Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 399: The Beginning of the Altar

work the next day,

In the office, Chen Yang was lying in front of the computer, searching the Internet for information about this economic winter,

Surprisingly, there is almost no information about this. Instead, the most discussed topic in the financial sector is that the stock market has rebounded to more than 5,200 points.

It seems that the two-month stock market plunge in October and November, in the eyes of many investors, is a phased adjustment, just like March at the beginning of the year and June and July in the middle of the year.

Not only did many people start clamoring to return to 6,000 points, but there were also many clamoring for an upward attack of 10,000 points.

Although there are a few rational voices reminding that systemic financial risks have erupted in the United States, causing major global stock markets to plummet, and they cannot wake up those who are intoxicated in their dreams. On the contrary, there is a lot of scolding under these posts, and they will soon sink. Go down and disappear.

Chen Yang rubbed his chin, is someone controlling the field?

Leaning back on the chair back, frowning, searching for that poor memory desperately,

He remembered Ari's old horse, who said in this incident that Ari should prepare for the winter, the question is whether this was said in 2008 or 2009, he forgot,

No, it shouldn’t be 2009. At the end of 2008, the country introduced an economic stimulus plan, and then the domestic economy quickly heated up. In 2009, the stock market and property market, which had been silent for more than a year, all rose. It was impossible for Lao Ma to be at that time speak such words,

By the way, after the Spring Festival in 2008, at Ari's annual meeting, the old horse played Snow White.

Come to think of it, after Lao Ma gave that speech, he said in public many times that Ari was preparing for the winter, and he also prepared 7 billion soft sister coins in cash for this, which attracted the attention of the whole society.

At that time, many people ridiculed him for his alarmism and dismissed that argument.

But his Snow White costume is more eye-catching than these remarks.

Then, in the first half of 2008, the prices of bulk materials such as coal rose rapidly, affecting the entire supply chain of many industries.

It was not until the second half of the year that almost most companies felt the deterioration of the economic situation. At that time, someone dug up Lao Ma's speech and regarded it as Gui Gao. Lao Ma's journey to the altar also began this time.

Upstream raw materials are rising, intermediate cash flow is insufficient, downstream product prices are rising, and terminal sales are not good.

Until this time, a large number of enterprises in the Zhujiang River Delta with an export-oriented economy closed down. On the contrary, the situation in the Yangtze River Delta where private capital is active is much better.

Many workers shouted the slogan that the Yangtze River Delta should surpass the Zhu Delta,

They fled Guangdong one after another and moved to the east, bringing a large number of skilled workers to the east.

This is the domestic economic situation in 2008.

Chen Yang gently rubbed his temples. Facing such a big game of chess, his shallow knowledge made him not know where to start.

He knows that the prices of commodities will rise next year, and that land prices will plummet if the land is unsold.

I also know that many manufacturing factories are facing the dilemma of rising prices of upstream raw materials, insufficient power in the downstream market, and lack of money and manpower in the middle.

I also know that these difficulties are temporary, as long as we survive next year, the year after next will be spring.

But so what, apart from taking good care of his own small stalls, he has no way of doing anything, whether good or bad.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the wave of closures to see if there was a chance to pick up some leaks and acquire a group of high-quality companies that had closed down due to funding problems.

Now it seems that even if you want to accept it, you have to wait until next year.

Well, let’s forget about the non-performing assets of Min’an Bank. According to Zou Rong, they are all small factories that have just left their workshops. Except for useless second-hand equipment, they have no other assets, and they have no value at all.

Unless it is similar in the same industry, but he is not in that kind of traditional business.

bang bang bang...

The door suddenly rang, Chen Yang took a look and shouted, "Come in."

The next second, Huang Shan pushed the door in with a folder, walked up to him, put the folder on his desk, pulled out his chair and sat down, and said with a smile, "This is the year-end summary report submitted by each company. Take a look."

Chen Yang picked it up and opened it casually, a little surprised, "So fast?"

When he worked part-time in his previous life, he just submitted the report before the company's annual meeting. At that time, it was usually called the work summary of the previous year. In contrast, it was the work plan for the current year.

Huang Shan put her arms around her arms and said with a smile, "I have always spared no effort in company management. Daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly results, from department heads to company leaders, are all necessary.

At the beginning, some people told me that I was too busy and didn’t have time to make a summary. I said yes, if you don’t have time to do it, then I will assign you an assistant and let your assistant do it for you.

Since then, all work summaries can be submitted on time, and I can know everything about the company,

Just a year-end summary, give the people below half a day, and they can hand it in! "

Looking at the complacent Huang Shan, Chen Yang blinked, "After the assistants are familiar with the work, there will be another group of managers who can step up at any time?"

Huang Shan raised her eyebrows, her face full of surprise, "It's amazing, although there are quite a few people in the company who can see through my trick, but they will be able to react immediately, except for the managers of the human resources department, you are still the first One!"

Chen Yang shrugged, not taking the compliment seriously.

Later generations will use bad tricks, well, what's so strange about it,

Assigning assistants to the person in charge can not only share the transactional work of the person in charge, but also serve as a reserve, and can be promoted at any time. This is the most common method in the construction of talent echelons.

However, common is common, but not many companies will use it, because this trick is a bit expensive,

The vast majority of companies fill a pit with a radish. When someone leaves, someone enters. When the person in charge leaves, recruiting someone to fill the position is over. There is no need to waste money.

In this regard, Chen Yang said that it is good for the bosses to be happy.

Continue to read the report, the content is very detailed, the company's organizational structure, personnel structure, personnel evaluation, business development, capital flow,

Of course, there is an indispensable development plan for next year.

Of course, it is impossible for Chen Yang to read all of them. He mainly looks at two, one is the personnel structure and evaluation, and then he combines the business situation he understands to see if they match.

The other is the financial situation of each company. Although he doesn't understand finance very well, he can see the same with the audit report given by Deloitte.

After a while, he said without raising his head, "The personnel planning of Hengli Real Estate and Anjia Real Estate is not enough, we need to increase."

Huang Shan immediately said, "I have considered this aspect, after all, I also know that the Honggu Capital Investment and Merger Department is doing research on the real estate industry.

However, even if according to what you said, next year there will be a real estate winter, and many real estate projects will be stagnant and unsustainable. We can make acquisitions,

But at the same time, there will be many more real estate talents in the society at that time. On the one hand, we can package and acquire projects and teams, and on the other hand, we can directly recruit socially. I don’t think it is necessary to start reserving talents now. "

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