Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 724: Favoring one and favoring the other

Huang Shan is busy again.

Since the establishment of Rainbow Economic Research Institute, it has never stopped recruiting talents, and has reached cooperation with more than a dozen top domestic colleges and universities, and there are dozens of second-tier colleges and universities. In terms of intellectual resources, it is absolutely the best in the country. Can be put in,

Second rate!


Don’t think that second-rate organizations are bad. Look at what organizations are first-rate.

Academy of Social Sciences, professional affiliated institutions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, top universities, ZYD schools, National Development and Reform Commission...

Rainbow Economic Research Institute has only been established for a long time. Why do you dare to compare with them?

Just because you have a lot of bad money?

Hum hum,

Even today's team, which barely ranks among the second-tier, is based on hiring many experts and scholars from first-tier institutions and related universities.

It all depends on the magic of money!

Otherwise, the famous Rainbow Economic Research Institute can only be regarded as a third-rate enterprise-level think tank and cannot be compared with top intellectual organizations.

Even so, compared with the resources of sub-level central enterprises, Rainbow Research Institute is not good enough.

But it's different now,

What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Cooperating with the three central enterprises of Zhaoshang Bureau, Zhongxin and Huarun, and with the platform and resource support of financial regulatory agencies, Rainbow Research Institute, which can only be regarded as a younger brother, has become the main force.


Why don't Huang Shan start shaking now!

Turning into a workaholic, she moved the bed directly into the office, then summoned all the main forces of Rainbow Research Institute, and then viciously waved the butcher knife and cut off several pieces of flesh from the three major central enterprises and regulatory agencies.

As a result, a large number of top domestic experts and scholars poured in. Caihong Group leased the Beijin Caihong Building from Boss Chen personally to offer advice and suggestions for the "two plans".

She will strive to complete these two plans within a month, and then submit them to the leaders who already know the news.

At that time, the leaders will naturally organize relevant departments and experts to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the implementation plans of these two plans.

If it is feasible and has extremely high economic and social value, a national strategic planning outline will be re-drafted based on Rainbow Group's plan and promulgated by the National Council.

"I kind of don't understand,"

In the corridor of the small courtyard, Zou Rong was lying on a rocking chair wrapped in a fur, looking at her husband who was drinking in the snow next to her, her eyebrows knitted together,

"Although Rainbow Group is very rich, in terms of business resources, it certainly cannot compare with those central enterprises.

Not to mention that if these two plans are submitted now and finally become a national-level strategic plan release, there will definitely be crowds of people competing with us.

If we do this, aren’t we finding opponents for ourselves?

If we directly promote it internally and wait until the time is right to expand externally, won’t we get more share? "

Boss Chen looked at the first heavy snowfall in Beijin this year, which whitened the courtyard. He held the cup in his hand happily and took a sip of Coke.

Treat the snow as a cup, what a life!

When I heard the words of my wife next to me, I couldn't help but smile and said calmly,

"Do you know the Nippon Foundation's trinity strategy?"


Zou Rong looked at him in surprise and shook her head slightly, "I haven't heard of it."

It's only normal if you haven't heard of it. I'm not an economics major. It's weird if you've heard of it.

Chen Yang smiled, put the Coke cup in his hand on the coffee table, turned his head a few times, found a comfortable angle to lie down, and then said,

“The structural models of Japan’s six major consortiums are highly similar. They are all ‘trinity’ systems with financial capital as the core and a high degree of integration of industry, commerce and financial capital.

This kind of financial group system plays a decisive role in Japan's economic development, and has even become the ultimate goal pursued by all Japanese economies, although no one has succeeded since then. "

Having said this, Chen Yang turned his head, looked at Zou Rong's face who was close at hand, and said with a smile,

"Have you thought of anything?"

Zou Rong looked at him blankly and was stunned for several seconds. She was about to shake her head when suddenly an idea flashed in her mind and she blurted out, "Isn't this the current model of Rainbow Group?"

Rainbow Group, with Rainbow Finance as its core, develops related industries through industrial and equity investment,

Then, with the resources at hand, we can open up all upstream and downstream links and deliver the products to consumers.

Let’s not say it’s complete.

At least to a large extent, it is highly similar to the "Trinity" structural model of the Nippon Foundation.

Thinking of this, Zou Rong couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Could it be that my husband’s ultimate goal is to build the Rainbow Group into the Rainbow Consortium? ? ?

Wo ho ho, this goal is very...



Zou Rong covered her head and looked at her husband angrily, "Why are you trying to blow my brains out?"

"Don't let your imagination run wild!"

Chen Yang calmly took back his right hand, lay down on the rocking chair again, grabbed the cup and took a sip of Coke, and then said softly,

"The consortium system in Japan and South Korea is due to their social environment. Unless you are in places like those, it is difficult, or absolutely impossible, to form such a comprehensive consortium.

Even the big consortiums in the United States are called consortiums only because they are large enough, their influence is wide enough, and they are rich enough.

It is fundamentally different from Japan and South Korea, a trinity of comprehensive consortiums that can even influence the national economy.

Even the United States cannot produce such a consortium, let alone our country! "

Zou Rong put down her hand that was rubbing her forehead, then stretched out her right hand and flicked her husband's face, "Then you still say this?"

Chen Yang grabbed her little hand, covered her face and rubbed it gently.

At the same time, he said, "I say this because,"

At this point, he suddenly stopped, then turned around and smiled at Zou Rong, "Don't you think that the Trinity model is somewhat similar to our creation of a 'three-dimensional comprehensive industrial network'?"


Hearing this, Zou Rong was suddenly stunned. She rolled her eyes and thought hard. After a while, she shook her head with a troubled face.

"It doesn't seem to be the same, right?"

Their trinity is through the internal circulation of resources, and then... uh, well, this core seems to be similar to a three-dimensional comprehensive industry network.

Chen Yang shrugged, lay down again, rocked the rocking chair back and forth, looked at the snow flying in the sky, and said with a smile, "It's not the same, but it's still somewhat similar."


Zou Rong pouted, "There must be similarities. After all, Rainbow Group includes finance, industry and commerce.

And through these entities, the most suitable company in China to build a "three-dimensional comprehensive industrial network" is definitely Caihong Group.

If someone insists on..."

As he spoke, Zou Rong's voice suddenly stopped.

She doesn’t understand business, but she understands law.

Moreover, the little girl is also a top student who graduated from a first-class university in China. Compared to Chen Yang and Huang Shan, she just has less social experience and work experience. It does not mean that she is stupid.

At this time, she finally reacted, looked at her husband blankly, and murmured,

“So, if we don’t contribute this plan, but implement it independently, there is no guarantee that no one will slander the superiors.

Or do the higher-ups directly suspect that we want to build the Rainbow Group into the Rainbow Consortium? ! "

It is the consensus of the whole world that Rainbow Group is rich. In China, there are already thousands of entities invested by Future Platform and Honggu Capital.

At the same time, Rainbow Group also joined forces with the committee to create a public welfare company like Mayflower.

If all these resources are integrated, a unique "three-dimensional comprehensive industrial network" can be successfully created.

Then, one day in the future, Rainbow Group will inevitably grow into a super behemoth.

Imagine supporting the development of its invested companies through strong financial strength, and then using existing and grown corporate resources to help start-up companies develop rapidly.

In this process, once a company matures, it will be put on the capital market.

As time goes by, one day, Rainbow Group will bring together hundreds of listed companies, covering all industries except some special industries.

What kind of economic influence will such a Rainbow Group have on the country? !

Apart from anything else, the old Ah Li who was once a great showman, and the Goose Factory pony who was low-key and high-profile, together, they might not be as good as a finger of the Rainbow Group at that time.

In a society with a public ownership economy as its theme, can such a private economy appear? !

Turning to look at Zou Rong, Chen Yang grabbed her little hand and couldn't help but squeeze it gently.

But he didn't speak anymore.

Zou Rong stopped saying anything, but the little hand held by her husband turned into a cross of fingers at some point.

At this time, she finally understood that unless Rainbow Group did not implement it itself, it would have to be announced and turned into a strategic plan for the entire society.

Even if Rainbow Group will lose a large part of its market and profits, it will not be a pity.

Only in this way can this plan be implemented smoothly.



After being silent for a long time, Zou Rong suddenly turned around and looked at her husband with bright eyes, "Let me interview you. Was it difficult to make this decision?"

This could be hundreds of billions or even trillions of profits.

Just give it away for free, how many bosses can do it, let alone Chen Yang who is as calm as he is now.


"You think too much,"

Chen Yang closed his eyes and said, "When Huang Shan and I discussed and perfected the plan, but found that the plan would eventually push Rainbow Group towards the consortium, we decided to announce the plan in advance without thinking about it at all."

As he spoke, he turned around, opened his eyes and smiled, "I just didn't expect that a central enterprise would take the initiative to come to us for cooperation. It was an unexpected surprise.


He said with a chuckle, "Although there will be more competitors after the plan is announced, their participation will also make the market bigger."

Chen Yang stretched out his other hand and drew a circle.

“In the end, it’s hard to say whether we will suffer losses or whether we will gain greater profits!”


Zou Rong nodded gracefully. Following this movement, the rocking chair rocked back and forth. She nestled in the soft fur and stretched out comfortably.

"Anyway, my husband is number one in the world, and whatever decision he makes is the right one. That's right!"

"Of course!"

Chen Yang sat up with a smile, and then, amidst the screams of the little girl, he picked her up and held her in his arms, holding them together to watch the snow.

The last month of 2008, with Huang Shan busy and Boss Chen bored, is about to end without looking back.

After getting tired of being with his wife, Boss Chen finally remembered his boss’s instructions and was about to go back to Xijiang to take a look when he suddenly got a phone call.

"Boss, the ribbon-cutting is about to be held at the Hengli Cultural and Tourism City. When the ribbon-cutting was held at the Future Industrial City, you and Mr. Huang were both present in person.

I called Mr. Huang and she said she was not available and asked me to find you.

Now I called you, and you said you were not free and wanted to go back to your hometown. I, I, I..."

Dai Shouliang wanted to cry but had no tears.

"You can't favor one over the other. Leader Wang from the province has confirmed that he will attend. When he comes over, it turns out that none of the three big guys are here. It's just me and Mr. Cai..."


Chen Yang interrupted him angrily, "That's about it. Didn't I think of it just now? It's not like I said I definitely wouldn't go, and I was crying like a big girl.

Why didn’t Mr. Cai call me and cry like you did? "

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice on the phone turned into another female voice,

"Dr. Chen, you must come. Although the 'Future Industrial New City' and 'Hengli Cultural Tourism City' are both developed by Chuangfuture and Hengli Real Estate, the operator of 'Future Industrial New City' is Chuangfuture." In the future, the operator of 'Hengli Cultural Tourism City' will be Hengli Cultural and Creative Industries.

You have all gone to the ‘Future New Industrial City’. If you don’t attend the opening ceremony of the ‘Hengli Cultural Tourism City’, why don’t you blame me to death?

Besides, Hengli Cultural and Creative is a new company, and Mr. Li has never seen you before. If you don’t come..."

"Okay, okay,"

Chen Yang rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, "Didn't I just say I would go? Why are you still saying it?"

"Ah? Come on?"

Cai Yaping laughed sheepishly, "Um, I didn't hear you just now, oh, I'll give Mr. Dai the phone, and you guys can continue chatting."

Then he thrust the phone into Dai Shouliang's hand.

Dai Shouliang was a little confused holding the phone.

Where did I just say that?

I can't remember it.

Fortunately, Boss Chen didn't want to talk to him about the topic at this time, so he directly changed the subject and asked,

"Lao Dai, how did you do the things I asked you to do in the past two months?"

What were you asked me to do two months ago?

Dai Shouliang rolled his eyes and immediately responded, "Oh, it's already done. The Nanjiang Town Grand Theater is located at the crossroads opposite your home. It has convenient transportation and a spacious place. It also has several theater troupes stationed there. We have already performed many performances.”

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