Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1014 Frankly Facing Public Opinion and the Hot Ticket Sales

On June 1, the movie "Avatar" began to be released. Because of the title of Ye Zishu, it aroused great interest from the audience, and they went to the cinema to watch it.

Due to the existence of smart glasses, the projection mode of cinemas is gradually declining. Even if many theaters use 3D projection technology, this trend cannot be changed.

The reason is that movie theater tickets are still a bit more expensive. In contrast, using smart glasses on the Internet can also experience 3D effects, which has a very immersive feeling.

The only advantage of going to the cinema to watch a movie is the atmosphere. Watching a movie alone at home is a little deserted, but the atmosphere is still different when there are so many people watching a movie together.

Of course, couples usually go to the cinema to watch movies together. At this time, watching movies is just an excuse, and the most important thing is to enhance mutual feelings.

It is precisely because cinemas are not the only option for watching 3D movies that the ticket prices of 3D movies in cinemas are not too outrageous, and the prices are relatively ordinary.

After the audience went to the cinema to watch "Avatar" with enthusiasm, the previous plot was good, at least the picture of the movie was very beautiful, and the story also had many attractive points.

But the ending turned out to be a promotion of the fantasy world. If it weren't for the fact that Wancheng Jiye was already promoting the fantasy world, no one would have discovered that the last clip was actually a promotion of the fantasy world.

Ye Zishu didn't want to be named at the beginning, because he was afraid that the audience would scold him here. Unexpectedly, although there were quite a few criticisms, it did not arouse strong disgust from the audience.

After dinner in the evening, Ye Zishu also deliberately watched the discussion about this movie on the Internet. Sure enough, someone mentioned that the following plot was somewhat similar to Wancheng Jiye's promotional film.

The most important thing is that the entire scene of Avatar is also similar to Wancheng Jiye's fantasy world promotional video. It is inevitable that some people will complain about whether they borrowed from each other.

Faced with doubts from the outside world, Shengshi Film and Television Company is a bachelor, and directly said that the movie itself was made to promote the fantasy world, and the scenes in it borrowed from the scenes in the fantasy world.

Although this is not conducive to the sales of movie tickets, it is conducive to the promotion of the fantasy world. Compared with these two benefits, the fantasy world is obviously more beneficial.

Even if a movie hits the box office, it is only a few billion yuan, but if the fantasy world explodes, it will be worth trillions of yuan, and the two cannot be compared.

Faced with the statement that Shengshi Film and Television Company is a bachelor, they didn't even struggle for a moment, so many people who wanted to take this as a breakthrough and planned to start Shengshi Film and Television Company almost spit out a mouthful of old blood in an instant.

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To be honest, the film and television companies under Ye Zishu have made a lot of enemies at home and abroad. The reason is that they are too strong and hurt the interests of others.

In particular, Phoenix Special Effects, with its low cost, super high output, and excellent quality, is thriving in the field of film and television, making it difficult for many film and television companies to continue their operations.

This time "Avatar" can be used as a target for attack. First of all, the director is Ye Zishu. If this movie is put on other directors, there is no need to complain, after all, it is still possible in general.

It’s just that Ye Zishu directed a few films before, all of which were very effective and achieved great success. The greater the fame, the greater the expectations, and it is easy to magnify a little flaw.

And there is no perfect thing in this world, no matter how perfect it is, there will always be a flaw, usually there is no chance to attack Ye Zishu, but this time he finally seized the opportunity.

The second is that the scenes of this movie and Wancheng Jiye's promotional film are similar. No matter who they borrow from, they can definitely be criticized as a huge slot.

It's just that I didn't expect that Shengshi Film and Television Company directly admitted that the purpose of releasing this movie was to promote the fantasy world,

And he also stated that if it wasn't for this, Ye Zishu wouldn't make the movie himself, the boss is very busy.

Unexpectedly, this approach has won the favor of many viewers. They feel that Shengshi Film and Television Company is an honest and good company without pretentiousness or fame.

Of course, there is such a reversal in public opinion. The main reason is that Shengshi Film and Television Company has done a good job over the years. Every movie is produced with heart, leaving many good memories for the audience.

Since it is said that this movie is to promote the fantasy world, many people are more curious about it, and the promotional video of Wancheng Foundation is still not enough for many people to watch.

And from the perspective of all parties, it seems that there is floating land in the fantasy world, which makes many people really itch and want to know more.

In addition, movie tickets are now very cheap compared to the income of residents. Many people think that even if they spend money to watch promotional videos, it is no big deal.

Needless to say, the movie box office is growing faster and faster, and there is a tendency to explode, which is beyond many people's expectations.

Now this movie is completely connected with the fantasy world. More and more people are curious about what the fantasy world is like. Before it is opened, the movie is a window for them to understand.

The box office of this movie is getting higher and higher day by day, and it has spread to the whole world, which makes many people who are going to do something helpless, but they didn't expect to do it like this.

Wancheng Foundation was not idle either, and began to cooperate with Shengshi Advertising Company to carry out large-scale ground marketing. The billboards in subway stations, train stations, and various public places were replaced with advertisements from the fantasy world.

The Internet is their important publicity front. Compared with ground advertisements that are only done domestically, Internet advertisements are open to the world and have a wider publicity area.

In order to play a more publicity role, several short video promotional videos were released one after another to promote the fantasy world from different angles.

Especially the monster siege promotional film, the shocking effect is definitely no less than the special effects of the movie, but the time is too short to make people watch it.

With the blessing of various publicity methods, not only the movie box office is getting better and better, but also the expectations of the fantasy world are getting higher and higher, but it is not known when tourism will be opened.

Under the eyes of everyone, Wancheng Foundation announced that the fantasy world will officially open to the public on June 25th. This day happens to be the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival has a three-day holiday, which is the only holiday during this period.

When the time came to June 18th, Wancheng Foundation opened the service of purchasing tickets to the fantasy world, but when everyone saw the price, they were immediately taken aback.

The ticket price alone is as high as 10,000 yuan. This is not an all-inclusive fee, but a simple ticket fee.

Faced with doubts about such a high ticket price from the outside world, Wancheng Jiye explained that it is worth the money, and said that the fantasy world is a relatively independent world, created with unprecedented technological power.

This statement has aroused the attention of many people, especially the relatively independent world, which makes people think about it. Can there still be a dimensional space?

Later, foreign media released satellite pictures of the Badain Jaran area. Judging from the pictures, there is still a green grassland in front of this area, and there seems to be nothing special about it.

It can be said that it has nothing to do with the scenes in the promotional film. Not only did it not arouse many doubts, but it made more people wonder, thinking that Wancheng Jiye’s statement of this relatively independent space is somewhat credible.

Some people think that it is normal to be expensive, but it does not prevent the rich from wanting to find out. 10,000 yuan may be a huge sum of money for people in countries with less developed economies.

But for domestic people, it is still acceptable, but Wancheng Jiye also reminds tourists who plan to travel, it is best to prepare about 50,000 yuan of funds, otherwise they will not have enough fun in it.

This kind of statement seriously violates the principle of commercial promotion. How can we directly tell tourists this information? Isn't this pushing some tourists out?

Faced with this doubt, Wancheng Jiye gave the reason that it is a relatively independent space inside, and it is not easy to go in and out. The 10,000 yuan ticket is spent, and it will not come out in one day, which is even more uneconomical.

In addition, there are too many tourist items in it, and it is possible to stay there for at least a week, so you must prepare enough time to travel.

Just when everyone thinks that with such an expensive ticket, not many people should go to travel. In fact, this kind of thinking is a bit naive, and it is completely based on oneself.

On the first day of ticket sales, 1 million tickets were sold worldwide. This data can be clearly seen by all ticket buyers, and no common data concealment practices have been adopted.

Because there are too many tickets, as high as 12 million, scalpers have no effect at all in front of such a huge number of tickets. Could it be that scalpers can still buy up these tickets?

If this is really done, the ticket alone will cost 120 billion yuan, and the ticket is only valid for one day. If something happens, you can change the date, but you can only change it once, and you have to pay a 20% handling fee.

Of course, tickets can also be refunded, but the refund fee is as high as 50%, which means that if you don’t buy the ticket, you still have to spend 5,000 yuan. This is to prevent the possibility of scalpers speculating on tickets.

On the second day, 2 million tickets were sold, which was better than the ticket sales on the first day, and it made headlines again, which further boosted everyone's attention to the fantasy world.

On the third day, 3 million tickets were sold, which seemed to be selling more and more day by day. This made many people who thought the tickets were too expensive feel unbelievable. Could it be that so many people really don't care about money?

On the fourth day, 5 million tickets were sold. This figure further ignited the trend of public opinion. Now there are only 1 million tickets left. People who originally wanted to see the situation were a little anxious.

Before the end of the fifth day, the remaining 1 million tickets were sold out in just two hours. The management of Wancheng Foundation was very excited to see that such a large number of tickets were sold out.

Tickets alone have allowed him to earn hundreds of billions of yuan in income. There is no more profitable business than this, and it is no different from making money lying down.

Those who bought tickets were naturally overjoyed, while those who did not get tickets felt a little depressed, thinking that there were so many tickets that they would never be able to sell them all, so they became lazy and cancerous, dragging on, but they didn't get any tickets.

So someone suggested that Wancheng Jiye buy more tickets. After all, the fantasy world occupies such a large area that it is definitely possible to receive more people. For Wancheng Jiye, it can also make more money.

Wancheng Jiye did not adopt this suggestion. The reason is that they must ensure that each passenger has enough comfort. If there are too many people, the service quality may decline, and the service experience will not be very good.

In addition, there is the problem of material supply. If more tickets are added, it means that the materials prepared before are not enough, and they need to continue to be transported inside, which will disrupt their operating rhythm.

However, although it is not possible to increase the tickets for the fantasy world, it can recommend surrounding tourism projects, and at the same time, the fantasy world ticket booking service has been launched.

Tourists can book in advance, and when someone comes out, tickets will be distributed to them according to the order of the scheduled time. Before that, they can go to the surrounding tourist attractions, and there is not much time delay in general.

According to their management regulations, a ticket can stay in the fantasy world for up to 15 days. If you want to continue to stay in it, you need to make up the ticket.

The purpose of doing this is to prevent someone from staying inside for a long time after entering, which will take up too many resources. For people with a little money, it is very likely that they will stay inside for a long time.

Because the climate of the Central Magic City is very comfortable, it can be used as a place for long-term vacation and leisure. If you don’t play sports in it, you can just stay in the Central Magic City.

Although this can also bring benefits to Wancheng Foundation, the per capita consumption level will definitely not be too high, and it will also crowd out the opportunities for tourists who want to come in later.

This is a tourism project, not a real estate project, let alone an elderly care project. Naturally, people can't hang on for a long time, and they can't drive people away directly, which can only increase the cost of staying.

Moreover, the weekly monster siege is also an additional cost for these long-term stayers, because losing means paying an additional fine, and if the contribution is small, the fine is still a lot.

If you want to buy tickets later, someone has to come out. If no one comes out, there will be no tickets. This is a bit different from ordinary tourist attractions.

As for the reservation of hotels and other services inside, it will not be handled outside. After tourists need to enter with tickets, they will be handled inside through special communication equipment.

Because it is not sure whether people with tickets will come to play, it is meaningless to book in advance, and the number of hotels inside is absolutely sufficient, so you don't have to worry about finding a place to stay when you go in.

After opening the ticket reservation service, many people started to book tickets. In the next two days, the number of reserved tickets reached 2 million.

And these tourists who booked tickets, and then chose other tourist attractions as pre-tourism projects, which brought a lot of tourists to the tourist attractions around the northwest.

Just the day before June 25th, 10 entrance cities that can enter the fantasy world began to gather a large number of people. The arrival of these people made the northwest region, which had a small foreign population, suddenly become bustling.

There are people who bought tickets early and drove to the northwest in their private cars. The advantage of driving there is that it is more convenient to travel to other scenic spots, and you can swim in the northwest for a while.

Afterwards, those who bought the tickets had no time to drive, so they could only take the super maglev train or plane to go there, which made the Northwest train route, which had a relatively small number of people, suddenly become busy.

Therefore, for a super tourism project, economic creation is not only the project itself, but food, clothing, housing and transportation around the project can be greatly developed.

The day before June 25, Ye Zishu finally took the time to look at the situation here. First of all, among the 12 million tickets, minors under the age of 12 were not counted.

This policy is only applicable to domestic tourists. If you are a foreign tourist, no matter how old you are, you are not exempt from tickets, but you can enjoy a half-price discount. At the same time, you don't need to buy tickets online, you can buy them directly at the entrance service.

Secondly, among the 12 million tickets, the number of foreign tourists actually accounted for about 10%, that is, the number of foreign tourists was as high as 1.2 million, which was beyond his expectation.

Regardless of our country's rapid economic development and such a high economic volume, in fact, the domestic level of internationalization is not as high as in previous lives, and the proportion of foreigners in the country is very low.

The reasons for this are more complicated. First of all, the proportion of foreign capital in our country is not as exaggerated as in the previous life. Most of the capital is domestic capital, or more precisely, it is his capital.

And his capital rarely uses foreign employees to work in the country, and their foreign employees basically work in their own country, so there are not so many jobs in China for foreigners.

The second is that the speed of development is too fast. Foreign people have not fully adapted to the impression of China. The number of people who come here for tourism and life experience is not very large.

Regardless of the size of our country's economy, it will only take a few years to become the number one in the world. Although the economy has developed rapidly, it has not yet become the number one in the world, and its influence is not that great.

In the eyes of many people, our country at that time was just a country with rapid economic development, and it was still relatively far away from them. Only some people with ideas would come to see it in person.

Then there is the aspect of publicity. Although he owns a global Internet company and advertising business all over the world, he does not actually carry out exaggerated publicity like some countries.

There are two main considerations here. On the one hand, our country’s infrastructure was relatively backward at that time, and the influx of too many people was not necessarily a good thing, and it might exacerbate the shortage of basic resources.

On the other hand, at that time, our country mainly developed industry and agriculture, and the great development of the service industry had not yet been put on the agenda, and at that time the domestic economic growth was very high only relying on industry.

The so-called one stage does one stage, so there is no need to deliberately promote it. However, in the past two years, the previous strategy has been changed, and the country’s culture, art, economic achievements, technological achievements, and social achievements have been planned to be promoted.

Needless to say about culture and art, economic achievements are the best publicity, because the size of the economy is here, and it is very convincing just to say the numbers.

In fact, scientific and technological achievements don't need to take too much thought. You only need to summarize the previous scientific and technological achievements, and use various methods to publicize them to the outside world, which has a very good effect.

Social achievements are mainly divided into two types. The first is the achievement of public infrastructure construction, which is also an area closely related to the lives of residents, including transportation, education, and urban construction.

The second is the achievement of system construction. System is one of the necessary conditions to form a society. Propagating the achievements of our country's system construction is conducive to enhancing the superiority of our country's system.

For example, the social security fund and pension fund a while ago are part of the achievements of social system construction, and they are typical cases worthy of great attention.

It's just that the time is relatively short after all, and it's almost meaningless to carry out propaganda like some countries for decades, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people who are skilled in this and that.

So he was still surprised that there were so many foreign tourists, and he didn't know whether it was due to the good publicity work in the past few years, or the magic of the fantasy world.

It's just that with so many foreign tourists entering the country, the pressure on our country's customs is relatively high. At the same time, he doubts whether there are so many planes that can transport so many people at such a price in just one week.

You must know that this is just a temporary increase in tourists. The group of business people in the past is not too small. It is still unknown whether international flights can be busy.

Then he checked the international flights to my country and found that the air ticket prices have indeed increased, which shows that international airlines are facing certain pressure.

However, the first batch of tourists who bought tickets to the fantasy world should not be considered poor people. After all, Wancheng Jiye said that if you want to participate in the fantasy world tour, it is best to prepare about 50,000 yuan in funds.

In China, you may only need to prepare about 50,000 yuan, but the overall cost of foreign tourists will be higher when they come to travel.

Therefore, the price of international flights has increased, which should be affordable for these people. Ye Zishu doesn't have to worry about it. He is just worried about whether these people can get by in a short time.

If tickets are temporarily changed, Wancheng Jiye will have to buy tickets temporarily, which will definitely delay time and affect their income. If there are too many times, the rules will probably be changed.

In the past few days, the news hotspots have been dominated by the fantasy world. Some are advertisements of Wancheng Foundation, and some are self-media that want to gain popularity. Anyway, it is very lively.

The time finally came on June 25th, and all 10 entrance service offices were officially opened. The service personnel are all general-purpose robots. It can even be said that this project is operated by general-purpose robots.

After the establishment of the social security fund, there are very few ordinary employees recruited for general jobs, and only highly educated personnel will be recruited, mainly for internal training.

If there is no recruitment at all, there will be no system for cultivating talents, and graduates will never have the opportunity to improve themselves. In the future, senior scientific researchers and managers will also face the dilemma of lack of talents.

He doesn't care whether other companies are willing to train talents, but the companies under him must have a talent training system, even if it costs a little more, it is worth it.

Although artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots are very good, they cannot be completely relied on. The real purpose is to improve human capabilities, but to reduce unnecessary work content.

On this day, the population of the cities where the various entrance service centers are located began to gather in large numbers. For so many tourists, the 10 entrances seemed a bit crowded.

On average, each entrance needs to receive 1.2 million tourists, and it takes one day to complete the process. The problem is that 10 entrances are not average.

The number of tourists in small cities is much less, and the number of tourists in big cities is much higher. For example, Lanzhou has gathered as many as 5 million tourists, and Yinchuan has gathered more than 2 million tourists.

In other surrounding small cities, the number of tourists gathered ranges from 200,000 to 500,000. For many cities, they are not fully prepared.

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