Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 674 There is a question

After walking along this dilapidated provincial road for two hours, we finally arrived at Meigu County.

Meigu County is built on a high cliff, with steep cliffs on one side and towering peaks on the other. The entire county is built along the hillside, giving it a feeling of Chongqing.

If we only look at the appearance of the county, Meigu is pretty good. Although it is not as good as inland counties like Xijiang County, and it is incomparable with coastal counties, the spacious streets and neat buildings are affordable. It has the title of a county city, but its scale is slightly smaller.

Moreover, many buildings in Meigu have the characteristics of Yi architecture. This architectural feature is completely different from that in the mainland, which immediately gives people a refreshing feeling.

After arriving in Meigu County, there was an old Santana police car clearing the way in front of the bus.

Under the guidance of the police car, the bus and three off-road vehicles passed through the streets of the county town and drove directly into the county compound.

The road in front of the county government compound is not wide, and the county government building is ordinary.

At the entrance of the compound, there is an official plaque with black characters on a white background and Chinese and Yi characters. Inside the compound, there is a flower bed in the middle, surrounded by roads and parking spaces.

To the north of the flower bed is the Civil Affairs Bureau of Meigu County, and the building to the south is the county government building.

At this time, there were already many people standing in front of the county government building.

When the bus stopped, Lao Ma and Lao Pan ran out of the bus.

The two of them didn't go far, and stood at the door of the car. After Chen Yang and Zou Rong got off, they quickly introduced them to each other.

"This, this, this, this is a leader from the province, this, this, this, this is a leader from the province, and these are all comrades from the county."

In front of the two higher-level leaders and Boss Chen, the people in the county dare not call themselves leaders. However, judging from their clothes, weathered faces and rough hands, it seems that they have never regarded themselves as cadres.

Chen Yang was already prepared for the leaders in front of him.

In an era when the economy is in charge, if a beautiful girl comes to you, but the leaders here don’t respond at all, that would be abnormal!

After the training of the past year, especially after meeting with the leader the day before yesterday, Boss Chen can now be said to have his sights set high. Ordinary leaders really make him lose interest.

Of course, he will not deliberately neglect him. Firstly, Boss Chen is not the kind of villain who gets carried away. Secondly, who knows what position these leaders, big and small, will reach in the future?

You have to look at the problem from a developmental perspective!

After some pleasantries, the provincial leader Liu directly took over the leadership and said with a smile, "Director Chen and his party have traveled thousands of miles to come here. We are tired from the journey. Why don't we go to the guest house to have a rest first?"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said with a smile, "There is no need to rest. Time is urgent. Let's start working quickly."

As he spoke, he turned and looked at the project manager behind him, who was the general manager of the Mayflower Meigu Branch. "Old Jiang, please introduce the development plan to Leader Liu and ask for his corrections."

Lao Jiang nodded immediately, "Yes."

Compared with other project teams who are still swaying on the train, they took advantage of the boss's plane to come here. It's not hard work, it's more serious to work quickly.

"Okay, in that case,"

As Leader Liu spoke, he turned and looked at the county leaders, his meaning self-evident.

At this time, Lao Ma had just finished a brief exchange with his superior partner. When he saw Leader Liu looking over, he quickly turned sideways and said, "Go to the lecture hall, there is room for you to sit there."

So the group of people huffed and puffed and entered the county government lecture hall.

At the invitation of Leader Liu, Chen Yang sat in the front row with him.

Lao Jiang walked onto the podium carrying a barley laptop issued by the company, and the county staff quickly debugged the equipment.

Two minutes later, Lao Jiang opened the ppt, held a laser pointer in his hand, and said seriously,

"Good afternoon, leaders. Let me introduce myself first. My surname is Jiang, Jiang Shi'an. I am from the same family as Lao Jiang. Others also call me Lao Jiang. You can also call me that in the future.

I am an old employee who joined the company when Mayflower was first established, that is, in mid-August. Of course, the word "old" is just a few days longer than others.

After joining Mayflower Company, we began to select project sites under the guidance of the committee. Against this background, Meigu County in Daliang Mountain immediately entered the perspective of the decision-making group. . "

While operating the ppt, he said, "I think everyone is already very clear about the nature of Mayflower Company and the significance of our team's work, so I won't go into details here.

Next, I will mainly talk about the analysis report and solutions for Meigu County from our Mayflower company headquarters. "

As he spoke, he walked out of the podium and pointed the laser pointer at the big screen.

“Here is the information about Meigu County, the main problems and challenges faced by the geographical environment, population structure, transportation, etc.

I think everyone should be very clear about this,"

He pointed at Lao Ma in the audience and said, "On the way here, Ma County said a lot when introducing Director Chen, and the information was very detailed, so I won't say more here.

What I want to talk about in detail is the advantages of Meigu and our countermeasures. "

He turned to look at the big screen, pressed the laser pointer continuously, and finally stopped on a page.

"In fact, Meigu's resources are very rich. Not only is the Yi people's traditional culture the most complete, the folk customs the strongest, and the cultural heritage the richest, but it also enjoys 'Bimo culture', 'wrestling', 'beauties', 'pandas', 'Nanhong' Agate is known as "Five Townships".

In addition, the various energy and mineral resources in Daliang Mountain are also a huge treasure. We believe that Meigu County has the following advantages:

One is the enrichment of water energy, wind energy and mineral resources.

The main rivers, including the Liutong River, Meigu River, Wahou River and Lianzhaluo River, can be fully utilized to develop hydropower resources. The theoretical reserves in this area are as high as 1.5 million kilowatts, and the exploitable capacity is 900,000 kilowatts. kilowatt,

But so far, except for a few small power stations, other resources have not been utilized, resulting in a huge waste of resources.

At the same time, places such as Huangmaogeng are also rich in wind energy resources that can be developed and utilized."

Having said this, he turned around and looked at the audience, his expression unchanged from beginning to end, "However, compared to hydropower, the investment in wind energy is much higher, so this aspect will not be included in our short-term plan. It’s part of the mid- to long-term plan,”

Then he continued to look at the big screen, "In terms of minerals, they mainly include copper, iron, phosphorus, gypsum, basalt, coal, agate, etc.

Of course, we also know that mining these resources will face many difficulties, and there is also the possibility of damaging the ecological environment, so we will not include it in the short-term plan for the time being, but will wait until the time is ripe to make arrangements. "

Hearing this, subtle whispers could not help but come from behind the audience.

But seeing that the leaders were listening attentively, they quickly became quiet.

Chiang Kai-shek turned a blind eye to these situations.

It’s normal to think about it. One is in the mid- to long-term plan, and the other is not included in the short-term plan. So what are you here to do?

He looked at the big screen and continued his explanation as if nothing had happened.

"Second, the agricultural products are uniquely endowed with many unique varieties of agricultural products, such as potatoes, buckwheat, tartary buckwheat, walnuts, pepper, rock eagle chicken, Meigu goats, ecological Wujin pigs, etc., all of which have very high development value."

At this point, he finally stopped saying that it was not part of the short-term plan. Instead, he turned around and said to the audience,

“Our Mayflower Group, in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture and relevant scientific research institutes, has launched a plan for conservation, breeding, and improvement of agricultural products.

In this plan, agricultural products with local characteristics will be collected from all over the country for protective research, development and utilization. Meigu County has been officially included in the list of the first batch of pilot areas! "

Bang bang bang...

The audience suddenly burst into warm applause.

Others who did not applaud at first hesitantly raised their hands to clap, and turned to look. Sure enough, it was the people from Meigu County who applauded.

They don't care when people are watching them, they are happy and applauding!

Jiang Shian finally had an expression on his face. He twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled. When the applause stopped, he continued,

"First, we will select several varieties, apply for national geographical indication certification of agricultural products, and at the same time do corresponding large-scale development. I will elaborate on this later.

Let me talk about the third point,

The third point is that Meigu is very rich in forest resources. In Meigu County, the total forestry area of ​​the county is as high as 140,000 hectares, of which more than 120,000 hectares are natural forests.

With such rich forest resources and geographical environment, there will be a lot to do in the cultivation of cash crops.

The fourth point is that tourism and cultural resources are very unique.

Meigu County has crisscrossing ravines and peaks, charming natural scenery and unique tourism and cultural resources.

There is the Dafengding National Nature Reserve, known as the "Green Pearl" on Daliang Mountain, and natural landscapes such as Huangmaogeng and Nalong, as well as the profound Yi culture.

The above four points are the advantageous resources of Meigu County. So, how should we make a fuss about these advantageous resources? "

Jiang Shian pressed the laser pointer and turned to the next page.

“As for the development ideas of Meigu County, after research, many experts from the headquarters think tank agreed that tourism should be cultivated as a strategic pillar industry for Meigu County’s economic and social development.

Pay attention to the unification of 'economic benefits, social benefits and ecological benefits', focus on transforming development concepts, adhere to the strategy of 'government-led, whole-society participation, project-driven', and realize the tourism development model from sightseeing to equal emphasis on sightseeing, leisure, vacation, and health care. The construction goal is to transform from a tourist city to urban tourism.

At the same time, we must adhere to the integrated development of industries and promote the integration of tourism with industries such as culture, technology, sports, health and wellness, and modern agriculture to improve quality and efficiency.

On the above basis, we will vigorously implement the premium brand strategy, accelerate the upgrading of the tourism industry, and strive to build a strong ecological and cultural tourism county to make Meigu a unique ecological, leisure, vacation, and health tourism destination in the country. "

Bang bang bang...

When Jiang Shi'an finished speaking, warm applause suddenly broke out in the lecture hall.

After the applause stopped, Leader Liu leaned forward, put his arms on the table, looked at Jiang Shi'an on the stage and asked, "The idea determines the way out. The plan you came up with is indeed closely integrated with the actual conditions of the beautiful girl and complements each other." ,

However, no matter how beautiful you think, it is not as beautiful as doing it.

Lao Jiang, based on this idea, do you have any specific measures? "

"There must be this,"

Jiang Shi'an nodded solemnly and said, "Our start-up capital is 20 million. This amount of money is quite small, but not much. It is enough for us to start several large projects, but it is not enough for us to start a large-scale project." to launch on a large scale,

Therefore, after careful consideration, we decided to adopt the method of developing while developing, rolling development, rolling development.

The first project we started was focused on tourism agriculture. "

At this point, Jiang Shi'an suddenly stopped, lowering his head and hesitating slightly, obviously hesitating for something.

Seeing his appearance, Chen Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his chin slightly, and said softly, "Old Jiang, are you worried about traffic problems?"


Seeing Boss Chen speak, Lao Jiang seemed to be slightly relieved. He nodded and said seriously, "Tourism agriculture is an industry that combines agriculture and tourism. We can work hard on agriculture and promote the planting of various cash crops. and the cultivation of specialty products,

We can also build deep processing plants to turn these primary agricultural products into terminal commodities that can be directly faced by consumers. Then, after attracting tourists, we can directly sell the products to them.


He spread his hands as he spoke, with a look of helplessness on his face, "On the way here just now, you also saw that the road conditions on Meigu's road were not ideal.

Even if we use the publicity and support from the headquarters to make Meigu famous, how outside tourists come in is still a big problem! "

Hearing this, whether it was Leader Liu from the province, leaders from Zhouli, or Lao Ma and Lao Pan, they were all helpless.

There were even some county staff muttering below,

"If there is no problem with transportation, why would I need to invite you over?!"

If you want to get rich, build roads first.

This slogan has been chanted for decades. Who doesn’t know that if you want economic development, you must first build roads?

But this road is not so easy to build.

The road they came in just now was a provincial road built with money from the province. Megu alone might not be able to build a long road in the county!

At this time, Lao Ma also raised his head and said with a grimace, "Lao Jiang, there is another problem here."

As he spoke, he extended a hand and shook it back and forth, "Meigu has nearly three hundred villages, most of which are in deep mountains and old forests. Many places have mud roads, and some don't even have mud roads. They can only rely on hands and feet." You have to climb over mountains and ridges to get across.

We can think of ways to raise funds and build one or two roads first, but where should we build them? "

He opened his arms, as if he wanted to hug the entire beauty, "In such a big place, there are only one or two roads, how can we connect them all? They are scattered and have no scale. It brings people in, and it doesn't work." It doesn’t look good!”

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