Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1059 Parallel development of spiritual civilization and technological civilization


Although Ye Zishu's research on the rules of life is not enough, but the research on matter is quite profound, and can even be described as Tongxuan.

In the previously established plan, there is a project to research super weapons. He is going to research it in advance, but he has made a little modification to the previous plan.

Before, he planned to directly develop a super weapon that could be charged. Not only could it make the weapon very sharp and powerful, and it would not be easily damaged, but it could also release energy outward to achieve the purpose of long-range attack.

But now that I think about it, it is too powerful and not conducive to social stability, so after this modification, this weapon will grow synchronously with the individual's strength, and it belongs to the weapon of dual cultivation of life and death.

If a person's life ends, the weapon will also turn into a pile of ordinary iron. The purpose of doing this is to hope that the individual's ability can control the strength he has, otherwise problems will easily arise.

The material used to make weapons is not uncommon. It is not as tall as the materials he took out before. It is just a pile of ordinary elemental materials, and the material is not uncommon.

The real difficulty lies in the manufacturing process. This kind of weapon is not a simple pile of materials, but gives life to the weapon, and its internal structure is extremely complicated.

If it was before, it would be even more difficult to produce such weapons, but now with new manufacturing technology, it is much easier to do.

At least the difficulty in the manufacturing process is relatively low, but the difficulty of design is still as high as the sky. If he doesn't design, relying on the strength of his subsidiaries, it may not be possible to design it for thousands of years.

Because it involves a deep understanding of life, energy, science, etc., it is a matter that can only be achieved when the comprehensive strength reaches the peak, and it is not simply a matter of designing dna.

At the beginning, this kind of weapon looks like ordinary ironware on the surface, and at most it contains a lot of rare elements, but as the individual continues to warm up, the weapon will gradually change, and it can even be said to be evolution.

At the same time, the energy contained in the weapon will increase, the power of the weapon will increase, and the tacit understanding with the individual will also increase.

This kind of ability is actually not surprising. On the one hand, although such weapons do not want life like human beings, they are also alive, but they belong to a different kind of life.

As long as it is life, it has the possibility of evolution. If there is no possibility of evolution, it is not life, but a machine, a dead thing, and its potential is limited after all.

On the other hand, no matter what elemental substance it is, its essence is energy. As long as it has enough and suitable energy, it is not surprising to change the nature of matter.

It seems to be a pile of ironware now, but under constant nourishment, it will gradually cease to be ironware, and will become a weapon that matches the personal cultivation level, and even substances that Ye Zishu has never seen before appear.

It is also possible.

Because the upgrade and evolution of each weapon is unique and is adapted to the individual's cultivation and ideas, the evolution of weapons will vary with different owners.

Even the structure he designed in it now will gradually change with evolution in the future, and even Ye Zishu may not be able to predict it. This is the miracle of life.

Of course, he can also design a fixed upgrade and evolution route, but he thinks it will look the same, and the world will lose a lot of color.

The joy of life evolution does not lie in stability and uniqueness, but in randomness and uncertainty, which can often bring more surprises, and such surprises are often the most valuable existence.

Ye Zishu spent three days designing a basic weapon based on bionic manufacturing technology, and then handed over the related technology to Kirin Basic Industry Group.

The artificial intelligence side also has a copy of the same technical information, but it is just a routine practice. As long as it is the technical information he takes out, the artificial intelligence side will get a copy.

The basic weapons are really ordinary, and their performance is not much better than ordinary forged weapons, but their toughness and sturdiness are higher. If they are too hard, they will also be damaged.

Once it is damaged, it means that it is completely unusable, and it cannot even be repaired. Only after it evolves and resonates with the owner, it can be slowly repaired by warming when the damage is not too large.

Evolution is the ultimate mystery of this kind of weapon. For example, basic weapons cannot be stored in the body, but as long as they evolve, they can be stored in the body. This is a bit like a legendary magic weapon.

With different degrees of evolution, you will also acquire various incredible abilities. In the future, maybe an ordinary stick can be as big or small as a golden cudgel.

Of course, it takes a lot of energy and time to turn a basic weapon into an artifact. Maybe a person can't evolve a weapon two or three times in a lifetime.

Because once the master dies, the weapon with dual cultivation of life and life will also die, and the more advanced the weapon is, the more spiritual it will be, and the faster it will die.

For example, a basic weapon that has evolved two or three times, after the death of the owner, the weapon will slowly degrade, but a weapon that has evolved more than four or five times basically does not degenerate, and is directly dissipated as dissipated energy.

Because the weapons at this time are no longer purely made of matter, they are basically in a state of energy transformation, and due to the lack of material support, they can only be completely dissipated in the form of energy.

This is also in line with the general law. The more energy absorbed from the universe, the more energy needs to be returned to the universe at the end of life. Otherwise, problems will inevitably arise in the long run.

At the low level, the absorbed energy is actually not that big, even if it doesn't dissipate, it won't have much impact, but once it reaches the stage of energy transformation, the absorbed energy is already massive.

Maybe the energy of a star in the future will not be as good as the energy hidden in a weapon, which is quite scary, so such a cycle process is needed.

In addition, even if the weapons and equipment for dual cultivation of life and life are taken away by others, there is no need to worry, because other than the master, no one else can use them at all.

This point was specially arranged by Ye Zishu, the purpose is to prevent someone from selling this weapon on a large scale to civilizations that are not in this civilization, and seek their benefits from it.

If the level of the weapon reaches the stage of god-level civilization rules, that is, it contains the rules of the universe, there is no need to worry about being taken away, because it can be recalled by the owner at any time.

This kind of recall breaks through the shackles of matter and space, and has the ability to cross time and space. It is no longer comparable to ordinary weapons. According to the positioning of Xiuxian novels, it already belongs to the level of holy objects.

After handing over these technologies to Kirin Basic Industry Group, Ye Zishu couldn't help laughing himself. He felt a little funny about his actions.

Before, he just wanted to develop the domestic economy through science and technology, so that the country and the people could get rid of poverty and backwardness, and realize the great rejuvenation of the nation.

It has indeed achieved this goal, at least in terms of economic scale, and now it is gradually catching up in terms of per capita income, and it will not take long to achieve the number one in the world.

Later, I thought about giving everyone the ability to explore and immigrate between the stars, so that they can get rid of the shackles of the small earth, further improve the resilience of civilization, and further strengthen the technological civilization.

Now is a good time to start guiding the Chinese civilization to think about the development of the cultivating civilization. If the future is not partial, the Chinese civilization will be a super civilization that integrates technological civilization and spiritual civilization.

As for whether he can achieve the god-level civilization he expected, he is not sure, because it will take hundreds of millions of years to realize it. If there are twists and turns in the middle, it is very likely that the civilization will be destroyed before it reaches that point.

He doesn't really believe that only human civilization was born on the earth in normal time, unless the earth was not suitable for large-scale survival of organisms and lacked the conditions for evolution a long time ago, just like Mars and Venus today.

However, with the time scale of human civilization, it is difficult to investigate ancient events. The so-called archeology is only a little bit of evidence, which cannot fully explain the problem.

What's more, in his virtual library, there are many methods suitable for human cultivation. In fact, they are not mysterious, but they use the complex structure of life to realize the manipulation of energy.

Since technological products can realize the transformation and manipulation of energy, there is no reason why more complex life cannot do it. As long as the direction of evolution is correct, there is basically no impossibility.

What's more, our meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine far exceeds the current medical theory. If it was invented by early human civilization, how did they discover it when the technology was backward.

Therefore, he believes that if there is an ancient civilization, it must be a practice civilization, but it is possible that the civilization has suffered a catastrophe before reaching the stage of high-level practice civilization.

The development of any civilization takes time. In the process of development and upgrading, it is accompanied by a lot of risks, and any accident may lead to the collapse of civilization.

Just like human civilization, if a huge meteorite strikes suddenly, with the current level of human civilization, we can only wait for death obediently. The current technological capabilities of human beings have no way to do it.

Therefore, he believes that the existence of life in the universe should be common, but the existence of civilization is lucky. Only by gathering all the luck can civilization be born from ordinary life.

In the process of civilization development, it is necessary to accumulate enough luck to change from a planetary civilization to an interstellar civilization, thereby further enhancing the ability to resist risks.

It can be said that the development of civilization is full of countless dangers, so he personally believes that life is common in the universe, but civilization is rare.

Now it seems that our civilization has passed the initial development period, but in fact it is still accompanied by countless risks. In order to survive, he believes that walking on one leg is not so stable.

Therefore, the external development of science and technology is beneficial to us to master external power, and the internal development of practice is conducive to our own understanding of the universe and improving our personal adaptability to the universe.

As long as we walk on two legs, the possibility of successfully breaking through is higher, and we will have the opportunity to make the entire civilization reach the level of a god-level civilization. From then on, we can let our civilization gallop within the scope of the universe.

It can be said that his seeds for the development of scientific and technological civilization have been laid out, and the extent to which scientific and technological civilization will develop in the future is not something he should worry about.

Now start laying out the practice civilization, especially when his research on the rules of life reaches a certain level, the seeds of the practice civilization laid out will have a foundation to take root and germinate.

At present, what he has produced is not enough to practice civilization, and its potential is far lower than that of technological civilization. The reason is that his research on the rules of life is still relatively superficial.

Of course, he does not believe that these two civilizations are running against each other. The development of any civilization will promote the development of the other civilization, and they are complementary to each other.

Just like what he did before, using scientific means to achieve an alternative evolution of the human body, the combination of life potions and medicinal baths can actually be regarded as a product of technological civilization.

In the future, he will really develop an energy liquid suitable for human absorption, which will help human practice. In fact, it is also an example of technological civilization feeding back spiritual civilization.

Conversely, if the level of human practice is leapfrogged, it will help human beings to understand the laws of the universe more clearly, thereby boosting the development of technological civilization.

Therefore, it is not advisable to oppose the civilization of science and technology with the civilization of practice. Technology is bound to be less intuitive with the help of foreign objects. Some things still need to be experienced by oneself, which is more direct and clearer.

In addition to preparing for these, there is actually a lot of work to be done to develop the cultivation civilization. For example, the legendary panacea is also a part of the cultivation civilization.

This means that there are still many wonderful medicines that are beneficial to cultivation. In fact, the electric planting technology of Qilin Agricultural Development Group has already touched the threshold in this regard.

The so-called fairyland of grass and fairyland, and even the legendary fairy birds and beasts contain huge amounts of energy that can be absorbed by the human body. As long as this condition is met, they can all be called treasures of cultivation.

It's not that it has to be grown in a harsh environment as written in the novel. If you can use technology to grow it, why bother yourself.

It's just that the Qilin Agricultural Development Group has only realized the transformation of electrical energy into ordinary bioenergy. Obviously, ordinary bioenergy cannot meet the energy required for practice, and the energy level is too low.

Of course, these legendary treasures are not needed at present, because in his practice plan, it is divided into two major stages, the first major stage is the body training stage.

At this stage, the human body cannot absorb life energy on its own, and must rely on special equipment and energy liquid to gradually penetrate these high-level energies into human cells and bones.

After the human body is completely infiltrated by the energy theory and reaches a certain standard, the excess energy will gradually enter the meridians and then gather in the dantian.

Until then, it has entered the second major stage, which is the stage of Qi training. At the whole stage, the human body has already possessed the ability to actively absorb energy, and can be separated from special equipment and energy liquid.

Only at this time will it be wasteful to start using energy-rich treasures. If this stage is not reached, the absorption rate of using energy-rich treasures for cultivation will be very low.

However, with the set he gave before, even if he spent his whole life, he would not be able to reach the stage of Qi training, so at this stage, he didn't need to rush to carry out these studies at all.

"Zi Shu, everyone seems to be very dissatisfied with the school's arrangement of martial arts training!" Pei Qing said while eating.

"How do you say that?" Ye Zishu asked.

"I went around the village just now. Many parents are considering transferring their children to public schools, because these public schools do not require martial arts training." Pei Qing explained.

"Just because you don't want your child to practice martial arts, you're planning to transfer?" Ye Zishu asked in surprise.

He actually knew that there must be many parents who were dissatisfied with this arrangement, but he didn't think it was necessary to transfer to another school, and he was just complaining.

"Everyone thinks that practicing martial arts is useless. Now that we are in the age of science and technology, no matter how good you practice martial arts, it is difficult to resist the power of bullets. What's more, the country is very peaceful now, and there is no need to practice martial arts for self-defense.

As for physical fitness, everyone thinks that children only need to be more active. There is no need to be exhausted, and some children even go home with injuries.

What's more, if you want to practice martial arts, you have to spend an extra sum of money. Although the amount of money is not large, in the eyes of many people, it is a waste of money. "Pei Qing said with a smile.

She knows why Ye Zishu suddenly wants to promote martial arts. Although there are many benefits, she doesn't think it can really reach that level.

Because she didn't know that Ye Zishu was going to change the previous plan and really develop the civilization of practice, instead of training the children's willpower and avoiding indulging in pleasure as before.

That's why she said this matter in a teasing tone, just to see how he would deal with such a problem, because it would definitely not work if this kind of thing was carried out by his own will.

"You go back to the village and tell them not to transfer schools. Anyway, it won't be long before other schools will offer martial arts courses, which will exist as basic courses." Ye Zishu looked into Pei Qing's eyes and said with a smile .

"What you said is true?" Pei Qing said in surprise.

Although she thinks it is necessary to do so, it has not risen to the stage of national policy. If all schools across the country enforce it, the meaning will be completely different.

Hearing Pei Qing's words, Ye Zishu nodded. Although the senior management didn't give a clear answer, he can be sure that the promotion of this matter will happen sooner or later, and relevant documents will probably be issued within the year.

Some things are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities as soon as they appear, and Ye Zishu just wants to promote this matter. If you don't grasp it, the Chinese civilization will lose the key to open the cultivation civilization.

In addition, what Ye Zishu said was so serious at the time, if one cannot reach a god-level civilization, it will be difficult to escape the great disillusionment of the universe anyway, and what is being done now seems to be meaningless.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to let our civilization reach the level of god-level civilization before the disillusionment of the universe, and the higher the level, the better, so that we can survive the disillusionment of the universe.

If you are not tempted by this, Ye Zishu has nothing to say, at worst, he will set up a practice school in the future, and through it, he can bypass some obstacles and continue to promote.

"Is this one of the achievements of your visit to the capital this time? How did you convince the higher-ups?" Pei Qing asked curiously.

"It's actually very simple. The purpose of the development of any civilization is to allow civilization to survive longer. Just like human beings, survival is also one of the important meanings of individual existence.

There will be periodic fluctuations in any universe, with rebirth and disillusionment. Rebirth is well understood. Like the Big Bang proposed by the scientific community, it can be regarded as the rebirth of the universe.

And disillusionment means that the universe enters the end of its life cycle, and the matter, space, etc. inside may collapse, and finally become the embryo of the universe again, waiting for a suitable reality to be reborn again.

We are in it, and if we want individuals and civilizations to continue, we must find ways to get rid of the catastrophe brought about by the disillusionment of the universe. There may be many ways to get rid of it.

But the most important one is that the civilization has mastered the rules, and the rules are beyond the universe. Only in this way can a glimmer of life be gained.

I will make the civilization that masters the threshold of the rules of the universe a god-level civilization. Any civilization that is not a god-level civilization can be called an ant civilization, because sooner or later it will be wiped out.

Do you think promoting the development of martial arts will be a problem in the face of the future of civilization? No interest can compete with the interests of civilization, and all resistance is futile. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Pei Qing still believed in the miraculous civilization he said, because she believed that Ye Zishu had already mastered the knowledge of miraculous civilization, otherwise how could there be so many unimaginable technologies.

As long as she has a little time, she will study the super equipment on her body. So far, she still doesn't understand how the super equipment is made, nor what material it is.

Because the super equipment seems to be able to transmute any material, like now it is worn as an ordinary piece of clothing, and it seems to be no different from ordinary textile materials.

"Does the promotion of martial arts have anything to do with god-level civilization?" Pei Qing asked puzzled.

"In the past, I promoted martial arts with a very simple purpose. I wanted to exercise children's willpower and enhance their sense of responsibility. They are not people who are content with pleasure, so that civilization will have no future." Ye Shu said.

"What about now?" Pei Qing did a very good job as a follower.

"Now I plan to upgrade it and really promote the practice system. In the future, there may be images of humans flying in space. It's interesting to think about it." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

It was an interesting thing for Ye Zishu, but it was shocking for Pei Qing, and she couldn't help but ask, "You can't joke, can you?"

She is the person who gets along with Ye Zishu day and night. Although Ye Zishu's talent in the field of scientific research is unparalleled, it has nothing to do with practice. He has never seen him practice.

"Actually, don't be so surprised. There may be countless roads, but in the end they all lead to the same goal. Whether it is technological civilization or spiritual civilization, in the final analysis, it is civilization's understanding and application of the rules of the universe.

So even though I haven't practiced before, it doesn't mean that I can't study the path of practice. It's just that I didn't think it was necessary before. Technology and civilization alone can still achieve the goal. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"Why did you change your mind now?" Pei Qing asked.

She didn't worry about whether Ye Shu could do it or not. In her heart, as long as Ye Shu said he could do it, he would definitely do it. So her focus was on the change in his mentality.

"If I am here, the Chinese civilization will advance to the god-level civilization sooner or later by relying on the path of scientific and technological civilization, but if I am not here, things will be difficult to say.

When the development of science and technology encounters a bottleneck, if the threshold is reached, the road may become smooth. If the threshold is not touched, civilization may be locked forever, and a breakthrough will never be achieved.

Creating a civilization of practice now is just walking on two legs. Maybe when the technological civilization fails to break through, the civilization of practice will bring unexpected joy, which is much better than walking on one leg. "Leaf Book said.

"This also means that the energy of civilization has been dispersed." Pei Qing seized the loophole and said.

Ye Zishu nodded, and said: "That's true, but the scattered energy is completely worthless compared to the bottleneck encountered in the advancement of civilization.

What's more, the universe is so big, as long as there are enough people, there will be no distraction, and even mutual verification between the two can achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two. "

"Didn't you say before that as long as you are willing, you will never die, so what do you mean by absence?" Pei Qing looked at him directly and said.

"You don't have to worry, I just think that you may not stay here in the future, and maybe travel around the universe." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

If a person's life is too long, he will definitely not stay here forever, especially as his ability grows, walking around is inevitable.

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing was finally relieved a lot, and then said in a coquettish tone: "No matter where you go, I will follow you, don't even think about getting rid of me!"

"Okay, as long as you don't mind, I will take you everywhere!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

"By the way, when will you start promoting the cultivation civilization system?" Pei Qing said impatiently.

As a member of the Chinese civilization, no one can refuse to practice. It is estimated that what Pei Qing thought of at this time was the appearance of a successful practice, the vastness of the world and the freedom of others.

"I haven't started researching it yet, I'll talk about it when I understand it!" Ye Shu said shyly.

Seeing Ye Zishu's expression, Pei Qing was both amused and speechless. Hearing his confident appearance, she thought he had a plan in mind, but she didn't even make any preparations.

She even began to have some doubts about whether the cultivation civilization mentioned by Ye Zishu could be researched. Judging by his appearance, it seemed that he was really not prepared at all.

"What kind of expression is this? Are you still questioning your husband's strength?" Ye Zishu said angrily.

"Yes, yes, how can I question your strength!" Pei Qing couldn't help but said with a smile.

Seeing Pei Qing's expression, he didn't talk nonsense, he picked up Pei Qing directly and walked to the bedroom, preparing to teach her a lesson, otherwise "husband gang will not be able to cheer up".

When Pei Qing was punished for two hours, her whole body was weak, while Ye Zishu, who was doing her best, was refreshed. She left the sleeping Pei Qing and came to the private laboratory alone.

It seems that it must be researched early, and it cannot be procrastinated. To be honest, he also has a martial arts or fairy dream in his heart. It can be said that this is a dream that all Chinese people have.

If he wants to say who can realize the dream of all Chinese people, he thinks it must be himself, especially if he wants to see the combination of technological civilization and spiritual civilization, it must be more interesting.

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