Before Gu Ruyun crossed over, the original owner did have a second-hand elderly phone bought for tens of dollars. The biggest use of this elderly phone is to find a job and contact those temporary colleagues, but Zang Xuefeng and his party, Gu Ruyun's The mobile phone was lost in the grass when it was dragged by the kidnappers.

Therefore, after the old housekeeper helped to replace her phone with a new calling card, no one in the school really knew her phone number from the beginning to the end, and even the head teacher, Dou Chengwen, couldn't find her trace...

Until the next morning, after going to school early in the morning...

Gu Ruyun originally thought that Qiu Fenfang's sad eyes, or a resentful expression, would greet her, but what she never expected was that it was Huang Mu, the head teacher Dou Chengwen had already seen that day, who greeted her.

At this time, Mother Huang's face was haggard, she hadn't slept all night, her eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, her eyes lit up when she looked at Gu Ruyun, and she walked forward quickly as if she saw a savior.

"Classmate Gu, classmate Gu, you must save our family Ah Ying! You must save our family Ah Ying! She is still so young, so young!..." Mother Huang was crying sobbingly as she spoke, grabbing The arm holding Gu Ruyun refused to let go.

Gu Ruyun felt helpless in her heart, and sighed. Seeing Mother Huang like this, she knew that Teacher Huang's current condition must not be optimistic.

It was completely useless for me to remind the other party before, and now I came to her at this point, and she really didn't know how to answer.

Compared with Huang's mother's excitement, Dou Chengwen, the class teacher, felt that the whole thing was a bit mysterious. Just like Huang Ying's previous opinion, Dou Chengwen didn't quite believe in Gu Ruyun's ability. The skill level of doctors has always grown with age. As for the increase, Gu Ruyun has been studying in school for less than three years, so how can Dou Chengwen, the class teacher, believe that she has strength and level?

If this is put on someone else, Dou Chengwen will definitely talk nonsense to the other party.

But the other party was Huang's mother, the mother of his colleague. Dou Chengwen was a bit uncomfortable to refuse because of his face, but he looked at Gu Ruyun seriously, "Student Gu, you know that Teacher Huang was ill before. Yes... the teacher also heard that you gave first aid to Mr. Huang who was ill, but a good student should not lie, and you can't lie, especially in the profession of a doctor, one sentence may sometimes determine a person. People's life and death should be more cautious!"

"I have never heard of the DSL you told Mr. Huang before. Where did you hear about this disease? You said you can treat it, so how should you treat it? Before Mr. Huang, you have been exposed to such a disease." Is it a patient?...Or did you have another teacher teach you? Have you seen such a patient? If so, how about asking your teacher to come and see Teacher Huang?"

Dou Chengwen's series of inquiries made Huang's mother turn her head, her eyes flicked back and forth between Dou Chengwen and Gu Ruyun. Previously, Huang's mother didn't think so much because she was worried about her daughter, but compared to the little girl in front of her who is a genius, Huang's mother would rather I believe there is another expert behind the little girl.

"Ms. Dou, I didn't study under the name of other teachers. DSl, you can regard it as a new disease... I haven't been in contact with this kind of patient before, but it is not difficult to treat. things." After Gu Ruyun said this, she turned to look at Mother Huang, "If you believe me, I can give it a try."

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