Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 380: In theory, yes

It turned out to be just a test model!

Chen Yang was not disappointed at all.

The main reason is that apart from the lack of application software, there are not many other aspects that need to be changed.

However, not much does not mean none,

Chen Yang picked up the iPad and said to Professor Huang, "Mr. Huang, can this tablet be able to surf the Internet?"


Professor Huang gestured and said, "Because the body of this iPad is too thin, neither the USB interface nor the network cable interface is very convenient, so we got a converter.

It is a small connection cable, one end is plugged into the body, and the other end can be connected to a USB, or a computer, or a network cable, and you can go online after connecting it! "


Chen Yang pursed his lips and smiled, nodded and said, "Understood, but why don't you consider building a WiFi inside?"


Professor Huang was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and then said, "You mean, Wireless Fidelity, wireless Internet access?"

Chen Yang clapped his hands lightly, and said with a smile, "Yes, it is wireless Internet access, through a wireless router, the network signal is transmitted, and then the tablet or mobile phone can receive it, so that there is no need for the mobile signal provided by the communication company, and the direct connection the Internet."

Professor Huang nodded lightly and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Chen to be very concerned about cutting-edge technology. However, although as early as 2002, MOTO invented the wireless router, and then Cisco followed up with related products. In 2010, there was also a wireless router with independent intellectual property rights,

But this thing has not been officially promoted, and the products have only been launched in the past two years, and the customers who buy them are basically enterprises, which are convenient for laptops with wireless network cards to work.

Speaking of this, Professor Huang pointed to the iPad in his hand, "But, our tablet and mobile phone are all aimed at individual consumers. Is it necessary to add that, oh, WIFI module?"

At this time, Huang Shan who was sitting on the side suddenly said, "Old Huang, as far as I know, it seems that two years ago, Duopuda launched a smart phone with WIFI function and equipped with WM. Is it difficult?"

Professor Huang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "It's not a question of whether it's difficult or not. I also know what you said. Dopoda 838, a smartphone launched in May 2005,

However, due to the lack of popularity of wireless hotspots, consumers generally report that this function is not very useful, so when they introduce the product into the country, they also cancel this function.

In this case, why should we bother? ! "

Chen Yang smiled and said, "If it didn't work two years ago, it doesn't mean it won't work now, and if it doesn't work now, it doesn't mean it won't work in the future. The selling point of technology products is technology. Sometimes, technology functions have to be ranked before user experience.

Just like the 3G mobile phones currently on the market, manufacturers did not delay the launch of 3G phones because they have not yet landed, because this is a very attractive selling point!

I know that to add this function, you need to add a wireless network card and a new set of programs, and the entire internal structure may have to be changed.

However, sharpening a knife is not a mistake for woodcutters. Mr. Huang worked hard to add this function. "

Just kidding, is an iPad without WiFi still called an iPad? !

It must be added!

Mr. Huang adjusted his glasses, nodded with a wry smile, "Okay, since you are so strongly demanding, then I will change it again,"

After a pause, he asked again, "Are there any other questions?"


Chen Yang narrowed his eyes and thought for a while,

With computer interconnection, extended connection, and WiFi, that’s all for the hardware, right?

Oops, what a headache, I am not a professional, why did I jump into this pit?

Wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, Chen Yang suddenly had an idea and asked, "Old Huang, do you have that kind of wireless monitoring equipment now, that is..."

Before he finished speaking, Professor Huang laughed, "You mean a device that can be mounted on a Dajiang drone, and then transmit data wirelessly through a mobile surveillance camera device?"


Chen Yang nodded again and again, looking at him expectantly, "This, is there any?"

If you can have this thing now and put it directly on the drone, it will come in handy after more than a month!

Professor Huang smiled and said, "I probably understand what you mean. The Dajiang UAV is equipped with a camera device, and then connects the signal to this iPad through wireless transmission.

In this way, the things captured by the drone can be monitored in real time, and at the same time, the iPad and the Dajiang drone can be bundled and sold, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. "


Chen Yang nodded again and again, and said with a smile, "So, can it be done?"

Hey, imagine that hundreds of drones will be sent to support them, and they can control every detail of the scene at any time, how great!


Rain is a problem, this drone is not waterproof, it cannot fly when it rains!

It doesn't matter, the big deal is to take it back when it rains, and let it out when it's sunny. It can't rain 24 hours a day!

When someone was imagining infinitely, Professor Huang lightly poured cold water on him, "It can be realized in theory, but it can't be done in practice!"

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, "Why not?"

Professor Huang spread his arms and said helplessly, "Of course it's because of the signal transmission!

Real-time wireless monitoring, how much traffic does it need? Unless you can build many wireless routing hotspots, so that both the drone and the iPad are connected to the Internet, it will be possible.

However, this limits the flight height and flight radius of the drone, and it must not exceed the hotspot range, otherwise it will fail.

But then, why use drones? "

Chen Yang nodded with absent-minded eyes,

Yes, the flight height and radius are limited, so why use drones?

Just like Brother Asan, wouldn’t it be nice to erect a few more wooden poles and just use a fixed camera?

Seeing Chen Yang's reaction, Professor Huang smiled, knowing that Chen Yang already understood the problem, he smiled and said, "However, this kind of idea is not impossible. The problem is that it will not be possible until 4G communication is put into commercial use. 3G No, it cannot support the video traffic demand,

However, 3G has not yet landed, and this 4G is commercially available, but I don’t know how long it will take! "

Huang Shan opened her mouth, originally wanting to say that she can make technical reserves first,

But looking back, the camera research and development team was about to be split off to form an independent company, and they could be arranged to carry out research in this area on their own in the future, so they didn't say anything.

Chen Yang knows when the commercial use of 4G will be launched.

But he just doesn't say it!

Hmph, I'm so anxious to kill you!

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of water, Chen Yang coughed dryly and said, "Then I don't have any other problems,

Well, I just feel that there are too few application software for this iPad. What are your thoughts on this? "

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