Zheng Ying glanced at Song Sanmei: "The children are going to school, pretending to be tender every day, you are the oldest here, am I not right

?" "You wait," Song Sanmei gritted her teeth and pointed at Zheng Ying: "I think you don't want to live anymore, I feel that someone is protecting you now?" I see how long he can protect you, waiting for you to go home."

"We have normal holidays," Zhang Tiejun said to the little boy: "The salesperson is on non-holidays, and other positions are on holiday, and the benefits are quite good."

I have built a shopping mall in the city, and there is a house on it, and you can consider opening the store there in the future, so that it will be closer? The house can also give you the internal price, and you can go back and discuss with the adults.

Love is not a flower movie, life is firewood, rice, oil and salt, you can't watch your daughter-in-law and children by your side every day, you have to have your own work and space, understand?


Can we buy a house?" Song Sanmei asked.

"Sure, you can be regarded as my employee

," Zhang Tiejun nodded: "Qiu Ju Ya is fine, but if you buy a house, you have to sign a contract, let's talk about it first, you have to work for me for at least ten or eight years."

"That's fine, the longer the better." Can our wages rise in the future?"

"Yes, there will be fluctuations every year," Zhang Tiejun said: "Not only salaries, but bonuses and benefits will fluctuate, I don't pick this person, you just need to do things well."

Li Qiuju asked

: "Then can we go to the city in the future?" "Yes," Zhang Tiejun nodded again: "If you have this idea in the future, you can consider transferring to the city to work, but it can't affect this side, you have to come and go."

"Are you going to rebel against the organization?" Zheng Ying patted Li Qiuju: "You have thick eyebrows and big eyes, I didn't expect you to be such a person, I really misjudged you."

"I said later, not now. You're your boss. Li Qiuju turned her head and asked Gu Yanan: "Do you want to go to the city?" Gu Yanan

glanced at Zheng Ying and smiled: "Don't ask me, don't ask me." "

Needless to say, isn't this just a desire to go, Zheng Ying gritted her teeth angrily. It's either really angry, it's noisy, and then hired after leaving, people don't have it.

In fact, if it weren't for the children who were still talking, she would be the one who wanted to go the most. So it's not so much that she's angry, it's that she's jealous.

Only Comrade Song Sanmei was unmoved, she really didn't have that idea, it was too far, and she didn't have any desire to earn much money, so it's good now, it's easy.

However, when it comes to buying a house in the city, she is a little moved.

No matter what era, the house is the biggest tie for the common people, in ancient times, the houseless people were called hooligans, dead people, and they could not survive without a house, which was engraved on the bones.

And for many years, the housing problem has been the biggest problem in all provinces and localities, and this is the case throughout the country, and there is no difference.

"Brother, you still have a stall here," the little boy asked, "Are they all hired by you?"

"The firm above is also his, and it is in partnership with Yu Da Beauty, so you can rest assured," Song Sanmei said: "His business is very big, and there is also a company in Shenyang, so it's right to follow him."

Zhang Tiejun asked Zhou Yuting to go to work too, which was a temporary idea.

These two people, whether they are old or young, they will have something to do sooner or later when they are tied together every day, the smells bad when they are used to it, the food is not fragrant when they eat too much, and the noisy chattering and fighting will happen.

What is Xi to will not be cherished, or disliked, which is why so many men and women desperately go to the scum and eat a hundred beans is not fishy.

Laundry and cooking distressed and considerate have become unproductive, forbearance and pampering have become weak and cowardly, and the sweet words outside are so attractive, I want to live a life without firewood, rice, oil and salt.

This can't be described as having no IQ.

Separate them a little, let them each have a little bit of their own space, so that the little girl can earn money and be independent, and learn to observe the world from her own perspective and vision. It's good.

Distance produces beauty, and independence has a future. This society is no longer what it used to be.

"There are still a lot of opportunities over there, the scale of the company will expand, there is a shortage of people in management positions, there are garment factories and hotels in Shenyang, and I dare not say anything else now, a stable and high-income job is no problem."

"It's mainly up to you," Zheng Ying said, "to get things done well and do a good job." After

a lively meal, the matter was settled, and even if the little boy was still reluctant in his heart, he couldn't say anything against it in the end.

In this way, when the little girl goes back in the evening and talks to her mother again, it will be determined that there will be no changes.

In the afternoon, Yu Jiajuan ran down to accompany Zhang Tiejun for a while, because he was afraid that she would be cold, Zhang Tiejun asked her to go back, how good it was to talk warmly and warmly at night, and it was not that there was no place.

Now the two of them don't even go upstairs much.

It is still good to tie the flower car in winter, the flowers will freeze after a while, and they can also be manually repaired, as long as they are not baked by the stove and cannot be destroyed by man, they can always maintain the desired appearance.

At about three o'clock, the driver came over, and Zhang Tiejun asked him to go to the factory to open his father's crown.

In the evening, the two cars stopped at the door of the garage of the small car class of the selection factory, and Zhang Tiejun threw a few boxes of cigarettes to the economic police and asked them to help watch them. I didn't dare to enter the warehouse, and the heating in the library was all over as soon as I baked the flowers.

I parked the car and went home for a turn, and had dinner with my parents, mothers and old ladies.

"Brother, won't you come back tomorrow when you leave?" Zhang Tiebing asked, "Do you have to watch it on TV again?"

"Yes, you are so smart." I'll come back on the third or fourth day of junior high school, as long as I can buy a ticket, I really don't want to take the train.

"Doesn't the train have sleepers? "

It takes more than ten hours to sit, and the plane is just over two hours. "

At this time, the plane is expensive and there are few flights, but it is really convenient and saves time, and the planes are cheaper and there are more flights in the future, but the time saved is gone.

Instead of saving, it will waste a lot of time, add countless troubles and make it even more troublesome.

But it's understandable, as long as we are state-run things, in the end it's all that taste, there is no difficulty to create difficulties, people get the establishment for happiness and enjoyment, and they are not here to serve you.

Zhang Tiebing clicked his lips and sighed: "My beloved little guitar, when will I see it." It's too hard. "

Trouble, you don't want to see me, you just want your guitar?"

"That, no, you're my brother, and the guitar is by the way." By the way. Zhang Tiebing sent a flattering smile.

"Then you won't buy it?"

...... Actually, it doesn't matter if you buy it or not, right? It's just a guitar, but what, then your words

as a brother don't count, do you say?" "That's," Zhang's mother said with a smile: "If you don't buy it, I'm sorry for your great image as a brother." "

Yes, my mom was right. Zhang Tiebing laughed: "I stick a knife in my brother's ribs, and I am not ambiguous, in a word, my brother must also be a particular person." "

What does it mean to stick a knife in both ribs?" Zhang Tiejun asked Zhang Tiebing a question obliquely.

"Uh...... Dude is interesting enough, isn't it? You can stick a knife in both ribs, and you have to fight to the death for righteousness.

"If you don't learn, you can't do it. Zhang Tiejun glanced at Zhang Tiebing disdainfully: "I'll think about the guitar again, your literary level is really a bit worrying." "

What's wrong?" Dad Zhang became curious: "Isn't that what it means to stick a knife in both ribs?" he gestured to his ribs.

Zhang Tiejun said: "The original sentence of this sentence is, the two ribs are divided, and the righteousness is thousands. The fork in the road, the fork in the mountain, and the road of the road, is the story of Qin Shubao.

He chose to take the risk to save his friend for the sake of his friend's righteousness at the fork in Liangli Village, and almost lost his life because he was involved.

Zhang Tiejun twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at Zhang Tiejun: "I don't believe it, the teacher didn't say that."

"Do you believe it or not," Zhang Tiejun laughed: "Then do you know how the girl's verbal duel to jump the rubber band came about?"

"What kind of verbal duel? Ma Lan blossomed twenty-one? two eight two five six, two eight two five seven, two eight two nine thirty-one." How did you come here?

"Malan is the Malan base, the blossom is the explosion, the 21st is the 21st Research Institute, which is the place where the atomic bomb was originally studied, and the code name of the first atomic bomb explosion is the Malan Blossom 21.

There's so much you don't know, young man, a lot of things aren't what you see in your eyes, understand, Xi study hard, study hard, read more books, and use your brain.

"I feel like he's fooling me, but I'm not sure. Zhang Tiejun looked at Zhang's mother: "Mom, do you think he is fooling me?" "

I don't feel like it, these things can't be said nonsense." Zhang's mother shook her head, she knew the character of her eldest son, and she would definitely not talk nonsense about these things. Although it sounds like nonsense.

"I'm just telling you, read more books, what you see with your eyes and hear with your ears is not necessarily true, and what you learn in school is not necessarily right, you have to have your own thinking and vision.

"So," Zhang Tiebing looked at Zhang Tiejun: "Then will you give me cash?

Zhang's father and mother laughed, Zhang Tiejun also laughed, and flicked a finger on his brother's head: "Buy, buy good, if you don't learn well, I won't beat you." "

Where did you hear all these things?" asked Zhang's father.

"Read more books, read more books and read more newspapers, and you know all the major events in the world. Iron soldiers just read too few books. "

Zhang Tiejun has liked to read books since he was a child, and he can read quotations for two months, and his hobby is to pull books everywhere to read them, Zhang Tiebing is just the opposite, he likes to run outside, and he doesn't want to read books at all.

As a person who came back from later, Zhang Tiejun knew that many things at this time were actually wrong, or wrong, and he wanted his younger brother to read more books and find out those problems by himself.

A diploma is not culture, and a high diploma does not mean that the culture is high. Culture is inheritance, some people are illiterate, but there is culture.

After chatting with his family at home for a while, Zhang Tiejun ran away by peeing, urinated, went on a date with Juanjuan Beauty, and spent a fragrant and gurgling night.

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