Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 589 Filling the Position

Chen Yang put down his phone and just raised his head, he saw Huang Shan looking at him with a strange expression on his face. He couldn't help but lower his head and look.

I don't have anything on me.

Then he turned to look at her, "What's wrong with you?"


Huang Shan didn't know what expression to give.

Sad, it seems that the boss is not sad either.


I have to contact the paper maker, can I still be happy? ? ?

Huang Shan was very distressed about this.

He could only scratch his hair and look at Boss Chen with a wink, "You contacted the papermaker. Did something happen?"


Chen Yang finally realized why she had such an expression, and quickly said,

"It's like this. I went to the wheat field today and happened to meet a very powerful stylist. While chatting, we made a bet.

If I can hold a funeral culture exhibition in Paris within three months and it becomes popular, she will come to work in the wheat field, otherwise I will sponsor her to hold a fashion show, that's it. "


Huang Shan suddenly didn't know what to say.

Betting is normal, and it’s understandable when hosting an exhibition.

But what the hell is funeral culture?

Is this something a normal person can do? ? ?

Just when she was looking at Chen Yang with a strange look on her face, Boss Chen smiled and whispered to her,

"Paris is the fashion capital of the world. If a certain element can be popular in Paris, then it will basically be no problem in Europe and the United States.

I thought so,

First use this exhibition to arouse people's interest in Eastern civilization, then strike while the iron is hot, and then organize a series of exhibitions to increase the popularity.

By then, several new future industrial cities will also be opened. I don’t need to say more about what follows! "

This is Chen Yang’s true purpose,

When I was chatting with Amy just now and heard her talk about the stereotypes European and American people have about Chinese people, Chen Yang wanted to try to import our real culture there.

On the one hand, it is to gain some say. On the other hand, if it succeeds, there will be a big market.

As for Amy, it's just a matter of hunting down rabbits.

The trick of setting up a cultural stage and economical opera is commonplace everywhere, but it is very effective. It is impossible for Huang Shan not to know this, and she is also confident that she can handle this matter well.

But the problem is,

She looked at her boss helplessly, "Why is it a funeral?!"

Chen Yang shrugged and said nonsensically, "It makes me look like I'm capable!"

The real reason is, of course, because there are successful cases!

In 2019, someone held an art exhibition called "Elysian Paradise" in Paris, which instantly caused a sensation.

In the eyes of Chinese people, maybe they think that paper wrapping is associated with death, so there is always a taboo and they think it is unlucky.

But in the eyes of those foreigners, they all expressed their amazement and praise for these works of art made of paper.

Especially when they learned that these paper bundles were for deceased people, they did not feel unlucky. Instead, they lamented the romance of the Chinese people.

Some people even buy such products online and burn them for their deceased relatives, setting off a paper-burning craze in Europe.

For this reason, domestic suppliers have developed Euro and U.S. dollar versions of dark banknotes, which are sold on the Amazon website!

It is a pity that even the organizers themselves did not expect that the exhibition would be so successful. Naturally, they did not prepare for other subsequent series of exhibitions.

Otherwise, taking advantage of the fact that Europeans are on the rise and launching other exhibitions, maybe it can really set off a trend of Chinese traditional culture among their people.

When the time comes, it will be only natural to follow the trend and build a related industry chain.

Now that it's Chen Yang's turn to do it, of course he has to make up for the missing second half.

In the new future industrial city that is about to be completed, the traditional industry assets acquired by Rainbow Fund will also be activated one after another.

These factories involved in traditional industries such as furniture, textiles, clothing, toys, food, chemicals, etc. can play the role of monetizing cultural trends.

Achieve multiple things with one move, isn't it beautiful?

Therefore, when Amy chose this theme before, Chen Yang had been snickering,

If it were replaced by other elements, he would still have a headache, where to start to arouse the interest of Europeans, but this,

Just have some hands!

Huang Shan took out her iPad from her briefcase, shook her head and wrote down the matter, and said at the same time, "I will leave this matter to the people below.

Now there are two questions. First, what should you do if you lose the bet? Are there any follow-up plans? Second, if you win, have you ever thought about which elements would be better to use in subsequent exhibitions? "

Chen Yang grinned and said, "If we lose, then we will cancel the follow-up plan and directly hold a fashion show for Amy. If the response is okay, of course we will continue the operation, but what elements to use is not a question for me!"

The implication is that Huang Shan needs to arrange the rest.

Huang Shan rolled her eyes, glanced at him, then raised her eyebrows, pursed her lips and smiled.

"Okay, it just so happens that I also plan to add a new creative center to the Future Innovation Platform, so I can hand over this work to them."

"Creative center?"

Chen Yang frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "What do you do?"

As an incubator company, Chuangfuture Company mainly provides resource services. Creativity should be the business of entrepreneurs.

Now that Huang Shan is setting up a creative center, is she planning to take the initiative, discover new project entry points, and then incubate the project?

On the surface, this would allow more projects to be invested in and incubated, but this kind of overriding behavior is not a good thing for an incubator company.

At least it does more harm than good.

Your company is already working on its own projects, will it still pay attention to external projects?

Regardless of whether there is any unfairness in this, it cannot stop entrepreneurs outside from thinking this way.

Therefore, it is better not to get involved in this aspect of business unless necessary.

If you really have a better idea, you can do it in private, there is no need to bring it to the table!

Fortunately, under Boss Chen's questioning gaze, Huang Shan put away the iPad and said softly,

"In fact, it is similar to other resource centers. However, other centers provide tangible services, while this creative center helps service recipients expand their ideas and provides them with intellectual services through market information collection and analysis."

Hearing this, Chen Yang understood what she meant.

How should I put it? It's a bit similar to the idea company that was popular more than ten years ago, which specializes in giving people advice.

This is fine. It will not affect the main business of creating the future. On the contrary, it will have a very good supplementary effect.

Huang Shan was still talking, "This suggestion was put forward by Chuangfuture CEO Cai Yaping.

When she was communicating with client companies, she found that some entrepreneurs were limited by lack of vision and information and found it difficult to make more accurate judgments.

In this case, it is actually not conducive to the rapid growth of new companies.

Take Wang Tao of Dajiang as an example. He is a good player in product research and development and knows a little bit about marketing. However, he is not very good at adding additional functions to products and opening up market segments.

At this time, he can ask the Creative Center for help,

The Creative Center will form a special project team based on his requirements, analyze the UAV market and UAV product characteristics, and put forward relevant suggestions in a targeted manner.

I thought this was a good idea and could help the incubation objects develop faster and better, so I agreed. "

Chen Yang nodded while listening. When she finished speaking, he immediately patted the table and said seriously, "This department is good and must be established as soon as possible!"

To be honest, in the past, he guided the company's development and product selection with the vision of a reborn person.

But his abilities are also limited.

Especially after more than ten years, when all his precognitive information is exhausted, what will he do at that time?

Now this creative center can take over his position and provide intellectual support for the specific operation of the company in the future.

Seeing that Boss Chen also agreed, Huang Shan smiled and said, "Yeah, I think so too,

Although the Rainbow Economic Research Institute also makes judgments on economic trends and market trends in related industries, they are at the macro-strategic level. At the specific tactical execution level, we still lack the corresponding intellectual support.

Now the establishment of this innovation center can make up for our shortcomings in this area.

Not to mention anything else, just the newly established Mayflower and your exhibition project can make them all responsible. "

Chen Yang nodded and said seriously, "Tactics and strategy are equally important. The selection of personnel in this department must be carefully selected. We must look for people who are flexible and willing to accept new things.

In addition, the three cobblers can still stand up to Zhuge Liang, and even a fool can have a flash of inspiration.

In some cases where confidentiality is not required, can we publish some issues and use forums or questionnaires to allow more people to participate?

You can also consider this. "

Hearing this, Huang Shan nodded thoughtfully, "Well, that makes sense."

After pausing for two seconds, she raised her head and looked at Chen Yang and said, "During the interview with Lao Zhou before, didn't you tell him about the concept of Witkey? He has already added this concept to the Hongmeng System Forum for Individual developers around the world are soliciting solutions to technical problems in some Hongmeng systems.

Can we also follow this approach and create an internal forum in Chuangfuture?

Or be more open and directly create a Witkey website.

Form a three-level intellectual structure from the creative center to internal forums, and then to, carry out layer-by-layer screening and filtering, and finally form a more comprehensive intellectual plan? ! "

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and then gave a thumbs up, "What a great idea, let's do it like this!"

Let me give you some advice and show your presence as the boss. You can really come up with a specific plan right away.

This makes it difficult for me as a boss to find a sense of superiority.

Huang Shan pursed her lips and smiled, immediately took out the iPad she had just inserted, and sent an email to Cai Yaping to tell her this idea.

Just like Boss Chen always throws the work to her, she will also throw the work out according to different categories and attributions.

Otherwise, she would have to do everything, and she would be exhausted.

While writing the email, Huang Shan added, "To be honest, there are still three months for your exhibition anyway, so we can let the creative center plan it slowly.

But here at Mayflower Investment Company, a new project will be launched soon.

What we discussed before can only be said to be at the strategic level. The implementation of specific projects needs to be finalized based on the actual situation. If you have any ideas, don’t hide them, bring them out quickly! "

Chen Yang's mouth twitched slightly,

If I had any ideas, I would have brought them out a long time ago, and you still need to tell me.

However, such words must not be said directly, as it will affect Boss Chen's glorious image.

Chen Yang coughed dryly and shouted to the kitchen, "Old Qiao, help me take out the teapot."

"Let me do it,"

Dong Qiuxia emerged from the kitchen and ran into the main room.

Chen Yang quickly shouted again, "There is also a cattail leaf fan."


Dong Qiuxia quickly walked out with a purple clay pot filled with hot water in one hand and a cattail fan in the other, placed it in front of Boss Chen, and then got into the kitchen.

Chen Yang picked up the teapot, took a sip at the spout, took a breath of hot air, then picked up the cattail leaf fan and shook it twice, and said with a smile, "Don't tell me, I actually had some ideas before, like how to do breeding and planting based on local conditions. , it is possible to help poor areas get rid of poverty and become rich, right?

For example, Ningxia's Tan sheep and Albas white cashmere sheep have high economic value and are suitable for promotion and breeding.

There are other economic crops such as sea buckthorn and gastrodia elata. You can also grow them.

I even thought about importing Angus cattle from the United States. Unfortunately, Japan does not sell Wagyu. Otherwise, it would be good to import Wagyu.

Anyway, we have bought so many factories, including textile factories and food factories, we can take care of the business. "

After Huang Shan finished writing the email, she raised her head and looked at him, "That's all?"

Boss Chen’s face stiffened slightly.

What, are you looking at me with disgust?

Seeing Boss Chen's gaze, Huang Shan curled her lips frankly, "I thought you had a golden idea when you took action, but it turns out that there are also ordinary times."

Chen Yang,"……"

So angry,

Boss Chen fanned himself twice, grabbed the teapot and took another sip, puffing his cheeks and saying, "Okay, then tell me something extraordinary!"

Huang Shan stuffed her iPad back into her bag and said confidently, "I'm good at finance and management, not creativity. I can't think of any good ideas. What's so surprising!"

Chen Yang's old face fell,

Do you mean lying down?

At this moment, Zou Rong ran over happily holding her notebook in her arms.

Sitting down on the stool, she didn't even look at her husband. Instead, she looked at Huang Shan eagerly and said with a smile, "Sister Shan, I have made a project plan for a poverty alleviation investment company. Please help me check it."


What is the project plan of the Poverty Alleviation Investment Company?

Huang Shan looked at her in surprise, then looked at Chen Yang,

The meaning couldn't be more obvious,

Have you given your creativity to your wife?

Boss Chen still had a straight face and slapped the cattail leaf fan twice, "Don't look at me, this matter has nothing to do with me, she thought of it all by herself!"

Then he patted the folder on the table and said to Zou Rong, "Well, the company certificate has been obtained and the name has been decided. It's here."


Zou Rong's eyes suddenly shone, she took the folder and opened it, then her eyes curved into two crescents, "Mayflower Investment Development Group Co., Ltd.,

Mayflower, what a lovely name! "

On the other side, Huang Shan didn’t believe a word of Boss Chen’s words.

Humph, I used to have endless good ideas, but today they suddenly disappeared. Instead, I asked my wife to come up with a plan, and she said it had nothing to do with me.

Who believes it? !

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