After the competition, domestic discussions about Wu Yun did not stop. Some people even went to comment on Wu Yun’s recent exercise video on Weibo, asking about the relationship between Wu Yun and Emma.

Of course, Wu Yun didn’t have time to watch these. After the routine video with the three domestic girls, Wu Yun made an appointment with Emma to discuss the ABC issue.

However, after a piece of news about John was released, Wu Yun became somewhat famous in the United States and became one of Emma’s rumored boyfriends.

Don’t think that free America has gun battles every day. In fact, the American public is quite curious about these gossips.

You must know that the entertainment industry in the United States is not like the entertainment industry in East Asia. In East Asia, actors are like engaging in underground gangs when they fall in love.

But America is different. Many people will admit it openly.

So in the United States, these are only treated as tidbits. This also gives the Chinese people a feeling that the atmosphere here is very open. Look at the Kardashians, their boyfriends have changed one after another.

In fact, this is not the case. Many Chinese people are reserved on the surface, but in private they are so open that even foreigners find it incredible.


Dolby Theater, Oscar Awards red carpet scene

Under a transparent sun shed that had been set up a long time ago, a long red carpet extended to the door of the Dolby Theater

Wearing expensive jewelry, fashionable dresses, and gorgeous dresses, actresses are eager to show off their most perfect side. The Oscar red carpet every year is like a fashion show.

Scarlett wore a handsome slicked-back hair and wore a green evening gown. She walked onto the red carpet holding Chris’s elbow.

The two of them walked not very fast, and occasionally stopped to face the enthusiastic reporters and put on some poses as requested by the reporters.

Finally, Scarlett and Scarlett faced reporters at the end of the red carpet and answered a few questions before walking into the door of the theater.

It seemed to be an appointment. Several people who passed by were actors from the Avengers.

After passing a few more pairs of people, I heard someone shouting at the entrance of the red carpet:”Come on, come on!”

I saw Emma getting out of a nanny car. Instead of making an appointment with others, she acted alone.

Her behavior was as if the rumors were true.

“Emma! Please give me a positive answer!”

“Kakaka~” Looking at the camera that kept flashing, Emma showed a nice smile.

At the end of the red carpet, Emma knew the problems she was about to face, but she was not panicked at all. She had faced this situation many times and had already experienced it.

“Emma! Is China Rich your new boyfriend?”After two days of fermentation of the matter, reporters with great uncanny knowledge have long figured out Wu Yun’s identity.

Because Wu Yun had given her a warning in advance, Emma did not have the courage to challenge Wu Yun, so after getting a promise, Emma gave up her unrealistic fantasy.

I heard Emma deny it flatly:”No, Mr. Wu Yun is just a friend of mine. The two of us talked very happily, but it was just a topic of movie discussion between friends.”

“What is said on the Internet is just random speculation!”

Another reporter asked:”Emma, how did you and Mr. Wu know each other?”

Emma brought out the banner of George Lucas with a smile:”I met Mr. George Lucas at a banquet. Because Mr. Wu Yun also owns a film company, his understanding of movies is still very unique, so I talked to him in private. Chatted”

“Emma, so you and Mr. Wu’s company are going to cooperate?”A reporter asked sharply.

Emma smiled and said calmly:”Not yet, but maybe in the future!”

Then Emma answered a few more related questions, pointed to the watch on her hand and said:”Sorry, everyone, the time is up! I have to go in first and answer your questions when I have the opportunity.””


Wu Yun walked into the Dolby Theater through the VIP channel when he was halfway through the red carpet.

The Dolby Theater has 3,400 seats, but Wu Yundu’s location is not an ordinary location in the hall, but in separate compartments on both sides of the stage.

Wu Yun was sitting on the second floor. From here, he could clearly see most of the scenes on the stage and what was going on in the many seats downstairs.

At this time, the large seats downstairs were not full yet, but people kept coming in one after another.

Wu Yun could clearly see the familiar faces from previous Hollywood movies

Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dwayne Johnson and other action movie stars have always been Wu Yun’s idols before. Now they are all dressed in formal attire and chatting and joking with people around them not far away.

While Wu Yun was observing others, there were also people who were also looking at Wu Yun.

After all, this kind of VIP position is really conspicuous

As if sensing Wu Yun’s gaze, Dashi Johnson raised his head and looked in Wu Yun’s direction.

Wu Yun picked up the drink and nodded to Dwayne Johnson. Dwayne Johnson also showed his signature smile and nodded to Wu Yun.

But Wu Yun no longer has the idea of chasing stars. After all, after seeing the goddess on the screen screaming under his blow, Wu Yun felt boring.

Therefore, Wu Yun thought more about commercial value and what benefits it would bring to him. Unknowingly, Wu Yun’s thoughts gradually changed.

Seeing Dwayne Johnson, Wu Yun remembered the”Titan Game” that would become popular in Europe and America in the future. It was a game between men hosted by Dwayne Johnson that was both a variety show and a competition.

There are also American Ninja Warriors. Compared with this, domestic boys and girls rushing forward are almost as difficult as kindergarten.

Wu Yun remembered how shocked he was when he first watched this similar program. Comparing it to the domestic people who eat peaches and call them sissies, oh no! The trend is called coldness. Wu Yun in his previous life actually felt like he hated iron for not being able to become steel.

When domestic male celebrities wear heavy makeup, Wu Yun prefers to watch programs that involve fist-fighting or show male power.

This also supports the idea that excessive fitness attracts men

Before his rebirth, I had not watched the domestic TV series Wu Yun for a long time. I don’t know when, but domestic TV series became more and more catered to women.

So before coming to the United States, Wu Yun had this sudden thought. After all, his daily entertainment life was still too little. It would be good to engage in some mental and physical entertainment.

As for whether to make this Titan game in advance and ask Dwayne Johnson to endorse or cooperate with him, Wu Yun had two sets of plans beforehand.

The prize money can be set higher. By then, the scope of this competition will not be limited to the United States. Wu Yun wants to catch all the strong men in the world and determine the strongest one.

Thinking of this, Wu Yun couldn’t help but get a little excited. What a great idea! Perhaps we can also achieve linkage between companies, just like Contra back then, with game characters based on Stallone and Schwarzenegger.

King of Glory can also create a hero template

Wu Yun feels that this matter has great potential, and there must be brave men with a lot of money. This matter will not only inject a breath of fresh air into the domestic aesthetics, but also expand the influence of some of Wu Yun’s companies.

As for publicity, endorsements and sponsorships, aren’t these just swapping left hands for right hands! ?

“Radisson impresses folks! Welcome to the 87th Academy Awards! I’m your old friend Harris!”

Wu Yun’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound coming from the speakers, so he turned his attention to Harris in a black suit in the center of the stage.

Harris is a very famous host in the United States, not only for his humorous hosting style, but also for his personal life.

As for how Wu Yun knew this person, it was because before he was reborn, he knew that a certain host from China Mango Channel was also the same. His outlook was shattered at that time, so he went to learn more about this circle and happened to see Harris.

In the United States, views on this aspect are indeed more liberal than in China, and marriage is common in some states.

Although Wu Yun was not discriminatory, he really couldn’t accept men. Thinking about two bearded men hugging each other and kissing with their lips pouted, Wu Yun felt disgusted.

But Wu Yun felt much better about lesbians. Qi Fei’s classmate Zeng Shengnan was a representative figure of lesbians that Wu Yun had come into contact with. Of course, this was something he only learned about after being with Qi Fei for a long time.

The following party was similar to what Wu Yun saw on TV, except that it was changed to a live show tonight. After watching the live broadcast, I also saw many different scenes.

For example, some actresses who were nominated but did not win the award were excited at first, but then they did not expect that someone else won the award, and they had mixed feelings.

Some people cried, some laughed, and some looked at their counterparts on the stage holding the statuette with jealous eyes.

These are images that cannot be seen on TV or are rarely shown

At this moment, Wu Yun felt that these celebrities were like ordinary people, even worse than ordinary people.

Perhaps the usual glamor and outstanding acting skills, as well as the long distance from ordinary people, make many ordinary people feel that celebrities are a bit unattainable.

Little do they know that in the eyes of wealthy people, these people are just slightly more famous actors.

Wu Yun found Emma and Scarlett in the crowd. Compared to Emma’s low-key black suit, Scarlett’s green dress allowed Wu Yun to spot her in the crowd at a glance.

Because of the gossip these days, several people next to Emma also frequently looked at Wu Yun.

The following time became a bit boring for Wu Yun, because after stepping into this theater, the mysterious veil of Oscar was not removed. The rest of the time was like watching an ordinary awards ceremony for Wu Yun. Same as the ceremony

Of course there are also advertisements and some performances interspersed in between

The whole party lasted for more than three hours. Wu Yun even went to the bathroom in the middle because he drank too many drinks.

When the show was over, Wu Yun did not go to find Emma, but found Dwayne Johnson who was chatting with some tough guys in Hollywood.

Originally, Wu Yun wanted Wang Hao to invite Dwayne Johnson over, but then he thought that it would be impolite. If he wanted to cooperate, he had to show some sincerity. Of course, Wu Yun also had to have Dwayne Johnson.

“Sorry to bother you! Mr. Johnson!”Wu Yun stepped forward and said with a smile.

Dwayne Johnson looked at the two bodyguards behind Wu Yun. One of them was no less tall than him. When he saw Wu Yun’s face, he immediately remembered that this was the Asian who had just greeted him in the private room.

From this point of view, Wu Yun’s identity is not simple.

So Dwayne Johnson smiled and said goodbye to a few old partners and then asked:”Sir, who are you?”

Wu Yun smiled and took the business card from Wang Hao, and then handed it to Dwayne Johnson:”I am Wu Yun, from China!”

Dwayne Johnson immediately showed an ambiguous look and said:”Sir, is Emma’s new boyfriend?”

Wu Yun shook his head and denied:”She and I are just friends, but you, Mr. Dwayne Johnson, I am quite interested in you.”

Wu Yun’s words made the people around him feel their anus tightening, and Dwayne Johnson’s expression also changed drastically.

Seeing his expression, Wu Yun knew that Dwayne Johnson was thinking wrongly:”I mean I am your fan, and I came here today just to get to know you. By the way, I have a collaboration that I want to talk to you about.””

Dwayne Johnson’s expression softened and he breathed a sigh of relief:”Mr. Wu, please finish your sentence at once next time! It was too scary just now!”

Seeing Dwayne Johnson’s expression, Wu Yun wondered in his mind whether Dwayne Johnson had expressed his feelings for someone before.

However, after this small episode, the relationship between Wu Yun and Dwayne Johnson has become closer, and there is no longer any sense of strangeness.

Wu Yun looked around and said,”This is not the place to talk!”

Then several people found a relatively remote corner. Dwayne Johnson knew that the person in front of him was a rich man from China, so he couldn’t wait to ask:”What kind of cooperation does Mr. Wu ask me for? Is it to make your Chinese movie?””

Dwayne”The Rock” Johnson can’t think of anything else he can work with. After all, apart from making movies and endorsements, he has retired from performing in WWE.

“I have an immature idea to create a variety show competition, similar to your variety show like American Ninja Warriors!”

Wu Yun’s words made Dwayne”The Rock” Johnson a little more interested. You must know that he had been a guest at Ninja Warrior and knew how difficult it was.

Dwayne”The Rock” Johnson knows in his heart that even someone like him who exercises regularly may not be able to pass the first few levels. Without him, he is too heavy, and his agility and endurance are completely behind those who do rock climbing and the like.

“However, something different from Ninja Warrior is that this is a duel between two people, with various levels of strength, agility and skills set up. Two people compete together, and the person who reaches the finish line first wins.”

Afterwards, Wu Yun told Dwayne Johnson about the level settings of future Titan games. When he heard that the final world champion would receive a reward of five million US dollars, even Dwayne Johnson couldn’t help but feel a little moved.

“Mr. Wu, do you mean to conduct a selection all over the world, and then select the best among them to compete and make it into a variety show? Dwayne”The Rock” Johnson was clear about it, but he was still a little puzzled:”Mr. Wu, do you want me to be a guest?””

If he were invited to participate in the competition, Dwayne Johnson would definitely refuse because he can’t afford to lose.

Wu Yun nodded and said with a smile:”Mr. Johnson, I have two plans. One is that I hire you as the host and technical consultant of this show, pay you the highest appearance fee in variety shows, and we have shooting time. coordination”

Dwayne Johnson couldn’t help but nod. This was a very generous condition, but he still wanted to hear Wu Yun’s second plan.

“The second plan is to act as a partner, I will contribute money, you will contribute, and you will be the spokesperson for the program.”

After Dwayne Johnson was silent for a while, he said:”Mr. Wu, I think it’s better to go back and think about it. By the way, you can come up with a detailed plan and we can make an appointment to discuss it in detail! After all, we don’t have a specific plan now, so we can’t achieve any results. of”

Wu Yun nodded understandingly and said:”I thought so too. Today I mainly want to get to know Mr. Johnson first so that we can cooperate in the future.””

The two exchanged some pleasantries, exchanged contact information, and then left.

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