The annual Fengchuan Dark Street really shows up in the world.

Liu Liang didn't want to sleep, but she was sleepy. When she woke up again, she found that Zeng Xubai was standing in front of the window, and she didn't know what to look at?

The red light shines on the outside, and I think it is the lanterns hanging everywhere. .

One by one and bright, and inch by inch and red.

"looking at what?"

Liu Liang put on her shoes, walked over, and stuck her head out from behind Zeng Xubai. It seemed to be a lot quieter outside, but it wasn't long before the dark street came.

The street vendors are still there, and the lanterns hanging everywhere are still bright red.

Zeng Xubai took her hand, made her stand in front of him, hugged her from behind, and took her whole person into his arms. Suddenly, Liu Liang felt warm. The whole body is warmed up, and the coldness is not there in an instant.

"Look, it's about to start."

Liu Liang stretched out her finger and pointed out the window.

The lights of the closed shops have been lit one by one, and they are about to open.

Until the sound of Zhining, the sound was so loud that the entire Fengchuan could hear it. All the doors of the storefront opened instantly, just like some kind of ceremony. The lights inside were brilliant and filled with all kinds of things. of antiques.

And those who were waiting outside rushed inside impatiently.

"Let's go out too."

Liu Liang couldn't wait any longer. She rubbed her hands together. It would be up to her to see her performance in a while, and she would definitely buy more.

"Wait a minute."

Zeng Xubai took out a comb, combed her hair, and then took out a rubber band to tie her hair up, revealing a small face and a full forehead.

Refreshing and clean, although there is no makeup, she is better than her skin is in good condition. She is born with cold white skin, so no matter how you look at it, she is a beautiful little girl, and of course she hates people to like her.

"When you go outside to meet people, you can't be too sloppy."

"That is."

Dr. Liu always pays attention to her image. She touched the braid she tied behind her, and she still felt very stinky.

She took out the mirror again and looked in the mirror for a long time. When she felt that her image was safe, this was when she left the inn with Zeng Xubai, but she did not go to those shops as soon as she came out. run inside.

Even if you haven't counted them, you all know that the entire dark street is full of antiques. There are hundreds of shops, no matter how much money you have, you can't buy all the antiques here.

What's more, the things here are always mixed. Antiques need to be identified. How can it be so fast, just like buying cabbage, is it accurate to pick one?

So she wasn't in a hurry at all.

"Let's eat something first, I'm hungry."

Liu Liang touched her stomach. If she really didn't eat it, it was a snack. It wasn't like the meal. The meal was very hungry, but the snack was not very hungry at all. She just slept and was hungry again.

Come on, I'll take you to eat first.

Zeng Xubai took Liu Liang to a small fader. Thanks to Liu Liang, although Zeng Xubai came to the dark street for the first time, it was because he followed Liu Liang and visited these small stalls several times. She has fed a lot of things, and now she naturally knows which one Liu Liang is the most interested in and likes to eat the most.

Liu Liang took her favorite food, and they went directly into a shop behind the small stall. There were lanterns outside, but electric lights inside. Even in the middle of the night, the whole shop was brightly lit. , is like daytime, and the things inside are neatly placed on the shelves, with a great number and variety.

It is not too easy to pick out the genuine products from among them. In addition to having eyesight, luck is also very important.

While eating, Liu Liang also watched and walked inside. She just focused on eating, but she didn't move any of the same things inside, not even touching it.

The shopkeeper just glanced at them lightly, but didn't make any sound, but his calm face showed a bit of relaxation.

After all the things in his hand were eaten, Liu Liang was looking for Zeng Xubai. Zeng Xubai was standing in front of a row of shelves, holding a vase in his hand. He was very quiet, and it seemed that he couldn't even move. He didn't move a single point, just focused on the vase in his hand, not knowing what he was looking at or thinking about?

Liu Liang walked over, and when her eyes fell on the vase held by Zeng Xubai, the light in her eyes gathered.

She uses a special method to distinguish the genuine product, but Zeng Xubai has the real ability. She heard Fang Yuan say that Zeng Shubai is very talented in gambling stones, and he can't let it go too much in terms of antiques.

This place is indeed the right place. This is her favorite place, which is also loved by Zeng Xubai.


Zeng Xubai put down the vase in his hand, and when he turned around, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"How did you become a cat?"

Liu Liang blinked, then put her hands in her pockets, and took out a mirror from it. Really, she felt like she could eat a pound of seasoning on her face.

The small vendors here are really too real.

Zeng Xubai took out the handkerchief and wiped her face and hands, all of which were clean.

"Did you like this?"

Liu Liang pointed to the vase he was holding just now.

"Well," Zeng Xubai nodded, "it should be from the Song Dynasty, the color is very bright, and the preservation is intact, you can collect it."

And just after he finished speaking, Liu Liang ran away holding the vase, Zeng Xubai was still holding the veil in his hand, fearing that he was all blinded now.

He hurriedly followed, and saw Liu Liang took out the money from her bag, put it on the table, and then signed her name on a piece of paper, and by the way, shook it again. The magnolia key on the wrist.

Her move...

Zeng Xubai really didn't expect that Liu Liang's movements would be so fast. She deserves to be a regular customer, and it's no wonder that she has saved a warehouse of antiques for her own.

Liu Liang turned around, gave him an OK gesture, and then ran over.

"We continue to pick."

This is the first thing. Their task is still a long way to go. As for the ones that Zeng Xubai picked, whether they are true or not, she will not ask. Sometimes the stake is to need this kind of heartbeat, just like her own life. Good or bad, all have to go by their own legs.

However, she obviously underestimated Zeng Xubai a little. His eyesight was not acquired in vain. He has always won the lottery in the stone casino, and he is not bad at antiques.

Nine times out of ten, what you get is genuine.

After leaving this one, they went to another one.

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