Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 648 Are you coming yet?

Many people don’t know that the Old Summer Palace and the ruins of the Old Summer Palace are not the same thing.

The Old Summer Palace is a large area, including the three gardens of Old Summer Palace, Changchun Garden and Qichun Garden. The ruins of the Old Summer Palace are the remains of the original Old Summer Palace that have been specially preserved.

Therefore, there are not only those damaged ruins in the Old Summer Palace.

After coming out of the Heritage Park, it was almost dusk. Looking at the beautiful scenery and exquisite palaces in front of him, Jackson turned around and said,

Behind are the ruins destroyed by the war.

More than a hundred years ago, this was the most exquisite garden architecture in the world.


In the blink of an eye, a hundred years passed, and through those restored buildings, Jackson seemed to see the grand scene of the emperor's trip in the Old Summer Palace, and then the flames of war burned, and all the beauty was destroyed in an instant...

Walking to Jackson's side, Chen Yang put his hands in his pockets and said with a deep expression, "China is the only ancient civilization in the world with an uninterrupted history, and it is also the only existing ancient civilization.

In the history of thousands of years, we have experienced countless wars. At the most dangerous time, the population of our Han nation suddenly dropped from more than 60 million to less than 4 million, and we were almost exterminated.

However, even at that time, our nation still persisted tenaciously,

And relying on the positive spirit of hard work and self-improvement that is deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of our bones and blood, our country has been rebuilt on the ruins time and time again.

To this day, three of the four ancient civilizations, namely Babylon, ancient Egypt, and ancient India, have all been interrupted due to the invasion of foreign enemies. Their writing has been erased and their classics have been burned.

Chinese characters are still in use today, and the changes in Chinese language can be easily traced.

We can easily read poems from thousands of years ago, and quote allusions from thousands of years ago at will.

Many people can even understand the meaning of some words in oracle bones and inscriptions written more than 4,000 years ago.

In terms of culture, the classics of various schools of thought have been preserved in history. For thousands of years, our people have followed and continued this cultural style."

Chen Yang turned his head as he spoke and looked at Jackson who was listening intently, "Many Europeans say that the Chinese have no real faith because we worship God whenever we see them, or that they are atheists and a nation without faith.

In fact, that kind of people don’t understand us at all.

Not only do we have faith, but this faith has lasted for thousands of years,

In a narrow sense, what we believe in is the ancestors who left us a splendid cultural heritage and created a better life.

It is their efforts that have given us today’s splendid culture and stable life, allowing us to know where we came from and where we are going.

Broadly speaking, our faith is the Chinese culture that has been inherited and continuously enriched for thousands of years. This culture does not require us to pray to or for anyone, but permeates our every word and deed in our lives. Soaked in the bone marrow and passed down to generations! "

Then, Chen Yang pointed to the heritage park in front and said with a smile, "Our land has experienced countless invasions and wars, but after we drove the invaders away, we did not turn around to plunder their land.

This is because the concept of ‘peace’ in Chinese civilization has penetrated into the hearts of every Chinese.

More than 2,500 years ago, a great Chinese thinker, politician, philosopher and educator once said, ‘Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you’.

It is precisely because we have experienced such pain personally that we will not impose such pain on others.

Our culture has had a deep-rooted impact on neighboring countries, such as Japan and South Korea. Their daily lives cannot even be separated from Chinese characters.

But we did not occupy their land, plunder their wealth, and turn their country into ours.

And this is also one of our beliefs! "

Hearing this, Jackson nodded with deep understanding, "I know, that was said by one of the greatest thinkers in the history of your country, Confucius!"

Then, he looked at Chen Yang and said, "After your introduction and the experience of visiting just now, I know that you are a great nation, and I can't wait to learn more about your culture!"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "As you wish, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

At the same time, he silently added in his heart, Mr. Kong's other sentence, "Repay grievance with straightness, repay kindness with kindness." There is no need to say this to Jackson.

After all, we are a peace-loving nation!

The group of people strolled outside. At this time, the tour guide had already been laid off, and Boss Chen came to serve as a guest commentator.

“We can learn from history, and we often learn from history, but based on the culture that has been passed down for thousands of years, the concept of peace has penetrated into our genes.

Therefore, unlike the predatory rise of Western powers, what we pursue is the path of peaceful prosperity.

This path requires understanding, tolerance and cooperation, and cooperation is based on the first two.

I invite you to come and travel, actually with some selfish motives. I hope that through your influence, more people can know us, understand us, understand us, and tolerate us, and finally achieve a win-win situation in peace through cooperation. result! "

When Jackson heard Boss Chen's words now, he had a completely different feeling.

When he heard Chen Yang express his attitude just now, it was more because of Chen Yang that he was willing to accept this task that was not considered a task.

But after a visit and Chen Yang’s explanation, his understanding of Chinese culture deepened.

The pursuit of peace and the splendid artistic level are what he advocates and celebrates.

There is nothing more motivating than like-minded people.

Therefore, he suddenly slapped Boss Chen on the shoulder and said seriously, "Chen, my friend, please rest assured that I will do my best to let as many people as possible get to know you.

I believe that such a great country should and will be accepted and praised by the whole world! "

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows, grinned and said nothing.

But I was secretly reflecting in my heart,

Have you been brainwashed too much? Should you stop it?

After all, Jackson is a world superstar. It would be very troublesome if he stayed here and refused to leave!

Then he glanced at Shen Youshun again,

The meaning is obvious. Have you recorded it?

Shen Youshun secretly made an OK gesture, indicating that everything was fine!

Chen Yang smiled slightly and led them forward.

After coming out of the Old Summer Palace, Jackson and DiLeo turned around, silently made the sign of the cross, clasped their hands, bowed their heads and prayed.

Boss Chen did not disturb them. He just held Zou Rong's hand and waited quietly.

After a while, the two of them finished praying and then turned around.

Jackson took two steps forward and was about to speak.

Chen Yang suddenly said,

"It's going to get dark soon. I want to take you to a place to visit. Well, do you want to go there after dinner, or do you go and come back for dinner?"

Jackson was stunned for a moment and asked, "Where is it, Houhai?"

There are not many places where you can go shopping at night, the famous Houhai should be one of them.

Grain milk

However, Jackson is not a person who likes nightlife. The world-famous Houhai Bar Street is really not very attractive to him.

On the contrary, living ancient buildings may be more attractive to him, but it is obviously more appropriate to visit such things during the day.

Just when Jackson was daydreaming,

Chen Yang smiled and shook his head, glanced at the garden in the distance, and said, "Architectural ruins are for future generations to understand history and use the past as a mirror.

In addition to buildings, after the death of their loved ones, people will also miss them in various ways.

The place I want to take you to is a place where supplies are made to commemorate deceased relatives. There, you can see the tip of the iceberg of our national funeral culture! "

That's right, the place Chen Yang wanted to take him to was the paper-making workshop that had been busy for a long time.

If Jackson hadn't come here today, Chen Yang wouldn't have thought of taking him there to visit.

One is to remember history through ruins, and the other is to remember relatives through ceremonies. In Chen Yang’s view, there is not much difference between the two.

Moreover, he sincerely feels that if you want to truly understand our traditional culture, starting from the living customs of birth, old age, illness, death, food, clothing, housing and transportation is the fastest and most effective way.

We can't expect Jackson to really stay here for a year and a half. Strong medicine should be used in emergencies, and Boss Chen took the risk today.

After finishing his words, Chen Yang turned to look at Jackson,

Well, Jackson and DiLeo were already dumbfounded and looked at him blankly. Their expressions were hesitant to speak. They were obviously shocked and overwhelmed.

Not only them, but even Zou Rong couldn't help but cover her face, lowered her head and said, "What the hell are you doing? How can you bring guests to see those things?"

Chen Yang glanced at her disapprovingly and said, "You can see the architectural ruins, and you can also miss people."

Then he spread his hands towards Jackson and said with a smile, "I promise, that must be a sight you have never seen before. If you go and see it, you will definitely gain a deeper understanding of our country's culture faster!"


Jackson blinked and couldn't help but glance up. He didn't dare to look directly into Chen Yang's eyes, and said with a slight hesitation, "Sorry, I want to confirm, are you taking me to the cemetery at night?"

The West also has a culture of ghosts, and the religions they believe in include exorcists.

Believers will be scared if they go to the cemetery at night, right?

When Chen Yang heard this, he immediately shook his head, "No, no, no, how could it be a cemetery? Of course not!"

At this time, DiLeo asked cautiously from the side, "Is that a funeral home?"

"No, no, not a cemetery, not a funeral home, and certainly not a haunted house,"

Chen Yang smiled, waved his hands and said, "As I said just now, it is a place where supplies are made to commemorate deceased relatives. You can think of it as a factory."

When they heard that it was just a factory, Jackson and DiLeo immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It turns out it’s just a factory, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.


The two of them looked at each other and could see the confusion and surprise in each other's eyes.

Is it a coffin-making factory?

Going there at night, isn’t this billionaire’s hobby a bit too unique?

Chen Yang smiled and was about to speak when the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Making an apologetic gesture, Chen Yang took out his cell phone and looked at it. He couldn't help but be stunned, and then answered the call, "Old Wu, why are you calling me?"

"You're right," Wu Jing said with her usual playful smile, "I can't give you a call to say hello if I have nothing to do!"

Boss Chen was too lazy to talk to him at this time, and immediately said, "Oh, it's just a greeting, okay, I received it, hang up!"

"Hey, hey, don't,"

Wu Jing quickly smiled and said, "I knew I couldn't hide it from you. Look, isn't there a distinguished guest here? As a representative of our country, it is only right that you come to receive it. However, we old Beijin people are also famous. Hospitality, if no locals come forward to let outsiders know, wouldn’t it be said that we are not treating guests well?!”

Boss Chen chuckled, "What the hell, do you want to be the hospitality representative?"

Wu Jing patted her chest, "I, a local and a national martial arts champion, will do my part!"


Chen Yang couldn't help but laugh. He put his hands on his hips and said, "I said you are an actor, why did you come here to join in the fun?"

Wu Jing was not thin-skinned and immediately said with a grimace, "Oh, Mr. Chen, you still know that I am an actor, but do you know how long it has been since I last filmed!"

If I don't show my face, no one will remember that there is a person like me. Really,

Mr. Chen, I was the first person to seek refuge with you. You didn’t want me, so that’s it. You also said you wouldn’t sign artists, but you turned around and signed those little flowers. I don’t blame you for that. Bar,

Now I’m just thinking about having a chance to…”

"Okay, okay, don't talk to me,"

Boss Chen didn’t take his advice and said with a smile, “Why, don’t tell me that Old Liu didn’t give you the script of ‘I am a Special Forces’.

Let me tell you, if the filming of this drama starts soon, Lao Liu told me that you agreed to go to the military camp to train for three months. Why, the three months are up? "

"It's full, it's definitely full, otherwise I wouldn't be able to come out!"

Seeing that this method didn't work, Wu Jing immediately changed directions, "Well, Mr. Chen, you've locked up Jackson and Yaya, and you haven't even looked after me.

You said, is it because they are artists of your company? How about transferring my company to Maitian Culture at a cheaper price?

Then we can be considered a family. Let’s take care of it, okay? ! "


Boss Chen smiled and touched his head and said, "Just because you are so shameless, I won't even agree if I don't agree.

Okay, I'm going to take Jackson to a place now. If you're not afraid of bad luck, you can come directly to us. "


Wu Jing blinked, no matter where it was, he quickly agreed and said, "Don't be afraid, you and Jackson can go. What do I have to be afraid of?"

After a pause, he asked cautiously, "Mr. Chen, where are you taking him? Could it be the Ming Tombs?"

After thinking about it, I think the only place that is associated with bad luck is the Ming Tombs.

However, although the Ming Tombs are the tombs of the Ming Dynasty emperors, to old Beijin people, they are really like a back garden. There are not many people who have not visited there.

Well, it was the end of the night, and it was indeed a bit scary.

Just when Wu Jing was thinking, she heard Chen Yang slowly say, "Why are you going to the Ming Tombs at night?

I'm just taking Jackson to see the Paper Man. How about it? Are you still coming? ! "

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