Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1020 Revise the transmission service plan and participate in the senior leadership meeting

Chapter 1020 Revise delivery service plans and attend senior leadership meetings

Reborn Tech Upstart Chapter 1020 Modifying the Teleportation Service Plan and Participating in Senior Leadership Meetings

The teleportation of the fantasy world only works when it enters the country, and it cannot be effective everywhere in the world. The purpose is to avoid the possibility of being used.

This time, the transmission service is effective for the whole world, so the risk is relatively high. Ye Shu thinks that it can't be done in a short while.

But the facts were beyond his expectation. When he agreed to do this, he got feedback in just a week, and the government basically agreed to do this.

Ye Zishu thought for a while and thought that there are two main reasons why it is so fast. The first reason is to stimulate the economic scale. Projects with an annual revenue of more than 10 trillion yuan are rare.

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Don't look at his companies' annual revenue of tens of trillions of yuan at every turn, and some companies even have a revenue scale of tens of billions of yuan, which is the comprehensive revenue of countless businesses.

A single project with a business exceeding 10 trillion yuan can be described as rare, not to mention that this project does not need to consume too many resources, it is simply a green business, and there is no need to worry about being copied.

The second reason is that the buyers are mainly domestic residents. Purchasing this service can provide a safety measure for domestic people and help protect the personal safety of residents.

As for foreign services, they are just incidental business. If you want to buy them, you need to go through the approval of relevant government departments, and you can't buy them with money.

Of course, there are many restrictive measures. For example, only the person can be sent, and the accompanying items cannot be sent. This is to prevent someone from using this method to bring contraband into the country.

The second is that every buyer must have an identity verification, especially for foreign buyers, the identity must be archived, and the real identity of each buyer must be known.

There are many other regulations, all of which are conducive to the development of international services under the premise of ensuring national security as much as possible. After all, the price of international services is quite high.

Wancheng Jiye intends to increase the foreign sales price to 400,000 yuan, but the validity period is only 4 years, and the average annual payment is 100,000 yuan, plus other costs, the cost of payment is even higher.

In China, however, it is quite cheap, only 50,000 yuan is required for a five-year period, and the average annual payment is only 10,000 yuan. For most people in China, the pressure is not too great.

It is difficult for some families to spend so much money at one time. For example, if it is calculated for a family of four, a one-time payment of 200,000 yuan is required for all purchases, which is not a small sum.

However, personal consumption loans can be borrowed. Tidal Group's personal consumption loans have a very low interest rate, with an annual interest rate of only 4%, which is much lower than the interest rate of corporate loans.

The reason is that the possibility of personal default is relatively low, because it is unlimited liability, and the company can go bankrupt. Once it goes bankrupt, it will be a bad debt, and the loan risk is much higher than that of an individual.

Moreover, Leaf Book intends to promote the society’s consumption-driven economic transformation instead of relying on investment-driven as before. Investment-driven is certainly beneficial to the increase in asset stock, but it is not obvious to pass the economic dividend to the consumer side.

This is also the reason why the previous life always felt that the economy was developing rapidly, but the residents felt that they did not enjoy the dividends of economic development. He believed that it was necessary to change the original economic growth model, or at least take both into consideration.

How to stimulate the consumption economy mainly starts from two aspects. The first is to gradually increase the scale of social security funds so that everyone can get more money.

The second is the lower consumer loan interest rate, which is conducive to adjusting the use of funds at the consumer end, promoting a more prosperous development of the consumer end, and thus playing a role in stimulating the economy.

Regarding the placement of foreign transmission points in Hainan, it is not a big problem. The main reason is that we are not sure how many foreign users there are.

In addition to safety considerations, it is more appropriate to put it in Hainan.

However, the teleportation point for domestic users is considered inappropriate to be placed only in Hainan, because only one teleportation point may cause congestion, which will cause some confusion instead.

The number of accidents that occur every year is actually not small. Calculated based on one percent of the total population each year, the number of people who need to use this service is as high as tens of millions.

One percent is already considered a relatively low ratio, in fact it may be higher than this ratio, and the population of the whole Hainan is not close to this number, and the reception capacity is limited.

In addition, the transmission point of international users is also located in Hainan, the number of people added up may be higher, and the service abroad is so expensive, the buyers are either really rich, or they have certain security needs.

The most important thing is that if it is almost ready, the people in the country will definitely use it. This will also save a lot of transportation expenses, and it is impossible to waste it in vain if you travel along the way.

At that time, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people may gather in Hainan in a short period of time. Even if Hainan is large enough, it cannot accommodate so many people, and chaos is inevitable.

Therefore, the government proposes to select 10 cities in the mainland as transmission points to share the pressure and to stimulate the tourism and service industries in these 10 domestic cities.

Although adding so many teleportation points has increased the workload here, it is reasonable to do so, and Ye Shu naturally has no reason to refuse.

But for the 10 inland teleportation points, he does have an idea. His industries are relatively few in the three provinces of Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan, so he wants to use this to drive the economic development of these three places.

In addition, the tourism resources in these three places are not small, and the climate is also good, which is very suitable for vacation travel. Therefore, he suggested placing the three teleportation points in the capitals of these three provinces.

As for the remaining 10 teleportation points, he doesn't care about them. Wancheng Foundation is completely in charge, and there is a high probability that they will be placed in big cities in China. After all, big cities have a relatively strong reception capacity.

In fact, the scale and number of big cities in China are not the same as the big cities in the previous life. Most of the economy in the previous life was created by these big cities.

If you want to have a good job, you have to enter these big cities. In addition, various resources will also be concentrated in these big cities, resulting in a very large scale of the big cities.

It's different now. On the one hand, Ye Zishu intends to arrange the industry in a more balanced manner, instead of blindly concentrating in big cities, resulting in a lot of jobs in other places.

Many people can get job opportunities at home or in nearby cities without leaving their hometowns at all. The income is not much lower than that in big cities, so the attraction of big cities is not particularly strong.

On the other hand, the establishment of social security funds has further weakened the attractiveness of the city to the people. They get the same money wherever they go, so it is better to live in their hometown and county.

Big cities have more complete public facilities, a better business environment, richer university resources, and higher government efficiency. For those who want to make a lot of money, big cities are still attractive.

For ordinary people, there is not much difference in where they stay, especially this year, a large number of low-end workers have left big cities and returned to their hometowns.

Therefore, the population of big cities is not as high as in the previous life. Even in first-tier cities, the population is only just over 10 million, and there is a possibility of further decline in the future.

On the contrary, some provinces with a large population will have much better economic indicators this year. The larger the population, the more social security funds they receive, and the higher the total consumption. Economic growth is also a reasonable thing.

The teleportation point is not too difficult for him. He has accumulated enough experience in this area. Originally, he could simply make a big rock, but after thinking about it, he decided to make it into a fantasy goddess.

It's just not as tall as the fantasy world, only 9.9 meters high, the whole body is still like white jade, and the outline of the face is not particularly clear, otherwise it can be seen that it looks too much like Pei Qing.

Pei Qing is considered a public figure, and there are too many people who know what Pei Qing looks like, and if she looks too similar, she will attract criticism, so she needs to be dealt with in a certain way.

What is really rare is tattoos or marks with spatial attributes. Ye Zishu has not only done this kind of thing before, and generally exists in the form of physical objects.

How to integrate the power of space into the mark, and at the same time integrate with the human body, use the sense of crisis of the human body to trigger the mark, so as to establish a temporary space transmission channel.

He wanted to do this not entirely because of this incident, but just incidentally. He had noticed the ancient talisman seal a long time ago and thought it was not a random fabrication.

It's just that the research on this aspect is not deep, and it can even be said that there is almost no research. With this matter, he intends to study the art of ancient talisman seals. As for whether it is the same, he doesn't care.

He has never seen anything re-engraved before, so he doesn't care whether it is useful for ancient talisman seals, what he wants is just a form.

While Ye Zishu was concentrating on research, Wancheng Jiye did not stop, and began to visit various provincial capitals and negotiate with local governments.

After careful selection, 7 cities were finally selected, not all of them were big cities. They gave priority to cities with more tourist resources, followed by cities with better cultural environment.

The last thing to consider is whether there is a service reception capacity. As long as the city is not too small and the population base is not too low, the service reception capacity will not be weak.

After choosing, they immediately started to build the teleportation point, and built the service facilities around the teleportation point, so they couldn't teleport to the wilderness.

But it is also impossible to be in the city center. According to the requirements of Ye Zishu, the terrain within one kilometer around the teleportation point must be open, and there must not be too many buildings and people.

There are three main reasons. The first reason is that the teleportation point will directly solidify the surrounding 1 km of land to avoid being directly carried away. After all, the 9.9-meter statue is not a heavy thing, so it is easy to carry away.

If the surrounding one kilometer of land is solidified and the teleportation point statue merges with the land, it will be impossible to carry it away anyway, and it is even more impossible to destroy it. With the protection of the power of space, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will be eliminated invisible.

The second reason is energy absorption. In order to maintain normal operation for a long time, it must have the ability to self-absorb energy. Therefore, the temperature of the teleportation point will be much lower than the surrounding area.

Even the brightness is much lower than that of the surrounding area. In extreme cases, increasing the absorption capacity may form a frost area. If there are buildings and people living in the surrounding area, it will have a greater impact.

The third reason is to leave enough space for teleportation. If only one or two people teleport over, it will not take much land space, but extreme cases must be considered.

If too many people are transmitted in a short period of time, there may be congestion, so he thinks it is necessary to set aside a radius of one kilometer.

In July, the anti-aging drug completed all laboratory procedures and began to enter the clinical trial stage. The first phase of clinical trials selected 100 volunteers.

The main thing is to test whether there are obvious side effects, but the effect test is second. As a life-saving drug, the most important thing is safety.

As this year's super project, Tai Chi Group naturally ruled out Jing Bingqiang's participation in this matter in the future. Ye Ziqin was originally a separate party and did not need to participate.

Anyway, she can get a copy of all the clinical data, but after all, she has not conducted a complete drug experiment process, so she plans to join in the whole process to increase her experience.

Leaf Book supports this. No matter what, as a scientific researcher, you still have to be clear about some processes. You can't just stay in the laboratory to do experiments. The accumulation of common sense knowledge is also very important.

The time quietly came to September, and Ye Zishu suddenly became concerned about one thing, that is, on September 11 in the previous life, whether there will be a collision with a building that shocked the world.

It stands to reason that the current world structure has undergone profound changes. The old man who was invincible in his previous life has continued to decline in the proportion of the economy in the world, and the growth rate is not so fast.

It can only be said that it is still growing, but due to the loss of its leadership position, many advantages have been lost, and economic development is also struggling.

It is precisely because of this that they are like drowning people, wanting to struggle desperately, as long as there is a straw, they want to grab it desperately, but they have caused a lot of things in the world.

Although they did not use force at all times as before, their minds about making troubles have not diminished at all, and bullying other countries is even more common.

So he thinks from this perspective, the ability of old people to attract hatred has not diminished, and even if nothing happens on September 11, it will happen in other ways on another day.

And he also has a global monitoring system, he knows much more than ordinary people, not because he wants to gloat, but to pay attention to the impact of this incident.

Competition between nations is inevitable, but what he wants to see is competition based on innovation and hard work, not force and plunder.

Otherwise, if things go on like this, human beings will eventually fall into a situation beyond redemption. Only competition based on peace and relative fairness can be more sustainable.

Of course, his personal views cannot change the views of others, but the emergence of some events will force people to think more deeply and thus change their actions.

On September 5th, Ye Zishu received a call from a senior leader, hoping that he could attend the meeting and discuss some issues, but he did not say what it was in the phone call.

There are generally only two possibilities in this situation. Either the matter discussed is highly confidential, and it is inconvenient to discuss it in detail even on the phone.

In the past few years, he would not be invited to participate in the discussion of some issues until he accompanied Pei Qing to the capital to pay New Year's greetings to her parents, and he would not be specially asked to go there.

Although Ye Zishu can't talk about managing every day, his time is equally precious, but if he researches some results, the impact may be earth-shaking changes.

So if you can not bother him, the senior leaders will not bother him, unless it is a particularly urgent and important matter, and nothing is so urgent at present.

The reason why he was specially asked to go there this time was because the higher-ups knew that he had super equipment, and going to the capital would not take much trouble, but it would only take a moment.

Originally, I planned to sit and watch the lively Ye Zishu, but after receiving the call, I didn’t intend to watch the excitement. Regardless of whether something important will happen on September 11, there is actually no need to pay much attention.

What should come will come back after all, and what shouldn't come will be powerless to stop, and he has no intention to stop it, so he just let things take their course, or if he really wants to intervene, he doesn't have to do his own business.

On September 5th, Ye Zishu finished breakfast at home, then took care of it carefully, disappeared at home, and reappeared outside the inner gate.

Then after identity verification, he entered inside, and a special person guided him to the meeting room. There were also many leaders attending the meeting this time, as if it was almost the same situation every time.

The main content of this meeting is still somewhat related to the fantasy world. The fantasy world is too fantastic, and it is difficult for people to ignore it.

First of all, the leaders asked about the technical issues of the fantasy world. According to the feedback, many things in the fantasy world obviously violated scientific common sense, and it didn’t feel like it was created by technology.

Asking other people will definitely not yield any results. Only by asking the person concerned to come forward can we learn more about it. Naturally, Ye Zishu has no intention of hiding this.

Space technology is no longer a secret. Although Wancheng Jiye's explanation is made by science and technology, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the fantasy world is definitely not using ordinary technology.

There is not no discussion about space technology, but there is no obvious evidence, and many things cannot be explained clearly based on human understanding of space.

For example, why a city can be restored to its original state in just one night, and why it can endow humans with superpowers, these cannot be explained clearly by the current space technology.

Therefore, many people speculate that space technology is used in the fantasy world, but they are not sure whether it is just space technology, which is still a rational idea.

Some people also think that the fantasy world uses a space created by divine power, because all kinds of things in it can only be explained by divine power. Anyway, everything incredible can be attributed to this category.

This time, Ye Zishu satisfies the curiosity of the high-level leaders and explained many extraordinary phenomena in the fantasy world.

The second is to ask whether this space technology can be used for domestic cities, especially key cities like the capital. If this technology is used, it can be guaranteed to be foolproof.

For this kind of problem, Ye Zishu thinks it is unnecessary, so what about using this technology for a few cities in the country. When it comes to a critical moment, it is not enough to save one or two cities to solve the problem.

What's more, if this is the case, it may make people feel lucky, which is not conducive to solving the problem. Therefore, his opinion does not agree with such an approach, even if it is technically possible.

However, he refused to provide the city with space technology protection, but he also put forward his own idea, that is, to establish a four-element animal guardian system, which was an idea he had before.

Even if he doesn't bring it up this time, he still intends to find an opportunity to talk about it. After the practice in the fantasy world and the research during this period, he is sure to build the guardian barrier of the four elephants.

Compared with guarding a few cities, the Four Elephant Beasts guard the entire land of China, which is more meaningful in resisting external threats, but they don't care about internal changes in the situation.

Through his measures, the leader understood his intentions. Although they rejected their proposal before, this alternative plan can be regarded as meeting their requirements.

Then there is the issue of smart city construction. There are two main sources of this idea. The first is that Baihe Software has been working hard to promote the development of smart city projects.

Therefore, smart city is not a new concept. Baihe Software Company proposed this concept a long time ago, and has done a lot of technical research and development work for it, and achieved considerable results.

It's just that no city has yet fully transformed into a smart city, so their technological achievements have not been fully utilized.

Because a smart city is definitely not simply using technology. It needs supporting administrative system reforms to make a city operate freely with advanced technology.

The reason why this topic is brought up again this time is that the government sent personnel to investigate the fantasy world. After observing many details of the Central Magic City, they felt that it was necessary to promote the construction of a smart city.

The entire Central Magic City can accommodate up to 15 million people, but there are not only a few administrative personnel, the number is only 100, and they are usually invisible. Only when disputes arise, they will come forward to resolve them.

Although it is impossible for the outside cities to rely on so many people to maintain such a large city without chaos, it is certain that the number of people will be greatly reduced.

These government personnel originally just wanted to see what the fantasy world was like, but because of the Central Magic City, they spent two full months in it.

I just want to fully understand the operation system of Central Magic City, how to use such a small number of people to operate such a huge city, and there are not so many problems.

At the same time, the business system of the Central Magic City was also inspected. After all, this is a city that is fully operated by artificial intelligence and robots, including administrative and business services.

A mere 2 million robots can operate a city of 15 million, most of which are still engaged in commercial services. Naturally, there are places worthy of attention and praise.

The city management outside will definitely not be as radical as the Central Magic City, but with the smart city, it can indeed push forward some things, so it will be valued by the leaders.

It is not a good thing if the number or proportion of administrative personnel is too high. As long as everyone knows that this is not only a problem of overstaffing, but also other problems that may be caused by power in hand.

This involves one of the important issues this time, which is to reform the administrative system, reduce the size of administrative personnel, reduce the number of related departments, and improve government work efficiency.

There are a lot of things involved here, and other Ye Zishu can't help much, even if they help, they can't do it casually. After all, he is not a government official, so he can give suggestions, but he won't intervene casually.

This time, the leaders hope that they can form a technical team to help solve technical problems, achieve the goal of reducing personnel and improving efficiency, and at the same time maintain the existing system framework.

Naturally, Ye Zishu would not refuse this request. Let alone him, the technical problems would not be too difficult for the companies under him, and he would definitely be able to help.

Moreover, in this process, a large number of technologies and products of his subsidiaries will definitely be used, which is very beneficial to promote the business development of his subsidiaries. From this perspective, there is no reason to refuse.

In addition to these main contents, there are some other things to ask for his opinion. Ye Zishu also gave his own suggestions from a professional point of view, and did not hide it.

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