Chen Feng didn't understand why he had to give the task to himself, and he didn't send him any so-called support. There must be something wrong with it. However, he didn't expect that meeting Ding Yu this time would make the relationship between them so bad. When he thought of this, Chen Feng wanted to scold his mother.

Previously, he was too impulsive, and he thought that Ding Yu was too simple. He always felt that Ding Yu had something to do with China. Even if he was not a member of the system, he should be quite close. But what was the result? It's too far from what you think.

What should I do now? First and foremost? It's better to find a place to live! This is the most important thing.

Of course, people from the British side also know the news. They also feel that Chen Feng has been expelled. However, it seems reasonable to think about it carefully. If other people enter their own homes and don't shoot him, they will be in a good temper.

But for the whole thing, it is a little bit bad. Chen Feng came here to connect Ding Yu. But now? The relationship between them is a little bit worse before they are connected. This is not what the British people want to see.

Ding Yu of course knows why Chen Feng came to find himself. It must be that the British side has used some means, which is almost the same as that used to do with Lisa sun. Ding Yu still has this feeling. He is not an idiot. If you can't see such things clearly, you'd better die early and take care of yourself!

Chen Feng immediately made a phone call to Ding Yu, but Ding Yu didn't have to answer at all. Even at the first stage, he didn't pay attention to Chen Feng's meaning at all. All of a sudden, Chen Feng felt a bit numb. This time, if he relied on himself, he would not succeed.

If Ding Yu stood up and introduced some relationships to himself, there would be some possibilities. But from the relationship between each other, would Ding Yu do so? When he thought of this, Chen Feng also showed his teeth. Previously, he was too reckless.

If we didn't break into Ding Yu's house, but went to visit it, then I'm afraid this is another thing. However, when thinking about this, Chen Feng also remembered another thing. At the beginning, the situation forced Ding Yu to have no too many opinions and ideas about the matter. Now, can I have a try?

But I'm afraid it's better not to try it until the end. Why? Because of Ding Yu's attitude towards himself? There are really so some hard to say, at least now I have so many unclear.

Although the captain said he could trust Ding Yu at the beginning, it was because of their relationship with each other. But was it his turn? This is another thing. There seems to be no friendship between Ding Yu and himself.

Chen Feng didn't mean to hide it. There were some mistakes. He didn't expect Ding Yu to have such an attitude. Chen Feng reported this matter to the top? The reason is also very simple, just want to find out what kind of identity and positioning Ding Yu is.

If Ding Yu is a member of his own side, he hopes that some pressure will be exerted on him. However, he does not deny that there are some problems in his own practice. Things are more important. He hopes to put down the prejudices in each other's minds. This is Chen Feng's idea.

However, when he knew this, Ding Yu was not a member of the system at all. He had planned to do this, but it was destroyed. What's more, what's the situation now? It is almost impossible to pull Ding Yu in.

It's OK to ask Ding Yu to help, but you need to be polite to Ding Yu. After all, Ding Yu's current identity and position are not quite the same. So after Chen fengnao came out, there were some domestic people scratching their heads. How should we deal with this time? It's really tricky! Some things can't be explained to Chen Feng.

When the British side learned about the situation, they were also a little bit angry. We should know that everything in the previous layout was perfect, but there was no intention that Ding Yu wanted to set it up.

This is really depressing. This is not what the British side expected. They have made preparations for this aspect. If Ding Yu has any action in this respect, even if he has the intention, then the British side will do it, and there will be no hesitation.

But now? Ding Yu didn't mean this at all. At this time, the British side also had some doubts. Could Ding Yu hear the news from some aspects? It's not that there is no possibility of this.

To know that Ding Yu and Charlie's relationship is still very good, such a thing? For such a long time, it seems impossible to hide the eyes of these guys, but will they do it? It seems impossible, because the previous manor, they also severely hit Ding Yu, that is to say, everyone is running for interests.If they do not play, then Ding Yu can not have other sources of information, or, they really underestimated Ding Yu, he has other forces and eyeliner, so has already been aware of this aspect of things? But the possibility of this aspect is really too small, small, and even completely negligible.

When Charlie got the news in this respect, he was also in his room for a period of time. How could such a problem and situation occur? I really let myself feel too disappointed, even completely disappointed, to Charlie's feeling, and even some humiliating feeling.

Do those guys still have the so-called gentlemanly spirit? Can you really give up everything for the sake of the so-called interests?

But what about these? It's not what Charlie feels tricky. The most difficult thing is Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter, because he doesn't know what kind of decision Ding Yu will make. This is the most troublesome part. Ding Yu is definitely not a good character.

As a classmate who has been with him for several years, I have already had the feeling of this aspect. Even if this time's thing is successful, Ding Yu is given a pit. What about the consequences? What will the consequences of this matter look like? Have you ever thought about this problem!

It's as if he had forced Ding Yu to be placed in that position before. Because of his studies, Ding Yu didn't express too many opinions and ideas on this matter, and even had some submissive meaning. But actually, Charlie really felt that he had taken the wrong step, quite wrong.

Even now I want to save this so-called mistake, there is no chance. Now I can only watch it eagerly. I know it is an irreparable mistake, but I can only watch it helplessly.

This kind of pain, for Charlie, really hurt, and now? Someone else has stepped into this. Although these people are from opposite factions, even if they fail, they will not have any influence on their own side, but the problem is that they represent the British side to a certain extent!

At least Ding Yu will look at it like this. He will not distinguish people from certain forces. What kind of destructive power will Ding Yu cause then? Who dares to guarantee this?

People like Ding Yu are very thorough in their own eyes. The so-called thoroughness refers to what Ding Yu has done. At this time, Ding Yu will not have too many reactions. If you are trapped, you will be trapped. It is no big deal. Just buy yourself a so-called lesson.

But when you start to forget yourself, Ding Yu will give you such a knife in the most lethal place, and will never let you die. But if you look at it like this, you can only watch yourself bleeding, but there is no way. Charlie believes Ding Yu will definitely do such a thing.

Another thing is, does Ding Yu know about it now? Charlie really had some doubts about this, because he didn't have any confidence. However, one thing can be affirmed, that is, he is absolutely not suitable to be involved in this matter, and he does not want to be hostile to Ding Yu.

Because if you get involved in this matter, there are only two consequences. Cooperate with each other over there and deal with Ding Yu together. Then? Being pulled into the water, I'm afraid I can't explain clearly even if I'm full of mouth. Ding Yu doesn't hate him, but his future journey will be full of frustrations.

This kind of ups and downs and difficulties are not the kind you want. If you are not afraid to face your opponent, you will be excited. However, facing such problems and situations, it is not just a headache. So Charlie would rather not know anything at this time. Now it is better to be honest.

The above did not give any opinions and suggestions to himself. Chen Feng could only think of his own way, but what about his own power? It is not enough to contact those high-level people at all. He has to rely on external forces. Ding Yu's only candidate, at least among the people he knows here, is the most suitable.

To a certain extent, Chen Feng can only be thick skinned. Now he can only go to Ding Yu. School is a good place. It's very easy for him to mingle with school. However, if he wants to sneak into the classroom, it will be a little bit troublesome. What's more, he wants to have a chance to talk with Ding Yu Some questions.

Chen Feng tried a lot of ways and methods, but they didn't play any role. Ding Yu simply ignored him. The relevant people in the UK were also more anxious. Obviously, Ding Yu should have felt something. Otherwise, he would not have been indifferent.

In this case, it will be forced to be put on the shelf. It doesn't matter what evidence, even if we do this? Yes, but what about that?

Now that we have made preparations for this aspect, we don't need to have any hesitation. In the evening, Ding Yu just walked to his apartment on his bicycle. Even when he was a distance away from the apartment, he was stopped and directly put his identity. The meaning is very simple. Follow us!Ding Yu didn't do any regular meeting at all, even looked at it provocatively. The meaning was very clear. With your so-called certificates, he wanted me to follow you. Obviously, it was impossible. Then he slightly swung his front wheels. The meaning was very clear. Get out of the way.

"Mr. Ding, if there is no definite evidence, we will not look for you!"

You, or acquaintances, Ding Yu also snorted, "are you sure? Last time you did this, who doesn't know your department is typical black! Since you come to me, at least you need to give me some written documents! "

Bullshit, it is impossible to have any documents at all. This time, it is totally aimed at Ding Yu. To some extent, it is a threat. You can come or you can't come. The situation is like this. Immediately around the people are also direct to take out the guns, forced to start.

Ding Yu stood up on his shoulder for a moment. These guys didn't make sense. That was another time. He had no way to do it. What's more, people had already used guns. As for the driver who had been following Ding Yu, all his tools were confiscated.

"Ding Yu has been caught!" When Charlie, who was reading in his study, got the news, the pencil in his hand fell down. He nodded to the housekeeper who sent the message, saying he knew it.

As for those guys, have they all reached this level? I'm totally unscrupulous. Do you want to know something? Although there is no written law, we still abide by the so-called bottom line. What are the actions of those guys now? It's not just about breaking the bottom line, it's completely breaking the so-called hidden rules.

Once you have the first time, there will be a second time. What about such people? Charlie really didn't mean to take it seriously. These guys are making too much noise. They don't need to do it by themselves. Their own faction will clean up these dregs, because for the whole faction, this is already a cancer.

For a faction that wants to keep healthy, the tumor must be eliminated, because their existence has seriously affected the whole faction and has a serious impact on the survival of the whole faction. Of course, even if it is to start, it also needs time. It is not to say that if you want to do it, things are not as simple as you imagine.

Ding Yu sat in a separate room and sat cross legged, without any sense of irritability. This situation was not the first time for him. After waiting for an hour, someone came in one after another. Looking at Ding Yu sitting there, he also snorted twice. It was obvious that he also said hello to Ding Yu.

"Mr. Ding, I wonder if you know the person in the picture?"

Although it was said that, Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to it at all. Instead, he looked at the people in front of him. Seeing several people, he also felt a little fluffy in his heart. After a long time, Ding Yu said faintly, "talk about the price! It's hard enough to spare such a large circle in order to find me! "

"What?" People who had already sat down had already stood up at this time. Ding Yu took a slightly unexpected look and said, "how? What else do you know? Poor enough! It's sad enough

Ding Yu also took a slightly ironic look. "It seems that you have no choice, and you deserve your bad luck. You should be involved in this matter. Listen to my advice and write your own suicide note! You can use it, but just to remind you, this is not a threat I give. I don't like to threaten others

"Mr. Ding, you talk a little bit too much!"

Then Ding Yu also laughed, "OK! From a person in such a room, it is inevitable that there will be other ideas, excuse me, or get straight to the point! Tell me about your conditions, and I'll weigh it up, won't it? "

Ding Yu was very direct and began to make it clear. This also made the people in the room feel uneasy. Who could have thought that they had prepared so many means, but they died before they could be made out. Ding Yu did not give them any chance, even the chance to react.

And the outside people are still waiting for the news at this time. If you can, you should have a cup of tea. Ding Yu will not make a choice so soon. However, before he has any action, someone inside has already stepped out, and then whispered the message.

Ding Yu agreed. How could this be possible? After hearing the news, the first reaction of the people waiting outside was disbelief. He felt that his head was a little confused, because Ding Yu's reaction was completely unexpected. It was obvious that Ding Yu was prepared for this matter.

Lily knew this at the first time, and she sighed. Who could have thought that those guys had made such a choice? What kind of behavior is this? Dig your own grave? This kind of description even has so some high regard them, such behavior is to place oneself, similarly also put Ding Yu in where?In terms of factions, if they don't show up now, I'm afraid there's no way to ease the relationship even if they come forward in the future. However, there are some relationships between them and themselves, mainly because they didn't expose Ding Yu. What about Ding Yu? It's also more hidden.

At least at this time, not many people have realized the value of Ding Yu. We only see the financial resources of Ding Yu. However, for Ding Yu, this is the least worth mentioning. It's a pity! There are even some sad feelings, which lily is feeling at this time.

Lily is waiting in her room, pressing the lamp button from time to time. The room is bright and dark, shining on Lily's face. It seems that Lily's mood is not as good as expected, otherwise it will not be the way it is now m, the fastest update of the webnovel!

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