Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 484 Use a partnership plan to solve management pressure

This amount of money is indeed a bit large to take out alone, and it is not easy for Yuko Ogura to spend it in a short period of time. Although fixed asset investment is very expensive, there is a limit.

It does not mean that they will buy fixed assets when they see them, as that will only end in dismal results. The purchase of fixed assets must be closely related to their own business.

Now they have two businesses, one is high-end catering and the other is fast food. It is more difficult for high-end catering to expand rapidly, mainly because the personnel cannot keep up.

There is still an essential difference between the high-end catering industry and the fast food that is the same as the assembly line. Both the materials and the workmanship are very sophisticated, and the requirements for the chef's personal skills are very high.

The training time for senior chefs is very long, and these factors naturally limit the development speed of high-end catering. It is already remarkable to be able to open 5 new high-end restaurants a year.

Even if every high-end restaurant is bought together with the business premises, 100 million yuan is almost the same. Even if the price of foreign fixed assets is high, the purchase of business premises is still not small.

As long as the fast food model is selected correctly, the supply chain can keep up, and the expansion speed will be very fast, but the selection of restaurants is also a technical task, and it is not just a casual opening.

Moreover, when the operation of fast food restaurants is not very stable, they generally do not invest in fixed assets. If the operation is not as good as expected, it will be difficult to get out quickly.

Even if they need to spend more money to invest in the construction of the supply chain, it is difficult to spend the money in a short period of time. According to their real strength, 1 billion yuan is enough.

But Ye Zishu does not see it that way. According to the conventional catering development model, it may take ten years to achieve a certain scale, which takes too long.

He doesn't know much about the situation in foreign countries, but he can still predict some of the domestic situation. With the rapid development of the domestic economy, the catering industry will develop very fast.

Whether it's mid-to-high-end catering or fast food, they will enter a period of crazy expansion in the near future. It's fine if he doesn't do catering. Now that he has already done it, he must make preparations in advance.

It’s just that Ye Zishu is not very clear about whether ordinary Chinese fast food can develop well in China. Although they seem to be developing well in Japan, if they get the Chinese food base camp, if they are mediocre, their competitiveness will be very weak.

High-end restaurants generally only open stores in big cities, because if a high-end restaurant wants to make money, it must cover a very large population area, and it is difficult for a city with a scale of less than 1 million to support it.

Unless it is a city with a particularly rich per capita, it has nothing to do with the population size, because the per capita consumption power has reached this level, and high-end catering is not particularly high-end for them.

Mid-end catering is relatively easy to live in, and the requirements for the population are not particularly high. They can even go deep into the county town, and ordinary people can afford it occasionally.

So the 10 billion yuan is not all invested abroad, but most of the funds are invested in the country, and the layout is made in advance. Even if it does not make much money, it can at least provide a large number of jobs.

The most important thing is that Wancheng Foundation will build a large-scale urban complex in China starting this year, and there will be a lot of catering business in it, so naturally it cannot be wasted.

In the past, Ye Zishu was keen on making money from abroad, mainly because it was easy to make a lot of money abroad, but his original intention was to keep good things in China, but there were very few people in China who could afford it.

Coupled with the need to accumulate original capital, he had to set his sights on foreign markets. Now that he has made so much money through industries such as software, consumer electronics, and semiconductors, the first thing he thought of was actually domestic.

Purely from an investment point of view, it is not particularly cost-effective to develop mid-to-high-end catering in China, but he has his own calculations.

Whether you make money or not is not the key now. Even if you lose all the money, you won't feel particularly distressed. It's just as if it was distributed to domestic employees so that they have employment opportunities.

This is the obvious difference between his treatment of internal and external markets.

If he is allowed to spend money like this abroad, he will definitely feel distressed, but if he loses money in China, it will be regarded as charity.

But even so, it is difficult for the catering industry alone to absorb so much money. To open a mid-range restaurant, 1 million is already quite good, and with this money, more than 9,000 can be opened.

No matter how crazy it is, it is impossible to open so many stores in a year. The personnel and management cannot keep up, and the supply chain system cannot keep up.

Ye Zishu actually wants to hand over many businesses to Ogura Yuko to manage, such as supermarkets, department stores and other retail terminals in his plan.

He has not yet found suitable talents under his banner, even the people in the marketing departments of various companies, the markets they operate are very different from these retail markets.

It's just that the other party is Japanese, he is very worried, which is why he has not made up his mind, and he has not made a decision until now.

It seems that there is nothing to pay attention to in retail sales. In fact, retail sales data are very important. Through these data, we can judge the real situation of a country and the situation of various industries.


He sat down and subconsciously tapped the table with his fingers, but his mind was full of thoughts, and finally decided not to hand over the retail terminal to Yuko Ogura to manage.

It's better for her to concentrate on her catering industry. Although he seems a little worried, it is still necessary to be cautious, and there is no need to take unnecessary risks for this.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu also felt that he was a bit hasty in giving so much money just now. Could it be that he has seen too much money recently and started to treat money as money?

Now that the words have been spoken, it will definitely not be possible to take them back. I have very little participation and support in the catering industry. If I am still so fussy about investment, I don’t know how Yuko Ogura thinks.

So he said: "Our original plan was to establish a brand chain restaurant industry. After your operation, I have more confidence in you.

So I want to give you more investment, so that you have relatively sufficient funds to do a good job in this area, and it is best to become the world's largest catering group.

It is not limited to the strategy we discussed before, you now have the right to run the business with full power, I hope you can make good use of this money to do a good job in this business.

I can't help with overseas operations, but I can still help with domestic development. My Wancheng Foundation will vigorously develop urban complexes from this year.

This kind of comprehensive real estate project includes catering business content. You only need to follow their footsteps to expand, and you can quickly spread the catering industry all over the country.

It's just that domestic catering operations are slightly different from those abroad. Foreign countries can follow what we have discussed before, but domestic food culture is unique.

High-end catering can only have room for development in large cities. If small and medium-sized cities want to develop well, they should mainly focus on low-end catering.

Therefore, relying on one brand to operate may be insufficient. I suggest that you classify your catering products and establish their own catering brands.

Mid-to-low-end catering needs to highlight the main dishes, so that consumers can know what they are eating by looking at the brand. For example, hot pot among Sichuan cuisine can be a separate catering brand with hot pot as its main business. "

Yuko Ogura did not expect that Ye Zishu's ambitions would be so big. Generally speaking, if you want to do a good job in catering, you should not be greedy for everything, but specialize in a certain business, so that you have the possibility of success.

"Although Mr. Ye is right, such crazy development will bring great pressure to our management. If the management is not in place at that time, we may not be able to compete with our peers." Yuko Ogura said.

Originally, he was just raising an idea, and Yuko Ogura would handle the specifics. Since she didn't have much confidence in this, Ye Zishu had to answer her questions in person.

"If your existing management is in charge, it will definitely not work. If you want to develop rapidly without causing management pressure, it is actually very simple, that is, to give up profits.

Didn’t you gather the elite chefs from the eight major cuisines in China? They are not alone, and the relationship behind them is very extensive in the catering industry.

This is your resource. It is absolutely possible to launch a partnership plan to allow these elite chefs with certain management skills to create their own catering brands.

You are responsible for basic work such as investment, management guidance, and financial management, and they are responsible for the specific operation of the catering brand.

At the beginning, these partners can only get a fixed salary, and they will be assessed after one year. If they meet the primary standard, they can be rewarded with a 1% share dividend.

By analogy, every time the assessment is passed, the dividend of 1% of the shares will be increased until it reaches 5%. If there is a major accident or the long-term operation fails to meet the standards, the dividend of the shares will be gradually deducted. If all deductions are made, the partnership will be terminated directly.

If their share dividend ratio has reached 5% for 5 consecutive years, it means that they really have very strong management capabilities, and they can be promoted to long-term partners, and their 5% share dividend right can be directly converted into real shares.

Just motivating a partner alone cannot ensure that all employees will work together, so incentives should also be given to ordinary employees so that their efforts will be rewarded as they should.

You can take a certain percentage of the store revenue they operate as a business reward for ordinary employees. The higher the revenue, the more income they will naturally get. If they lose money, they will not be able to get rewards.

The above is my general idea. The specific implementation needs to be discussed in detail. The purpose of this is to give full play to the initiative of employees, let employees manage themselves, and reduce your management pressure.

In addition, if employees have their own entrepreneurial plans, you can also invest in them, so that employees have the opportunity to be bosses, and if they develop, they will also be rich


Great opportunity. "Leaf Book said.

After hearing Ye Zishu's words, Ogura Yuko was greatly inspired. This method can indeed be tried, and it may really solve the management problem.


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