Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 752 Roadmap

, rebirth starts from 06


Who can't understand? !

Urban development and residential information is nothing more than urban planning, project construction progress, population flow trends, personnel structure, and industrial dynamics.

Furthermore, what is this place used for, what types of institutions will be settled there, and what types of permanent residents are there?

Is it a scientific research area, a factory area, an education area, a public institution area,...

Even the national defense zone!

What the hell...!

Everyone, including Li Rong, wanted to cry without tears.

This is putting shackles on yourself! Information Research Center collects all this information, and often exchanges information with two sister institutions, Anjia Real Estate Research Institute and Hengli Real Estate Research Institute.

The things in the database can be said to be full of weight.

But can we do without these things?

Definitely not!

Information is equal to money. How many colleagues want to collect this information but are unable to do so? Giants at the same level have not yet had the awareness to actively summarize and analyze, or they have not done enough.

The information database currently held by can be said to be the only one owned by Scorpion in China.

This is only now. After ten or eight years, this information database will gradually improve with the development of the country's cities, and can even be updated simultaneously. Coupled with the analysis and predictions of its own research institute,

This is a peerless guide to the domestic real estate market. Whoever can get it can become invincible in the real estate industry and even kill everyone.

In a sense, it may be more important than the database at Hengli...


Thinking of this, Li Rong blinked her eyes, leaned forward slightly, and asked Boss Chen softly, "Boss, Hengli also...?"

Chen Yang glanced at her and shrugged lightly, "Hengli has more choices than you, including the mainland and Xiangjiang."


Li Rong was immediately unconvinced and asked with wide eyes, "Hengli's database is no worse than ours, why can they go public in Xiangjiang?"

If you can't go to NASDAQ, you can go to Xiangjiang to list. The listing conditions there are also relatively loose. If you have to wait at least four or five years in the mainland, going to Xiangjiang to list may only take one or two years at most.

Time waits for no one. Who knows what the environment will be like in a few years?

Looking at Li Rong who was slightly excited, Boss Chen gave her a fake smile.

"Because their database only contains industry information and urban planning, which can be publicly queried and are not particularly confidential. Your information database also contains a lot of user information.

The real occupancy rate of the community includes whether there are more self-occupied or rented occupancy, whether there are more individuals or couples, or more family structures, what the surrounding commercial facilities are like, the career and income status of the residents, the status of the workplace, etc., etc. Everything is well documented in your information database,

Compared with land and houses, people are the secret weapon that can reveal the general trend of economic operation.

Land can be left idle and houses can be left vacant, but people cannot be fake. Through analysis of people’s behavior, many conclusions can be drawn.

Do you dare to disclose this information to overseas regulatory agencies? Are you sure they are only monitoring market behavior and not misappropriating it for other purposes? "

Glancing at Li Rong, who was discouraged again, Chen Yang swept his gaze across everyone's faces and said seriously, "First, can only be listed in the mainland, so there is absolutely no need to talk about it.

Secondly, don’t all of you have your eyes fixed on money and be unable to get out.”

Li Rong was speechless and whispered, "No way."

Boss Chen didn't even bother to look at her and continued, "Third, just because the listing is later, it doesn't mean it's a later start. After the Chinese New Year, and Anjia Real Estate were the first batch of projects to start preparations for listing.

Your options and share awards will also be cashed out one by one when the time comes. "

Bang bang bang...

Mr. Li took the lead in applauding vigorously to show his support for the boss's speech.

Boss Chen glanced at her, and Mr. Li immediately put his hands on his thighs, raised his head and chest with a serious expression, waiting for the boss to lecture.

The other executives present here couldn't help but feel a little amused. Li Rong usually behaves seriously, but this kind of joking attitude is indeed rare.

However, at the same time, they were a little envious. They were able to laugh and fuss with their boss in a formal meeting, which showed that the boss's attitude towards their senior subordinates was really unusual.

Chen Yang turned his eyes and continued, "Fourth, regardless of whether the company is listed or not, whether the stock price is high or low should not be your biggest concern.

Running the company well is the foundation. If you want to make money, there are many opportunities.

You can make money by relying on the platform, and you can also make money by relying on information. As long as you don't break any laws or regulations, you have much more opportunities to make a fortune than ordinary people. Do you understand? ! "

This is all I need to say clearly. Is there anything else I don’t understand?

This means that in addition to their own work, the boss will not prevent them from using their spare time or their own network resources to do business.

It's easy to enjoy the shade with a big tree at your back. With a platform like, executives can know more information than ordinary employees. It's really not difficult to make some extra money.

Li Rong immediately expressed her stance, "Boss, please rest assured, please rest assured the board of directors, we will work together to build a good foundation, run the company well, and develop into a leading domestic and world-class real estate intermediary platform!"

"Leading domestically and first-class internationally,"

Chen Yang squinted at her, "You think is Hengli, do you understand that the Internet winner takes all?

Also, Zhang Chunli made a statement yesterday that she wants to decouple from Hengli. You'd better be mentally prepared to decouple from Anjia Real Estate. Do you understand? "

Li Rong took a breath and looked at the boss blankly, "So cruel?"

The other executives also looked at each other with slumped faces, lamenting in their hearts that the good times were coming to an end.

The reason why has such a good reputation is almost all based on Anjia Real Estate’s housing resources and offline services. If we want to decouple online and offline, then’s operating model will need to be greatly adjusted!

Boss Chen picked up the teacup and took a sip, "If you can't do it, I'll replace you."

"Yes, definitely can,"

Li Rong grabbed her hair and pulled it, thought for a moment, and then asked, "Do you have a mission goal?"

No matter whether the goal is high or low, as long as it is there, she will have a bottom line in her heart, and she will decide what to do based on the actual situation later.

Chen Yang put down the teacup, looked at her, then looked at everyone, and said,

"I'm decoupling from Anjia Real Estate. I'm not asking you to reduce business contacts and use existing business. That's not a strategy, it's an idiot.

Real decoupling is about reducing dependence on their business,"

Having said this, he suddenly turned to look at Li Rong and asked, "Let me ask you, how many of the properties on are provided by Anjia Real Estate?"

Li Rong immediately shrank her neck and answered in a low voice, "Ninety-three percent."

"Oh, it's not bad,"

Boss Chen said with a half-smile, "There is also 7% of external business volume. Judging from Anjia Real Estate's sales, this weight is not low, right?"


Li Rong raised her head and laughed dryly, "There are more than 10 billion flowing water, which is not low."

But seeing Boss Chen's expression, he pricked his head again.

The turnover of more than 10 billion is not only not low, it can be said to be very high.

Considering this year's economic situation, many large real estate companies only have annual revenue of more than 10 billion.'s online platform can bring in more than 10 billion in revenue. No wonder several competitors want to join forces. blackmail,

But Li Rong knew in her heart that these external businesses were actually attracted by the traffic brought by Anjia Real Estate or Hengli Real Estate's projects.

From a certain perspective, it can even be regarded as stealing the business of Anjia Real Estate and Hengli.

This is also the reason why external real estate companies hand over the sales business to

Tsk tsk...

Boss Chen shook his head and said to everyone, "Look, it's 93%. If Anjia Real Estate suddenly stops cooperating with you, what will you do to survive?!"

Everyone was scratching their heads, but silently complaining in their hearts.

They are all companies under the Rainbow Group, and they were founded by you. Maybe you still want to fight with your left hand and your right hand?

At this time, Chen Yang said lightly again, "Don't forget, both of your companies are going to be listed next year. When we go back for review, are you guaranteed to pass the review?"

After hearing this, everyone raised their heads,

you still need to ask?

Of course I can’t pass it!

The market structure is too single and the ability to resist risks is too weak. Under normal circumstances, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will not easily stamp its approval.

Regardless of whether it is from the perspective of company development or listing, practical problems are before us. It seems that this level is just a failure.

Chen Yang tapped his fingers lightly on the table and said to everyone, "Three. First, the names of and Anjia Real Estate are too closely related. You should start immediately and change to a new name as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, Li Rong was ready to complain, "Boss, when you decided on this name..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw two eyes coming towards him like sharp knives.

Li Rong immediately shuddered and immediately changed her words, "We understand that it is to facilitate the use of Anjia Real Estate's properties and services. Now that the name has completed its historical mission, it is time to withdraw from history.

I strongly support your decision!


She asked cautiously, "What kind of name should we change?"

Boss Chen rolled his eyes and said, "You are still asking me about such a trivial matter. You can think about it yourself."


Li Rong immediately sat upright and said it was okay.

Boss Chen continued to speak, “Second, as your site expands, don’t follow Anjia Real Estate’s footsteps, and don’t forget your online advantages.

I don’t ask you to win all of the more than 300 prefecture-level cities across the country. That would be unrealistic.

One hundred, any questions? "

All the executives looked at each other, and finally focused on Li Rong's face.

There is no way, who made her the CEO?

Li Rong lived up to expectations and continued to press forward, "What's the deadline for the mission?"

Boss Chen glanced at her and said, "One year."

Li Rong immediately took a deep breath, paused for two seconds, and then solemnly nodded, "Understood."

In one year, more than 70 new sites were added.

Is this the rhythm of life? !

Boss Chen’s requirement is of course not just a new site on the website port, but also real listings and offline store docking services, that is, real business happening.

The quantity cannot be too small, otherwise it will be meaningless.

There is a long way to go!

Just when Li Rong was thinking heavily, Boss Chen continued,

“Third, you should take a closer look at the U.S.’s ultimatelistgservice, which is the multiple listing service housing system.

The easiest way to succeed is to learn from it.

The American LS system started in the 1930s and has a history of nearly a hundred years. After so many years of continuous improvement, this system is not only a sales model, but also an advanced real estate circulation management system. , popular in many developed countries,

At present, the domestic real estate agency network platform is still in the initial stage of information push, and the listings are mixed, and even fake listings account for the vast majority.

In this case, it is a good opportunity for you to quickly occupy the market high ground by learning from it.

The resources of Anjia Real Estate and Hengli Real Estate have given you the foundation to take off. Drawing on the models of advanced markets will give you another pair of wings.

And the blank market outside the first-tier cities gives you an excellent predatory ground,"

Chen Yang stretched out his hand and shook it, and said to everyone, "In five years, in five years, I will not only see listed on the main board, but also see you become the only giant in this industry in China, except for those in the industry. A small website that picks up food in nooks and crannies will never allow any large website to exist, uu read books

Do you have any questions? "

Li Rong first looked at each other and several subordinates, nodded slightly, then turned to look at Chen Yang, and said solemnly, "No problem,"

After a pause, he added, "If you can't do it, I will abdicate and give way to others!"

The three requirements are actually a strategic roadmap for the long-term development of

First, change the name to decouple from Anjia Real Estate and ensure its independence.

Then, based on the resources business of Anjia Real Estate and Hengli Real Estate, we will use the advantages of online light assets to carry out large-scale external expansion.

How to expand?

The method naturally falls on the third point,

When Li Rong took over, she started as the operations director and later became the CEO. She has never left the front line of business.

As the CEO of a large Internet company, in addition to keeping abreast of the domestic market, we must also actively learn from advanced experience in the external market.

From this point of view, Li Rong is qualified.

She has also carefully understood the American LS model that Boss Chen mentioned, and has thought about it more than once, whether and how to learn from this model.

No need to think about it now, just do what Boss Chen said.

Taking advantage of the uneven supply of information among domestic peers and chaotic market competition, we used a mature real-house real-price system to bind a large number of outstanding real estate agents, and then digested these listings through the high-quality traffic portal of ,

Thus completing the gorgeous transformation of,

Five years later, it has been listed on the market and is the only one in the country.

Li Rong believes that it should not be difficult to complete the task by following the route drawn by the boss, as long as there are sufficient resources behind it.

As one of Boss Chen's earliest subordinates, Li Rong had never doubted the issue of resource support.

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