Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 783: The Press Conference Begins

Tesla is not a pirate, it is a navy.

In its more and more mature talent training mode, for every employee here, if they don’t come up with a few ideas in the routine brainstorming held every week, they will be ashamed to say hello to others when they leave here.

It was an industrial design room of sorts, where you just chat and come up with ideas, feasible, boring, weird, even science-fiction-like.

Powerful feedback controls, time-of-flight with depth-sensing technology, camera tracking, and newer mice are all born in industrial design rooms of all sizes.

It is also the birthplace of countless American dreams.

In the media, the most well-known story is Tesla’s strong support for two technicians at the University of Delaware. It hired patent service provider RPX to formulate a patent application strategy for them and write and submit related patent applications. RPX utilizes the continuation system of American patent applications, and always maintains at least one patent application in the United States Patent Office, and has made good American patent applications and layout protection for its core inventions.

In the end, Tesla’s protective takeover made the duo multimillionaires.

By the way, the company they founded is FingerWorks, and their patent is expressed in Chinese, which is...

multi touch.

In the West, feelings are the least valuable thing. At that time point in 2004, no matter how many revolutionary ideas Joe Crazy had, no matter how many days of growth Apple accompanied, they were not as attractive as Tesla’s option rewards at the time of listing!

A list of victims like Apple, as well as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Qualcomm...

If it is not limited to Tesla, the list will be even larger. For example, Naheta, the trader behind Softbank in the "previous life", is now working quietly in the Liao Yingzhu Foundation. As one of the main traders there, he serves countless privileged classes It also provides enough political resources for Zhao Song.


From a bird's-eye view, Tesla Park looks more like a small town.

The buildings in this small town are not high, usually three to four floors. The exterior of the building is often white and golden with large transparent glass, which looks like koi carps, blending in with the surrounding green sea environment.

The park is fully open, about the size of 10 football fields, covering 112 office buildings and various functional buildings.

The curly-haired man walked here with the flow of people.

The lush green trees, the birds and the scent of flowers made him feel refreshed.

What's more, there is a fully open protected area within reach, where the looming black and white billowing figure made him feel a commotion in his heart.

But he still held back, because he still has a more important purpose today.

It is now at 8:50 am on June 12th, and there are still 40 minutes left. The richest man in the world will show up at the Tesla Art Center here, and perhaps he will give you another wonderful speech, and then...

New products come out.


The curly-haired man can't forget the scene two years ago:

The world's richest man stood on the stage where all eyes were on, wearing jeans, a white T-shirt, and a red letter 'T', and holding a brown paper bag in his hand. Then, he held up the brown paper bag and said:

"First of all, it's thin!"

Curly admits he was intimidated when he first saw the TESbook Air.

The curly-haired man even admitted that he was fascinated by Zhao Song's master stage demeanor!

Maintaining eye contact, an open attitude, and frequent use of gestures, Zhao Song showed a strong aura, and his words and deeds revealed authority, confidence, and vitality.

The curly-haired man wants to start a business. He is deeply aware that any profession that does not know how to study will suffer. Therefore, the richest man in the world is his best learning object.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhao Song to tell him that there is a book called "Steve Jobs' Magic Speech"; nor will he spread his two-hour speech everywhere, but it requires 50 hours of study and 200 hours of rehearsal.

As a digression, due to Zhao Song's heavy interference, in 2005 in "this life", Crazy Qiao did not give a speech at Stanford University!

"Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish."

It is the quotation left by the richest man in the world to all his peers.


The curly-haired man and the visitors have finished touring the office environment in Tesla Park and walked into the Tesla Art Center.

Neither he nor the visitors expected that as a pure businessman, Zhao Song would have a heart that loves art. Not only are there many impressionist paintings hanging here, there is also a broken wall of the Berlin Wall that was demolished in 1989 in the corner of the lobby. The explaining staff said that it was presented to Zhao Song by Mercedes-Benz four years ago.

By the way, those who are familiar with the inside story will not tell these people that apart from some historical cultural relics, the paintings hanging on the walls are actually the works of a dead cat and a living dog.

The cat's posthumous work has reached as high as 200,000 US dollars.

At 9:20, in the performance hall of the Tesla Art Center.

3,000 people are already overcrowded.

Amidst the surging crowd, the curly-haired man saw countless familiar celebrities.

People from finance, business, music, film and television, fashion, sports and other fields appeared on the scene one after another. They greeted, hugged and whispered to each other, as if they were taking advantage of their leisure to enrich their social circle.

Suddenly, the curly-haired man was full of envy for the oriental man who was younger than him—who hasn't had such a dream?

Standing in the center of this much-anticipated stage one day, people are looking forward to and cheering.


The light tube gradually dimmed, and the scene gradually became quiet.

On the stage, the big screen was lit up, and there was a Tesla promotional video, with fresh and inspirational content.

In the audience, the photographers are already in place, and the hosts have also completed their routine introductions.

The celebrities in the front row also stopped socializing and looked at the screen quietly.

"Beauty is the most irresistible force in human beings."

Tesla, which stands at the forefront of industrial design, fully proves this point.

However, that oriental man also proved another point-capital defines what beauty is!

To put it bluntly, whoever is rich is the most beautiful!

It's like in our Ming Dynasty, the government specially promulgated a law in order to protect a vulnerable group-prohibiting divorce from Semu people at will.

Isn't a blond Persian cat beautiful?

In the eyes of our modern Han people, beauty!

But for our ancestors six hundred years ago, ugly!

Because our ancestors were rich.

Therefore, human aesthetics changes with the transfer of wealth.

The East is rich and the East is beautiful, and the West is rich and the West is beautiful.

And the carrier of money is capital, so as long as Zhao Song is willing to put a plastic bag on his body, he dares to tell the world that this is beauty!

He has already made plans to let Betty wear long johns to go shopping on Fifth Avenue in two days, so that the time for wearing long johns that was popular in the previous life will be a few years earlier.

Oh, those are leggings.

But who cares, Zhao Song is a long-term lover, his few hobbies remain the same, let alone change, he loves the long legs and big ass all over the street!

The promo is coming to an end. The auditorium was completely darkened, leaving only a bunch of searchlights on the stage waiting for something.

Then a pair of small white shoes walked into the aperture and entered everyone's sight.

"I've been looking forward to this day for four years and six months."

"Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes out."

"Then change the world..."

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhao Song, welcome to the 2008 Tesla Product Launch Conference, here is everything you want!"

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