Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 443 A little sick

As soon as he returned to the workplace, he felt that he was different from usual. At home, he could go to bed early and wake up naturally without any psychological burden.

But here, it seems that there are endless things waiting in line for him, which makes him feel a little disadvantaged if he wants to sleep for a while, and this psychological effect is still very strong.

If it weren't for the fact that he really has a lot of knowledge to learn now, and he has to spend more time studying, he probably will return to the state of working until three or four in the morning.

But even so, he still wobbled back to the hotel until 11:30 in the evening. Even the ten minutes spent on the road felt a little bad. He thought it was a bit sick, and he had to overcome this problem.

In fact, he stayed at home for such a long time, and there were no accidents in the properties under his control. The heads of various companies can handle it well, and he doesn't need to worry about it all the time.

As for technical matters, in fact, there is no major problem if it is delayed, but he always feels a bit shameful about wasting time, and feels sad about the hurdle in his heart.

It may have something to do with his cherishing the opportunity given by God. He was relatively ordinary in his previous life, so he naturally cherishes the golden finger of virtual space.

It is hoped that more technologies can be obtained from it to promote my country's economic development at a higher speed. As long as the economy can develop rapidly, many problems will not be problems.

Take the energy industry as an example. Even if he does not enter the solar power generation industry now, the country will try its best to increase power generation in order to meet the needs of industry and residents.

He has also seen the country's efforts in the field of basic industries, but he can't help but want to go faster, especially with the current high electricity bills, many industries cannot be developed.

Although the carbon industry is an industry dealing with carbon elements, it is actually closely related to energy. The amount and cheapness of energy directly determine the development scale of the carbon industry.

This is also the case that he was not fully prepared, and he immediately wanted to develop this industry as soon as he got to work, because huge economic value will be born around the carbon industry and the energy industry.

The level of economic value is inseparable from the number of jobs provided, so he put the energy industry as a priority option to completely remove the shackles that restrain the development of the carbon industry.

In addition, he needs to find more ways to spend money so that the money in his hands can be used instead of putting it in the bank for interest.

Although the interest rate of this bank is indeed not low, compared with the development of the industry,

It still pales in comparison, and the social benefits it brings are much greater than that of existing banks.

Taiji Group's funds already have a clear destination. Apart from keeping a part of it for investment in the pharmaceutical and medical industry and R\u0026D investment, most of the remaining funds will be consumed through Wancheng Foundation.

The current data shows that the development of Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company has become unstoppable, and Phoenix Technology Company has also reached a stage of rapid development.

If these companies do not have accidents, they will generate huge economic benefits. Even if they reserve part of the funds for themselves, or use them for investment in research and development, the scale of the remaining funds should not be underestimated.

Based on the current data, it is estimated that the annual net profit of Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company alone may reach about 200 billion yuan. As more industries are put into the market, the scale will be even larger in the future.

These net profits of 100 billion yuan will definitely not affect the development of these enterprises. This is why he believes that investing 100 billion yuan a year to develop the solar power generation industry is a feasible path.

As for the revenue of Phoenix Technology Company, it is not easy to estimate at present. Judging from the current data, it is not particularly impressive, but the revenue scale will definitely be much larger than before.

The operating system and office software alone can bring them at least 300 billion yuan in revenue every year, not to mention that there are so many commercial software and game industries.

Especially in the game industry, as Qinglong Technology's game console products sell well all over the world, the game industry alone will bring them at least 200 billion yuan in revenue every year.

Adding up all the various software businesses, the industry scale of the entire Phoenix Technology Group will reach more than 600 billion yuan, which is very scary.

The profit margin of the software industry is very high, especially with the support of the high-efficiency tool software provided by Yeshu, the profit margin has increased a lot. It is not surprising that the net profit margin reaches 80%.

The money also needs a place to go, and it is impossible to put all of it in their own hands. According to the distribution plan he gave to Taiji Group, it is 50-50, and he will take half of it to support the development of other businesses.

A considerable part of this money is also invested in the real estate industry, because the real estate industry is a huge reservoir, and there is no need to worry about inflation due to excessive construction.

Because these funds are self-owned funds, not bank loans, there is no strong repayment pressure. If the market can’t digest them, it doesn’t matter if you keep them in your hands, just digest them slowly.

The other part of the funds should be used to develop the industrial industry. The industrial industry can not only have a good employment capacity, but also an important foundation for a prosperous country and a strong people.

Now Qinglong Technology Company and Xuanwu Technology Company no longer need him to provide additional financial support, and they can also spend a lot of money to support the development of his other businesses.

Then Kirin Industrial Group will be the industry he will focus on developing next. With the support of huge funds, it is believed that Kirin Industrial Group will achieve great development.

However, the business of Kirin Industrial Group is much more complicated than the above two companies. Carbon Industry is just a unified name he gave for convenience.

In fact, the development and technology of each field are different, and he needs to provide technical support alone. This is the problem he has to face.

Because Kirin Industrial Group deals with materials and chemistry, even the precision manufacturing equipment built to support the development of materials and chemistry is very technical.

The characteristic of materials and chemistry is uncertainty. There is no universal and invariable principle. Every material and chemical has huge differences. Even if they are very similar, the production process is also very different.

This is different from electronic semiconductors. Electronic semiconductors are industries that can see clearly. They only need to develop step by step. The related industries surrounding the electronic semiconductor industry can achieve great development without his participation.

This is also the reason why he unconsciously accelerated the pace of work after he felt the work of the Kirin Industrial Group, because in addition to the things to be dealt with, the Kirin Industrial Group was also waiting for him.

Although the earth will continue to revolve without him, but the current enterprise system under him may not be able to function without him. This is not his ego, but the fact.

Not only is the number of talents cultivated in my country not leading, but the quality is also far behind that of top foreign universities. This is a problem that we have to face at present.

Once he leaves his technical support, the current advantageous industries such as the software industry and the electronic semiconductor industry may not be able to maintain their advantages for a long time.

What's more, Kirin Industrial Group, which is still in its toddler stage, once left its technical support, it is estimated that it will stay in the current business line for a long time, and it will be difficult to make great progress.

At present, the business of Kirin Industrial Group is still in a relatively low-level stage in his opinion. To enter an advanced stage, it must be in the field of bio-industrialization.

In fact, many materials and chemical products can be solved by using biotechnology, but he feels that skipping the basic technology and directly adopting advanced technology lacks necessary links, and there may be other problems.

Compared with physical and chemical forms of technology, biology still has great risks and uncertainties, and he is more cautious if he has not reached a certain level of cognition.

Because once an accident occurs, the impact will be huge. He would rather start from low-level technology and slowly develop upwards, not to mention that the low-level technology he considers can still be called black technology.

In order to develop Kirin Industrial Group as soon as possible, he had to speed up his pace, continue to deal with the matters in hand, and then concentrate on dealing with related technical and industrial planning matters of Kirin Industrial Group.

Back at the hotel, Ye Zishu lay down on the bed immediately after washing up, and then entered the virtual space to start learning biology and medical knowledge. This is the priority of learning every day, and there are other subjects to learn later, and the arrangement is full.

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