Reborn Technology Upstart

Chapter 501 Using market means to balance educational resources

Unexpectedly, there would be such a huge harvest from a single meal, which made the county leaders feel that this meal was the most worthwhile meal they had ever eaten.

Who would have thought that just a small chat during a meal at a farmer's family could set the pattern of a county's future economic development.

After the meal, Ye Zishu directly gave them Secretary Pei Qing's phone number, so that the county leaders could contact Pei Qing in time. As for Pei Qing's personal communication method, they cannot be given casually.

Although Pei Qing is only a professional manager, the company he is in charge of is too huge, and every business has great potential for development. It is difficult for her to work with peace of mind if she calls anyone casually.

This is because the current business is relatively simple. After various new businesses develop in the future, the industrial scale of Taiji Group will be even more difficult to estimate.

After the county leaders returned, Ye Zishu asked his father to discuss with the village head, and called the villagers to the ancestral hall for a meeting to distribute the land purchase funds.

With so much money at home, he felt a little unsafe. It would be better to distribute the funds as soon as possible, so that everyone could have a good year before the end of the year.

After seeing his father leaving in a hurry, Ye Zishu returned to his room. He didn't intend to work at first, but once he sat at the desk, he couldn't help but start working.

I just talked about education during the dinner. Although his family is special, he has a unique advantage in the stage of enlightenment education, allowing his younger siblings to develop good study habits since childhood.

But what he thinks is how to promote this model so that children from ordinary families can enjoy the same educational conditions.

In particular, a good enlightenment education will have a significant impact on a child's life, and the cultivation of good study habits will also accompany a child's growth throughout his life.

This kind of thing can't be solved by running a training class. Not every teacher in the training class has his ability. It is even said that the first teacher who can have his ability is absolutely rare.

In the past, he thought about using artificial intelligence for online education and creating an exclusive private teacher for each student, but this plan did not go very smoothly.

In addition, the work of promoting smart teachers is not so easy. Given the domestic economic situation, it is difficult for many people to complete cheap compulsory education, let alone pay for smart teachers.

If this business is launched hastily, the result will be that the gap between urban and rural education will further widen.

It is even more difficult for rural students to have a bright future.

It stands to reason that Ye Zishu doesn't need to care about these at all. The first is to make profits into his own hands, and the second is to cultivate more talents. As for fairness, justice should not be something he considers.

But he has experienced all kinds of things in his previous life, and he is very concerned about it. If he is not capable, it is another matter. If he has the ability but does not do it, his conscience will be disturbed.

Smart teachers can adopt relatively low charging standards, even as long as they can cover operating costs. He does not intend to make huge profits on this at this stage.

But if you want to popularize smart teachers, you must have a carrier. For convenience, he believes that the best carrier is a smart tablet, which is easy to carry and can display enough content on the screen.

And the price of a smart tablet is not cheap. According to the market price, the domestic price is at least several thousand yuan, which is difficult for most families to afford.

And to get the best results, basically every student should be equipped with one, which is even worse for families with several students.

Even if Ye Zishu launches a special tablet computer, the price of each tablet is about 1,000 yuan, so the production company can't be allowed to do charity, it still needs to make some money.

It is precisely because of such difficulties and concerns that although Ye Zishu asked New Oriental Education Group to try in this area, he did not participate in it himself.

I think that New Oriental Education Group has enough time to carry out the research and development of this project. After a few years, maybe the domestic economy will undergo a great improvement, and more and more families will be able to afford it.

It's just that after this dinner, he feels that procrastination like this is not a good way. Although time can solve many problems, there will also be many regrets.

If he wants to solve the predicament now, he believes that there are only two ways to go. The first is to get the support of the government and get a certain financial tilt.

It's just that he thinks it should be the most suitable method, but now the possibility is very low. There is only one reason, and the government's finances can't spend so much money.

Not to mention the cost of purchasing a smart teacher for each student, the hardware investment cost of the tablet computer alone cannot be supported by the current financial situation.

There are hundreds of millions of students in the country. If each person is equipped with a tablet computer, it means that hundreds of billions of yuan will be invested, and the maximum life cycle of each tablet computer is about 10 years.

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Now coincides with the period of the fastest economic development in China. Although the fiscal growth is fast, it also means that the construction of supporting facilities will also be accelerated, otherwise infrastructure construction will drag down the pace of economic development.

From the perspective of cost-effectiveness of investment, it is not a wise choice to invest a large amount of funds in education, and the use of national finances is also organized, and there will be no large-scale inclination to one field on a whim.

In addition, Ye Zishu has no confidence that a private company can promote this issue, so this road has actually been blocked.

The second way is to adopt the method of market regulation, that is to say, New Oriental Education Group’s normal charges should be more expensive, so that the rich in the country can afford more funds.

These funds are then used to subsidize financially disadvantaged students and families, so that they can obtain the same educational resources at a relatively low cost.

It’s just that this approach will attract a lot of criticism. If the government promotes it, there may not be any problems. One of the responsibilities of the government itself is to ensure the fairness of education.

But if a company does this, those who pay a lot of money will be psychologically unbalanced. Why should they spend so much money, while others can enjoy the same educational resources with a small amount of money.

Education itself is a process of competition. If you cannot obtain a relative educational advantage, in the eyes of many people, it means that you have no advantage, and the resources invested are equivalent to ineffective.

From the perspective of competition, this view is indeed valid. After all, there are only so many colleges and universities, and the resources of good schools are limited, and everyone wants to fight for them.

Either rely on a smart brain to gain an advantage from talent, or rely on family strength to gain an advantage from educational resources, there is no other way.

But Ye Zishu himself does not think so. School education is only one aspect of education. Although it is generally recognized by the society, he always believes that this kind of education is flawed.

What he hopes is to form the concept of lifelong education, so that even if everyone does not enter college, they still have the opportunity and ability to pursue the truth and improve themselves.

As for this ability and opportunity, he believes that everyone can receive good primary education resources, lay a solid foundation for education, and create favorable conditions for continuing education.

If there is a serious lack in basic education, it is basically impossible to continue education, and not many people are willing to go back and make up for some of the missing knowledge in basic education.

If we just follow the existing economic development trajectory and adopt a competitive learning method, there is no big problem. After all, high-quality resources are limited and necessary screening is required.

However, he believes that according to his pace, within a few years, the country may enter a fully mechanical and intelligent society, and the opportunities for humans to participate in labor will be greatly reduced by then.

All industrial products will be completed by automated machinery, commercial and service industries will also be taken over by robots, and the entire human race will completely become a rentier class, but the objects of exploitation are robots.

Human beings with nothing to do at that time will always find something to do, and what he hopes to see is not just eating, drinking and having fun, but doing something meaningful.

And anyone who wants to do something that requires a certain amount of knowledge accumulation must have a good basic education. He hopes to lay a solid foundation from now on.

A large number of robots have been put into the field of social production and service, although human labor has been liberated, but other problems will also arise, that is, the problem of insufficient innovation.

Especially when human beings are not under the pressure of survival, Ye Zishu is unable to make a judgment whether it is an explosion of innovation ability or a serious lack of innovation ability.

But he knows that if the basic education is not solid, it will definitely seriously hinder innovation, and according to his experience, the higher the level of knowledge, the more creative impulse and ability people have.

If human beings seriously lack the motivation to innovate after solving the pressure of survival, it will be an extremely dangerous thing for human society. Once a disaster that human beings cannot solve is encountered, it is very likely that they will return to pre-liberation overnight.

People without foresight must have short-term worries. As an industry promoter, if he does not think about this issue, let alone rely on others, especially in a prosperous scene, it is easy to ignore potential risks.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu decided to speed up the construction of the intelligent education system, instead of letting the New Oriental Education Group do it slowly, otherwise it would take several years to achieve the effect he wanted.

In addition to improving the existing artificial intelligence to make it more suitable for the field of education, Ye Zishu also needs to carry out special pedagogical training, and also learn from the virtual classroom model he himself uses.

In addition, it is the design of related hardware. In this regard, Qinglong Technology Company already has a good foundation. He just wants to minimize the cost and reduce the cost of using the entire system.

He sincerely hopes that his little effort can get a good feedback, but he is not sure about the future.

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