Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 621 Invitation in advance

Chen Yang paused, looked at the silent audience, and said softly, "According to the grammatical structure of subject, predicate and object, '+Internet', the Internet is the object, 'Internet+', the Internet is the subject,

This reflects the question of who takes the lead.

I just gave an example of a textile company, so let’s take this company as an example.

I don’t know if you have noticed just now, but I emphasized one point when I gave this example,”

Chen Yang raised a finger, paused for two seconds, and then said,

"If an enterprise completes such an information transformation, it will not only change the business management model, but also change your business model, subvert your organizational structure, and overthrow the marketing system you spent twenty years building. !

The point is here,

If we just complete the information transformation and use Internet technology to improve the operating efficiency of the enterprise and increase the profits of the enterprise, then this is ‘+Internet’.

Only by subverting your organizational structure, changing your business model, overturning your original marketing system, and turning into a brand new company,

This is ‘Internet+’! "

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man in his fifties or sixties raised his right hand.

When Chen Yang saw it, he quickly bowed slightly and said, "Hello, Professor Liu."

This professor from one of the top universities in the country is not well-known outside, but he has a very high status in the industry. Many Internet experts are his disciples. He himself also has in-depth research on the Internet. The leader's guest is often invited to ask for advice.

Boss Chen naturally doesn't dare to show any slights to such a person.

Mr. Liu took the microphone sent by the staff and said while thinking, "Do you mean, '+Internet', just treating the Internet as a tool, or technology,

However, "Internet +" is a way of thinking with the Internet as the main body. It requires Internet companies to actively cater to traditional industries to serve them and at the same time find new markets for themselves? "

Chen Yang clasped his hands together and raised them gently as a gesture, and made a gesture to ask Professor Liu to sit down. Then he said with a smile, "Professor Liu got to the point right away. He said so much. The words can be summarized into one sentence,

Indeed, ‘Internet +’ can only change a certain company, and only ‘Internet +’ can change an industry.

Take as an example,

If a restaurant builds a website, pushes information to target users through Internet technology, and then delivers the users' orders themselves,

On the surface, or from the user's perspective, there may not be much difference.

However, with the comparison of the orchestra website, everyone can understand what is ‘+Internet’ and what is ‘Internet+’! "

If Chen Yang’s speech just now and the discussion with Professor Liu only made a few people with flexible thinking understand the difference between the two,

This specific example made everyone understand at once what the previous difference between the two was.

Indeed, one is just a change in itself, while the other can give birth to a new industry. The gap between the two cannot be ignored!

After understanding this concept, someone else raised their hands to ask questions.

"Mr. Chen, what is the core of this 'Internet+'?"

Chen Yang said without hesitation, “I think the core of ‘Internet+’ is ‘innovation’!

In the web1.0 era, the Internet has changed the communication model between people. When technology further develops and the world enters the web2.0 era, it will inevitably change our lifestyle again, and there will even be 3.0 and 4.0 in the future. , and even endlessly,”

After a pause, he suddenly looked in another direction and said with a smile, "During the first Internet bubble in 2000 years, there was a senior in our industry who, in order to encourage himself and everyone else, created an advertisement with that slogan I love so much,"

After saying this, almost everyone knew who he was talking about, so they all looked there.

In the audience, a fat man with a round face grinned and waved to the stage.

It's amazing that they live in the same city and are both big guys in the same industry, but they have never met each other. Today is the first time I met him.

However, as Caihong's layout in the Internet industry gradually deepens, sooner or later there will be time to deal with it.

Chen Yang also waved his right hand at him and said with a smile, "Yes, it's what Mr. Wang Yiding said, 'the power of gathering people through the Internet'!"

Then he looked at the front again, "I didn't understand it at the time, so I thought the advertisement was quite exciting. It wasn't until I joined the industry that I understood the meaning of this slogan.

The reason why the Internet is so magical is that it can connect many completely unrelated things together, and behind all these things are people!

Listen to, ‘The power of gathering people online’, how wonderful!

Whether it is the current Internet, the future "Internet of Things", or the more distant artificial intelligence, the core essence and the power behind all these things is connection.

And how to connect, how to achieve effective connection, or even further, what is a positive and meaningful connection?

We realize our innovation in the Internet by solving such problems one by one. This is the core meaning of "Internet +". "

After a burst of applause, the microphone was passed to the hands of a young man,

Well, he is really a young man. He is probably about the same age as Boss Chen, maybe a little older.

While he was holding the microphone, he was still sighing in his heart. How can we be the same person but have different fates? We are both of the same age. When others are speaking on the stage, I am asking questions in the audience. The gap should not be too big!

Feelings are feelings, but you still have to ask what you should ask,

"Hello, Mr. Chen, thank you very much for sharing. You said that the core of "Internet+" is innovation. However, we all know that innovation is productivity. There are many young people like me who want to start a business through innovation.

However, sometimes, we really don’t know where to start, find the key, and open the door to innovation.

As a successful entrepreneur, you are also the pride of our young people. Do you have any good advice for us? "

Hey, this flattery makes Boss Chen blush a little even with his shamelessness.

Holding the podium with both hands, he pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then said, "Actually, the key point of your question is not how to innovate, but how to find where innovation is needed, right?"

Seeing the man nodding his head, Chen Yang smiled and said, "Then this is no longer the category of the Internet, but has jumped into the theoretical framework of economics.

Anyone who has studied economics knows that the basic theory of economics is value, and what determines value?

supply and demand!

Well, if you bring innovation into the equation, the answer is pretty obvious,”

Chen Yang spread his hands and smiled at him, "Wherever there is a need, that's where you can innovate!"

When I say this, I quickly stop saying it. If I say it, I haven’t said it yet.

Just kidding, if you continue talking, all you have to do is tell everyone directly where there is money to be made.

It won’t take long, that is, four or five years later, almost all social pain points will become the entrepreneurial direction of Internet people.

Wherever there are pain points, innovation will be there and capital will flow.

Although there are successes and failures, the amount of wealth gathered in the middle is huge. Only in the real estate industry, compared with the illusory "Internet +", this is the real secret to making money. He is crazy to say this. go out!

The man nodded thoughtfully, raised his head and wanted to say something more, but the microphone had been taken away by the staff, so he could only applaud regretfully to express his gratitude.

The microphone was passed to Lao Zhang again,

He just asked a ridiculing question, which resulted in a long speech from Boss Chen, and his microphone was also taken away. Fortunately, Lao Zhang's status is here, so he asked more questions, and no one said anything.

“Excuse me, Mr. Chen, we always talk about innovation, and you also said that the core of ‘Internet+’ is innovation. Wherever there is demand, innovation can go.

However, not to mention young people, sometimes I, an old guy, also have a headache. What is innovation and how to innovate?

Therefore, I am more interested in your understanding of innovation. For example, how did you find the concept of "Internet +" through innovation? "

Chen Yang had a grin on his face, but he was cursing secretly in his heart.

This Lao Zhang is causing trouble for me. If there is really any problem, why don't we just drink and chat in private? Why should I join in the fun at this time?

However, since Lao Zhang asked sincerely in front of a large audience, he could only tell him mercifully,

"Ahem, there is no standard answer to this question."

Chen Yang opened his arms and said with a smile, "Everyone can have an understanding of innovation. As for me, in my opinion, innovation means doing two things. One is something that has never been done before, such as the orchestra website,

The other thing is to do things that others have done in a way that others would not think of, such as creating the future.

Just now you said how I found the concept of "Internet +" through innovation. It's actually very simple. I just used an innovative way to think about innovation issues.

To put it simply, it means putting aside past experience, knowledge, routines, summaries, etc., and looking at the future from the present, rather than looking at the present from the past! "

After a pause, he quickly said,

“Of course, when I say this, I don’t mean that experience and knowledge are useless. On the contrary, experience and knowledge are the basis for our continuous innovation.

What I mean is that we need to change our way of thinking to think about how to achieve new forms of innovation in the context of the dual eras of information and knowledge.

By analogy with web2.0, we can also call it innovation 2.0! "

Well, we haven't figured out the "Internet +" yet, and now there's Innovation 2.0, which makes people in the audience even more itchy.

It's a pity that today's meeting is, after all, the "International Internet High-end Summit" and is not a performance stage for Boss Chen alone.

After receiving the assistant's reminder, the president had to suppress his curiosity, picked up the microphone and said, "Thank you very much, Mr. Chen, for sharing. Due to time constraints, we have to end this wonderful conversation.

Here, let us use warm applause to thank Mr. Chen again for his wonderful speech! "

Bang bang bang...

Unprecedented warm applause rang out in the venue,

Boss Chen, with a red face, bowed several times in all directions before walking off the stage waving his hands.

In fact, the reason why it caused such a big response is related to the identity of Boss Chen.

If this concept were proposed today by an expert and scholar in the industry, it might cause a sensation, but the response would definitely not be as big.

It is precisely because Boss Chen has the blessing of a successful career that he attracts unprecedented attention from everyone.

Whether you have successfully started a business, are currently starting a business, or are planning to start a business, you all hope to find some of the secrets to his success through Chen Yang’s speech.

If you apply it to yourself, it will be of some use!

The next few people's speeches were a bit calm, and even less effective than the previous ones.

They couldn't laugh or cry in their hearts.

Originally, all the heavyweights were behind, but Chen Yang, a weirdo, was obviously an entrepreneur, but he repeatedly came up with strange tricks in theory. The key is that he still had something to say, and he made a significant contribution to theoretical research on the Internet. ,

Jin Yu was in front, and even though the content of their speeches was very exciting, it was difficult to resonate with everyone, so they could only finish the speech according to the script.

The agenda was passed item by item, and after a delay of more than ten minutes, the meeting was finally coming to an end.

Just before the show ended, a staff member walked up to Chen Yang, bent down and whispered, "Mr. Chen, the president, please come over."

Chen Yang felt a little strange, "Now?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the leadership table in front of him. Isn't the president still there? He will have to speak later, right?

The staff member smiled cautiously and said, "Yes, the president said, it's best if you come over now."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and was about to speak.

At this time, Lao Zhang next to him suddenly laughed and said, "President, please leave now for your own good!"

Xiao Ma also nodded and smiled, "Mr. Chen, believe it or not, if you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave later!"

Lao Li also joined in the fun, "It's a good time if I can't leave. I'll stay here tonight. I won't come back until I'm drunk!"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and immediately understood what was going on. He immediately took Zou Rong's little hand and stood up and walked out.

Although many people looked at him eagerly, under the guidance of the staff, he successfully entered the lounge behind the stage.

A little surprised, there were already a few people inside at this time,

These Chen Yang had met, and they were all masters in domestic academia, communications and the Internet. One of them was Professor Liu who had just asked the question.

Seeing Chen Yang come in, Professor Liu and others immediately stood up and greeted him.

Boss Chen didn't dare to get in trouble with these people, so he hurriedly greeted them, stretching out his hands to greet them from a distance, "Professor Liu, Professor Ma, Professor Zhu, Professor Yang,..."

After a round of greetings and asking them to take a seat first, he took Zou Rong and sat down beside him.

Professor Liu spoke first, "Mr. Chen's words today were inspiring and opened up a new direction for my theoretical research work. I have benefited a lot!"

Chen Yang smiled and waved his hand, "Don't dare, don't dare,"

Professor Zhu has already echoed, "Yes, especially the discussion of 'Internet+' and '+Internet' clearly solves the problem of how traditional industries can access the Internet, and how the Internet should serve traditional industries. It is of very high significance. Practical value!”

Chen Yang smiled and continued waving, "No, no,"

Professor Ma on the other side has followed closely, "The most exciting thing is the understanding of Innovation 2.0. The concept of 'Internet+' is exactly the product of Innovation 2.0. What is Innovation 2.0, but we need to study it carefully. topic of!"

This time Chen Yang just smiled and said nothing.

Sure enough, Professor Yang started his compliments again...

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