The student dormitory where Yu Xiao is located is very close to the South Campus Gate. Within a few minutes, he saw the South Campus Gate sign.

Tens of thousands of dollars are about to be obtained soon, and Daozi cannot suppress the excitement in his heart.

“Although my sister is very stubborn, she is also very gentle. She will only feel comfortable if I come to you and explain it to you face to face!”The knife has been saying something to make Yu Xiao relax his vigilance.

If the police hadn’t come to the door today, Yu Xiao would probably have been fooled by Dao Zi so much that even if he didn’t agree at first, he would have been fooled later.

Even if he doesn’t agree, I don’t know if Daozi will use any strong methods to force him out of school!

This cousin is really reliable. It seems that these two plainclothes policemen do not look like ordinary policemen. It seems that Wu Yun used his connections to say hello in advance, otherwise he would not have attracted attention.

At the same time, Yu Xiao was getting angry. He was keeping a low profile, but this Li Qing kept causing trouble for him again and again, so he had to vent his anger!

Let’s see what these people are going to do later!

Soon a few people left and walked out of the school gate.

The knife pointed at a commercial car on the opposite side of the street and said:”My sister is in the car, let’s go over there!”

After saying that, he looked at Xiao Liu and Brother Jun again.

Xiao Liu said with great discernment:”Yu Xiao, we are waiting for you outside!”

Yu Xiao nodded and said,”Okay! Let’s cross the highway first!”

Dao Zi was so excited that he felt his abdomen was about to convulse. According to the original plan, after Yu Xiao got in the car, someone would put a knife on his neck and take him to the suburbs. If he cooperated, he would break a leg. If he didn’t cooperate, hehe.! All three legs are broken!

Four people walked across the zebra crossing

Yu Xiao pretended to ask:”Who is your sister? Have I seen her?”

Daozi said with a smile:”You’ll know when you get in the car! Anyway, you have met before!”

Xiao Liu and Brother Jun stood on the sidewalk a few meters away from the car, watching Yu Xiao follow the knife to the side of the car. When the knife just reached out and pulled the door handle

Violent tire friction sounds were heard, and two black cars, one behind the other, stuck the commercial vehicle in the middle.

At the same time, several plainclothes policemen armed with pistols appeared on the roadside.

Xiao Liu and Brother Jun also rushed over the moment the car drove over.

“do not move! police!”The knife has been shocked! This is the first time I have seen so many plainclothes armed with pistols!”

Those who didn’t know thought they were arresting criminals.

The surrounding car doors were opened, and a small crewmember in the cab was already frightened, and his hands holding the steering wheel began to tremble involuntarily.

“Let go of the steering wheel! Come out with your head in your hands!”

Amidst the repeated roars of the plainclothes man holding a pistol, Xiaopingtou finally reacted and tremblingly crossed his hands behind his head.

After the plainclothes opened the door for him, he squatted on the roadside with his head in his hands.

When he came out, he saw that the fat man who was still in the car was squatting on the curb in a cold sweat. A plainclothes man was holding his hands behind his back and putting on a pair of silver bracelets.

No one dared to resist. Under the gunfire in the dark, all five people in the car, including the knife, listened honestly to the police’s instructions.

There were crowds of people standing around

At this time, plainclothes officers seized four machetes, a steel pipe, a bundle of white rope, and scotch tape from the car.

Reaching out from the knife, he found a folding knife and a switchblade.

At this time, Captain Jiang walked up to the stunned Yu Xiao and said with a smile:”Yu Xiao, I’m sorry for frightening you!”

Yu Xiao reacted and looked a little angry at the machete and equipment on the ground. These were probably used against him!

If Wu Yun hadn’t notified people in advance, he would have fallen into Li Qing’s trap!

Yu Xiao quickly calmed down and said:”Thank you, comrade police, for your life-saving grace!”

Captain Jiang nodded:”Please come with us to the bureau to make a record! We will interrogate these people one by one! No one who violates laws and disciplines can escape!”

“oh! correct! Yu Xiao, do you want to notify your family or something?”

Yu Xiao thought for a while, sent a message to Zhai Na, and then called Wu Yun.

After ringing for a while, Wu Yun finally answered the call.

“cousin! Has anyone been caught?”Wu Yun’s voice came from the phone, accompanied by the sound of a meeting speaker.

Yu Xiao then said angrily:”Caught! At the gate of our school! I didn’t expect these people to be so blatant!”

“Are you okay? ?”Wu Yun asked

Yu Xiao smiled and said:”It’s okay, thanks to a large number of police comrades who came today! I will thank them very much then!””

“OK! I’ll ask Zhang Guowei to meet you first! I’m in a meeting now! It probably won’t be over until lunch time!”Wu Yun’s voice was very calm.

Yu Xiao glanced at the five people who were being pushed into the back of the police van, and then said:”Okay! You go about your business first! There’s nothing big going on here! Just come over, Director Zhang!””

After hanging up the phone, Yu Xiao did not show any shyness because of Captain Jiang’s age. Instead, he smiled and said:”Comrade police, may I ask your last name? Your equipment doesn’t look like that of ordinary police officers!”

Captain Jiang put away his pistol and glanced at the closed police driveway:”My surname is Jiang, and I am the captain of the security team of the District Public Security Bureau!”

Seeing that Yu Xiao was not frightened by what just happened, but instead talked to him calmly, thinking of the leader’s instructions today, Captain Jiang continued:”There are special instructions from above to combat these dark forces and protect your safety! We! Get in the car first! Let’s talk about it later!”

Yu Xiao nodded and followed Captain Jiang into his car.

“Team Jiang, I still want to thank you! When this matter is finished, I will tell my dad and thank you for your help!”

Yu Xiao thought about it and felt that being so low-key is not necessarily a good thing. People like Li Qing dare to sit on the heads of”ordinary people” and shit, which shows how rampant these people are.

It happened that he was about to discuss with his family about which position to apply for. Yu Xiao was going to talk to his father about this matter, so he didn’t need to waste too much trouble on his cousin.

Besides, now he has to prepare to expand his network of contacts and prepare for future work.

Captain Jiang remembered Yu Xiao’s information that he had seen before. The father’s column stated the occupation of a public servant.

Suddenly his heart moved and he asked:”Yu Xiao, I wonder where your father is?”

Yu Xiao moved the backrest of the seat back a little, twisted his body and then said:”I won’t hide it from you, my dad is the top leader in Jiangcheng, you can all find out this name.”

Captain Jiang was suddenly shocked, and then felt a little lucky. It seemed that he had met a noble person!

“Team Chiang! My dad didn’t know about this originally, but now that they want to mess with me, I definitely won’t let anyone manipulate me! So I still have to tell my dad about this!”

“So I guess some of them are busy! I guess I will have to trouble Team Chiang a lot more by then! I can also reveal my identity to your people so that they don’t make fools!”Yu Xiao said with a smile.

Captain Jiang caught a glimpse of Yu Xiao’s smile out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly felt why that smile was so charming.

Captain Jiang then said:”It’s okay! When the time comes, we will enforce the law impartially and leave no chance to the bad guys!”

“But Yu Xiao, why did you come to study in our Shu province? ?”Captain Jiang was very curious, so he picked up the topic while driving.



“Liu Weifu!”Pan Pan was sitting on the interrogation chair, with his hands fixed on the small table by two specially-shaped steel bars.

He was very familiar with this position because he had sat in it several times before, so he seemed very calm.

“Where were you at ten o’clock in the evening on September 26, 2015?”

The words of the interrogating policeman made the fat man stunned. He wanted to touch the tip of his nose with his hands, but his hands were fixed and he felt very uncomfortable:”That night, several of our brothers and I were drinking beer!”

“Snapped! The interrogating policeman slammed the table, stood up and asked again:”I’ll give you another chance!” Where were you at ten o’clock in the evening on September 26, 2015?”

The fat man thought that they had stepped on the spot and found no trace of the camera. Coupled with the confession he had made early in the morning, he was convinced and insisted on his own statement:”Comrade police, we were really drinking beer that night! If you don’t believe me, you can ask my brothers!”

The policeman in charge of the interrogation smiled disdainfully:”Liu Weifu, just be tough! Show him the video!””

The policeman standing aside pulled up the video he had prepared early in the morning, picked up his cell phone and put it in front of the fat man.

After a while, the fat man’s face turned a little pale, and big beads of sweat slid down his forehead and his temples. For a while, his lips trembled and he was speechless.

“Liu Weifu, I advise you to tell the truth. For someone like you who has a criminal record and was caught today, don’t think you can escape! That’s why you’ve offended someone you shouldn’t have!”

The interrogating policemen thought that Captain Jiang had revealed Yu Xiao’s identity as soon as he came back, and with the explanation above, no one dared to slack off, and interrogated these people in strict accordance with the specifications for interrogating felons.

“Comrade police, I say so! But can you tell me who I offended?”The fat man couldn’t help but think of what happened when he was stopped by two tall bodyguards at the hot pot restaurant last night, and he vaguely had some answers in his mind.

The interrogating policeman sat down easily and said:”Be honest! Don’t mention anything you have or don’t have!””

The fat man nodded repeatedly:”Okay! I’ll explain!”

“Since I was released from prison, I have been hanging out with Li~Li Qing, helping her guard the place, and occasionally doing work like today”

“Every time we work, my brothers and I will receive a lot of bonuses! Including the night of the 26th”

“On the 15th, I received a call from Li Qing. She asked me to lead someone to teach a person a lesson and to lead someone to beat up that Yu Xiao!”

The pen in the hand of the policeman who was taking notes was recording rapidly, and from time to time he looked at the flashing light of the recording pen.

“This time she gave me 20,000 yuan first! I gave 2,500 to each of my four brothers!”

At this time, the interrogating police officer interrupted:”How was it given to you? Is there any transfer record?”

“She transferred the money directly via WeChat, and I haven’t even met her in person! Directly take people to the school based on the information provided by Li Qing.”

At this time, the fat man shirks his responsibility:”There are records in my mobile phone. It is Yu Xiao’s personal information she sent me, as well as some living habits! We are just the executors!”

At this point, Fatty can only reduce his responsibilities as much as possible

“Go on! What did you do! We’ll ask you questions later!”

The fat man nodded repeatedly, no longer as impressive as before.

“We followed him for a few days, and finally found out that Yu Xiao was passing through the woods, and we had plans later!”

Then the fat man recounted how they stepped on the spot and how they beat Yu Xiao, including what they used.

“After that day, we also took photos and sent them to Li Qing, and Li Qing transferred another 20,000 yuan to me! Of course, I still gave 2,500 to each of my brothers.”

The interrogating policeman said:”Take your mobile phone, open WeChat and give it to our technicians!”

The fat man opened the phone honestly. He was not crazy enough to delete any records. He just unlocked the phone and handed it over to the technician.

“Then tell me what happened today!”The interrogating policeman asked again. In fact, with the transcript just now and Yu Xiao’s injury assessment, these people could have been sent in long ago, and Li Qing couldn’t escape either.

But according to Captain Jiang’s reminder just before he came in, if Yu Xiao wants to mess with Li Qing, then today’s case that was originally a crime suspension may also be sentenced as a completed crime.

The fat man didn’t know what Yu Xiao was thinking. Even if he knew, he could only explain honestly:”Last night, oh! No! It must have been after one o’clock this morning, Li Qing came to us again!”

“You want us to break one of Yu Xiao’s legs! He directly transferred 80,000 yuan to me! We said that when things are done and we watch the video shooting, we will be given some bonuses! It would be better if both legs were broken!”

“But she said it on the phone, and I only have the record of her transfer!”

The interrogating policeman asked skillfully:”If there is no police intervention today, how are you going to deal with Yu Xiao?”

The fat man was already in a panic and did not notice the meaning of these words:”We just plan to take him to a remote place outside the city. If he is honest, we will break one of Li Qing’s legs according to Li Qing’s wishes. If he is not honest, we will break his leg.” Just break both legs!”

Afterwards, the interrogating police asked some other questions before letting the fat man go.

“okay! Let him see the transcript! No problem, just sign and fingerprint! Bring the next person in!”

The policeman sitting next to him got up and unlocked the chair, then let go of the fat man, put handcuffs on him, and took him out.

On the way out, Fatty met the ugly-looking Daozi, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. Daozi was clever, but in this situation, getting in was already a certainty!

“Crunch~” The metal door opened, and the fat man was locked into a guard room, where two of his brothers were already sitting.

“Fat brother! Are we going in?”

The fat man slumped down on the bench, leaned his head against the wall, and said feebly:”I guess so! Li Qing is in trouble this time!”

“Hey, why did I forget to ask which big shot I offended? Why! This time it was a mysterious death!”

The Versace man who was slapped on the back of the head by a fat man in the car said depressedly:”If I had known this, I would have taken out the money and feel happy! Now I have lost money!”

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