Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 414 Domestic PC Market (3/3)

In the statistical data table of this email, in addition to overseas sales, it is domestic sales. Although private sales have not been fully stimulated, 100,000 units have still been sold through retail channels.

The main reason is that the price is very cheap. Most computers are priced at 3,000 yuan. Although this price is still not cheap, it is still affordable for domestic urban residents.

If you want to improve domestic sales, you can't simply rely on low prices. You also need to let the public know how to use it and why you have to buy a computer.

If there is no good reason, most people are still very hesitant to spend more than a year's salary to buy such a machine. It is better to buy a TV.

Deng Gong talked about the issue of computer popularization before, "Computer popularization should start from the baby." At that time, the country had realized the importance of computers to industrial development.

It's just that at that time, domestic computers basically had to be imported from abroad, and the price was very expensive. There was not so much foreign exchange to buy computers, and the task of popularization was a long way to go.

That is to say, not long after this sentence was said, Xiaobawang seized the opportunity and launched a learning machine with basic programming function. Compared with domestic income, the price is still acceptable.

Since they couldn't afford a computer, many families settled for the next best thing and started buying Xiaobawang learning machines, which led to a surge in sales of their product, and even became a national product.

Now that we finally have our own complete personal computer industry, we no longer need to rely on foreign exchange for imports, which is of great significance to the popularization of computers in our country.

It is precisely for this reason that he let Qinglong Technology Company launch a low-end brand, which is priced between 2,000 and 5,000 yuan. Only at this price can it be popularized in China.

Compared with the previous personal computer that cost tens of thousands of yuan, the price has dropped a lot, and the performance has increased by more than 10 times compared with the previous product.

In order to cope with the popularization of domestic computers and reduce the cost of using software for individual users, Phoenix Technology has introduced domestic preferential measures, reducing the price of their paid software products by 10 times.

For example, the original operating system costs 200 US dollars, but domestic individual users only need to spend 100 yuan to obtain it. Of course, this cost has been included in the price of the computer, and consumers do not need to pay extra.

However, the prices of other software products such as office software, programming tools, and business software have been lowered to varying degrees. Other software may not be used by ordinary individual users, but many people need office software.


The price of stand-alone game software has also been promoted, generally only 20% to 50% of the original price, the purpose is to further increase individuals' enthusiasm for computer purchases.

However, for government units, public institutions and enterprise units, the price remains the previous domestic price. Although it is slightly more favorable than the foreign price, it is still much higher than that of individual users.

In just over a month, the retail channel has sold 100,000 units, which is relatively successful in the eyes of Yeshu. According to this data, it can sell 1 million units a year.

Although the profit margins brought by these computers to Qinglong Technology Company are not high, even the Xuanwu Technology Company behind it has carried out appropriate profit compression.

However, it is a very important part of popularizing the domestic computer industry. If you have never even touched a computer, how will you use a computer for more advanced work in the future?

Even if you buy a PC just to play games at the beginning, it is much better than someone who has never touched a PC, because long-term use will have a fixed mindset.

Once they want to use personal computers to complete work, they can quickly get started, which is of great significance for promoting the modernization of my country's industry and services.

In addition to retail channels, Qinglong Technology has also achieved very good results in the field of collective procurement. In just over a month, the number of computers sold through this channel reached as high as 200,000.

Most of these sales data are from the new computer market. Units with conditions will choose to buy a batch and try it first. If the effect is very good, their original old computers may be replaced.

Ye Zishu believes that the domestic replacement of old computers will be accelerated, because the many advanced software products launched by Phoenix Technology require the computers of Qinglong Technology to run better.

In the past, computers could only run some less complicated software programs, even the chips just launched by Intel were powerless, and there was not much use for them.

In addition, the enterprise management software system of Honghu Software Co., Ltd. has also begun to promote in China and the world one after another, and some enterprises have already begun to try it out.

As more and more companies realize the importance and necessity of office informatization, more and more companies use Honghu Software's enterprise management software system, and the proportion of personal computers in business operations will increase.

In addition to Honghu Software, other subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology have also launched their own software system products, further promoting the necessity of using computers in the commercial field.

As for the development of the market of government and public institutions, Baihe Software's government software system is still needed to open the way. It's just that this road is easy to walk, or difficult to walk.

It is easy to go, as long as the government realizes the importance of informatization of government services, it will be very simple to promote. Top-down promotion is faster than corporate customers.

But if the work cannot be done, it will be difficult to open the gap. We can only cooperate with local government departments first, gradually expand our influence, and develop from point to point.

As long as the annual sales volume in the domestic market reaches 10 million units, Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company will not be able to rely on foreign markets, and they will be able to maintain their business only by relying on the domestic market.

This is of great significance for dealing with extreme external environments. Although this kind of thinking is a bit unfounded, we still have to be prepared.

At present, there is still a big gap to reach the domestic annual sales target of 10 million units. Even if there is an increase in the future, annual sales of 5 million units will be good enough.

The price of the computer purchased by the unit is basically around 5,000 yuan, either purchasing a top-end model of a low-end brand, or purchasing a low-end model of a mid-end brand.

The reason why the number of unit purchases is so large is because the price is more than half cheaper than before, but the performance has increased by more than ten times.

Without this factor, it would be impossible to sell so much in just over a month. Of course, Qinglong Technology Company did not promote it under the banner of supporting national enterprises.

Only people with poor products need these banners. The quality and performance of Qinglong Technology's products are there, and basically there is no need to waste words.

And in terms of sales, they pay attention to what you pay for, and will not engage in behaviors of inferior quality and high price, not to mention what others think about it, they themselves look down on themselves.

There is no one who specifically harms his own people. This kind of person will have a bad conscience. This is something his company will never do.

In addition to this sales data email, other emails were also sent. For example, one of them was dedicated to the situation that Qinglong Technology Company received inspections by leaders during this period.

Fortunately, Ye Zishu predicted in advance that Qinglong Technology Company received 10 leaders to inspect in just one month. Although this is an honor, it is not a good thing to have too many.

In order not to affect the company's internal R\u0026D and operation plans, Qinglong Technology Company temporarily set up a reception team, which is responsible for leading the inspection and reception work.

The leadership inspection will definitely ask how Qinglong Technology Company has achieved such rapid development in the high-tech field in such a short period of time, because their development speed is indeed unexpected.

You must know that a certain company only developed its own motherboard back then, which was a remarkable event, and it was hyped as a breakthrough in the domestic high-tech field.

However, the main board is not considered a high-tech product in Qinglong Technology Company. Aside from the chips on the main board, the main board is just a circuit, which can be easily drawn with software.

Therefore, during the inspection process, Ye Zishu could not be avoided anyway. Qinglong Technology Company did not intend to hide it, nor did Ye Zishu. It was completely unnecessary, but it would not publicize it.

The leaders of such talents naturally want to see it with their own eyes, but he has returned to his hometown now, and it is not certain when he will return, which saved him a lot of trouble.

In addition to Qinglong Technology Company having such an experience, Xuanwu Technology Company is also like this, and is even more liked by leaders than Qinglong Technology Company.

One is that Xuanwu Technology Company is not a pure OEM company, but an enterprise with many independent technological products and technologies, and even has higher technical strength than Qinglong Technology Company.

You must know that in order to develop the semiconductor manufacturing industry, many of their machines are manufactured by themselves, and in order to produce these machines, they have to start with the production and processing of raw materials.

Take their CNC machine tools as an example, they are the top CNC machine tool equipment in China, and they also have high technological advantages in the world. Just like this, the annual output value brought by them is not low.

Other products and technologies such as optics, chemistry, and electrical products are also at the top level. Only when all aspects are at the top level can Xuanwu Technology's semiconductor industry reach the world's top level.

The second is that Xuanwu Technology Company has solved a large number of employment problems. Not to mention the number of employees under many subsidiaries, the number of employees in the electronic semiconductor manufacturing business alone is as high as 1 million.

The employment positions in the entire industrial chain of Xuanwu Technology Company have reached 1.5 million. According to this number of employment, it is definitely a giant-like existence in China.

In the minds of many leaders, the significance of the existence of Xuanwu Technology Company is much higher than that of Qinglong Technology Company. In fact, the same is true in Ye Zishu's heart.

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