After spending one night at the hunting club and enjoying an interesting campfire dinner, Wu Yun went to bed and fell asleep early.

Early the next morning, everyone got up and set off from the club to Bern International Airport

On the way to Thessaloniki, Greece, Wu Yun clicked on the Moments he posted last night. There were already 99+ unread messages.

Liu Yongheng:”Boss, I really envy your life, but you can travel abroad! How much did you spend on this hunt in Switzerland?”

Yu Xiao:”When will I come back? I can’t wait!””

Wang Xin:”Hunting is indeed a good place! It’s a pity that I don’t have time! I really envy my brother’s life!”

Zhou Shuwen:”When will you return to Magic City?”


Wu Yun first replied to Liu Yongheng:”The customized version of hunting cost 400,000 Chinese coins!”

After a while, Wu Yun received a reply from Liu Yongheng:”It’s so expensive! Excuse me! He is indeed a boss!”

After Wu Yun responded to the messages one by one, he clicked on Weibo

Different from the circle of friends, the Weibo comment area has almost become two opposing factions. Some people come to criticize Wu Yun in the name of animal protectionism, and there are also many Wu Yun fans who spontaneously defend Wu Yun. The two sides are quarreling. Open a deal

However, with the previous incident of receiving summons after a personal attack on Wu Yun as a lesson, this time the people of Black Wu Yun are relatively calm.

Most of them are talking about indiscriminate killing of innocent people from the perspective of animal protection.

In response to these comments, Wu Yun just smiled faintly, and then posted the video of the brown bear chasing Jenna and the following shots shot by several guns to kill the brown bear captured by Thomas’s action camera.

No longer paying attention to the rumors on the Internet, Wu Yun took advantage of the break to start checking the company’s reports.

Traveling from Switzerland to Greece is like flying across provinces in China. The plane landed at Thessaloniki Airport very quickly.

In the next half day, under the leadership of a professional tour guide arranged by Xu Jie, everyone visited the urban area of Thessaloniki.

Maybe it’s because after more than a month of publicity for the Titan game, many tourists from all over the world came to Thessaloniki.

Wu Yun saw at least a dozen waves of Chinese faces on the street.

In the afternoon, Wu Yun took a photo with Dwayne Johnson in advance. In order to promote the Titan game, Wu Yun naturally posted the photo online.

In the evening, Wu Yun did not bother Dwayne”The Rock” Johnson to host the finals. He just sat down at the seats prepared in advance.

As soon as he sat down, Wu Yun discovered a sea of red in the stadium. The bright red flags fluctuated with the strength of the audience.

Of course, it’s not just the Chinese who have groups, including all states in the United States, there are more or less spectators with national flags.

The game levels for the finals have all been reset and are definitely different from the finals in each continent.

After the whole game, Zhang Ye, as the representative of China, fought hard at all levels, but in the end he was unfortunately half a body behind the American rugby players, finishing in second place.

It’s not that Zhang Ye didn’t work hard, it’s true that compared with the rugby player, there is still a gap in strength.

At this point, the first Titan Game comes to an end

The viewers who watched the live broadcast on TV or online in China showed regretful expressions, and some even cursed, very angry at Zhang Ye’s defeat!

After the game, some reporters at the scene conducted an interview with the audience. Most of the audience supported Zhang Ye and felt that Zhang Ye had done his best!

After the game, Wu Yun and Dwayne Johnson sat in the hotel lounge area and chatted.

“witch! Thank you for giving me this opportunity! Although the live broadcast rights and ticket sales of the games we organized have made back our costs, we even made a lot!”

“But I personally feel that the biggest benefit that the first competition gave me was not the money! But reputation!”

“Traveling all over the world to hold events, many people got to know me!”

The successful hosting of Titan Games brought a total profit of more than 40 million US dollars to Wu Yun and Dwayne Johnson.

This number will also be broadcast in various countries as the edited version of the video is broadcast, and this copyright fee will be a large amount of additional income.

Wu Yun raised the white water in his hand and gestured to Dwayne Johnson:”Dawn! Thank you for your trust! Otherwise, this show wouldn’t be so popular!”

Dwayne Johnson laughed and said:”Haha! I am also one of the bosses! The more popular this show is, the more money I make!”

After half a year of contact, Dwayne Johnson knows Wu Yun well and knows that Wu Yun has a girlfriend who is an actress.

In addition, Dwayne Johnson is very willing to make friends with this young super billionaire

“witch! If I come across a suitable script in Hollywood in the future, I can recommend your girlfriend to audition!”

“If I have a chance in the future, the director may even ask your girlfriend to come directly!”

Wu Yun laughed and bumped fists with Dwayne Johnson:”No problem! If you need investment, just come to me!”

Later, Wu Yun introduced Qi Fei to Dwayne Johnson, and the two also exchanged contact information.

After returning to the hotel room, Wu Yun and Qi Fei were grabbed by Wen Meng.

“Feifei, are you going to Hollywood?”Bai Yue asked excitedly. If there was a Hollywood star by his side, it would be a very honorable thing to tell him.

Wen Meng also looked at Qi Fei expectantly

Qi Fei said with a smile:”Don’t be too happy, I can only be regarded as a second- or third-tier star in China! Who will know you when you go abroad!””

“Wait until I settle down a bit more!”

Wu Yun indeed said:”Don’t think too much of Hollywood! Although Hollywood is now considered the highest palace of world movies, the competition here is extremely fierce!”

“How many celebrities with financial backing have gone to Hollywood but have died down, or even returned to China in despair!”

“Moreover, the discrimination against Chinese people in Hollywood does not last for a day or two. It is really difficult to develop!”

Wu Yun glanced at the two women who were being doused with cold water, smiled and pinched Bai Yue’s cheeks:”It’s okay for Feifei to go gold-plating, but I don’t agree with the long-term development!”

“Moreover! I believe that Chinese films will develop better and better in the future!”

“Wouldn’t it be nice to be a cultural exporter then?”

“I have made a career plan for Feifei! She just needs to lie down!”

Hearing Wu Yun’s words, Bai Yue was also happy for Qi Fei, and then started joking:”Lie down? How can you lie down?”

“Is that so?”Said, Bai Yue flew to the bed, turned over and lay on the bed.

The silk pajamas were directly attached to her body, and Wu Yun could clearly see the clear spots

So he took Qi Fei and Wen Meng and ran to the bed.

“oops! Why don’t you go take a shower!”

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