Rebirth Of The Noble Mage Behind The Scenes

Chapter 171 Abnormal situation and successful test flight

On the once cursed overseas island, the teleportation array located in the core room of the underground base suddenly lit up, and Anvis in black robe walked out of the teleportation array.

"Your Excellency the Supervisor!"

Noticing that the teleportation circle suddenly started to work, the base manager and the captain of the guard had brought two eighth-level Eternal Gold Golems and were waiting outside the door of the teleportation room.

When they saw the figure of Anvis walking out, the two glanced at the ripples on the monitoring instrument, and after confirming their identities, they quickly bowed and saluted, and lifted their alert status.

"Well, now take me to the thirteenth district, and report on the completion progress of various projects since I came here last time, as well as all the daily situation and personnel changes in the base. If there are special circumstances, report to me immediately."

Slightly nodding his head, Anvis gave the order vigorously, and at the same time stepped onto the floating disk in front of him, preparing to inspect the reconstruction area of ​​the floating city.

"Yes, supervisor. Since your last inspection, there has been no special situation in the base daily. Except for some guards who have been replaced by second-generation constructed soldiers, there have been no changes in personnel positions."

On the way to the reconstruction area of ​​the floating city, the resident manager of the base has been reporting the situation to Anvis.

"For the [Sky Throne] project located in the thirteenth district, the main structure has been constructed, and the construction of the extended structure is 81% complete.

The [Perfect Blood] project in charge of His Excellency O’Gorman has now made a key breakthrough. The third generation of demonized soldiers is already undergoing trial production, and it is expected that their strength may break through to the seventh level.

We are not too clear about the specific details. You can ask His Excellency Ogman in person later. He has locked himself in his laboratory for nearly a year and refused to come out. It seems that he still hopes to see His Excellency Anweisi ..."

When talking about O'Gorman, the base manager shrugged, as if he couldn't understand his actions.

"Really? After returning to the mainland, I will report this matter to Your Excellency Anvis."

Anweisi nodded indifferently. High-level spellcasters are basically like this. When research addiction comes up, they often forget to sleep and eat for a magic experiment, which also makes them always have "weird behavior" in the eyes of outsiders Label.

However, when the floating disc was driving in the passage of the base, Anweis suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if some malicious eyes were always projecting on him.

But when he turned his head to search for the source of his gaze, all he could see was a second-generation demonized soldier guarding the resource warehouse.

It possesses the strength of a sixth-level elementary school. The main body is made of metal densely covered with mysterious inscriptions, but the joints and torso are covered by special demonized flesh and blood.

Seeing that the demonized soldier was about to leave his sight, Anweis suddenly controlled the floating disc to stop, and then strode towards it.

The two people beside him didn't know what happened for a while, so they could only quickly follow behind him.


After looking around at the constructed soldier, Anvis finally stood in front of it and tapped the demonized muscle on its chest.

Due to his supervisor authority, the demonized soldier did not respond the whole time.

"Some kind of peeping magic effect?"

Seemingly not aware of any abnormalities, Anweis shook his head, stepped on the floating disc and left.

After the figures of the three disappeared, the demonized soldier still maintained his original posture, guarding the resource warehouse behind him.

For a long time, an invisible [Eye of Surveillance] that Anvis kept secretly in mid-air slowly dissipated, completely no longer watching.

But after the monitoring eye completely disappeared, the demonized soldier suddenly moved, his body turned to the direction where the monitoring eye disappeared, and the flesh and blood on his chest silently began to squirm to the sides.

Below it, a strange black-red one-eyed with strong malice opened suddenly, looking at the direction where the three of Anvis left, staring silently and for a long time.

After a while, the eye slowly closed, and the constructed soldier returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.


On the other side, although Anweis couldn't detect anything abnormal, he had already raised his vigilance in his heart.

Not to mention whether he will have delusions as an eighth-level man now, even if he takes ten thousand steps back, assuming that this island can really make him have delusions, it also shows that there is a big problem here.

However, since he couldn't find the problem for the time being, Anvis could only put the matter on hold for a while, and deal with it after the Floating Void City's test flight, or when the other party couldn't help jumping out.

The thirteenth district is located on the northwest side of the island. It was originally an area at the junction of mountains and ancient forests. After the previous volcanic eruption, it has been completely covered by solidified black lava. It is currently selected by Anvis as the construction of the Sky City site.

Although there is no eternal core, the rest of the structure of the Sky City has actually been secretly constructed since Anvis brought the core heritage of the Sky City to the meeting.

Until now, after the pseudo-eternal core was completed, it added the last key piece of the puzzle, completely restoring the ability to return to the sky.

"Welcome, Your Majesty the Controller! The Eternal Core has been rebuilt, the Lightless Moon system has been successfully installed, and the defense golem group is 43% complete...

[Colossus of Themis] is missing, part of [Purification Spire] is missing, part of [Magic Circle] is missing... Bomia's self-inspection is complete, please give me the next step instructions. "

When Anvis entered the core control room, Bomiya's inorganic voice sounded immediately.

"take off!"

After listening to the results of the self-inspection, Anweis held the dark golden control scepter and gave the order directly.

Following Anvis' thoughts, the entire floating city shook slightly. Then, under the amazed and admiring gazes of onlookers in the distance, this majestic giant suddenly floated slowly towards the blue sky in a posture that defied gravity.

The main body of the floating city directly adopts part of the mountain structure of this island. The bright black volcanic obsidian and the silver-white enchanted metal are intertwined, making the whole floating city sparkle under the sunlight.

Due to reasons such as time and materials, the structure of the floating city imitated by Anvis is far inferior to the original version. The overall diameter of the city is less than one-tenth of the size of the original version, and the building materials and the material of the magic energy circuit engraved on the surface are also inferior to the original version of the city in the sky.

But this is not without benefits, because the final weapon [Lightless Moon] system of the original Floating Void City has been re-played, and some of the original Floating Void City's defensive golems are intact.

Under the premise of sufficient mana supply, the combat effectiveness of the new Floating Void City is not much lower than that of the original version.

Moreover, due to the reduced size and the complete abandonment of the living area, the new version of the floating city is more flexible than the original version, and the magic power of the protection system has also become more concentrated, which makes the defense of the floating city's shield even slightly stronger than the original version.

Overall, this wave of reconstruction and restoration by Anvis is equivalent to converting the original floating city from an aircraft carrier to a battleship.

This is the best choice made by Anvis after calculating all the resources under his control.

For him, a floating city that is too big is meaningless. He only needs its combat capability, not its ability to carry a large population for a long time.

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