The home was empty, and even the landlord didn’t rush to rent.

“Make up the rent early.” Bai Song couldn’t help thinking about Su Qiuyu when he thought of how tired Su Qiuyu was.

Suddenly thought of Easter Egg, I didn’t tell Liu Jing about it, so it was a short call again, and I briefly explained some precautions.

As for the occupation, Bai Song just suggested that he had better not choose bows and arrows. Others let Liu Jing choose according to his hobby. Everyone has his own suitable or favorite occupation.

As for not choosing bows and arrows, it is because Bai Song has no inheritance about bows and arrows in his memory.

Login to game.

Liu Jing still needs to be installed there. After the installation, you have to listen to the girl to explain to him, and then log in to almost the like of the character building game, which is not yet online.

A letter from Spectral Fire was sent to the mailbox. There was nothing in the letter, and there was a dagger in the attachment. It was Bai Song’s own Earth Worm Dagger.

Before Bai Song mortgaged the dagger to Ghost Guild, he only received an advance of 40000, but now what does it mean to mail it back?

Bai Song put Earth Worm Dagger in his backpack, and after a little thought, he figured it out. It is estimated that Spectral Fire wants to make itself, and a solo player can continuously obtain Level 10 bronze and silver equipment, which is not simple in itself.

It is not necessary to get 40000 life points for 2 yuan, even more how, this will make Bai Song owe personal feelings. After Bai Song figured it out, he was faintly smiled. He really needs this kind of humanity now, and Dungeon who has gone to hell after rising to Level 10 has improved a lot.

This relationship is still essential. If Bai Song is just a scammer, then Spectral Fire will bear the loss of 40000.

“Adventurer, do you want a glass of water?”

At this time, a thin middle age person appeared in the town, leaning on his back, carrying a large water bag, and holding a cup in his hand to ask everyone.

“No, walk away.”

The busy player kicked him out politely.

“Give me a drink.”

Thirsty players, have a drink.

After drinking, the skinny middle age person asked the player for money, and after listening to the price of the skinny middle age person, the player suddenly cried out in surprise: “You grab someone, you want a Gold Coin for a glass of water.”

The player wanted to leave at the time, but the skinny middle age person grabbed him hard and didn’t want him to leave. Obviously, the player was also a bad-tempered person, and immediately the old fists faced each other, the middle age person was hit on the ground, and the guard came over immediately.

When the player saw that the situation was not good, he immediately wanted to run away, and the guard guarded him with a wire rope and arrested him directly.

After making such a fuss, this middle age person who sells water was like a plague god, and some players later heard that there would be no Hidden Quest or the like.

One of the tyrants really paid the middle age person a Gold Coin for selling water. However, after the middle age person received the Gold Coin, there was no more text, and the tour continued to sell water at 4 locations.

However, the local tyrants found a middle-age person who bought water and bought a cup. However, there was still no result. The 2 Gold Coin was wasted, and the local tyrants left.

When Bai Song saw the middle age person selling water, he was in front of his eyes.

Stepped forward, Bai Song took a dry middle age person: “Give me a glass of water.”

“Stupid again, this is a vampire, there is no Hidden Quest at all.”

“Yeah, there are quite a lot of people who are stupid and rich these days.”

“Look, see what moths can produce.”

Bai Song’s move immediately aroused the onlookers of many players.

The middle age person heard the words, put a glass of water from the water bag, and handed it to Bai Song. Bai Song took the cup, and accidentally knocked the cup down, and all the water was spilled on the ground.

“Please give me another drink.” Bai Song pretended to be sorry.

The skinny middle age person was not annoyed. He put the water glass in front of the water bottle and poured a full glass of Bai Song, which was much fuller than the previous glass.

Bai Song took the water cup, this time without pretending to be careless, he fell directly to the ground: “please give me another glass.”

“Fuck, that costs 2 Gold Coins.”

“You, pattern! I think he is just trying to pretend to show his face. Who knows if he has a 2 Gold Coin? Do you see him in a shabby White Equipment like a tyrant?”

“Really, if you don’t give money, you will be entangled by the water seller. It is estimated that you can only get rid of it by going to prison.”

For these remarks, Bai Song didn’t care.

Soon, the skinny middle age person poured a glass of water again. This time Bai Song took the water. When everyone thought he was going to pour again, Bai Song drank it.

“Please give me some money.” The skinny middle age person held out his hand. This time, he didn’t directly ask for a Gold Coin, but wanted to give a reward.

After listening, Bai Song pulled out a Copper Coin, haha ​​said with a smile: “Come on, this is my reward for you.”

After receiving a Copper Coin, the skinny middle age person expressed anger, but he did not at all to entangle Bai Song, but said resentfully: “May the cricket live a life of hell forever.”

After Bai Song listened, he made an unhappy expression.

Pulled out the blade fiercely moved towards the skinny middle age person and asked, “Will someone give you a real gold treasure? I swear, I must chop you into pieces in my lifetime.”

There are guards in the town. Of course, Bai Song didn’t dare to cut it down, but it was a fierce threat. Although the strength of the middle age person is supreme among ordinary players, he seems to know that these adventurers will continue to become stronger. At the look of Bai Song, he looks like a dead man.

“Brave adventurer, put down your vows.” The thin middle age person pushed Bai Song’s hand away.

“No, I won’t take back my vows, unless you let me know, someone really generously gave you a valuable reward.” Bai Song still looks like a ‘feral’.

“Well.” A thin middle age person shook the head, then took Bai Song to a remote alley. At a glance, Bai Song followed, with several tails following him. Relying on his familiarity with the terrain, he led a thin middle age person through several streets in a row.

Within a few days of the game being launched, the few players who tracked the remote terrain of Wind Sprout Village could be described as dark with 2 eyes, and Bai Song threw them away smoothly.

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