Reborn Into Star Wars

Chapter 20 - A Retelling

(A/N I had seen a few people wondering about the clone and reincarnation and such. I will say this. The clone has the mind, body, and soul of Galak Cosmos. Emmett Law has the body of Galak Cosmos, but he has his own mind and soul)

[Emmett POV]

    Ali stepped around the foot of the bed and stood next to where I was sitting, he glanced at my nub "you know, I could put a peg on your leg. You might could get a prosthetic leg from a hospital, but I'd guess you don't have the right kind of insurance for that." I chuckled faintly "you would be right" I paused looking at his face, he looked worried, whether it was for me or of me, I don't know. "What planet am I on?" He nodded his head, it seems like he guessed that I wasn't from here. "Gaia" I recognized the name from multiple places, the first that I thought of was Greek mythology, the personification of earth. The other thing I recognised it from was my ship's planet database. It was recently discovered and subjugated by the Galactic Empire. You know, the enemy of your enemy.

    I looked at the man who had most likely saved my life. "Tell me, what do you think of the Empire?" His eyes narrowed "how about you tell me a bit about yourself first" he's smart, or at least he has common sense. "I used to work for the Empire, now I'm wanted for treason" his eyes widened ever so slightly, he seemed interested "Go on" he said, I obliged "Well, my story starts on Tatooine…"

[POV Change, Galak Cosmos]

    Capturing Ezra was harder than expected, he was very proficient in the force. He had been prying into my head, trying to make me submit. Luckily the Second Brother was there, Ezra was much less experienced with a lightsaber. 

    I was going through Lord Dusks main terminal when I saw a tab that said [Possible Allies] This would be interesting, and a good chance to track enemies of the Empire. At first it listed a few planetary governments that were allies of neither the Rebel Alliance or the Empire, but then it started listing names.

[Rahm Kota]

[If pried from the republic's grasp Kota would make a fine ally. He is powerful, determined, honorable, and has the respect of many. Best in the role of a leader/general.]

[Ahsoka Tano]

[Previously the padawan of Anakin Skywalker, better known as Darth Vader. Tano is one of the strongest current force users. She is also a member of the republic, and is not likely to join me. She's a possible threat.]

[Cal Kestis]

[I do not know much of Cal Kestis. He is powerful, but easily bested by Vader. I don't even know if he's alive. What I do know is this. Kestis is a compassionate person, I'm sure he would join me were I to find him.]

[Quinlan Vos]

[Former spy for the Jedi order. It is rumored that he started a family on Kashyyyk. Has been tempted to the dark side on multiple occasions, but seems more compassionate than most Jedi of the order.]

The list goes on and on naming possible allies, with Lord Vader among them. Not only were there Jedi, but soldiers as well. He even mentioned a clone that had garnered a personal relationship with Vader that had deserted his post. One name, however, caught my attention more than all the others

[Starkiller, the clone of Galen Marek]

[The Starkiller I refer to is the clone of the original Galen Marek, Vader's first apprentice. His only true allegiance is to Juno Eclipse, a republic officer and pilot. He has faced Darth Vader and won single-handedly, leading me to believe that he is even stronger than myself. His existence scares me. If the Empire can clone Galen Marek, then they can no doubt clone me as well.]

… What? This can't be right. He believes he's the original?


[POV Change, Emmett]

    I had recovered the memories of this body from before I inhabited it, now I relayed my adventure.

    "Well, my story starts on Tatooine, a sand planet billions of miles away from here. My parents were moisture farmers, they died six years ago, when I was 12. My father taught me quite a few things when I had time off from school. I was a decent mechanic, and had learned quite a bit about robots, as those are what ran the farm. 

    After my parents died in an accident far too embarrassing to go into much detail… well, I'll say that it involved a bantha and a bucket, but that's all the detail I'm willing to give. After their deaths I registered as a swoop racer and built my own speeder from spare parts, I was a natural. The crowds weren't that large at first, but the sport had started to make a comeback and I managed to save hundreds of peggat under my house" this is when I was transmigrated to this body… guess I'll have to lie a little. 

    "One morning I realised that I had become bored with my lifestyle. Using the majority of my small fortune, I bought some weapons and supplies and boarded a ship that was leaving the planet. As it turns out, the people on the ship I boarded were mounting a resistance against the Empire and were on a mission to save Princess Leia, a leader of the republic, from the Deathstar. 


    I was captured. I learned that I was force s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e and was trained by the sith. During my time in the Empire I did terrible things and eventually I was named Lord Dusk, dusk, because I would be an end to the current era. After getting leave for a special mission I ran, deserted the Empire, but was hunted down and thrown from my starship. Now, I'm here" as I finished my story I noticed the listener had something on his mind. Ali spoke "What's the republic?" he asked with a serious look on his face. *sigh*.

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