It was the end of June when Lin Zidan came back from China. The hot summer was also the time for the children to have summer vacation.

In mid-July, Zhang Jing took Alice and the two young masters, and as expected, they came to the United States for their summer vacation, which made the four children very happy.

In order to make time for traveling with the children, Lin Zidan works overtime until late every day and is still handling official business.

That night, Lin Zidan was just about to turn off the computer to go to bed, but unexpectedly received a call from Frank, saying that their movie that was originally scheduled to be released in May was finally pressed into the summer season, and strongly requested Lin Zidan to book a venue to cheer them on.

"I'll just take Emma and the kids to see it. Do I have to book the venue? Wouldn't it be too exaggerated?"

"How much money can I spend on a private show? It's mainly to help us lift the box office. Yijun's mother even said that the private show is for colleagues and students from the charity organization to see it. You won't be so stingy, will you?"

"Okay, I see, it just so happened that my friend brought the children over from the mainland for the summer vacation, so I'll take them to see it together, oh, by the way, it's the Zhang Jing who had dinner together before, if he is satisfied with it , maybe I can still invest in you!" Lin Zidan said with a smile.

"I don't need to invest, if he can directly introduce Yijun into your domestic entertainment circle, it is true that it will probably bring Yijun's acting career to a higher level!

But this thing is not forced, anyway, Yijun likes me, let her act casually, if you really have talent and talent, you will definitely be discovered, and fame is a matter of time! "Frank seemed confident in his vision.

Thinking that the Zhang Jing family was also there, it would be possible for the two families to book a movie theater to see them, so they quickly agreed.

"That's interesting enough, anyway, you can buy the tickets and call all your Chinese friends. The subject matter of this movie is very good, you will definitely like it, and it describes some of the real conditions of your Chinese in the United States.

When we become popular, your instant noodle shops will follow suit, haha~" Frank finished talking and hung up the phone before Lin Zidan declined his kindness.

I don't care if I don't touch the light or not, but when it comes to the real state of Chinese Americans in the United States? It aroused Lin Zidan's interest.

What state are you thinking about? Wouldn't Zhuang Yijun be used by Frank? If he remembers correctly, this guy was originally a white supremacist, did he change his **** because he met Lin Yijun?

Lin Zidan entered the title of the movie Frank told him into the browser with an uneasy mood. The promotional stills and introduction of the movie, the official release time, the genre of the movie, and the director's introduction all caught his eye.

The title of the film is "American Gold Digger", which is probably the story of some expatriates who immigrated to the United States from other countries and struggled to live in the United States. It seems that Zhuang Yijun is still playing in his true colors.

Since the all-Asian-faced Hollywood blockbuster "Crazy Rich Asians" that started in 2018, many old American producers or directors have tried to dig out some insider stories about the wealth of Asians or shake some Asians. foreign black material.

It's a pity that those speculators, like before, didn't really want to create works based on the real life of Asian Americans, and many of them just used gimmicks with Asian faces to earn the box office of Asian people!

When picking a weekend, Lin Zidan really packed a place in a not so busy movie theater near Long Island, and took the two family to see the movie together.

Although the children don't like this kind of subject matter, but because it is starring someone they know, the nearly two-hour film, except for the three children who asked for food and drink a few times, everyone actually watched it very deeply. .

In fact, Frank's film is not particularly different from the works that Laomei has invested in before, but it does use many shots to capture the living conditions of Chinese immigrants in the United States.

In the eyes of foreigners, it may be a little discriminatory for other ethnic groups, especially Chinese people to engage in various physical-based industries, such as restaurants, massage parlors, etc., but the whole film is seen in the eyes of many Chinese people. , there are still some touches.

Especially people who are living in dire straits, as if they found their final ending in the film, a little sad and a little helpless!

"I think Zhuang Yijun's performance in this film is not bad. Although most of her roles are in her true colors, she is indeed very spiritual and very suitable for being an actress."

When he came out of the cinema, Zhang Jing couldn't help but comment with a professional eye.

"I also think the acting is very good, especially since she has absolutely no basis for acting. This kind of performance is really amazing!" Emma is also very sure.

"I didn't expect this girl to have such talent. I hope she chooses the path she really likes!" Lin Zidan shrugged his shoulders.

What they didn't expect was that Zhuang Yijun's performance this time really won her a lot of applause, and she was shortlisted for many newcomer awards at international film festivals. The faces impress many filmmakers.

Even many domestic directors are inquiring about which art academy this girl came from. Many people think that Zhuang Yijun came from the United States specializing in acting.

It was later dug out that she was just a graduate student majoring in accounting, which sparked the eyes of many curious hunters.


While Lin Zidan was busy consolidating other businesses, Emma was also working hard to save the 50 boutiques with Ivani.

The luxury stores, which were hit hard by the epidemic, are now filled with the influx of local Chinese tyrants once again due to the easing of Sino-US relations, and their sales have increased significantly every month.

Their self-created brand has gradually gained some fame due to the careful promotion of instant noodle shops. A light luxury brand that meets the aesthetics of the young public, with moderate prices, unique shapes and continuous creativity, is slowly emerging in some stores in Midtown, New York. rising slowly.

Lin Zidan asked Chu Feng and their office to do a special seminar, carefully packaged and promoted the brand in a large area. The small brand that was originally unknown, just like MK and Coach, suddenly became popular all over the world. .

To this end, Emma and Ivani specially held a small celebration.

At the banquet, Lin Zidan invited all the friends and business partners he could invite, and Emma also informed several of her cousins. Unexpectedly, this exquisite banquet would make their brand even more popular.

Some time ago, Louis was transferred to the West Coast by his father to develop an investment business, and this time he flew back with his wife.

Emma's two aunts, who only appear at year-end dinners all year round, are also here. They are not as glamorous as usual. They even wear Emma's products as appropriate. Although they are a bit unusual at this age, they are also lively. a lot.

"Aunty is here~"

As soon as Emma saw them, she took Lin Zi and walked and gave them a big hug.

"I've already said that you are very spiritual like your mother, and I really like these things!" Eddie's mother praised.

"Thank you for your support and affirmation," Emma said shyly.

"By the way, Frank will be here soon. I specially gave him a set of things you designed. His wife has been very popular recently, so I just asked her to give you a free endorsement."

Frank's mother leaned over and whispered in Emma's ear.

"Oh, how embarrassing this is~" Emma said with a smile.

"It's all a family. Didn't you help her before? Frank said that there was a scene in the film that was shot in your instant noodle shop!"

Just as he was talking, there was a sudden noise from the door of the banquet hall.

Emma and Lin Zidan walked over to have a look, only to find that it was Zhuang Yijun and Frank who were surrounded by spears and short cannons.

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