yuan and others said nothing.

"Kushan main star? After all, I came to Kushan main star!"

Nan Tian sighed.

Immediately, a cold light burst into Nantian's eyes.

"I'm a human race. Can't you see the sergeants inside the Galactic Army? Especially you, all mecha combatants, have no eyesight, how to be a captain?"

Nan Tian snorted.

Distinguish between the human race and the dark race is a compulsory course for Sergeant Galactic.

In particular, if you are an officer above the rank of captain, you will not be able to distinguish it unless you are facing a high-level dark race strongman. In general, ordinary dark races and human races can be distinguished.

Nantian is not stupid, these people, obviously, are holding a chaotic attitude.

Nan Tian grabbed the original and grabbed a few slaps.

"This is a punishment for you!"

"Since you are the captain, killing people indiscriminately, but taboo!"

Nan Tian scolded.

Where dare dare to resist, in Nan Tian's hand, da da is like a chick, and has no resistance at all.

"And you guys! You also need to be punished!"

Nan Tian's eyes were sharp, his big hand waved, and the light and shadow flashed.

The palm of the real qi turned into those people's farts-stocks, and beat hard a few times.

Yuan Yuan was even beaten -1 panting.

If Nantian was not watching, they were the members of the Galaxy Sergeant, and Nantian killed them all.

This time, it was only a slight punishment.

After solving these little things, Nantian walked to Jinfan.

Jin Fan was shocked.

Jinfan knows that someone who can ride an S-class spaceship must be a big man.

"grown ups!"

Jinfan bowed.

Nan Tian pulled Jinfan up.

"Get up. You're special. Just now, everyone shot at me, but you didn't. I see all this. You are very good, and the future is promising."

Nantian is slowly authentic.

Jinfan arched his hand: "Thank you, your appreciation."

"No need!"

Nan Tian waved his hand.

"I'm not very familiar with the main star of Dry Mountain, you and take me to familiarize yourself here. It happened that my spaceship also crashed and lost a favorable means of transportation."

Nan Tian looked at it, the Taigu spacecraft, which had been turned into wreckage, had a slightly indescribable heartache in his heart.

The spacecraft Taigu followed Nantian for a long time.

He also helped Nantian and handled many critical matters.

If so, without the Taigu spacecraft, Nantian could not take this step.

Traveling in Xinghai, a good spaceship is really important.

Unexpectedly, the S-class Taigu spacecraft has now crashed here.


Nan Tian waved his hand.

The old ones don't go ~ ~ the new ones don't come.

Nantian prepares to put the wreckage of Taigu into the realm of life, and keep it until later, there is a chance to let Taigu carry out a complete upgrade and transformation.

"Your place, where there is a more advanced aircraft, you immediately take me to the Ziyuan Guard Station!"

Nan Tian asked Jin Fan.

Jin Fan's brow furrowed, and he was a bit sad.

"Ziyuanwei Garrison Department? The place where the Ziyuanwei men are stationed, it is not an ordinary person, you can enter. I am a small deputy captain, there is no way to take the adults. That place, maybe only the leader of the legion Go. "

Jin Fan said.

"Never mind, do you have a higher-level, faster aircraft? I can do it in the past. The aircraft, preferably, is above A-level."

Nan Tian then asked.

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