When Wu Yun came to the United States this time, while picking up planes and traveling, he also wanted to come to Hollywood to visit and study, in order to learn some advanced technologies and pave the way for future Chinese Xianxia movies and TV series.

So after eating in the morning, after Wu Yun updated his Weibo, they put on their outfits and drove to Hollywood.

Hollywood is the world’s most famous film, television, entertainment and tourist destination, located in the northwest suburbs of Los Angeles.

It was first discovered by photographers looking for locations. Around the beginning of the 20th century, it attracted many photographers. Later, some small companies and independent producers came in to escape the control of patent companies, and gradually formed a film center

Wu Yun was sitting in the car, looking at the nine-letter world-famous sign on the Hollywood Hills, and subconsciously picked up the camera in his hand to take a close-up

There are no skyscrapers here, but the vehicles on the road and the pedestrians and shops on the roadside still give Wuyun a feeling of a prosperous area.

Hollywood is one of the birthplaces of global fashion

Along the way, Wu Yun saw many familiar and unfamiliar luxury brands. Pedestrians on the road also followed the latest fashion trends in their clothing.

“Click~” Wu Yun pressed the shutter and accidentally photographed a woman wearing a white jumpsuit with a deep V-neck. Judging from her topless breasts, Wu Yun was sure that there was no mask under her clothes.

“Fashion is really something I don’t understand.”As soon as Wu Yun finished sighing, he saw a bald man wearing sunglasses and a loose suit walking past their car.

At this time, the green light turned on, and the moment the car passed by, Wu Yun saw that the bald head was actually a woman! Wu Yun discovered this from the open coat

Fortunately, most people are dressed normally. They are tourists after all.

The first stop for Wu Yun and others today is Universal Studios

Universal Studios is a famous attraction in Hollywood and a must-see for tourists in Hollywood.

As soon as he got off the bus, Wu Yun felt a little regretful. These seven grown men seemed quite awkward when they came out to play. Why didn’t he think of finding someone to play with him in the first place?

Fortunately, the five bodyguards wore ordinary jackets and jeans, which were not much different from the tourists outside. Even though they were tall and strong, they were not too conspicuous in this place.

Universal Studios was originally a Hollywood filming base, but now it has become a theme park. It was put on the promotion of Global Center and said: Hollywood movies and advanced special effects are combined to create the world’s top amusement facilities with cutting-edge technology.

Today is the weekend. Even though Wu Yun and others arrived early, the entrance to the scenic spot is still crowded with people. Many Asian faces, especially the iconic globe at Universal Studios is full of tourists queuing up to take photos.

Wu Yun looked at it and gave up the idea of taking photos of tourists.

“Wang Hao, go buy 7 VIP tickets and hire a tour guide by the way!”

If you want to go out and play but don’t want to waste time, you have to pay more.

After a while, Wang Hao came over with seven tickets and an ordinary-looking girl with a Chinese face.

“Mr. Wu, this is today’s tour guide Qiao Xia!”Wang Hao introduced

Because she heard that Wang Hao was speaking in Chinese, Qiao Xia first glanced at the big men around Wu Yun, then smiled and said in standard Mandarin:”Hello, Mr. Wu! I am a tour guide at the Global Center! I am a professional tour guide at the Global Center! Responsible for Chinese tourists!”

Wu Yun nodded towards her and said,”Looking at your accent, you must be an international student, right?”

Qiao Xia smiled and nodded:”Yes, I go to school in California and work part-time on weekends to earn some living expenses.”

Although Qiao Xia was very curious about Wu Yun’s identity and age, based on her professional ethics, she immediately got into work mode. She took out a prepared little bee from her bag and put it on her body. Then she said:”Everyone, please follow me. Come on, can you understand what I say in Chinese?”

Seeing everyone in Hawkeye nodding, Qiao Xia was surprised, but said:”Please follow me, let’s go in through the VIP channel.”

So, Wu Yun and others walked in through the other ticket gate of the gate with the envious eyes of ordinary tourists.

Entering the park, Qiao Xia handed out a map to everyone, which was displayed in both English and Chinese.

Qiao Xia said:”Universal Studios is divided into an upper park and a lower park. The upper park and the lower park are connected by an escalator.”

“I just heard from Secretary Wang that Mr. Wu has an appointment at three o’clock in the afternoon, so I will plan for you as follows. In the morning, you will first play the Transformers 3D roller coaster, Jurassic Park Rapids, and Revenge of the Mummy 3D roller coaster.”

“Then we went straight to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and the Cinema Tour in the park. After having a luncheon by a Michelin chef in the park, we played the Simpsons virtual roller coaster, the animal actor stage, and the Despicable Me Minions virtual Rollercoaster, The Walking Dead Haunted House, Water World”

“Because there is no queue, we can complete these activities within four hours”

After seeing Wu Yun nodding, Qiao Xia smiled and waved:”Please follow me!”

Afterwards, Qiao Xia took a few people in a sightseeing car through the upper park to the escalator leading to the lower park.

When we arrived at the lower park, there weren’t too many tourists because the park had just opened, but this didn’t stop Wu Yun and others from using the VIP channel.

The popular Transformers 3D virtual roller coaster simulates completing missions with the Transformers in Transformers! Using the latest 3D technology and top-notch visual effects, the presence of the screen is almost invisible. The characters in the play move seamlessly between the surrounding environment and the media.

Wu Yun sighed, if the movie could achieve such a scene that is close to virtual reality, it would be considered a success.

But Wu Yun also knew that it would be possible to spend a lot of money to build a theater like this, but it would probably take another twenty years to achieve widespread mass production. At least before he was reborn, he had never heard of such popular 3D technology.

Later, in the next scene of Jurassic Park, Wu Yun and others followed Qiao Xia’s suggestion and did not sit in the front row.

This scene combines a scene from the movie”Jurassic Park” with a rapids ride to see dinosaurs in their jungle habitat

There was a very exciting place where I was chased by a 15-meter-tall Tyrannosaurus rex, followed immediately by an exciting 25-meter dive!

In the entire team, only Wei Wu and Stinger were as steady as an old dog and did not make a sound.

Until he came out of the venue, Wu Yun’s hands were still shaking slightly due to adrenaline secretion, which made Wu Yun feel that his mental quality needed to be further improved.

But after seeing Wang Hao’s state, Wu Yun couldn’t help but smile. He saw that his face was pale. He didn’t know whether he was frightened by the sudden appearance of the Tyrannosaurus Rex or the exciting 25-meter drop.

Wu Yun patted Wang Hao on the shoulder and said:”Can you do it? I heard that the next one will be scary! Why don’t you take a rest!”

Don’t make it funny by showing off a work-related injury!

Wang Hao took two deep breaths and said:”It’s okay, Mr. Wu! I’m just a little afraid of heights!”

When Qiao Xia heard Wang Hao’s words, she covered her mouth and snickered:”It’s okay! The roller coaster behind is not as sudden as Rapids Yongjin.””

As Qiao Xia said, the subsequent Revenge of the Mummy 3D virtual roller coaster did not come as suddenly as the previous project, but with this dark scene and the appropriate music, Wu Yun felt that the atmosphere was quite right.

“Ouch! Damn it!”

“Oh my god!”

Amidst the playing of horror music, Wu Yun heard Wang Hao’s startled voice from time to time, as well as the screams of some tourists behind him.

It wasn’t until he was on his way to the park that Wang Hao calmed down.

Then, under the leadership of Qiao Xia, several people visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and the Cinema Tour.

Walk into Hogworth Castle and watch the characters on the murals walking around, candles floating in the air, Principal Dumbledore’s office, Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Gryffindor’s lounge, and even see The Room of Requirement…everything is exactly like the real magical world in the movie

Take the tram to enter the photography base, the whole journey takes about 60 minutes. First see large photo studios and studios, then enter simulated city streets such as New York Avenue and City Hall. After that, you will enter a movie studio where King Kong fights with dinosaurs. It makes people feel that dinosaurs are shuttled around the side and roof of the car, and the car is shaken as if it is about to fall.……

Later, there are disaster scenes of floods, subway earthquakes, and vehicle collisions, which are so realistic that it is immersive.

In the end, the tram that Wu Yun was waiting for entered the filming scenes of Jaws, Desperate Housewives, and the Boeing 747 crash. Everything was so real and immersive, one after another, overwhelming.

In the roller coaster that was flying up and down, Wu Yun sighed in his heart:”This is one of the differences between Chinese movies and Hollywood movies! Others are all about technology and hard work, but Chinese movies?”

All right! Wu Yun couldn’t think of anything that could catch up. Even in commercial movies, the gap between these special effects was not that big. At least that’s the case in 2015, as for the future! That still depends on Wu Yun.

Wu Yun suddenly had a flash of inspiration! It is not impossible to build a theme park with Chinese characteristics in the future! But this needs to be foreshadowed by those masterpieces of fairy tales!

Wu Yun immediately wrote down this incident in the little notebook in his heart.

After having a special lunch and visiting other projects in the park, Wu Yun and others said goodbye to Qiao Xia

Before leaving, Wu Yun asked Wang Hao to give Qiao Xia $500 in spending money. This was a surprise that Qiao Xia did not expect.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, Wu Yun appeared at Cabana Cafe on time

A Chinese man of medium build was looking at the door. When he saw Wu Yun coming in, he immediately stood up with a smile and greeted him.

“Mr. Wu! good afternoon! I am Lin Wei, the person in charge of Little Red Car in the United States.”

Wu Yun nodded, indicating to Lin Wei to sit down and talk.

“How’s the situation here?”Wu Yun naturally asked about the development of Little Red Car in the United States.

Lin Wei said with a smile:”Mr. Wu! After a month of our efforts, the American branch of Little Red Car has been successfully established, and by the middle of this month, Little Red Car will be online in Los Angeles”

The decision to bring the Little Red Car overseas is the result of discussions between Wu Yun, Li Qiuliang and Tencent. They do not need to roll it out on a large scale like in China.

The initial work is to serve as a pilot project in big cities in the United States to build up the reputation of Little Red Car, so that the valuation of Little Red Car will rise again.

Based on the initial operation situation, we will decide whether to carry out large-scale development.

After the original plan to register Xiaohongche’s American branch was announced, it caused a stir among Xiaohongche’s internal employees. Coupled with the modification of the dispatch system, the salary of Xiaohongche’s American branch was much higher than that of ordinary employees in China.

This has also attracted a large number of single men and women to actively sign up. For them, traveling across the ocean is not worth mentioning for the sake of high wages.

However, when the screening was conducted, not everyone was required. First, the spoken English must be barely passable, and second, singles were given priority.

These two conditions turned off a large number of people, so much so that Xiaohongche even held a campus job fair. Of course, this was only done after the Xiaohongche American branch successfully registered, in order to be the first to share with others. One step on the bike

The headquarters of the American branch of Xiaohongche is located in Los Angeles. It is said to be the headquarters. Compared with the domestic branches, it is like an office in a city with only more than 20 employees.

“Mr. Lin, how is the situation here different from that in China?”Wu Yun asked

Lin Wei smiled bitterly and said:”This is indeed much more troublesome than in China. In the United States, the laws and tax laws of each state are different. Although it obviously follows the federal constitution, it is difficult to operate in some details.”

“So we considered which state to register the company in for a few days, and finally decided to register it in California!”

“Although Washington State has a tax-free policy, California is the most populous state in the United States, and the number of Chinese in California is the largest in the United States.”

“In addition, California is a large state with a diverse population. Registering here can also quickly enhance our company’s international image.”

At this time, the coffee ordered by Wu Yun was also delivered.

Wu Yun picked up the tong, put two sugar cubes into the cup, and then said:”Well, American companies don’t need to develop too fast. What I care about is influence. What did you think about this publicity plan?”

Lin Wei turned on his computer, turned the screen to Wu Yun, and said:”Mr. Wu! Before the bicycles arrived in the United States, we mainly carried out TV and radio advertisements. This publicity plan is already being implemented, and it is quite effective. Our company’s logistics team has received a lot of calls asking when the bikes will be online.”

“In the second step, I still referred to the domestic publicity plan and made some changes.”

“I am planning to hold a publicity day event. Our company employees and some part-time employees will promote cycling in the form of a parade. I have submitted this activity plan to the Los Angeles authorities and they are in the process of approval. It is expected to be given to me in two working days. reply”

“The third step, on the day of launch, is to recruit some part-time students to go to the streets with our employees to promote our APP.”

Wu Yun looked at the plan and listened to Lin Wei’s explanation. After Lin Wei finished the introduction, Wu Yun said:”You still have to pay attention to safety when promoting this! The United States is different from China. Guns are rampant here, and maybe Encountered a black man with an iron head who came to rob!”

“It doesn’t matter if you lose your bike, the safety of your employees should be your top priority! You must buy the insurance you need! There is also regular shooting training, which I think is necessary. I will talk to Mr. Li about this!”

“correct! It seems that you can apply for a California gun license with a work visa. I also think it is necessary to buy a gun for self-defense! The company can give you a certain range of subsidies, and the employees will bear the excess price themselves!”

Lin Wei quickly recorded what Wu Yun said and agreed.

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