Hearing his words, Pei Qing's eyes lit up immediately, she quickly put the teacup on the table, and said eagerly, "Tell me, what good idea do you have?"

Seeing her performance, Ye Zishu said with a smile: "This business has nothing to do with you, it is more appropriate for Phoenix Technology to do it."

Hearing this, Pei Qing's enthusiasm just now weakened a lot. Although her expression was still very happy, she was inevitably a little disappointed in her heart.

It's not an act of being happy. After all, the development and growth of other group companies is also good for them, but it won't directly benefit them.

It's easy to understand the loss. Every group leader hopes that the group he is in charge of will grow stronger and bring about an improvement in status, but he can obviously feel it.

Take the Huanyu Group mentioned above, because the current strength is very weak, and among the group companies, it is almost a small and transparent existence.

The developed group companies such as Taiji Group are much more popular than the leaf book written by the author from the first perspective, and their status is stronger than that of the bosses of other large groups.

Although their identities are professional managers, Ye Zishu usually doesn't care much about things. They are responsible for all affairs of the group, and they have great power.

As long as they don't deviate, Ye Shu will ignore them and give them full freedom. It's just that in terms of management, many powers have been regulated and restricted to avoid the situation that the tail is too big to lose.

Ye Zishu also knew that since he did not give shares to these professional managers, he had to give compensation in other ways, besides money compensation, it was status compensation.

In fact, when the money reaches a certain level, there is not much difference between more and less. The reason why so many rich people are still pursuing wealth is more to improve their status.

Yeshu's way of delegating power just fits the needs of these people, and having Yeshu as their backing is actually more enjoyable than being their own boss.

More importantly, Ye Zishu is not on guard like other bosses. Everything is on the bright side. They know what they can do and what they can't do, and they don't need to worry about being fired one day.

This kind of psychological security is actually needed for both ordinary employees and high-level leaders, so that they have the confidence and determination to formulate long-term development plans for the company without focusing on short-term interests.

And Ye Zishu himself doesn't need to rely on "unpredictable dragon power" to reflect his power. To be honest, he doesn't care about these powers at all.

Why do people try to climb up, isn't it to live a better life, to gain social recognition, and to obtain resources that others cannot obtain?

In fact, even if he does not build such a large industry, he can obtain these things, and even the things he owns cannot be obtained by wealth and status.

For example, he can increase his own lifespan, which cannot be obtained even if he has money and status. There are also all kinds of weird things that he can develop and create by himself.

This is like a master of Taoism. In his eyes, the wealth and status that people in the secular world strive for are so ridiculous, even a little sad.

Seeing Pei Qing's appearance, Ye Zishu's mind turned, and he said with a smile: "Although this big business has little to do with you, there is a small business that I think you can do."

Pei Qing, who was a little disappointed at first, suddenly brightened her eyes and said, "Oh, tell me now!"

"I have given you so many medical equipment technologies, which are very high-tech. If these technologies can be applied more widely, it can bring greater technological benefits.

We also talked about the cosmetics industry just now. There is an industry related to the cosmetics industry, that is, the beauty instrument industry. It is not difficult for you to do this.

Your technical reserves are sufficient to meet the needs of this industry, and the only point of attention is how to develop products that meet market needs.

But I don’t think it’s too difficult. You only need to conduct a comprehensive analysis around the theme of how to make people more beautiful, and you can still gain a lot. "Leaf Book said.

He is not very interested in this kind of industry with low technical content, and he doesn't even bother to give pointers on how to make specific products of beauty instruments.

In his previous life, he had seen a lot of beauty products. Although most of them had deceptive effects, the ideas of these products are worth learning from.

As long as the technical conditions are met and the product goal is relatively clear, developing an effective and popular product is, in his view, a matter of ease.

After hearing what he said, Pei Qing was not particularly surprised, but she was also very happy, especially for this kind of technology extension industry, which costs much less cost and energy.

It's just that neither of them is very sure about how big this industry can be. Ye Zishu didn't pay attention to the market size of this industry in his previous life.

Gu Mu

Although in their opinion, this market should not be particularly large, it is only compared to their industry, the beauty equipment industry in the previous life, which also had a market size of billions of dollars, which is not too small.

Ye Zishu also thinks that this industry is a bit small. According to the size of Taiji Group, it belongs to the industry of mosquito meat level, which may make Pei Qing a little unhappy.

So he continued: "Since the beauty instrument is mentioned, can we further extend it and carry out more industrial construction related to beauty.

For example, the construction of beauty chain stores seems to be a small industry in China at present, but the scale of this industry in the future is still very impressive.

What's more, the need for beauty is not limited to people in our country. People in any country have this need, even regardless of gender.

In fact, bioactive liquid can also be used in the beauty industry. You can organize manpower to research and develop more beauty products, and I believe there should be some gains.

In addition to beauty, plasticity is also a demand of many people, and even this demand does not distinguish between men and women. The market size is larger than that of beauty, and it is an industry worth exploring.

There are generally two ways of plasticity. One is to use drug plasticity. This piece of technology is relatively high, and products with obvious side effects are not suitable for use. After all, we are a responsible company.

The other is to plasticize by exercising, such as gym fitness, aerobics, yoga, etc., all have a certain effect on plasticity.

And you can explore both of these aspects. Drug plasticity generally has an immediate effect, such as super diet pills, which can make people lose fat in a short period of time.

However, after this powerful drug is used, it will not fully meet the expectations of consumers. In the later stage, it is necessary to use exercise to slowly adjust to the desired body shape, so the combination of the two is the best. "

Ye Zishu mentioned these, but actually making money is not the most important purpose, but to use the beauty service industry to increase the scale of my country's service industry.

Pure industry and agriculture are actually difficult to accommodate so many people for employment. To achieve his goal, the service industry is an industry that cannot be ignored.

Moreover, this consumer market-oriented research and development model is conducive to improving the innovation speed of his industries, and the higher the value generated by technology.

When it comes to beauty, Pei Qing listens very carefully. First, as women, they are naturally interested in this area, and second, they need to actively explore new development ideas.

Although these industries are not very technologically advanced compared to many of the industries they are currently engaged in, they can invest their abundant funds, which is much better than lying in a bank.

"Gym, yoga, aerobics, etc. are easy for us to do, but the super diet pills you mentioned are not something we can do by ourselves." Pei Qing looked at Ye Zishu and said.

Ye Zishu knew what she meant, didn't she just want him to solve this problem? Since Ye Zishu said it, he would definitely not refuse such a job.

So he said: "I know what you mean, for the key technical support, I will provide it to you when I complete the medical technical information.

But I will only provide technologies that you think are difficult to complete. You still cannot ignore the potential development of your own technologies. These tasks are also very important to you. "

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing quickly smiled and said, "I know, in fact, we have been recruiting scientific research and engineering personnel all the time, just hoping to improve our innovation ability."

There are many types of innovation, one is technical innovation, which is more difficult, and the other is product innovation, which is a part that Taiji Group will deliberately strengthen in the future.

Of course, this does not mean that technological innovation is not important, but that it takes time to accumulate slowly. In contrast, product innovation is much easier and requires a relatively low level of talent.

Pei Qing continued: "I think you seem to have forgotten the plastic surgery industry. In fact, foreign countries have good technology in this area, and there are some small-scale plastic surgery industries in China, but they can only perform simple plastic surgery."

Hearing her words, Ye Zishu shook his head and said, "How could I have forgotten this, but I think we should be cautious.

The current plastic surgery technology is not perfect. One is that there are certain problems in safety, and the other is that even if it is successful, it will cause many future troubles as time goes by.

We start a business not just to make money, but to provide consumers with valuable and low-risk services and products while making money. "

Hearing what he said, Pei Qing asked back: "Could it be that we won't enter? You must know that if we don't enter, others will enter, and their skills are even worse than ours."

"It's not that we won't enter. It's just that we can't enter at the moment. We'll wait until we have better technical support. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and your energy is limited, so don't think about it for now." Ye Zishu said.

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