Not long after, Fang Yuan served the dishes.

Liu Liang and Liu Lele also helped to serve the dishes, and the boys helped to clean up the tables and chairs, and they were not idle at all.

Cheng Bin made three dishes today, but he used his milk-feeding strength to cook three dishes with just the fish, but it was actually because the fish was too big.

Several people have eaten a round belly. How long have they been in the squad leader? They have never eaten such a delicious meal. They eat the school cafeteria every day, if it is not for instant noodles, they are all nauseous. .

It is Liu Liang and Liu Lele who live opposite the school. As long as they can eat what they have at home every day, even if they just drink soup, it is much better than eating instant noodles.

The snow is still falling outside, and people are sweeping the snow from time to time, and gradually a dirt-colored road is swept out.

When someone looked up at the sky, it was still the gray weather, and the snow fell in their eyes from time to time.

I don't know if the snow turned into water, or if the water condensed into ice.

When Teacher Zhang arrived the next day, the monitor told them about their trip to Zhao Ying's house yesterday.

After hearing this, Teacher Zhang felt very uncomfortable.

What the hell is Lin Xiaoyu doing?

A good student, who doesn't go to class, goes to pick up charcoal in the snow, what should he do if he delays his studies?

"Teacher, can you help Zhao Ying?"

The squad leader went there once, so now he always feels unhelpful, and he feels a little uncomfortable.

"At the very least, don't let Zhao Ying stay in that class anymore. I heard people say that Zhao Ying's situation is the same as Liu Liang from our class before. It has also dropped a lot, and those who used to be in the top of the exam are now falling to the 50th place in the grade."

Don't underestimate the influence of some external factors on people themselves.

"Let me think about..."

In fact, Mr. Zhang has no other way. It's not Liu Liang and Liu Lele, who can skip grades. The child shows that there is no possibility of skipping grades, so she can't intervene in it. Besides, she has no such right.

But she couldn't help it, but it didn't mean that there were no other people. She went to the principal to tell her, maybe the principal would have a solution.

And he didn't stop, he went straight to the principal, and also talked about the matter with the principal.

When the principal heard that it was that teacher Lin who had caused the trouble again, his face suddenly elongated, "If you have nothing to do in a day, you will know that you are messing around and let the students take the blame. The students are here to study, not to work as coolies."

"that is."

Teacher Zhang also felt that this was going too far.

Carrying charcoal is actually not a big deal, but now it has become a burden for students. One wants to help classmates and learns to steal it, and the other does not even go to school because of the charcoal, so he goes to pick up charcoal. If something really happened, it would destroy the hope of the family, and no one would be able to pay for the loss of the family.

"Is there anything the principal can do?"

In fact, Teacher Zhang feels that he has too many things, and he is too lenient.

"It stands to reason that it is not my turn to take care of this matter, but it is because of the heating in our class, so this kind of thing happened indirectly, so I am jointly and severally responsible."

And I can't bear to ruin a good seedling, the top few in the grade, I don't know how, the grades can go backwards like that?

If Teacher Zhang is not in the third year of high school, but in the second year of high school, she will definitely find a way to get such a student into her class.

Lin Xiaoyu doesn't cherish it, but he cherishes it. Every child has infinite possibilities. Why can't they treat them well? It's also to care for the little hope in their hearts.

The headmaster sighed heavily, how blind he was at the beginning, how could he recruit such a teacher into the school, even if he signed a contract, he couldn't withdraw, and scolding was useless.

Moreover, he can scold others, and they have not done anything wrong. As for the results, there are ups and downs, and who can be blamed?

The principal finally called these two students over. When Guan Peng heard that the principal was looking for him, he was still confused, because he was afraid that the matter of stealing charcoal would be known, but Teacher Zhang clearly promised him that he would not go with anyone. He said it, could it be that he told the principal?

Both of them were standing in the principal's office uneasy, not even saying a word.

Until the principal mentioned the matter of letting them change classes and asked them if they would like to?

The two nodded hurriedly, fearing that the principal would regret it later.

"The other classes don't have heating."

The principal reminded them that everyone else wanted to run to the first class, because they could enjoy the heating, and how cold the other classes were, they would know after staying for a few days.

"We don't want heat."

Guan Peng and Zhao Ying didn't even hesitate. They were really fed up with the second shift, no matter how cold it was, as long as they didn't stay in the first shift.

"Okay, I see."

The principal asked them to leave first, so he went to a teacher in the second year of high school and asked them if they would like to accept two students. The teacher agreed without saying a word. Transfer procedure.

Lin Xiaoyu is still happy that there are two less people in the class. It just so happens that two students will be transferred to her class. She is still hesitating. Now there are more people who want to transfer to their class, but there is no place. The only thing is that after leaving for two, she will naturally be able to let other good students in.

Guan Peng also made a special trip to thank Teacher Zhang.

Study hard in the future. Teacher Zhang instructed him not to do those things in the future. Although it is to help classmates, it is not right after all. If you have any difficulties, you can come and find a teacher. Although I am not your teacher, but yours The class teacher Wang has a good relationship with me.

Also, studying hard and getting good grades is the greatest gratitude to the teacher.

Guan Peng kept nodding, and decided in his heart that he must listen to the teacher's words, improve his academic performance, and be admitted to a good university.

Guan Peng and Zhao Ying, the two of them changed classes smoothly. Although there was no heating in the class, they were very happy. They didn't have to face those uncomfortable things, and they didn't have to face the faces they hated. It is also gradually adapting to the new class, new students, and new teachers. Whether it is study or life, they have all stepped into the normal.

Even though the snow was bigger than they thought, and it took a long time, I thought it would be over in half a month, but it didn't end in a month, and everyone thought in their hearts that it was a month. Yes, it should be stopped.

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