Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 1064 Earthquake warning and the shock brought by the super starship

Just when everyone was paying attention to the matter of the starship, the Spark Group sent an urgent message to Ye Zishu, which also made Ye Shu suddenly remember that it also has an earthquake early warning business under its umbrella.

Ye Zishu thought that the earthquake prediction business would be very popular in the world, and he even personally improved the Xinghuo Group's earthquake prediction system to make it more accurate.

At this time, it was only judged by changes in the geomagnetic field and ground vibrations. Later, satellite detection technology was added to further supplement earthquake prediction data to make the accuracy higher.

Especially after the construction of the resource detection satellite system of Baihu Technology Company, after these years of overall scanning of the earth, we can better understand the internal structure of the earth and the situation of seismic plates.

Earthquake-related technologies and mathematical methods can be used to predict areas where earthquakes may occur for a longer period of time, which is conducive to narrowing the scope of the predicted area and conducting special tracking predictions, further improving the accuracy of predictions.

It's just that I didn't expect such an advanced earthquake prediction system to be highly sought after around the world, and some countries wanted to introduce it. However, many technologies and details need to be disclosed, so cooperation is naturally difficult to achieve.

In fact, a large number of earthquakes occur around the world every year, just big and small. For example, there have been several moderate earthquakes around the world this year, but Xinghuo Group has not issued an earthquake warning.

According to Ye Zishu's thinking, since everyone is unwilling to spend money to buy it, forget it. Anyway, although the earthquake system can make money, it can't make much money.

So these years, the Xinghuo Group has been making earthquake predictions for the country, but many buildings in the country now use anti-seismic devices. Unless it is a very large earthquake, the general earthquake will not cause serious economic and human losses.

Therefore, in recent years, even in China, the earthquake early warning system of the Xinghuo Group has not really exerted its power, but the country still purchased their earthquake early warning service to keep the system of the Xinghuo Group in operation.

The news that the Xinghuo Group gave him this time is to predict that a super-large earthquake will occur in the Indian Ocean, and it is expected to cause a super tsunami. Once it occurs, it will inevitably cause serious human and economic losses.

It's just that this prediction is based on the data of the Earth Resources Exploration Satellite of White Tiger Technology Company, and the bio-robots of Leaf Book all over the world also provide a lot of data support.

Based on these data and through advanced data analysis, this forecast result was obtained. Since this matter is relatively large, he was specially notified.

Under normal circumstances, even if an earthquake is predicted, the Xinghuo Group will not specifically notify him. Earthquakes are very common on the earth. It can even be said that as long as it is an active planet, there is no shortage of earthquakes.

Ye Zishu, who received the news, felt rather uncomfortable. If he ignored it, the 300,000 casualties and countless economic losses in his previous life would be too heavy.

If it is really announced to the public, people will not listen to it or not. If it is not accurate, it will cause a big joke internationally. I guess many people will think that it is fortunate that they did not purchase the earthquake early warning service of Xinghuo Group.

It was already December 20th, and there were only a few days before the Indian Ocean earthquake in his previous life. He had to make an immediate decision.

Ye Zishu thought about it for a while, and decided to announce it to the public. Even if he didn't consider it for others, he should also consider it for the citizens of our country in these areas. It is very likely that they are enjoying a vacation trip on the beach.

As for whether others listen or not, he doesn't care, at least he did what he was supposed to do, and he wouldn't feel so bad on his conscience. If it didn't happen, it would be a joke if he was laughed at by others.

But before that, Ye Zishu intends to conduct a more precise investigation. After all, the Spark Group does not have many facilities there, and it relies entirely on the results of data analysis.

He didn't doubt that the earthquake would not happen, but he was not sure whether the earthquake would happen according to the time of the previous life. The predicted range and time of the earthquake were quite different.

This time, the Xinghuo Group gave the time frame, which was as long as one month.

If such news is announced, everyone will only be lucky, after all, it is a good place for tourism.

It is impossible to suspend business for a month because of an inaccurate prediction by the Spark Group. The loss will be very large, especially for countries whose main business is tourism, it is even more unbearable.

There is no need for Ye Zishu to go there to check it himself, he can just go through the investigation of the five gods and beasts. After some investigation and analysis, the conclusion drawn is the same as the time node that happened in the previous life.

With accurate data, Ye Zishu asked Xinghuo Group to announce that a super-large earthquake will occur in the Indian Ocean on December 26, and it is expected to generate a super-large tsunami, which will pose a huge threat to the relevant coasts.

The longitude and latitude of the earthquake and the coastal countries and areas that may be affected have been marked. Since it is going to be announced, it must be detailed, otherwise the effect will not be very good.

In addition, he also personally called the relevant departments to communicate about this matter, with the purpose of getting the country to come forward and forcibly recall the nationals who traveled in these places.

People will have a fluke mentality, and even the Xinghuo Group's warning is dismissed at all, and coercive means must be used to make them obedient.

It will be better if the country comes forward to remind or force a recall of this matter. Anyway, it is much stronger than the announcement and reminder issued by the Spark Group.

If you are disobedient, you will naturally not take compulsory measures, but your social security credit points will be deducted, and the social security benefits you will receive in the future will be reduced, which can be regarded as a soft measure.

Then Leaf Book sent a message to Phoenix Technology, asking it to spread the news about the Indian Ocean earthquake as much as possible through their news platform, social platform and other Internet platforms.

The official website of Xinghuo Group announced the information, but not many people paid attention to it, because usually people don't pay attention to the official website of a company all the time.

At this time, the public news platform played a huge role. The Kunpeng news platform immediately sent headline news pushes all over the world and put them on the top.

Qingluan's social platform is also spreading this news, the purpose is to let as many people as possible know this news so that they can make a decision.

It's a pity that many people saw it, but many people expressed doubts about it. After all, the Xinghuo Group has not achieved good results in earthquake prediction in recent years.

To make matters worse, these named countries have personally declared that the Spark Group is irresponsible. The reason is actually very simple. Doing so will have a great impact on their tourism industry.

Faced with this situation, the relevant national departments firmly believe it. After all, although the Xinghuo Group has not released early warning information for foreign earthquakes in recent years, it has indeed done solid work in China and achieved a lot of results.

What's more, it was Ye Shu who made the phone call this time, which further showed the accuracy of the prediction. He had to be absolutely sure that he could make the phone call in person.

Therefore, regardless of how the countries that may be affected deal with it, the relevant departments of our country directly sent an emergency avoidance notice to every citizen going abroad, and at the same time required them to go to the local embassy for registration before December 26.

Unless your mobile phone or smart device is lost during the trip, you can receive the news from the relevant department, because they use the global satellite communication system of Baihu Technology Company to send it.

At the beginning, when the governments of these countries that may be affected refuted the rumors, many people did not take it seriously, but they saw that our country attached great importance to this matter and treated it as a serious matter.

Not only did they send messages to remind them, but they also forced people who travel or work in these places to register with the nearby embassy, ​​and were asked not to go to these places that might be affected.

Now, unlike in the past, our country’s influence is already very large. Seeing our country’s posture, other countries have to follow up and send messages to their citizens in these areas to remind them of the risks.

After Ye Zishu communicated well with all parties, he didn't pay special attention to it, and he didn't care whether others were grateful to him or hated him, it didn't affect him anyway.

This year I really stayed at home, and I haven’t been out much, even the village a few times, and I have devoted myself to research and study.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, the source app! It’s really easy to use. I use it to read and listen to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here]

This time, he planned to go to see the starship in person. Although he designed it, the design drawings and the real thing give people a completely different feeling.

According to the news from the Protoss Group, the construction of the first batch of starships has been completed, and the necessary materials are currently being loaded on these starships.

After all, there is no need to wait for the materials that can be loaded on the ground to be transported from the ground after going to the sky, and the cost between them is very different.

The starship manufacturing base is not arranged near Chengdu, but is arranged in the area between Luzhou, Yibin and Zigong near the Yangtze River. Due to its very large area, it has already imitated the conventional geographical concept.

It is easy to find a place to build a small starship, but it is difficult to find a place to build a medium-sized starship. The migration of residents in these places alone costs a lot of money.

Moreover, it cannot be completed using conventional construction techniques, because it is impossible to level hundreds of kilometers of land, even if it is capable, the cost will not be worthwhile.

Therefore, the entire construction process of starships is actually floating, that is to say, their construction process is realized by relying on anti-gravity devices, so that the ecological damage to these areas will not be so great.

Moreover, in the process of construction, layered construction can be realized, that is, the same place where medium-sized starships are being built,

In the entire construction technology, Baihu Technology provides a lot of small anti-gravity equipment, which can easily float and transport very heavy parts to designated places.

To build such a huge starship, the supporting facilities and equipment alone require top-level technology, and ordinary machinery and equipment are simply useless.

When Ye Zishu and Pei Qing came to the starship manufacturing base, the first thing they saw was the huge monster in the sky, with no end in sight.

Because the 55-kilometer-long starship stops in the air, it will really block the sun. The light is basically not very bright based on the light revealed from the surroundings, and can only be illuminated by artificial light sources.

"The feeling on the paper is completely different from what I see in front of my eyes!" Pei Qing was stunned when she saw the big guy covering the sky above her head, and it took her a while to express this emotion.

And Ye Zishu agrees deeply with this sentence, the starship was designed by him, he is very familiar with it, but when he stands on the starship

The medium-sized transportation and mining starship is 55 kilometers long from head to tail, 34 kilometers wide, and 2.5 kilometers high. It is equipped with super weapons on both sides, and its whole body is dark black.

To be honest, Ye Zishu is not satisfied with this transport starship, because it is too flat, and there is no need to consider aerodynamics in the universe.

The reason why this design is still necessary is because of the limitation of ground equipment. 2.5 kilometers is considered the limit. He thinks that according to this size, the height should reach 21 kilometers.

However, the earth's ionosphere is only over 50 kilometers, and it is impossible to reach a height of 21 kilometers. Moreover, too many resources are consumed, and the reserves of Kirin Basic Industries Group are simply not enough.

Just one interstellar transport ship has almost consumed the resources accumulated by Kirin Basic Industries Group over the years, and the rest have been consumed by 10 small transport starships.

The difference between a transport starship and a battleship is that the internal space is very large, because it is mainly used for transportation, the internal space should be as large as possible, otherwise the loading volume will be relatively limited.

The medium-sized starship starship is 36 kilometers long and 0.84 kilometers high, basically designed according to the golden ratio.

Even a small transport starship is also equipped with two super weapons, both of which are multi-purpose super weapons, which can launch super lasers and super electromagnetic waves.

These weapons are mainly suitable for self-defense. Although it is a bit unfounded at present, because the solar system has no weapons that pose a threat to them, but these are prepared for the future.

After all, the service life of a starship is very long. A starship like this can be used for thousands of years with ease, and it can be used for tens of thousands of years if it is well maintained.

Building a starship is extremely difficult and consumes a lot of resources. It must be durable and must not be treated as a cheap commodity. It must be used for as long as it can be used.

In order to equip one medium-sized transport starship and ten small starships within two years, the number of general-purpose robots equipped alone is as high as 20 million, and countless mechanical equipment are used.

Although most of the parts and materials are transported through the Yangtze River system, the number of ultra-large transport aircraft used is also quite a lot, reaching 100,000 sorties.

There are also many parts that have been transported by car through the super maglev train, otherwise it would not be an easy task to gather all the materials and parts here.

The entire equipment process is carried out 24 hours without stopping. Fortunately, it is a general-purpose robot. If manual labor is used, it will take more than 60 million people to complete the equipment within two years.

The cost price of such a transport fleet is 60 trillion yuan. The cost of intellectual property rights and other costs have not been calculated. The sales price of materials, production and equipment costs is 120 trillion yuan.

If it were 10 years ago, he would not even have dared to think about it. In terms of funds, it would be difficult for any country other than my country to do it with the power of the whole country, because their GDP data is compared with the funds consumed. are very different.

From the perspective of human resources, although there are 100 million general-purpose robots used in the entire industry, considering the efficiency of general-purpose robots, at least three times the calculation requires at least 300 million people to participate.

Except for our country, which has such a large population, other countries rarely have such a large population, let alone a high-quality population. This alone will kill many countries.

From the perspective of resource acquisition, my country has a large foreign trade surplus every year to purchase so many resources from all over the world. For any other country, resource consumption alone would be unbearable.

What's more, there are a lot of rare resources in it, even if the earth is hollowed out, we can't save enough. If it weren't for the Kirin Energy Industry Group to realize the transformation, we, too, would be hard-pressed to cook without rice.

From a technical point of view, it is even more impossible. It is still possible to build a starship of this size and weight slowly, but if you want to drive it, the conventional power is not enough.

A mid-level starship like this weighs more than 35 billion tons, which is still advanced in material technology. If it is built according to conventional materials, for the sake of sturdiness, it will only pile up more materials, and the internal space will be much smaller.

If you still want to use a conventional power system to fly 35 billion tons of heavy objects, not to mention whether it can be done, even if it is done, the internal space is basically occupied by the power system.

Pei Qing followed him, not in the mood to talk, but ran around looking around. To her, she had never seen such a huge man-made object.

If it is an ordinary person who wants to board a starship, he still needs to take a special carrier. Pei Qing does not have such troubles, and can observe the starship at almost 360 degrees.

I even went to the interior of the starship to see what happened. The interior of the medium-sized starship is mainly divided into seven areas, namely the living area, entertainment area, driving area, warehouse area, functional area, material supply area, and mineral refining area.

The living area and the entertainment area are connected together, and they are relatively concentrated areas. They are located next to the driving area. The warehouse area occupies the largest area, and more than 80% of the entire interior space is the warehouse area.

After all, this is a transportation starship. If the warehouse area is very small, the transportation volume will be very low, so it is very normal that the proportion of the warehouse area is very high.

Functional areas are the most dispersed, including power systems, energy supply systems, weapon systems, sensing systems, etc., and will not be concentrated in a certain geographical area.

The space occupied by the driving area is the smallest, but it is the area where the brain of the entire starship is located, and the level of security protection is also the highest, where you can know all the information of the entire starship.

Moreover, you can also learn about the starship's external detection information in the driving area. The real-time effective detection area of ​​this starship is one sky unit, and there is no upper limit for the farthest detection distance.

In fact, the farthest detection distance does not have much practical significance. Even if it detects tens of billions of light years, it is a matter of tens of billions of years ago for starships, and the accuracy is relatively low, so there is not much action guidance.

What is really effective is the real-time effective detection distance. The detection does not only rely on light, but also involves space fluctuations, cosmic electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves, etc. It should be regarded as the most advanced detection system on the earth.

Within this effective detection distance, the starship can respond in real time to avoid falling into cosmic dangers, but in the solar system, there is no need to worry too much.

In terms of protection, in addition to having a strong shell, there is also an electromagnetic shield, which is mainly used to resist cosmic rays. The electromagnetic shield is usually opened because it is the most energy-saving shield.

In addition, it is also equipped with a super shield, which can actually be called a space-like shield, which is somewhat different from a real space shield.

The external manifestation is that there is super energy in the protective cover area, and a certain space deformation is formed through super energy, so as to achieve the purpose of space protection.

Otherwise, pure energy protection is actually useless, because energy is difficult to defend against physical attacks, and only with a certain space ability can it play a huge role.

Since it is not a real space shield, Ye Zishu directly gave them the technical information. Since they even provided the anti-gravity device, the technology of this pseudo-space shield is much lower than the anti-gravity.

The material supply area is mainly to meet the living material supply of the starship crew. Activities in the solar system are mainly obtained through procurement. The interior only needs to grow fresh crops to improve food so that they can fight for a long time.

Therefore, the material supply area of ​​this starship mainly includes the material supply warehouse area, crop planting area, and simple food processing area, which is not complicated.

If it is an interstellar voyage, it must also be equipped with an industrial commodity production area, because the interstellar voyage will last for decades or hundreds of years, not only food, but also clothing and use must be taken care of.

In fact, there is still a part of the warehouse area that can be used to park small starships, but within the solar system, small starships have the ability to act alone and do not need to be parked inside medium-sized starships.

Even if it really wants to berth, it will only be hung on the outside of the starship. After all, with such a large size, there is enough space outside for the small starship to berth, and it does not need to be placed inside.

The final mineral refining area contains a full set of mineral refining facilities, which can rough-process and refine the mined minerals to reduce the amount of transportation.

Of course, different starships have different functions in this area. Like a pure transport starship, there is no need to be equipped with refining facilities, and it can be used directly as a warehouse area.

This starship belongs to the mixed operation of transportation and mining. After all, there is only one such ship, and its function cannot be single. If there are more in the future, it can be divided into labor and cooperation.

If it is an interstellar warship, this is the storage area for weapons and equipment. Like this ship, which is only equipped with super weapons, there is no need for a special weapon storage area. Energy is its ammunition.

At present, many general-purpose robots have been withdrawn from this construction base, and the remaining robots are mainly used to transport materials into these starships.

Pei Qing walked around the place inside and out, returned to Ye Zishu, and couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect such a big starship to have such a small energy supply system!"

Most people think that the energy supply system of such a huge starship is absolutely huge. In fact, the space they occupy is very small, only 1 million cubic meters of space.

This includes a main and a secondary cold fusion system, a fusion material storage system, an automatic filling system, and related supporting power supply systems.

The continuous power generation of a cold fusion power generation system can be as high as 10,000 gigawatts, which is equivalent to generating 10 billion kwh per hour, and the annual power generation is as high as 87 trillion kwh.

If the backup cold fusion system is used, the power provided can be doubled, but in most cases, using a cold fusion system is sufficient, and only in special cases will the backup system be activated.

For example, when performing a super energy attack, or receiving a strong external attack, it is necessary to continuously maintain the energy shield and electromagnetic shield before requiring additional energy replenishment.

"I thought you would lament the anti-gravity system!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

The most advanced thing here is the anti-gravity system. If he doesn't take it out, with the development level of human science and technology, even after thousands of years, the threshold will not be touched.

"I was going to take a look for myself, but I couldn't find it!" Pei Qing said depressingly.

Ye Zishu knew what was going on, and explained: "The anti-gravity system is not a single piece of equipment, but a distributed anti-gravity system. A single piece of equipment is not conspicuous, and it is also hidden relatively deep."

Like a medium-sized interstellar ship, there are as many as 100,000 anti-gravity and gravity system nodes, which interact with each other or are independent of each other. If a certain one fails and cannot operate normally, it will not affect the operation of other nodes.

And it's not placed in an empty place, but it is designed and combined with the shell. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to find it at all. After all, there is so much space inside, not to mention it is hidden on purpose.

If you peel off the inside of the starship's shell, you can see that the inside is not just a simple iron bump, but like a human blood vessel, densely packed with energy channels.

In addition, there are a large number of sensors placed in it, so that even if the starship is bumped, the command center in the driving area can know it in real time.

Otherwise, it is simply unrealistic to rely on manpower to check the situation of such a huge starship, so the shell of the starship is not as stupid as it seems on the surface.

Originally, Pei Qing wanted to ask why the design was so complicated, but then she figured out the joints. The anti-gravity and gravity system is one of the core power systems of the starship.

If it is too concentrated, once it is destroyed, it will be completely useless. The conventional propulsion power still has a little effect in space. Once it wants to land and take off, the conventional propulsion power system will not work at all.

Once damaged, it means that it is impossible to fly from the planet or land safely on the planet, so try to avoid complete destruction, and distribution is the best solution.

If the conventional power system is damaged, gravity and anti-gravity systems can still be used to move forward, but the degree of freedom is not high, and it is generally not used for space displacement.

"Such a large base seems to have never been photographed by satellites in the sky!" Pei Qing asked curiously.

"That's because I asked the five gods to block this place. The pictures taken by the satellite are the same as the pictures before the base was built." Ye Zishu explained with a smile.

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