Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 632 Spring of Fireworks

On the other end of the phone, Chen Yang couldn't help but become more vigilant after hearing Yao Dong's words.

As the saying goes, showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing!

Thinking back to those days, although Director Yao was quite polite to him, it was just a normal social interaction in the mall, just like how he was equally polite to him.

Now, good fellow,

If you say it in a low tone, no one should object.

What kind of crooked ideas is this old Jianghu planning?

In the light of the calcium carbide fire, Chen Yang's mind had already turned three hundred and sixty-five times, but his words were not slow at all.

"Oh, Mr. Yao, what you said is out of context. It's just our old friendship. If you don't want to disturb me, just tell me if you have anything to do."

When Yao Dong heard this, he immediately felt warm in his heart.

Although it is just a polite word, with Boss Chen's current wealth and status, it is already very rare for him to say this.

In the business world, there is no such thing as friendship. Aren’t all my old friends who I have known for decades avoid me when they see me?

The world is so cold!

Director Yao sighed for a while and said quickly, "Mr. Chen is indeed Gaoyun Boyun! Then, I will speak frankly."


Chen Yang raised his vigilance to the highest level, "Just tell me."

Just because you say it, doesn't mean I have to do it for you.

That's two different things!

Director Yao didn't know the little Jiujiu in Boss Chen's heart, and said with emotion, "That's it. You all know that I lost money in the stock market last year and then started real estate development again."

"Yeah, I know,"

Chen Yang grabbed the water cup, took a sip, and said with a smile, "Is the development of your property finished? Is the sales situation good?"

Director Yao was stunned when he heard this, "Mr. Zhang didn't tell you this?"

He found it a bit unbelievable that Zhang Chunli didn't even report to Boss Chen about a project worth more than one billion, but just made the decision directly?

Before, he had always thought that this acquisition decision was approved by Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was suddenly a little confused, "What do you mean?"

Who is Mr. Zhang?

Could it be Zhang Chunli? What did she do?

"Oh, that's right,"

Director Yao quickly smiled and said, "Isn't the real estate market sluggish in the past year? Many projects cannot be sold at discounts. My property in the eastern suburbs is even more difficult to sell. It took more than half a year after it was launched. Dozens of sets are really unbearable.

So, I asked Mr. Zhang to see if I could ask Anjia Real Estate to come up with a marketing plan and help me with sales.

Otherwise, it’s not like a family doesn’t want to enter a house. Mr. Chen Yi, Bo Yuntian, and Mr. Zhang are so righteous. They just took over my property without saying a word, so I didn’t lose much money at all! "

Upon hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but wipe his face.

Does this count as being sold and still helping to count the money? !

Needless to say, Zhang Chunli must be confident in her analysis and is sure that the real estate market will pick up next year. Is there any reason for her to let go of this meat that is delivered to her door? !

From this amount alone, Anjia Real Estate is expected to earn hundreds of millions.

From the perspective of making money, it is indeed a family, do not enter the same door!

"Hehe, hehe,"

Chen Yang laughed twice, then abruptly changed the subject and said, "Well, Mr. Yao, you don't want to do real estate now?"

"No more,"

Director Yao sighed and said, "Not to mention the current downturn in the real estate market, no one knows when we will be able to survive.

I have been in business for decades, but in the end, I even forgot the rule of being a professional and not being an amateur, which is why I ended up where I am today. It’s time to get back to my old job. "

Chen Yang blinked and asked, "What is your line of work?"


Speaking of this, Director Yao even raised his voice a little louder, "The old business is, of course, trading. Guangzhou is a city that started from industry and trade. The old businessmen here are either engaged in processing or trading. , both domestic and foreign trade,

I used to do foreign trade business. Places such as Baima Clothing City, Thirteenth Line, and Guangda Shoe City were my base areas, as well as Xintang’s Denim Village, Zhongshan Xiaolan’s Electrical Appliances Factory, and Huadu’s Cosmetics.

As long as it's something that can make money, there's nothing I won't do! "

"Oh, you are an old Jianghu,"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I heard that those who did foreign trade wholesale in the early years all made a fortune!"

"Huh, how can you make a big fortune? It's just a small fight,"

Director Yao pretended to be humble, and then said, "Compared to many companies, foreign trade does make money quickly, and the money flows steadily, and the risks are not high. This is how I saved my previous net worth of hundreds of millions.

It’s just that, in foreign trade, especially those like us who do everything, when the business scale reaches a certain level, it will be difficult to move up.

After all, there are only so many regular customers. It’s not that easy to open up new customers, and I don’t have that much energy.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have thought of a way to transition to real estate in the first two years, and then to stocks later.”

Hearing this, Chen Yang nodded secretly,

There are very few companies engaged in foreign trade that are relatively large in scale. Why?

Because it is easy to pry orders in this industry,

As your company grows, it will inevitably use some salesmen. Once these salesmen become familiar with your customers, that will be their opportunity to change jobs!

Therefore, Yao Dong’s choice is easy to understand.

At this point, Yao Dong was obviously in a low mood, "It was also due to lack of greed that we ended up in this situation today. It's a wise saying that you should do it before you become an expert!"


Chen Yang felt a little embarrassed. Dong Yao was also in his fifties, almost the same age as his father, but it felt a little weird to be crying to himself here.

After thinking for two seconds, Chen Yang said, "It's okay. Isn't this over? Now you can go back to your old profession. I believe you can make a comeback soon!"

After some auspicious words, Yao Dong smiled bitterly.

"It's not that easy, Mr. Chen! You don't know. I have neglected my business management in the past two years. Many old customers have changed suppliers. Now the business has shrunk to less than 30% of the original volume.

Moreover, isn’t there a financial crisis happening all over the world right now? We may not feel it at home, but those of us who are engaged in foreign trade feel it is very obvious that business is not easy to do! "

Chen Yang curled his lips,

If business is not easy to do, will it make it easier to do business if you call me?

However, is foreign trade difficult?

No feeling!

Oh, my industrial companies are all engaged in domestic trade, so that’s fine.

After a pause, Chen Yang held the phone and said, "So, what do you mean, Mr. Yao, today?"

After talking for a long time, I still haven’t figured out what the reason is. Isn’t Boss Chen’s time money? !

"Oh, that's right,"

When Yao Dong heard this, he quickly smiled and said, "It's hard to do business now, and the competition for exporting clothes, shoes, and electrical appliances is also huge.

When I communicated with customers, I found that it was not that they did not want to purchase goods at all, but there were very few good products that could attract them.

For example, if there is a product, they are very interested! "

This time Boss Chen didn’t need to ask questions, Director Yao said directly, “That’s your HuaHuo mobile phone!”


Chen Yang was a little surprised, "Are you sure it's not Damai?"

When it comes to barley, he is really not surprised.

Jackson was invited to be the global image spokesperson. Today’s Damai mobile phones are sold all over the world. The huge warehouse in the Science City factory turned out to be a decoration.

The loaded trucks do not enter the warehouse, but all drive to the entrance of the packaging workshop. As many trucks come out as they come out, they are directly loaded onto trucks and shipped to all over the world.

No matter where Yao Dong's customers come from, they are likely to be interested in Damai mobile phones.

But fireworks,

Although this thing is also popular, it is basically not exported. Where did Yao Dong's foreign trade customers know about it?

On the other end of the phone, Yao Dong said with great certainty, "It's Hanabi!"

After a pause, he continued, "Of course, barley is also very well-known in Africa. However, the price of barley is a bit high, and Huahuo is more affordable and more suitable for the African market, so they are more interested in Huahuo mobile phones. !”


Chen Yang blinked, "Your market is in Africa?"

Africa is a great place...!

Director Yao smiled and said, "We are engaged in foreign trade. There is no limited market. As long as we can get the goods, it doesn't matter where the customers come from.

However, the largest group of my customers are indeed from Africa, and they are also the ones who are interested in HuaHuo mobile phones. "

Chen Yang touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "So, Mr. Yao, do you want me to get the agency rights for Huahuo Mobile Phones in Africa?"


Director Yao immediately nodded his head and asked with a smile, "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, if you hand over the agency rights in Africa to me, I won't ask for any discount or any rebate on the price of the goods. Everything will follow your company's rules." As long as we have the goods, we can say anything!”

The problem lies in the sentence "as long as it is available\

,"Like Damai, HuaHuo mobile phones are not worried about sales.

So many agents across the country first transfer the money to the company account, and then charter a car from Feihong Supply Chain to directly pick up the goods from the factory, and then deduct the money from the account.

Where is the goods going out? !

Even if the factories in the future industrial new city are now put into use, mobile phones will be updated.

It turns out that when Chen Yang personally managed the company, he would change models twice a year. But now that Zhou Daoen has taken over the management of Damai and Huahuo, the speed of upgrading has begun to accelerate.

Now that new models are on the market, as many as there are are still being snatched away, and there simply aren’t enough to sell.

So, still out of stock!


Chen Yang rubbed his chin and thought, it seems that this agency right cannot be given.

Later, it defeated Samsung, Apple, Lokia, and Xiaomihua became OP Mei. What was the name of the copycat company that monopolized half of the mobile phone market in Africa?

That’s a market worth 20 billion a year!

With Boss Chen’s wealth, he can’t turn a blind eye!

On the other end of the phone, Director Yao couldn't help but feel a little anxious because he didn't hear Boss Chen's voice.

But in front of Boss Chen, no matter how anxious he was, he had to endure it. He could only find a way to continue public relations.

"Mr. Chen, I also know that Huahuo Company's supply is very tight.

In fact, I have already contacted Huahuo's Director Gao before, and he told me the company's situation very straightforwardly. Currently, there are indeed no plans to expand overseas markets.

It's just that, Mr. Chen, before I made this call to you, I did some serious research.

Don’t believe it, Africa is a big market, and it will be a pity if we don’t capture it in advance! "


Chen Yang came back to his senses and said with a smile, "Have you done market research?"

"Yes, no matter what business you do, market research must be done!"

Dong Yao smiled and said, "To tell you frankly, it is true that Africa is poor, but it is also true that there is market demand.

Do you know which mobile phone sells best in the African market now? "

Chen Yang touched his chin and said with a smile, "Our copycat phone?"

"Ha ha ha ha,"

Dong Yao suddenly laughed loudly, and then said, "How can I say that Mr. Chen is awesome? I spent hundreds of thousands on market research, and you just said it right casually. It's awesome. I admire you!"

Chen Yang changed his hand to hold the mobile phone and said with a smile, "You said it, you are poor, but there is market demand, so a cheap and easy-to-use copycat phone should be the most marketable."

"That's right,"

Director Yao sighed and said, "You don't know, just last year, there was a small company in Shenzhen. To put it bluntly, it was making copycat phones. They created two brands and began to enter the African market.

In just one year, their market share has increased significantly. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is only a matter of time before they surpass Lokia and Samsung.

Because their product positioning is really suitable for Africa!

There are many different operators in Africa, and the cost of calls between different operators is very high, so many people tend to apply for more than two SIM cards.

In addition, many places in Africa do not have electricity. If they want to charge their mobile phones, they may need to walk dozens of kilometers away.

Therefore, dual-activation, dual-standby, and ultra-long standby hit the pain points of Africans! "

When Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help but laugh, "Isn't that exactly the characteristic of Hanabi?!"

From the beginning, Hanabi was positioned as a mobile phone for the elderly, with a big screen, a big keyboard, a big font, a big volume, and a big battery.

Coupled with the fact that it also supports dual SIM cards and dual standby, it can be said that the Huahuo mobile phone is simply tailor-made for Africa!

Is this the spring of fireworks coming? !

When Director Yao heard Chen Yang's words, he immediately slapped his thigh and said with a smile, "Isn't it true! And in addition to dual-SIM dual-standby and ultra-long standby, Hanabi has an advantage that all other mobile phones do not have!"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, "What?"


Yao Dong said, "My client told me that the HuaHuo mobile phone he bought in my country has a night photography function. Even if there is only low light at night, he can take pictures of black people very clearly!"

After a pause, he smiled again, "You don't know, he held the fireworks phone in his hand and became the most handsome boy there!

Countless people around him asked him for help, asking him to bring back his Fireworks mobile phone when he came to China.

But you also know, is this Fireworks mobile phone so easy to buy? !

He only bought a few units after a lot of effort. Just a while ago, I contacted him about business matters, and he asked me for help, which gave me inspiration.

I just thought, if even he, an African who is not poor, likes HuaHuo mobile phones so much, it means that the quality of HuaHuo is really good!

Then I started doing market research, and found that there is still such a big blank market in Africa, and it is a blank market with almost no competitors.

Mr. Chen, really, as long as you give me the agency rights of Huahuo and ensure the supply of goods in the early stage, I guarantee that Huahuo will become the number one brand in the African mobile phone market! "

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