Reborn Capital Empire

Chapter 265: big reversal

Chapter 265 The Great Reversal

Later, Guo Shouyun and Dalizhi Company President Steve Bergstrom, Duke Energy Company President Ben Gleason, Montana Power Company Operations Director John Rubin, Baoying Company CEO Mark Tee After Ernie greeted them, he led them into the living room of the farm villa.

"Everyone, please sit down!"

After everyone was seated, naturally someone served them tea and drinks.

But their attention is obviously not on eating and drinking!

"Mr. Guo, everyone's time is very precious, so if you have anything to say, just say it!" Peter Eves said first.

His words also made several people around him nodded in agreement.

"Alright. Since everyone has a clear purpose, then I'll go straight to the topic." After a pause, Guo Shouyun's eyes flashed, "I believe you have read the information I sent to you in detail, and I don't know what it is. Feelings?"

Several people's faces changed slightly, and their eyes became gloomy. The reason why they will go to the appointment today is not only because of Guo Shouyun's current status, but more importantly because of the information that is enough to make the company they represent pay a huge price.

"Mr. Guo wants to take us to court with that information?" John Rubin said solemnly.

"If that's the case, I won't invite you to come to me!"

"Then Mr. Guo never intends to use this information to acquire a few of our companies, right?" Ben Gleason smiled indifferently.

"I do think so. But now I want you to not sell it!"

These power and energy trading companies that have made huge profits in California's energy crisis are not the utilities that are on the brink of bankruptcy.

“…Never mind, let’s get it straight. I can take this data as if it didn’t, but in exchange you want to get electricity and natural gas prices in California, and even the entire West, back to where they were before the California energy crisis in April 2000. price!"

Several people looked at each other, and after exchanging glances, Ben Gleason said: "Mr. Guo, just relying on a piece of information that I don't know how much value it can play, you want us to give up our huge interests, don't you? Do you think you think too much of yourself?"

"Is your self-esteem too high?" Guo Shouyun smiled, "Since LinkedIn News exposed Enron's manipulation of California's energy crisis, you must have seen the mood of the California government and the people on TV. Moreover, President Bush has publicly promised , for the steady and sustainable development of California's economy, the energy crisis must end as soon as possible. Why do you need to fight against the people and the government? In addition, even if the US judicial system is slow and corrupt, you all know that with what I have in my hands The evidence and the financial resources at your disposal, even if you delay it for a year or two, it will be enough for you to spit out everything you eat!"

Everyone's expressions changed. They didn't know how much evidence Guo Shouyun had in his hands to secretly manipulate the California energy market. But now the ones they just got from them are deadly.

Seeing their reactions, Guo Shouyun was secretly satisfied. What is true is false, what is false is what is true, and what is true and false makes it even more difficult for people to guess that the evidence sent to them is actually all he has.

"Of course, I don't want to be too stiff with everyone. So, as long as you promise to give up your control of the western energy market, then I will pretend that nothing has happened. Pan Pacific Group will still be a good partner with you in the future. Let's make money together!"

Looking at Guo Shouyun with a smile on his face, the eyes of several people flickered, obviously having their own considerations in their hearts.

"If we agree, how do we know that Mr. Guo will not settle accounts with this evidence after he has survived this disaster?" Mark Tierney said solemnly.

Guo Shouyun smiled lightly, "Although I haven't worked hard in the business world for as long as you guys, it's almost two years now. I've never broken my promises over the past two years."

Looking at the calm and confident man opposite, Steve Bergstrom suddenly said, "What about Enron?"

"I will never be soft-hearted towards an unrepentant enemy!" There was a chilling coldness in Guo Shouyun's tone with a smile on his face.

"We're going to raise wages! ... We're going to raise wages!"

"Punish the black-hearted management!... Punish the black-hearted management!"

"We're going to raise wages!...We're going to raise wages!"…

Looking at the angry strike crowd outside, Oliver Baring put down his binoculars with satisfaction.

"Is the slogan rhythmic?"

"You'll be satisfied, Master." The secretary flattered.

"Did you come up with it?"

The latter nodded quickly and said proudly: "At the beginning, you specifically explained that you wanted to be ingenious, so I looked for a lot of information on this, and found that there are many such scenes in Chinese TV dramas, which are quite different from the strike in the United States. The impression left by people is particularly deep, so I took it and used it!"


The secretary knew that his young master hated Huaxia the most because of his hatred of Wu and Wu, so after his face changed, he quickly closed his mouth.

Looking at his appearance, Oliver Balin didn't say anything after he snorted coldly.

"By the way, what happened to the Pan Pacific Group?"

"Yesterday they made an appointment with representatives of the union to negotiate, but there is no firm news yet."

"Pay close attention to their movements, and we must not let the people of the Pacific easily quell this strike!"


"By the way, find the best lawyers for these workers, and let them fight the Pan Pacific Group to the end!" Oliver Baring said bitterly.

Although more than a month has passed, as long as he thinks of Guo Shouyun and everything about him, Oliver Balin still feels the faint pain in his nose, and the shame that is more uncomfortable than the pain!



At this moment, Oliver Baring's cell phone rang suddenly.

After taking a look at it, he quickly connected.

"Oliver, the California energy crisis is over!"


Oliver Baring's face changed greatly!

"Extraordinary! Six large energy companies, including Dalizhi, Baoying, and Montana Power, simultaneously announced the government's call to lower the market price of electricity and natural gas in the west!" - "New York Times"!

"After 1 year, 4 months and 13 days, the California energy crisis has finally come to an end!" - "Chicago Tribune".

"Persistent victory, Pan Pacific Group has waited until the market inflection point!" - "Washington Post".

"Another victory for business genius Bruce Kuo!" —USA TODAY.

On July 16, major American media used their own headlines to report at length on the dramatic turnaround in the California energy market.

Dalizhi, Baoying Company, Montana Power, El Paso Power, Duke Energy and Myron, plus Pan Pacific Energy Group, they have accounted for 60% of the western energy market share! Their changes also basically announced the end of California's energy crisis. After all, the giants have lowered their prices, and the remaining small and medium-sized companies will naturally follow the market.

However, when major energy companies announced price cuts, Enron, the country's largest energy trading company, was suddenly put in the spotlight.


A loud noise shook the conference room. The pain was not enough to dampen the anger in Jeffrey Gilling's heart at this time.

"These **** bastards, when they took advantage of the benefits, they clapped their chests and promised us that they would advance and retreat together with An Ran, and now they are all fucked! Damn it!"

Jeffrey Gilling's roar shook the entire conference room. The people on the left and right have different expressions, or the old gods are there, or they are watching the excitement, or their faces are anxious. At this moment, the office politics is in a hurry and is on the verge of an end.

"Boss, the top priority now is to bring down energy prices. Otherwise, if only one of our companies does not reduce prices, it will be the basis for Guo Shouyun and the California government's accusation of manipulating the California energy market. At that time, not only the California government and the public will be dissatisfied with us. , even the federal government will directly intervene in our business!" Cliff Baxter quickly advised.

As Jeffrey Gilling's confidant, no matter what others think, he certainly does not want his boss to be ousted by the board of directors because of some mistakes, and he will be finished in that case.

There is also Lou Pei who has the same thoughts as him. As Jeffrey Gilling's assistant, he can't do without this big boss.

"Boss, now everything is about the bigger picture! As for the other things, there will be opportunities when Enron's operations improve!"

"That's right!" Cliff Baxter nodded in agreement. It's rare that they, who are always facing each other, can abandon their previous hatred in this situation.

Look at them, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Looking at the senior executives around An Ran, Jeffrey Jilin took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions.

He also knew that the best option for Enron right now was to lower the price of electricity and natural gas. But remembering the slap that Guo Shouyun slapped, a tingling pain occurred in his heart. He had never been so humiliated by anyone since he was a child.

In addition, in addition to this personal feud, the huge profits brought about by the California energy crisis are also difficult for him to give up. After all, Enron's financial situation is very bad now, and it is only through the huge profits from the California energy crisis that it can barely balance its income and expenditure.

Therefore, even if he is accused by thousands of people, he will continue to hold on.

"I decided…!"

Before he could finish speaking, the closed conference room was violently smashed open from the outside. Before Geoffrey Jilin spoke, the anxious secretary said quickly: "Boss, I just received news from the UK that the Teesside power plant exploded, which has caused economic losses of 1.5 billion US dollars, and 12 1 worker killed, 37 injured!"


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