In the next few days, Ye Zishu hurriedly completed the tasks at hand, and went to bed even later. Finally, on April 1st, the next two smart content creation systems were completed.

The text content creation system Yeshu was directly handed over to Kunpeng Information Technology Company, and the film and television content creation system was handed over to Phoenix Special Effects Company.

The launch of the intelligent film and television creation system also marks the official retirement of the system they used before, but this system cannot be wasted and was handed over to Shengshi Film and Television Company.

In the plan of Ye Zishu, Shengshi Film and Television Company is responsible for the creation of live-action films, which are used to explore the innovative ability of human film and television. The original special effects system can be given to them, which can be regarded as making the best use of everything, which can reduce their operating costs.

After the Phoenix Special Effects Company has a new system, the cost of producing film and television dramas will be further reduced. Ye Zishu also allows them to engage in the creation of film and television works without any operating restrictions.

The positioning of Phoenix Special Effects Company is the creation of virtual film and television works, and intends to provide a large number of low-cost film and television dramas for the streaming media platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

Low cost does not mean low quality, but compared with the high costs of live-action movies, the cost of fully intelligent creation is much lower.

Combined with the intelligent literary creation system, the two complement each other and can provide Kunpeng Information Technology Company with a large amount of film and television drama content in a short period of time.

According to their plan, they planned to release 100 film and television dramas every day in the initial stage. In his opinion, this number is relatively moderate. Although it looks like a lot, it is actually not that many.

There are so many countries in the world, but there are actually not many countries on average. Even if they are classified according to cultural relevance, they are not many on average.

With so many film and television companies around the world, there are quite a few live-action film and television dramas completed every day, and there may be even more than this, but most of them do not have the opportunity to log in to the broadcasting platform.

Of course, Kunpeng Information Technology Company will not only launch these virtual film and television works, but also the works of other film and television companies, but the profit level is lower than that of virtual film and television works, and may even suffer losses.

The addition of virtual film and television works, on the one hand, increases their status in the content field. At least with the addition of these works, there is no need to worry about competitors overtaking.

On the other hand, in order to reduce the operating costs of the entire streaming media platform, the benefits obtained by this part cover some losses caused by the purchase of live-action movies.

However, the Phoenix Special Effects Company is not just dedicated. According to the agreement they reached,

Kunpeng Information Technology Company also needs to help them with content copyright operations.

Originally, it was more appropriate to hand over this piece to Shengshi Culture Company, and indeed it authorized Shengshi Culture Company to do this piece of content, but at the same time, let Kunpeng Information Technology Company do it for them.

One will focus on offline content copyright work, and the other will focus on online copyright work. The difference is that Kunpeng Information Technology Company will help Phoenix Special Effects Company do this business for free.

The two companies belong to a group company, together with the film and television drama works provided by Phoenix Special Effects Company, it has indeed solved many problems of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, and also made a lot of profit sharing.

Kunpeng Information Technology Company didn't care too much about this aspect. Anyway, the income it obtained was also carried out under the framework of a group, and Kunpeng Information Technology Company indirectly benefited from it.

Just after the text content creation system went online, Qinglong Technology sent him an email, preparing to launch the text content reader they had prepared long ago.

Previously, their main work was still in copyright negotiations, but the progress in this area was not particularly smooth, which resulted in their reader not being introduced to the market.

Traditional publishing houses are afraid that their business will harm their interests, so the negotiations will not be so straightforward, and even the lions will open their mouths.

In this case, either the other party does not want to cooperate and raises the conditions to make them retreat, or they are taking them for a ride, especially since Qinglong Technology Company is now in the same situation and wants to blackmail them severely.

How can this kind of thing be done, Qinglong Technology Company would rather delay the launch of the product, and spend with these copyright owners, anyway, they are not particularly anxious.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the text content platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company was launched, they saw the dawn and quickly reached a cooperation with Kunpeng Information Technology Company.

Simply merging their two pieces of content together, Qinglong Technology Company even paid a sum of money to occupy 40% of the shares of this content platform, and gave up the copyright they had negotiated to this platform.

At the same time, the text content platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company is built into the reader of Qinglong Technology Company. This kind of cooperation is a win-win situation.

When the reader of Qinglong Technology Company was launched, their platform had 500,000 books of various types, which was enough to support the sales of readers and meet the reading needs of readers.

Gu Bei

This is only the first step, which is to meet the requirements for listing and sales. The situation is actually not satisfactory to Qinglong Technology Company, because readers still have many works that cannot be found on this platform.

According to the idea of ​​Qinglong Technology Company, consumers no longer need to buy physical books in the future, and all books can be found on the reader, and the price is still cheap.

In fact, the fundamental purpose is to dominate the reading channels of text content, so that more money can be made, but this idea is difficult to realize for a while.

Now they still talk about rights with physical publishers, but less than before, because they want to wait and see how their readers sell.

Now they can't put much bargaining chips on the negotiating table. When their readers sell tens of millions or hundreds of millions, they will be in a strong position and the negotiations will not be so difficult.

Interestingly, in order to cooperate with Qinglong Technology Company's plan, Kunpeng Information Technology Company asked Qinglong Technology Company to provide physical copyright books that had been prepared long ago.

Then let the intelligent text creation system learn, and release many similar books in a targeted manner, which is to imitate the structure setting and plot setting in it, but the text content is completely different.

These imitated books, even the original author may not be able to see the way without careful analysis. This is the horror of the intelligent content creation system.

In addition to negotiating with physical copyright owners, the platform is also actively contacting text content creators, hoping that they can sell copyrights separately and authorize electronic copyrights exclusively to their own platforms.

This approach is actually very difficult. At present, physical publishers have an absolute advantage. This way of separating copyrights has seriously damaged their interests. Authors who do this will encounter resistance from them.

Therefore, in terms of book sharing, the platform has given a lot of concessions, directly sharing 50/50 with content creators, while for physical publishing, they can only get about 10% of the royalties.

This also made some creators feel uneasy, so the platform launched a partner benefit, as long as the content of the books they upload is recognized by the platform, they can get this fee.

The specific amount of this fee depends on the evaluation score of the platform. The higher the evaluation score, the higher the fee. Some authors may even exceed 100,000 yuan for this fee alone.

The reason for launching this plan is to make up for the author's lack of confidence in follow-up sales. With this money, at least the creator's life problems can be solved.

Second, the platform also needs more original creators to join in and provide more original content for artificial intelligence, otherwise artificial intelligence will fall into a dead end sooner or later.

The third is to gain the favor of more creators, which is tantamount to digging the roots of physical publishers. When everyone thinks that this platform is more profitable, they will not talk to physical publishers.

Of course, such books are all completed books, and there are also serialized books on the platform, which are novel reading websites that imitate previous lives, and serialized works do not have this benefit.

Because the platform cannot evaluate the quality and originality of serial works from the beginning, but in order to encourage serial authors to improve originality and completion rate, they will give a systematic evaluation after the work is completed, and reward an additional fee.

There is not much correlation between the system evaluation and the popularity of the work. Some works sell well, but the system evaluation will not be particularly high, because the artificial intelligence thinks that there is nothing to learn from this work.

And some works are obviously not liked by readers, but they can get high evaluations from the system and thus high rewards. This evaluation method makes many people think it is weird.

Interestingly, in the platform recommendation, the popularity is the priority. At the same time, the reader's personal preferences and reading habits have little to do with the system evaluation.

It seems that the systematic evaluation of the platform exists for the purpose of sending money to authors, and many people can't figure out the way to do it at first.

Through intense discussions on social platforms or forums, everyone began to come up with some relatively accurate conjectures, and then some people started experiments to verify whether this assumption was correct.

However, these are all things that happened later. After figuring out the way, a group of people rely on this system evaluation to survive.

What's interesting is that the platform has always turned a blind eye to this kind of wool-grabbing behavior in the eyes of outsiders. Some authors are also very interesting, and they write some high-rated novelettes and short stories.

Because the system evaluation of a book is not necessarily related to the length of the text, it is entirely based on how much the artificial intelligence's creative ability has been improved. The story is short but interesting, and it can also get a high score.

There are also a lot of rubbish works here. Many people think that the platform is an idiot, and they can get grades for just writing anything. Obviously their calculations are wrong. This kind of rubbish is not even eligible for review, let alone get grades.

In short, after the text content platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. was launched, it aroused a good response, and the popularity has continued to rise since then.

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