Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 707 3 types

Hearing Huang Shan's words, Chen Yang raised his eyebrows.

This answer is both unexpected and reasonable.

When I met Amy before, I felt that she should be the kind of artist who puts her principles first and seemed to disdain fame and fortune. However, I didn’t expect that there would be opportunities to cling to her.

But it’s normal to think about it. Big entertainment platforms are not only attractive to people in the culture and media fields, they are also tempting to the fashion industry that is closely related to entertainment.

In other words, all media-related practitioners hope to join this platform.

Amy is just principled, but it does not mean that she rejects fame and fortune. Otherwise, she would not be so close to the entertainment industry. She has cooperated with many celebrities and TV stations.

Wouldn't it be more noble to concentrate on running the show?

On the other end of the phone, Huang Shan couldn't help but ask, not hearing Chen Yang's voice.

"Is this why you called me?"

Chen Yang came to his senses immediately and said quickly, "Oh, no, that's it. Didn't I tell you about this when I went back that day?

After the art exhibition opens, if the response is acceptable, we will immediately start promoting other elements. Do you have any plans in this regard? "

Zou Rong leaned in her husband's arms. When she heard these words, she suddenly realized,

It turns out that this is what my husband meant when he said he couldn’t ignore it.

When Chen Yang told Huang Shan about this, she was still in the study, busy writing her Mayflower project plan, and didn't hear it. Otherwise, she would have thought of this immediately.

And Huang Shan also remembered the scene at that time,

Speaking of which, that day happened to be the day when Mayflower Company obtained its business license. That was the day when Boss Chen, in her small courtyard in Beijin, Zou Rong handed her an extremely rough but highly feasible project plan. Book,

It was on the basis of this plan that the long-term planning and implementation details of Mayflower Company were finalized.

At that time, she was still wondering whether Boss Chen helped her girlfriend make the plan, but she didn't expect that it was really Zou Rong who made it herself.

From this point of view, Zou Rong can be regarded as getting the true biography of Boss Chen.

Throw out an idea and then let it go.

Sure enough, we are not a family, we don’t enter the same family!

Thinking of this, Huang Shan couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly. She sorted out her thoughts a little, pulled out the content related to cultural exports from the depths of her mind, and then said,

"After you told me at that time, I gave the case to the Future Creative Center.

Based on internal forums, the Creative Center extensively solicited opinions from colleagues across the company and submitted two plans to me before the art exhibition.

As for, because it has just been launched and the users are mainly people in computer technology-related industries, we are not able to provide help yet. "

On the same day, Huang Shan proposed a three-level intellectual structure from the creative center to the internal forum, and then to

The Creative Center is the intellectual center that creates the future. The daily work of this department is to think wildly, so it is jokingly called the "Qingshan Center" by other departments that create the future!

But this place, which looks more like a concentration camp for mental patients, provided the Future Investment Center with thirty-nine creative plans with high commercial value in just three months. Cai Ya won Ping and Huang Shan's deep recognition has also become the department that all colleagues in Chuangfu want to go to.

Because in this department, all rules do not exist. You can arrive late and leave early, play games, eat snacks and take care of pets at work, or you can sleep on the camp bed all day long.

As long as you can come up with feasible business ideas,

Or other interesting ideas, and no one will care about you.

And even the feasibility demonstration of the idea does not need to be done by yourself. It will naturally be completed by other collaborative departments of the marketing department and information department.

Who wouldn’t want such a job? !

However, this department is really not one that can be entered casually. You must prove that your thinking is different and that it is not the groundless imagination of a real mental patient.

There will be a lot of psychological tests, thinking tests and the like, and your knowledge reserves will also be judged.

Otherwise, the company is not a charity, so how could it allow you to go there for retirement?

Of course, elderly care is what people in other departments talk about, and people in the creative center don’t think so.

Although they seem to be unrestrained, human thinking has its limitations after all. All your ideas will be constrained by knowledge.

Therefore, in order to keep their brains active and ensure a steady stream of energy to generate inspiration, they also need to continue to learn and think.

Think about it, when you are playing games, you are thinking about work, when you are eating, you are thinking about work, when you are dating, you are still thinking about work, and when you are sleeping, you are still thinking about work.

How many normal people can endure such a life?

No, in just over three months, five people have already asked to be transferred.

It really goes with that saying, people outside the wall want to get in, and people inside the wall want to get out!

The internal forum is a semi-public forum for all self-operated enterprises under the entire Rainbow Group.

Except for those so-called peripheral companies that only invest and do not operate, employees of companies such as Damai, Anjia, Huahuo, etc. all have a dedicated account here.

Except for the iron rule that the content inside must be kept strictly confidential and cannot be forwarded to external networks, the atmosphere here is almost the same as that of the Creative Center.

As long as it is related to the company and work, any issue can be discussed.

Among other things, a hot post that has been posted on the home page of the forum all year round is, "How do employees protect their own interests?"

At the beginning, the poster was just a fresh graduate who had just joined Damai.

Well, I joined the company in July this year.

This young classmate was ignorant. After hearing about the treatment of his classmates in a well-known large factory, he raised this question on the internal forum.

Well, the result actually caused a big discussion among the people.

Even the director of the Future Human Resources Center personally went out to educate everyone on the new labor contract law that just came into effect this year.

What are the number of hours you can't work more than in a week, how long are normal working hours, how to calculate overtime pay for other working hours,...

What are the legal provisions, how to handle leave, and who are the immediate family members?

What to do if there are no regulations?

For example, why do some companies pay wages on the 5th, some on the 10th, and some on the 25th? What is the difference between them?

Wait, wait, etc., it set off an upsurge of everyone watching on the internal forum. Even Boss Chen opened a small account and fought him a few times, but in the end, he couldn't stump him.

Later, the director of the human resources center who replaced Cai Yaping thought something was wrong, so he went to the wrong place and discussed how to achieve a win-win situation between employees and the company.

Then there was a big discussion among all members.

In addition to hot posts like these, there are more requests for help in internal forums.

Chuangfuture is a resource sharing platform, and the company’s internal forum also continues this style.

No one thinks there's anything wrong with having someone help you get the job done.

On the one hand, the person seeking help will pay points to the service provider. Such forum points can be used in the company's performance evaluation, and the only way to earn points is to complete tasks posted by others in the forum.

On the other hand, this exchange of resources has indeed greatly improved the work efficiency of employees.

Cai Yaping even had an idea. She reported it to Huang Shan and wanted to move this model of points-for-resources from internal forums to reality.

It is a variation similar to the Amoeba model. All department collaborations will be carried out through points transactions, and points can eventually be exchanged for bonuses.

This kind of points cannot be used for job promotion. At the beginning of the year, the company carried out reforms. In the future, all job promotions will only be linked to the cultivation of reserve talents, and nothing else.

Huang Shan has agreed to pilot it on a small scale first. If the effect is good, it will be promoted on all platforms next year.

Ignoring those companies that are run and managed by their founders for the time being, all companies directly controlled by Chuangfuture and Honggu Capital, such as Damai and Hengli, must be implemented.

By that time, there will definitely be another wave of learning boom in academia and business circles.

The main reason is that Chuangfuture has been so successful in the past two years. Their every move has already become a learning target for many companies.

It's a pity that most of them only learn a little bit about the real core benefit sharing, but very few company bosses follow suit.

Otherwise, the hot post on the forum would not be about the topic of labor and management.

As for,

This recently established website is a fully open platform. However, given that this website is invested and led by Damai, its current main business modules are still focused on electronics and software-related aspects.

For things like cultural exports, it can only be said that they are too far apart and are not as useful as internal forums.

This three-level intelligence structure is also what Huang Shan told Chen Yang that day.

So now that Huang Shan said this, Chen Yang could understand instantly,

He immediately smiled and said, "Really? What's written in the plan?"

Huang Shan thought for a while and said, "I won't mention the plan of what to do if the art exhibition fails. Let's talk about the success.

Given the theme of this art exhibition, it’s really weird,”

Speaking of this, Huang Shan couldn't help but cover her forehead,

Heck, even though the exhibition was a hit and almost everyone in the audience loved it, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

There is no way, this is an instinctive reaction that has been instilled for a long time and cannot be controlled.

After a pause, she continued, "When the Creative Center was conceived, it felt that it could not deviate too much, or in other words, change it all at once into Westerners' existing impressions of our culture.

Their strategy is, on the one hand, once the exhibition is successful, they will immediately put relevant products on shelves through e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, and purchase advertisements on platforms such as Guge, Twitter and Facebook to convert influence into actual benefits.

At the same time, through this kind of business behavior, the concept of paper-made products can continue to be spread in depth. "

Upon hearing this, Boss Chen couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.

At that time, he took the trouble to tell Huang Shan that she must prepare the product well and not let such a good opportunity go to waste.

Although he looks down on this small amount of money, even if the market is only a few hundred million, it can still support a group of acquired small businesses.

Although these small companies transformed from non-performing assets may seem inconspicuous, they are the guarantee for the vitality and development of the future industrial new city. They can even be regarded as the foundation. Of course, they should be taken seriously.

However, when he heard Huang Shan say this, he still felt a little strange.

This is just like Huang Shan, with a sense of disobedience as a funeral practitioner!

Huang Shan didn't know Boss Chen's little entanglement and continued talking.

"Judging from the order volume in the past two days, it seems that the effect has exceeded our expectations. If the popularity continues, the overall short-term economic benefit may reach a scale of about 500 million US dollars, and it will continue in the future.

It's just that we can't monopolize this piece of cake. The factories in the Yangtze River Delta are moving very quickly. In just two or three days, their advertisements have been spread on several platforms, and even our orders have been received. some impact. "

Chen Yang smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Originally, there was no big market for eating alone. If they can fill in the market in time, they can help us develop the market together. After the market is established, we will use product quality and brand to determine the winner." It’s not too late.”

A confident person will never be afraid of competition. Moderate competition is also more conducive to the development of the market. If he doesn't even have this confidence, his wealth will be in vain.

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Huang Shan smiled slightly, "Of course I understand this. I'm just informing you of the situation."

After a pause, she continued, "In view of the success of this exhibition and the smooth subsequent business operations, the creative center's plan believes that this operation method should be continued.

In other words, elements that can transform influence into actual benefits can achieve a win-win situation of fame and actual benefits. "


Chen Yang nodded and said, "Then what element did they choose?"

Huang Shan said, "They provide three options, one is clothing, one is musical instruments, and one is woodware."

Clothing, musical instruments, woodware?

Boss Chen was a little confused when he heard these three terms. Is there any connection between these three terms?

Especially with paper products?

Huang Shan knew what kind of reaction he would have without hearing the boss's voice. She immediately smiled and said, "Do you think these elements are too scattered and not too closely related to the paper products?"


Chen Yang rubbed his nose and said, "I don't think it must be connected with paper products, but it just has to make sense from a certain logic.

That is to say, it can have something to do with paper products, making people feel that this is a continuation of a series.

It can emanate from the memory and respect for the deceased to the love and belief in human life, which will give people a holistic feeling.

Otherwise, it will be too fragmented and give people a fragmented feeling. "

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