Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 435 Hanako

Zhouxian left contentedly,

Although the suggestion Chen Yang gave him was to strictly investigate gambling and other uncivilized practices, which made him feel a little heavy, but from the general perspective, this is only a secondary contradiction, and it will not delay the development.

Before leaving, he gave Yang Yong some money, although it was only 200 yuan, but Yang Yong was not too little, and the signed red envelope was sealed in a photo frame and hung on the wall, which was short of a stick of incense sooner or later.

Weddings here in Xijiang County are generally held on a two-day basis. Guests are invited on the first day. The main reason is that relatives from far away will be seated in advance.

Then the next day is the real day of the wedding. On this day, an even-numbered day is usually chosen. Good things come in pairs. In the morning, the groom will lead a welcoming team to pick up the bride, and bring the bride back before noon.

It must be before twelve o'clock, because according to the customs of Xijiang County, those who get married in the afternoon are second marriages, which should be laughed at.

Usually two days, there are unusual cases,

Like later, many people just got it done in one day, and those who are close will still meet the relatives according to the rules, and those who are a little farther away will save the need to connect with relatives.

Yang Yong is another type. According to the older generation, it is a three-day wedding that only the landlords and wealthy families before liberation could afford!

That is to say, the running water table is open for three days in a row, no matter whether they are acquainted or not, all the guests come, and the amount of money is free, as long as you can eat, twelve meals in three days, every meal is fine here!

That's right, it's twelve meals in three days, one day morning, noon and night plus supper, a total of four meals, and one meal is not just one meal, but as long as there is something left to eat, it will keep turning over the table to serve food. One meal can last three to four hours,

Calculated in this way, the master in charge of the train has almost no time to rest from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm!

Therefore, starting from the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Yang Yong's wedding ceremony officially started.

Before the groom's official wedding ceremony, he didn't need to be too particular, but Yang Yong was not badly dressed, wrapped in a woolen coat, holding a wine glass to greet him,

Thanks to the fact that the custom of best man has not yet emerged here, old cousins ​​like Chen Yang and Xiao Liang are spared the pain of accompanying wine.

Happily hiding aside, he and Zou Rong accompanied the old lady and watched the groom being poured alcohol.

There are a few people in Nanjiang Town who specialize in attending weddings and weddings to make a living, that is, whoever has weddings and weddings, no need to invite them, they will bring their guys to the door, willing to work hard after busy work, speak well and can sing,

It sounds like a quack entertainer, but it sounds like a Hanako who knows how to do crafts.

No matter how stingy the host is usually, they will not miss a meal of wine and a red envelope,

These people are not picky, one or two yuan is not too little, and fifty one hundred is not too much.

Of course, there must be a difference between the amount of money and the amount of money. Let alone one or two yuan, even if it is ten or twenty yuan, they will definitely leave after eating. called face,

If you meet a generous owner, you can give me fifty hundred dollars. It’s better than spending one hundred yuan to hire people, and you’re more willing to work hard, greet them, send them off, and take care of chores. When there are many old people, there are such people who can drink and chat with them, saving the host a lot of energy. This is called kindness.

Now Yang Yong's wedding has attracted all these Huazi in the town,

Before the people arrived, they just yelled a few times, set off firecrackers, and directly held a firecracker that was thicker than the No. After the explosion, the red confetti was scattered all over the sky, which really looked like scattered flowers.

There is Suona Huazi, puffing her cheeks and playing the song of birds and phoenixes. Although she has a lot of breathing, she still looks decent.

Especially the suona's voice is loud enough to cover all those who are singing the lotus falling next to them,

Chen Yang could only faintly hear something, he bowed to me and I sang, he played the suona and I beat the bowl...

It is said that these flowers usually don't get together for weddings, but your family and my family, everyone takes turns, the rain and dew are all wet, no one is hungry,

But who asked Yang Yong to make the momentum big, and invited two dragons at the same time, and he wanted to hold a running water banquet for three days in a row. Even Xijiang, a land of fish and rice, has not seen this kind of heroic boss for some years. This kind of boss Naturally, none of them wanted to miss it, so they came together,

The host's family didn't disappoint them either. Before they got close, Xiao Liang went up to greet them, each with a red envelope in his hand.

Just relying on the feel of the hand, the faces of the few people were full of surprises, they played and sang more vigorously, the words of congratulations poured out one after another, and the firecrackers even threw three cannons in a row, which only made people's ears numb.

They have made up their minds that they must build here for three consecutive days, not even one day less, or they will be sorry for the big red envelope!

On the sixth day, I ate for a day, and on the seventh day, a new group of people continued to make.

On the eighth day of the lunar new year, after breakfast early in the morning, a string of cars set off from home and headed for the town.

Yang Yong's own BMW 730LI was at the head, and Xiao Liang was driving, followed by Chen Yang's Audi A8, followed by cars bought by people who opened a shop in Guangzhou last year and made money. Vehicles formed a convoy and slowly drove into Nanjiang Town.

Watching the convoy go away, the uncle looked at his eldest son and said softly, "I asked you to go to Guangzhou last year, but you refused to go. Now I see that there are more than a dozen cars bought in the village. If you go Now, isn’t one of them yours?”

Wang Hong lowered his head, glanced at his wife who was sitting under the eaves, holding her daughter, Nunuzui remained silent.

The uncle said again, "It's easy to talk about buying a car. Your mother prepared 200,000 yuan for you, which is the money our store earned last year. You can use it to buy a car later.

However, you are also a big boss, with your younger brother helping you, what are you afraid of? If you don't fight hard, will your mother and I really let two old guys come to take care of you? ! "

Wang Hong raised his head and finally said, "I don't want to work with Xiaoyong."

His old man couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "I open my own shop, who said I'm working for him?"

Panting angrily, he asked again, "Then you really plan to spend your whole life in that cotton spinning factory?"

Wang Hong gritted his teeth, "I heard that reforms are going to take place in the village, and I'm planning to lease a piece of land to grow cotton."

Uncle was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, "You want to come back?"

Regardless of whether the surname is Wang or Yang, he is his eldest son after all. After getting married, he quietly ran to settle down in the town next door. Not to mention the old lady, even he was very angry.

It would be a good thing if he was really willing to come back.

Wang Hong nodded, "Yesterday Xiaoyong talked to me. He said he bought a house in Guangzhou. He didn't want this house. He advised me to come back and change it into a homestay in the future. He also advised me to have another one, preferably with the surname Wang. I thought about it and agreed."

The uncle was overjoyed immediately, and slapped his son on the shoulder, "That's right!"

the other side,

The convoy took a turn around the town, and there was no bad habit of getting married here, so they brought the bride back smoothly.

Then what crossed the brazier, after changing the tea, sent it to the new house,

Gong Kai, the youngest of the Wang family, brought a basin of face wash to the bride, got a big red envelope, happily went to find a place to play mahjong,

At this point, the three-day-long wedding was finally over, and it was time for them to return to Guangzhou.

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